Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, name, email_,
                 use_ssl = False, use_tls = False,
                 username = None, password = None, **kwargs):
        """Initialise an identity. The remain keyword arguments hold the SMTP
        server connection information. All fields are optional and are in
        effect passed to smtplib. The fields are:
            - host: The hostname of the SMTP server.
            - port: The port used to connect to the server.
            - username: The username to authenticate to the SMTP server with.
            - password: The password to authenticate to the SMTP server with.
            - use_ssl: Connect via SSL (default: no).
            - use_tls: Attempt to make use of the STARTTLS command (default: no).
        If use_ssl is True, try to connect to the SMTP server via SSL.

        self._interface = TerminalInterface()
        self._name = name
        self._email = email_

        # Defaults
        self._smtp_vars = { 'host': None, 'port': None }
        self._use_ssl = use_ssl
        self._use_tls = use_tls

        if username is not None:
            self._credentials = (username, password)
            self._credentials = None

        # Copy the SMTP vars
        for key in ['host', 'port']:
            if key in kwargs:
                self._smtp_vars[key] = kwargs[key]

        if self._smtp_vars['host'] is None:
            raise KeyError('Host not specified')'Initialised identity "%s".' % self.get_rfc2822_address())'SMTP server options: %s' % self._smtp_vars)'Security options: SSL: %s, TLS: %s' % (self._use_ssl, self._use_tls))

        if self._credentials is not None:
  'Security credentials: username: %s, password: %s' % (
                self._credentials[0], self._credentials[1] is not None))
Esempio n. 2
class Identity(object):
    """An identity suitable for sending email from. This contains both
    the user's full name, email address and SMTP information."""

    __log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.Identity')

    def __init__(self, name, email_,
                 use_ssl = False, use_tls = False,
                 username = None, password = None, **kwargs):
        """Initialise an identity. The remain keyword arguments hold the SMTP
        server connection information. All fields are optional and are in
        effect passed to smtplib. The fields are:
            - host: The hostname of the SMTP server.
            - port: The port used to connect to the server.
            - username: The username to authenticate to the SMTP server with.
            - password: The password to authenticate to the SMTP server with.
            - use_ssl: Connect via SSL (default: no).
            - use_tls: Attempt to make use of the STARTTLS command (default: no).
        If use_ssl is True, try to connect to the SMTP server via SSL.

        self._interface = TerminalInterface()
        self._name = name
        self._email = email_

        # Defaults
        self._smtp_vars = { 'host': None, 'port': None }
        self._use_ssl = use_ssl
        self._use_tls = use_tls

        if username is not None:
            self._credentials = (username, password)
            self._credentials = None

        # Copy the SMTP vars
        for key in ['host', 'port']:
            if key in kwargs:
                self._smtp_vars[key] = kwargs[key]

        if self._smtp_vars['host'] is None:
            raise KeyError('Host not specified')'Initialised identity "%s".' % self.get_rfc2822_address())'SMTP server options: %s' % self._smtp_vars)'Security options: SSL: %s, TLS: %s' % (self._use_ssl, self._use_tls))

        if self._credentials is not None:
  'Security credentials: username: %s, password: %s' % (
                self._credentials[0], self._credentials[1] is not None))
    def get_email(self):
        """Return the email address."""
        return self._email
    def get_name(self):
        """Return the full name."""
        return self._name
    def get_rfc2822_address(self):
        """Return the RFC 2822 address for this identity (e.g. 'John Smith
        return formataddr((self._name, self._email))

    def sendmail(self, to, message):
        """Send mail to one or more recipients. The required arguments are a
        list of RFC 822 to-address strings (a bare string will be treated as a
        list with 1 address), and a message string.


        # If we were passed a bare string as the To: address, convert it to
        # a single element list.
        if isinstance(to, str):
            to = [ to, ]

        # Send one email with the appropriate recipient list.
        server = self._smtp_server()
        server.sendmail(self.get_rfc2822_address(), to, message)

    def save_to_config(self, config = Config()):
        config.set('user', 'name', self._name)
        config.set('user', 'email', self._email)

        config.set('smtp', 'host', self._smtp_vars['host'])
        config.set('smtp', 'port', self._smtp_vars['port'])
        config.set('smtp', 'use_ssl', self._use_ssl)
        config.set('smtp', 'use_tls', self._use_tls)

        if self._credentials is not None:
            config.set('smtp', 'username', self._credentials[0])
            config.set('smtp', 'password', self._credentials[1])

            Your default identity has been saved to the configuration.

            If you want to modify this information at any future time, you can do
            so with the following command:

            %s --set identity""" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))

    def send_test_email(self):
        message = MIMEText('This is an example email from throw.')
        message['Subject'] = 'A test email from throw'
        message['To'] = self.get_rfc2822_address()
        message['From'] = self.get_rfc2822_address()

        import socket # for socket.error

            self._interface.message("""The test email was successfully sent.
            Check your mail to see if you get it.""")

            return True
        except smtplib.SMTPException as e:
            self._interface.error('Failed to send test email: the SMTP server said "%s".' % e)
        except socket.error as e:
            self._interface.error('Failed to send test email: "%s".' % e)

        return False

    def _smtp_server(self):
        """Return a smtplib SMTP object correctly initialised and connected to
        a SMTP server suitable for sending email on behalf of the user."""

        if self._use_ssl:
            server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(**self._smtp_vars)
            server = smtplib.SMTP(**self._smtp_vars)

        if self._use_tls:

        if self._credentials is not None:
            passwd = self._credentials[1]
            if passwd is None:
                passwd = self._interface.input( \
                    'Password for %s' % (self._credentials[0],), no_echo=True)

            # if we succeeded, cache the password
            self._credentials = (self._credentials[0], passwd)

        return server