Esempio n. 1
def test_utxomanager_select(setup_env_nodeps):
    storage = MockStorage(None, 'wallet.jmdat', None, create=True)
    um = UTXOManager(storage, select)

    txid = b'\x00' * UTXOManager.TXID_LEN
    index = 0
    path = (0, )
    mixdepth = 0
    value = 500

    um.add_utxo(txid, index, path, value, mixdepth, 100)

    assert len(um.select_utxos(mixdepth, value)) == 1
    assert len(um.select_utxos(mixdepth + 1, value)) == 0

    um.add_utxo(txid, index + 1, path, value, mixdepth, None)
    assert len(um.select_utxos(mixdepth, value)) == 2

    # ensure that added utxos that are disabled do not
    # get used by the selector
    um.add_utxo(txid, index + 2, path, value, mixdepth, 101)
    um.disable_utxo(txid, index + 2)
    assert len(um.select_utxos(mixdepth, value)) == 2

    # ensure that unconfirmed coins are not selected if
    # dis-requested:
    assert len(um.select_utxos(mixdepth, value, maxheight=105)) == 1
Esempio n. 2
def test_utxomanager_persist(setup_env_nodeps):
    storage = MockStorage(None, 'wallet.jmdat', None, create=True)
    um = UTXOManager(storage, select)

    txid = b'\x00' * UTXOManager.TXID_LEN
    index = 0
    path = (0,)
    mixdepth = 0
    value = 500

    um.add_utxo(txid, index, path, value, mixdepth)
    um.add_utxo(txid, index+1, path, value, mixdepth+1)
    del um

    um = UTXOManager(storage, select)

    assert um.have_utxo(txid, index) == mixdepth
    assert um.have_utxo(txid, index+1) == mixdepth + 1
    assert um.have_utxo(txid, index+2) == False

    utxos = um.get_utxos_by_mixdepth()
    assert len(utxos[mixdepth]) == 1
    assert len(utxos[mixdepth+1]) == 1
    assert len(utxos[mixdepth+2]) == 0

    balances = um.get_balance_by_mixdepth()
    assert balances[mixdepth] == value
    assert balances[mixdepth+1] == value

    um.remove_utxo(txid, index, mixdepth)
    assert um.have_utxo(txid, index) == False
    del um

    um = UTXOManager(storage, select)

    assert um.have_utxo(txid, index) == False
    assert um.have_utxo(txid, index+1) == mixdepth + 1

    utxos = um.get_utxos_by_mixdepth()
    assert len(utxos[mixdepth]) == 0
    assert len(utxos[mixdepth+1]) == 1

    balances = um.get_balance_by_mixdepth()
    assert balances[mixdepth] == 0
    assert balances[mixdepth+1] == value
    assert balances[mixdepth+2] == 0
Esempio n. 3
def test_utxomanager_select(setup_env_nodeps):
    storage = MockStorage(None, 'wallet.jmdat', None, create=True)
    um = UTXOManager(storage, select)

    txid = b'\x00' * UTXOManager.TXID_LEN
    index = 0
    path = (0,)
    mixdepth = 0
    value = 500

    um.add_utxo(txid, index, path, value, mixdepth)

    assert len(um.select_utxos(mixdepth, value)) == 1
    assert len(um.select_utxos(mixdepth+1, value)) == 0

    um.add_utxo(txid, index+1, path, value, mixdepth)
    assert len(um.select_utxos(mixdepth, value)) == 2
Esempio n. 4
def test_utxomanager_persist(setup_env_nodeps):
    """ Tests that the utxo manager's data is correctly
    persisted and can be recreated from storage.
    This persistence is currently only used for metadata
    (specifically, disabling coins for coin control).

    storage = MockStorage(None, 'wallet.jmdat', None, create=True)
    um = UTXOManager(storage, select)

    txid = b'\x00' * UTXOManager.TXID_LEN
    index = 0
    path = (0, )
    mixdepth = 0
    value = 500

    um.add_utxo(txid, index, path, value, mixdepth, 1)
    um.add_utxo(txid, index + 1, path, value, mixdepth + 1, 2)
    # the third utxo will be disabled and we'll check if
    # the disablement persists in the storage across UM instances
    um.add_utxo(txid, index + 2, path, value, mixdepth + 1, 3)
    um.disable_utxo(txid, index + 2)

    # Remove and recreate the UM from the same storage.

    del um

    um = UTXOManager(storage, select)

    assert um.have_utxo(txid, index) == mixdepth
    assert um.have_utxo(txid, index + 1) == mixdepth + 1
    # The third should not be registered as present given flag:
    assert um.have_utxo(txid, index + 2, include_disabled=False) == False
    # check is_disabled works:
    assert not um.is_disabled(txid, index)
    assert not um.is_disabled(txid, index + 1)
    assert um.is_disabled(txid, index + 2)
    # check re-enabling works
    um.enable_utxo(txid, index + 2)
    assert not um.is_disabled(txid, index + 2)
    um.disable_utxo(txid, index + 2)

    utxos = um.get_utxos_by_mixdepth()
    assert len(utxos[mixdepth]) == 1
    assert len(utxos[mixdepth + 1]) == 2
    assert len(utxos[mixdepth + 2]) == 0

    balances = um.get_balance_by_mixdepth()
    assert balances[mixdepth] == value
    assert balances[mixdepth + 1] == value * 2

    um.remove_utxo(txid, index, mixdepth)
    assert um.have_utxo(txid, index) == False
    # check that removing a utxo does not remove the metadata
    um.remove_utxo(txid, index + 2, mixdepth + 1)
    assert um.is_disabled(txid, index + 2)
    del um

    um = UTXOManager(storage, select)

    assert um.have_utxo(txid, index) == False
    assert um.have_utxo(txid, index + 1) == mixdepth + 1

    utxos = um.get_utxos_by_mixdepth()
    assert len(utxos[mixdepth]) == 0
    assert len(utxos[mixdepth + 1]) == 1

    balances = um.get_balance_by_mixdepth()
    assert balances[mixdepth] == 0
    assert balances[mixdepth + 1] == value
    assert balances[mixdepth + 2] == 0