Esempio n. 1
    def _build_graph(self, inputs):
        noisy, gt = inputs
        noisy = noisy / 128.0 - 1
        gt = gt / 128.0 - 1

        def ReluConv2D(name, x, out_channels, use_relu=True):
            if use_relu:
                x = tf.nn.relu(x, name='%s_relu' % name)
            x = Conv2D('%s_conv' % name, x, out_channels)
            return x

        def ReluDeconv2D(name, x, out_channels):
            x = tf.nn.relu(x, name='%s_relu' % name)
            x = Deconv2D('%s_deconv' % name, x, out_channels)
            return x

        with argscope([Conv2D, Deconv2D],
            # encoder
            e1 = ReluConv2D('enc1', noisy, NF, use_relu=False)
            e2 = ReluConv2D('enc2', e1, NF)
            e3 = ReluConv2D('enc3', e2, NF)
            e4 = ReluConv2D('enc4', e3, NF)
            e5 = ReluConv2D('enc5', e4, NF)
            # decoder
            e6 = ReluDeconv2D('dec1', e5, NF)
            e6 = tf.add(e6, e4, name='skip1')
            e7 = ReluDeconv2D('dec2', e6, NF)
            e8 = ReluDeconv2D('dec3', e7, NF)
            e8 = tf.add(e8, e2, name='skip2')
            e9 = ReluDeconv2D('dec4', e8, NF)
            e10 = ReluDeconv2D('dec5', e9, CHANNELS)

        estimate = tf.add(e10, noisy, name="estimate")
        self.cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(estimate, gt),

        estimate_scaled = 128.0 * (1.0 + estimate)
        gt_scaled = 128.0 * (1.0 + gt)

        psnr = symbf.psnr(estimate_scaled, gt_scaled, 255, name="psnr")

        # use tensorboard for visualization
        with tf.name_scope("visualization"):
            viz = (tf.concat([noisy, estimate, gt], 2) + 1.0) * 128.0
            viz = tf.cast(tf.clip_by_value(viz, 0, 255), tf.uint8, name='viz')
        tf.summary.image('noisy, estimate, gt',
                         max_outputs=max(30, BATCH))

        add_moving_summary(self.cost, psnr)
    def _build_graph(self, input_vars):
        # in [0, 255]
        low, high = input_vars
        # in [0, 255]
        low_ycbcr = tf_rgb2ycbcr(low)
        high_ycbcr = tf_rgb2ycbcr(high)

        # in [-1, 1]
        low_y = tf.expand_dims(low_ycbcr[:, :, :, 0], axis=-1) / 128.0 - 1
        high_y = tf.expand_dims(high_ycbcr[:, :, :, 0], axis=-1) / 128.0 - 1

        pred_y = (LinearWrap(low_y)
                  .Conv2D('C1', 64, stride=1, kernel_shape=5, nl=tf.nn.relu)
                  .Conv2D('C2', 64, stride=1, kernel_shape=3, nl=tf.nn.relu)
                  .Conv2D('C3', 32, stride=1, kernel_shape=3, nl=tf.nn.relu)
                  .Conv2D('C4', SCALE ** 2, stride=1, kernel_shape=3, nl=tf.nn.tanh))()

        pred_y = pixel_shift("pixshift", pred_y, SCALE, color=False)
        self.cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(pred_y, high_y), name='cost')

        # in [0, 255]
        scaled_ycbcr = tf.image.resize_bicubic(low_ycbcr, [HR_SIZE_H, HR_SIZE_W])
        # [-1, 1] --> [0, 255]
        pred_y = 128.0 * (pred_y + 1.)
        pred_ycbcr = tf.concat([pred_y, scaled_ycbcr[:, :, :, 1:3]], axis=3)
        pred = tf.identity(tf_ycbcr2rgb(pred_ycbcr), name='prediction')

        psnr = symbf.psnr(pred, high, 255.)

        with tf.name_scope("visualization_rgb"):
            low_up = tf.image.resize_bicubic(low, [HR_SIZE_H, HR_SIZE_W])  # bi-linear upscale lowres
            viz = (tf.concat([low_up, pred, high], 2))
            viz = tf.cast(tf.clip_by_value(viz, 0, 255), tf.uint8, name='viz')
            tf.summary.image('input,pred,gt', viz, max_outputs=max(30, BATCH))

            low_y_up = (tf.image.resize_bicubic(low_y, [HR_SIZE_H, HR_SIZE_W]) + 1.0) * 128.
            high_y_up = (high_y + 1.0) * 128.

        with tf.name_scope("visualization_y"):
            low_y_up = tf.image.grayscale_to_rgb(low_y_up)
            high_y_up = tf.image.grayscale_to_rgb(high_y_up)
            pred_y_up = tf.image.grayscale_to_rgb(pred_y)

            viz = (tf.concat([low_y_up, pred_y_up, high_y_up], 2))
            viz = tf.cast(tf.clip_by_value(viz, 0, 255), tf.uint8, name='viz2')
            tf.summary.image('input_y,pred_y,gt_y', viz, max_outputs=max(30, BATCH))

        add_moving_summary(self.cost, psnr)
 def scaled_psnr(x, y, name):
     return symbf.psnr(128. * (x + 1.0), 128. * (y + 1.), 255, name=name)
Esempio n. 4
def scaled_psnr(x, y, name=None):
    x = (x + 1.0) * 127.5
    y = (y + 1.0) * 127.5
    return symbf.psnr(x, y, 255, name=name)