Esempio n. 1
    if link_ids is None:
        return None
    return {par : [true_parents[par][link]] for par in true_parents \
                                            for link in link_ids}

# TEST LINK GENERATION #########################################################

    # Generate a test data sample
    # Parameterize the sample by setting the autocorrelation value, coefficient
    # value, total time length, and random seed to different numbers
    # links_coeffs,     time, seed_val
    (a_chain(0.5, 0.6, length=N_NODES), 1000, 42)
def a_sample(request):
    # Set the parameters
    links_coeffs, time, seed_val = request.param
    # Set the random seed
    # Generate the data
    data, _ = pp.var_process(links_coeffs, T=time)
    # Get the true parents
    true_parents = _get_parent_graph(links_coeffs)
    return pp.DataFrame(data), true_parents

# PCMCI CONSTRUCTION ###########################################################
    Select links given by  from the true parents dictionary
    if link_ids is None:
        return None
    return {par : [true_parents[par][link]] for par in true_parents \
                                            for link in link_ids}

# TEST LINK GENERATION #########################################################
    # Generate a test data sample
    # Parameterize the sample by setting the autocorrelation value, coefficient
    # value, total time length, and random seed to different numbers
    # links_coeffs,     time, seed_val
    (a_chain(0.5, 0.6, length=N_NODES), 1000, 42)])
def a_sample(request):
    # Set the parameters
    links_coeffs, time, seed_val = request.param
    # Set the random seed
    # Generate the data
    data, _ = pp.var_process(links_coeffs, T=time)
    # Get the true parents
    true_parents = _get_parent_graph(links_coeffs)
    return pp.DataFrame(data), true_parents

# PCMCI CONSTRUCTION ###########################################################
    # Fixture to build and return a parameterized PCMCI.  Different selected
    # variables can be defined here.
    #seed, corr_val, T
    (5,    0.3,      1000),  # Default
    (6,    0.3,      1000),  # New Seed
    (1,    0.9,      1000)]) # Strong Correlation
def data_sample_a(request):
    # Unpack the parameters
    seed, corr_val, T = request.param
    # Return the data sample
    return gen_data_sample(seed, corr_val, T)

    # Generate a test data sample
    # Parameterize the sample by setting the autocorrelation value, coefficient
    # value, total time length, and random seed to different numbers
    # links_coeffs,               time, seed_val
    (a_chain(0.1, 0.9),           1000, 2),
    (a_chain(0.5, 0.6),           1000, 11),
    (a_chain(0.5, 0.6, length=5), 1000, 42)])
def data_frame_a(request):
    # Set the parameters
    links_coeffs, time, seed_val = request.param
    # Generate the dataframe
    return gen_data_frame(links_coeffs, time, seed_val)

def test_get_array_parcorr(par_corr, data_frame_a):
    # Check the get_array function
    check_get_array(par_corr, data_frame_a)

def test_run_test_parcorr(par_corr, data_frame_a):
    # Check the run_test function
    check_run_test(par_corr, data_frame_a)
Esempio n. 4
from tigramite.models import Prediction
from tigramite.independence_tests import ParCorr

from test_pcmci_calculations import a_chain, gen_data_frame

# Pylint settings
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name

# TEST LINK GENERATION #########################################################
    # Generate a test data sample
    # Parameterize the sample by setting the autocorrelation value, coefficient
    # value, total time length, and random seed to different numbers
    # links_coeffs,               time, seed_val
    (a_chain(0.9, 0.7), 10000, 21),
    (a_chain(0.9, 0.7), 10000, 42)
def data_frame_a(request):
    # Set the parameters
    links_coeffs, time, seed_val = request.param
    # Generate the dataframe
    return gen_data_frame(links_coeffs, time, seed_val), links_coeffs

# TEST MODELS ##################################################################
def test_linear_mediation_coeffs(data_frame_a):
    # Build the dataframe and the model
    (dataframe, true_parents), links_coeffs = data_frame_a
    med = LinearMediation(dataframe=dataframe, data_transform=None)
    # Fit the model
Esempio n. 5
import tigramite.data_processing as pp
from tigramite.models import Prediction
from tigramite.independence_tests import ParCorr

from test_pcmci_calculations import a_chain, gen_data_frame

# Pylint settings
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name

# TEST LINK GENERATION #########################################################
    # Generate a test data sample
    # Parameterize the sample by setting the autocorrelation value, coefficient
    # value, total time length, and random seed to different numbers
    # links_coeffs,               time, seed_val
    (a_chain(0.5, 0.2), 10000, 21),
    (a_chain(0.5, 0.2), 10000, 42)])
def data_frame_a(request):
    # Set the parameters
    links_coeffs, time, seed_val = request.param
    # Generate the dataframe
    return gen_data_frame(links_coeffs, time, seed_val), links_coeffs

# TEST MODELS ##################################################################
def test_linear_mediation_coeffs(data_frame_a):
    # Build the dataframe and the model
    (dataframe, true_parents), links_coeffs = data_frame_a
    med = LinearMediation(dataframe=dataframe)
    # Fit the model
    med.fit_model(all_parents=true_parents, tau_max=3)
    # Ensure the results make sense
    #seed, corr_val, T
    (5,    0.3,      1000),  # Default
    (6,    0.3,      1000),  # New Seed
    (1,    0.9,      1000)]) # Strong Correlation
def data_sample_a(request):
    # Unpack the parameters
    seed, corr_val, T = request.param
    # Return the data sample
    return gen_data_sample(seed, corr_val, T)

    # Generate a test data sample
    # Parameterize the sample by setting the autocorrelation value, coefficient
    # value, total time length, and random seed to different numbers
    # links_coeffs,               time, seed_val
    (a_chain(0.1, 0.9),           1000, 2),
    (a_chain(0.5, 0.6),           1000, 11),
    (a_chain(0.5, 0.6, length=5), 1000, 42)])
def data_frame_a(request):
    # Set the parameters
    links_coeffs, time, seed_val = request.param
    # Generate the dataframe
    return gen_data_frame(links_coeffs, time, seed_val)

def test_get_array_parcorr(par_corr, data_frame_a):
    # Check the get_array function
    check_get_array(par_corr, data_frame_a)

def test_run_test_parcorr(par_corr, data_frame_a):
    # Check the run_test function
    check_run_test(par_corr, data_frame_a)