Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, cfg):
        # First, initializing variables (if they don't exist)
        # what is the fraction of training samples with scaling augmentation?
        cfg["scaleratio"] = cfg.get("scaleratio", 0.6)

        # loading defaults for rotation range!
        # Randomly rotates an image with respect to the image center within the
        # range [-rotate_max_deg_abs; rotate_max_deg_abs] to augment training data

        if cfg.get("rotation", True):  # i.e. pm 25 degrees
            if type(cfg.get("rotation", False)) == int:
                cfg["rotation"] = cfg.get("rotation", 25)
                cfg["rotation"] = 25

            # cfg["rotateratio"] = cfg.get(
            #    "rotratio", 0.4
            # )  # what is the fraction of training samples with rotation augmentation?
            cfg["rotratio"] = 0.0
            cfg["rotation"] = 0

        # Randomly adds brightness within the range [-brightness_dif, brightness_dif]
        # to augment training data
        cfg["brightness_dif"] = cfg.get("brightness_dif", 0.3)
        cfg["brightnessratio"] = cfg.get(
            "brightnessratio", 0.0
        )  # what is the fraction of training samples with brightness augmentation?

        # Randomly applies x = (x - mean) * contrast_factor + mean`` to each
        # color channel within the range [contrast_factor_lo, contrast_factor_up]
        # to augment training data
        cfg["contrast_factor_lo"] = cfg.get("contrast_factor_lo", 0.5)
        cfg["contrast_factor_up"] = cfg.get("contrast_factor_up", 2.0)
        cfg["contrastratio"] = cfg.get(
            "contrastratio", 0.2
        )  # what is the fraction of training samples with contrast augmentation?

        # Randomly adjusts saturation within range 1 + [-saturation_max_dif, saturation_max_dif]
        # to augment training data
        cfg["saturation_max_dif"] = cfg.get("saturation_max_dif", 0.5)
        cfg["saturationratio"] = cfg.get(
            "saturationratio", 0.0
        )  # what is the fraction of training samples with saturation augmentation?

        # Randomly applies gaussian noise N(0, noise_sigma^2) to an image
        # to augment training data
        cfg["noise_sigma"] = cfg.get("noise_sigma", 0.1)
        cfg["noiseratio"] = cfg.get(
            "noiseratio", 0.0
        )  # what is the fraction of training samples with noise augmentation?

        # Randomly applies gaussian blur to an image with a random window size
        # within the range [0, 2 * blur_max_window_size + 1] to augment training data
        cfg["blur_max_window_size"] = cfg.get("blur_max_window_size", 10)
        cfg["blurratio"] = cfg.get(
            "blurratio", 0.2
        )  # what is the fraction of training samples with blur augmentation?

        # Whether image is RGB  or RBG. If None, contrast augmentation uses the mean per-channel.
        cfg["is_rgb"] = cfg.get("is_rgb", True)

        # Clips image to [0, 255] even when data type is not uint8
        cfg["to_clip"] = cfg.get("to_clip", True)

        # Number of processes to use per core during training
        cfg["processratio"] = cfg.get("processratio", 1)
        # Number of datapoints to prefetch at a time during training
        cfg["num_prefetch"] = cfg.get("num_prefetch", 50)

        # Auto cropping is new (was not in Nature Neuroscience 2018 paper, but introduced in Nath et al. Nat. Protocols 2019)
        # and boosts performance by 2X, particularly on challenging datasets, like the cheetah in Nath et al.
        # Parameters for augmentation with regard to cropping:

        # what is the minimal frames size for cropping plus/minus ie.. [-100,100]^2 for an arb. joint
        cfg["minsize"] = cfg.get("minsize", 100)
        cfg["leftwidth"] = cfg.get("leftwidth", 400)
        cfg["rightwidth"] = cfg.get("rightwidth", 400)
        cfg["topheight"] = cfg.get("topheight", 400)
        cfg["bottomheight"] = cfg.get("bottomheight", 400)

        cfg["cropratio"] = cfg.get("cropratio", 0.4)

        super(TensorpackPoseDataset, self).__init__(cfg)
        self.scaling = RandomResize(
                self.cfg["scale_jitter_lo"] * self.cfg["global_scale"],
                self.cfg["scale_jitter_up"] * self.cfg["global_scale"],
        self.scaling_apply = RandomApplyAug(self.scaling,
        self.cropping = RandomCropping(
            wmax=self.cfg["leftwidth"] + self.cfg["rightwidth"] +
            hmax=self.cfg["topheight"] + self.cfg["bottomheight"] +
        self.rotation = Rotation(max_deg=self.cfg["rotation"])
        self.brightness = Brightness(self.cfg["brightness_dif"])
        self.contrast = Contrast(
            (self.cfg["contrast_factor_lo"], self.cfg["contrast_factor_up"]),
        self.saturation = Saturation(self.cfg["saturation_max_dif"],
        self.gaussian_noise = GaussianNoise(sigma=self.cfg["noise_sigma"])
        self.gaussian_blur = GaussianBlur(
        self.augmentors = [
            RandomApplyAug(self.cropping, self.cfg["cropratio"]),
            RandomApplyAug(self.rotation, self.cfg["rotratio"]),
            RandomApplyAug(self.brightness, self.cfg["brightnessratio"]),
            RandomApplyAug(self.contrast, self.cfg["contrastratio"]),
            RandomApplyAug(self.saturation, self.cfg["saturationratio"]),
            RandomApplyAug(self.gaussian_noise, self.cfg["noiseratio"]),
            RandomApplyAug(self.gaussian_blur, self.cfg["blurratio"]),

        self.has_gt = True
        self.set_shuffle(cfg["shuffle"]) = self.load_dataset()
        self.num_images = len(
        df = self.get_dataflow(self.cfg)
        self.aug = iter(df)
    def __init__(self, cfg):
        # Initializing variables if they don't exist...

