def test_serial_exclude_non_network_edges():
    a, b, c, d = create_basic_network()  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
    bindings = {'include': a[0], 'boundary': b[1], 'exclude': d[0]}
    s = tn.nodes_to_json([a, b], edge_binding=bindings)
    nodes, new_bindings = tn.nodes_from_json(s)
    assert len(nodes) == 2
    assert 'include' in new_bindings and 'boundary' in new_bindings
    assert 'exclude' not in new_bindings
def test_basic_serial():
    nodes = create_basic_network()

    s = tn.nodes_to_json(nodes)
    new_nodes, _ = tn.nodes_from_json(s)
    for x, y in zip(nodes, new_nodes):
        assert_nodes_eq(x, y)
    assert_graphs_eq(nodes, new_nodes)
    c =, ignore_edge_order=True)
    new_c =, ignore_edge_order=True)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(c.tensor, new_c.tensor)
def test_exlcuded_node_serial():
    nodes = create_basic_network()

    s = tn.nodes_to_json(nodes[:-1])
    new_nodes, _ = tn.nodes_from_json(s)
    for x, y in zip(nodes, new_nodes):
        assert_nodes_eq(x, y)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        assert_graphs_eq(nodes, new_nodes)
    sub_graph = nodes[:-1]
    assert_graphs_eq(sub_graph, new_nodes)
def test_serial_with_bindings():
    a, b, c, d = create_basic_network()
    bindings = {}
    a[0].name = 'ea0'
    bindings['ea'] = a[0]
    for s, n in zip(['eb', 'ec', 'ed'], [b, c, d]):
        for i, e in enumerate(n.edges):
   = s + str(i)
            bindings[s] = bindings.get(s, ()) + (e, )
    s = tn.nodes_to_json([a, b, c, d], edge_binding=bindings)
    _, new_bindings = tn.nodes_from_json(s)
    assert len(new_bindings) == len(bindings)
    assert bindings['ea'].name == new_bindings['ea'][0].name
    for k in ['eb', 'ec', 'ed']:
        new_names = { for e in new_bindings[k]}
        names = { for e in bindings[k]}
        assert names == new_names
def test_serial_non_edge_values():
    a, b, c, d = create_basic_network()
    bindings = {}
    bindings['non_edge'] = a
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _ = tn.nodes_to_json([a, b, c, d], edge_binding=bindings)
def test_serial_non_str_keys():
    a, b, c, d = create_basic_network()
    bindings = {}
    bindings[1] = a[0]
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _ = tn.nodes_to_json([a, b, c, d], edge_binding=bindings)