Esempio n. 1
 def test_801_002(self):
     md = TestStapling.mdA
     TestStapling.configure_httpd(md, ssl_stapling=True).install()
     assert TestEnv.apache_stop() == 0
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     stat = TestEnv.get_ocsp_status(md)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     stat = TestEnv.get_md_status(md)
     assert not stat["stapling"]
     # turn stapling on, wait for it to appear in connections
     TestStapling.configure_httpd(md, "MDStapling on",
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     stat = TestEnv.await_ocsp_status(md)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     assert stat['verify'] == "0 (ok)"
     stat = TestEnv.get_md_status(md)
     assert stat["stapling"]
     assert stat["cert"]["ocsp"]["status"] == "good"
     assert stat["cert"]["ocsp"]["valid"]
     # turn stapling off (explicitly) again, should disappear
     TestStapling.configure_httpd(md, "MDStapling off",
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     stat = TestEnv.get_ocsp_status(md)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     stat = TestEnv.get_md_status(md)
     assert not stat["stapling"]
Esempio n. 2
 def test_801_008(self):
     assert TestEnv.apache_stop() == 0
     # turn stapling on, wait for it to appear in connections
     md = TestStapling.mdA
     conf = TestStapling.configure_httpd()
     conf.add_line("MDStapling on")
         SSLCertificateKeyFile %s
         SSLCertificateFile %s
         """ % (TestEnv.store_domain_file(
         md, 'privkey.pem'), TestEnv.store_domain_file(md, 'pubcert.pem')))
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     stat = TestEnv.await_ocsp_status(md)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     assert stat['verify'] == "0 (ok)"
     # fine the file where the ocsp response is stored
     dir = os.path.join(TestEnv.STORE_DIR, 'ocsp', 'other')
     files = os.listdir(dir)
     ocsp_file = None
     for name in files:
         if name.startswith("ocsp-"):
             ocsp_file = os.path.join(dir, name)
     assert ocsp_file
Esempio n. 3
 def test_801_004(self):
     mdA = TestStapling.mdA
     mdB = TestStapling.mdB
     conf = TestStapling.configure_httpd(ssl_stapling=True)
         <MDomain %s>
             MDStapling on
         <MDomain %s>
         """ % (mdA, mdB))
     assert TestEnv.apache_stop() == 0
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     # mdA has stapling
     stat = TestEnv.await_ocsp_status(mdA)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     assert stat['verify'] == "0 (ok)"
     stat = TestEnv.get_md_status(mdA)
     assert stat["stapling"]
     assert stat["cert"]["ocsp"]["status"] == "good"
     assert stat["cert"]["ocsp"]["valid"]
     # mdB has no md stapling, but mod_ssl kicks in
     stat = TestEnv.get_ocsp_status(mdB)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     stat = TestEnv.get_md_status(mdB)
     assert not stat["stapling"]
Esempio n. 4
 def test_801_005(self):
     # TODO: mod_watchdog seems to have problems sometimes with fast restarts
     # stopping first works.
     assert TestEnv.apache_stop() == 0
     # turn stapling on, wait for it to appear in connections
     md = TestStapling.mdA
     TestStapling.configure_httpd(md, "MDStapling on").install()
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     stat = TestEnv.await_ocsp_status(md)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     assert stat['verify'] == "0 (ok)"
     # fine the file where the ocsp response is stored
     dir = os.path.join(TestEnv.STORE_DIR, 'ocsp', md)
     files = os.listdir(dir)
     ocsp_file = None
     for name in files:
         if name.startswith("ocsp-"):
             ocsp_file = os.path.join(dir, name)
     assert ocsp_file
     mtime1 = os.path.getmtime(ocsp_file)
     # wait a sec, restart and check that file does not change
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     stat = TestEnv.await_ocsp_status(md)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     mtime2 = os.path.getmtime(ocsp_file)
     assert mtime1 == mtime2
     # configure a keep time of 1 second, restart, the file is gone
     # (which is a side effec that we load it before the cleanup removes it.
     #  since it was valid, no new one needed fetching
         md, """
         MDStapling on
         MDStaplingKeepResponse 1s
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     stat = TestEnv.await_ocsp_status(md)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     assert not os.path.exists(ocsp_file)
     # if we restart again, a new file needs to appear
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     stat = TestEnv.await_ocsp_status(md)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     mtime3 = os.path.getmtime(ocsp_file)
     assert mtime1 != mtime3
Esempio n. 5
 def test_801_006(self):
     assert TestEnv.apache_stop() == 0
     # turn stapling on, wait for it to appear in connections
     md = TestStapling.mdA
     TestStapling.configure_httpd(md, "MDStapling on").install()
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     stat = TestEnv.await_ocsp_status(md)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     assert stat['verify'] == "0 (ok)"
     # fine the file where the ocsp response is stored
     dir = os.path.join(TestEnv.STORE_DIR, 'ocsp', md)
     files = os.listdir(dir)
     ocsp_file = None
     for name in files:
         if name.startswith("ocsp-"):
             ocsp_file = os.path.join(dir, name)
     assert ocsp_file
     mtime1 = os.path.getmtime(ocsp_file)
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     stat = TestEnv.await_ocsp_status(md)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     # wait a sec, restart and check that file does not change
     mtime2 = os.path.getmtime(ocsp_file)
     assert mtime1 == mtime2
     # configure a renew window of 10 days, restart, larger than any life time.
         md, """
         MDStapling on
         MDStaplingRenewWindow 10d
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     stat = TestEnv.await_ocsp_status(md)
     assert stat['ocsp'] == "successful (0x0)"
     # wait a sec, restart and check that file does change
     mtime3 = os.path.getmtime(ocsp_file)
     assert mtime1 != mtime3
Esempio n. 6
 def test_901_020(self):
     domain = self.test_domain
     domains = [domain]
     conf = HttpdConf()
     conf.add_message_cmd("%s %s" % (self.mcmd, self.mlog))
     conf.add_line("MDStapling on")
     assert TestEnv.apache_restart() == 0
     assert TestEnv.await_completion([domain])
     stat = TestEnv.await_ocsp_status(domain)
     assert os.path.isfile(self.mlog)
     nlines = open(self.mlog).readlines()
     assert 2 == len(nlines)
     assert ("['%s', '%s', 'renewed', '%s']" %
             (self.mcmd, self.mlog, domain)) == nlines[0].strip()
     assert ("['%s', '%s', 'ocsp-renewed', '%s']" %
             (self.mcmd, self.mlog, domain)) == nlines[1].strip()