        # what is the fraction of training samples with scaling augmentation?
        cfg['scaleratio']=cfg.get('scaleratio', 0.6)

        # Randomly rotates an image with respect to the image center within the
        # range [-rotate_max_deg_abs; rotate_max_deg_abs] to augment training data
        cfg['rotate_max_deg_abs']= cfg.get('rotate_max_deg_abs', 45)
        cfg['rotateratio']=cfg.get('rotateratio', 0.4)  # what is the fraction of training samples with rotation augmentation?

        # Randomly adds brightness within the range [-brightness_dif, brightness_dif]
        # to augment training data
        cfg['brightness_dif']= cfg.get('brightness_dif', 0.3)
        cfg['brightnessratio']=cfg.get('brightnessratio', 0.0)  # what is the fraction of training samples with brightness augmentation?

        # Randomly applies x = (x - mean) * contrast_factor + mean`` to each
        # color channel within the range [contrast_factor_lo, contrast_factor_up]
        # to augment training data
        cfg['contrast_factor_lo']= cfg.get('contrast_factor_lo', 0.5)
        cfg['contrast_factor_up']= cfg.get('contrast_factor_up', 2.0)
        cfg['contrastratio']=cfg.get('contrastratio', 0.2) # what is the fraction of training samples with contrast augmentation?

        # Randomly adjusts saturation within range 1 + [-saturation_max_dif, saturation_max_dif]
        # to augment training data
        cfg['saturation_max_dif']= cfg.get('saturation_max_dif', 0.5)
        cfg['saturationratio']=cfg.get('saturationratio', 0.0) # what is the fraction of training samples with saturation augmentation?

        # Randomly applies gaussian noise N(0, noise_sigma^2) to an image
        # to augment training data
        cfg['noise_sigma']= cfg.get('noise_sigma', 0.1)
        cfg['noiseratio']=cfg.get('noiseratio', 0.0) # what is the fraction of training samples with noise augmentation?

        # Randomly applies gaussian blur to an image with a random window size
        # within the range [0, 2 * blur_max_window_size + 1] to augment training data
        cfg['blur_max_window_size']= cfg.get('blur_max_window_size', 10)
        cfg['blurratio']=cfg.get('blurratio', 0.2) # what is the fraction of training samples with blur augmentation?

        # Whether image is RGB  or RBG. If None, contrast augmentation uses the mean per-channel.
        cfg['is_rgb']=cfg.get('is_rgb', True)

        # Clips image to [0, 255] even when data type is not uint8
        cfg['to_clip']=cfg.get('to_clip', True)

        # Number of processes to use per core during training
        cfg['processratio']=cfg.get('processratio', 1)
        # Number of datapoints to prefetch at a time during training
        cfg['num_prefetch']=cfg.get('num_prefetch', 50)

        self.cfg = cfg
        self.scaling = RandomResize(xrange = (self.cfg['scale_jitter_lo'] * self.cfg['global_scale'],
                                    self.cfg['scale_jitter_up'] * self.cfg['global_scale']), aspect_ratio_thres = 0.0)
        self.scaling_apply = RandomApplyAug(self.scaling, self.cfg['scaleratio'])
        self.cropping = RandomCropping(wmin = self.cfg['minsize'], hmin = self.cfg['minsize'],
                                       wmax = self.cfg['leftwidth'] + self.cfg['rightwidth'] + self.cfg['minsize'],
                                       hmax = self.cfg['topheight'] + self.cfg['bottomheight'] + self.cfg['minsize'])
        self.rotation = Affine(rotate_max_deg = self.cfg['rotate_max_deg_abs'])
        self.brightness = Brightness(self.cfg['brightness_dif'])
        self.contrast = Contrast((self.cfg['contrast_factor_lo'], self.cfg['contrast_factor_up']),
                                  rgb = self.cfg['is_rgb'], clip = self.cfg['to_clip'])
        self.saturation = Saturation(self.cfg['saturation_max_dif'], rgb = self.cfg['is_rgb'])
        self.gaussian_noise = GaussianNoise(sigma = self.cfg['noise_sigma'])
        self.gaussian_blur = GaussianBlur(max_size = self.cfg['blur_max_window_size'])
        self.augmentors = [RandomApplyAug(self.cropping, self.cfg['cropratio']),
                           RandomApplyAug(self.rotation, self.cfg['rotateratio']),
                           RandomApplyAug(self.brightness, self.cfg['brightnessratio']),
                           RandomApplyAug(self.contrast, self.cfg['contrastratio']),
                           RandomApplyAug(self.saturation, self.cfg['saturationratio']),
                           RandomApplyAug(self.gaussian_noise, self.cfg['noiseratio']),
                           RandomApplyAug(self.gaussian_blur, self.cfg['blurratio']),

        self.has_gt = True
        p = Pose(cfg = self.cfg, shuffle = self.set_shuffle) = p.load_dataset()
        self.num_images = len(
        df = self.get_dataflow(self.cfg)
        self.aug = iter(df)