import test r = 5 print("circumference =", test.circumference(r)) print("area =", test.area(r)) print("It worked!") import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt circle1 = plt.Circle((0.5, 0.5), 0.2, color='r') fig, ax = plt.subplots() # note we must use plt.subplots, not plt.subplot # (or if you have an existing figure) # fig = plt.gcf() # ax = fig.gca() ax.add_artist(circle1) fig.savefig('circle.png')
import test as t print('Gal is amazing') print('miska topoloska') print('BABA') print('Circumference', t.circumference(10)) print('Area', t.area(10))
import test print("This is a test print") print("This is the circle circumference for a cirle of rad 5:", test.circum(5)) print("This is the area of a circle of rad 5:", test.area(5))
import test #print('hello world!') print(test.circum(2)) print(test.area(3))
print('everything is awesome!!') import test print('circumference is', test.circumfer(1)) print('area is', test.area(1))
import test print(test.area(20.0))