Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, absolute=None, relative=None, strict=True):
     self.absolute = absolute
     self.relative = relative
     if not self.absolute and not self.relative:
         err = 'Neither absolute nor relative tolerance given.'
         raise exceptions.TestCodeError(err)
     self.strict = strict
Esempio n. 2
    def select_benchmark_file(self, path, input_file, args):
        '''Find the first benchmark file out of all benchmark IDs which exists.'''

        benchmark = None
        benchmarks = []
        for bench_id in self.benchmark:
            benchfile = util.testcode_filename(FILESTEM['benchmark'], bench_id,
                                               input_file, args)
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, benchfile)):
                benchmark = benchfile
        if not benchmark:
            err = 'No benchmark found in %s.  Checked for: %s.'
            raise exceptions.TestCodeError(err % (path, ', '.join(benchmarks)))
        return benchmark
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, name, exe, test_id, benchmark, **kwargs):

        # Set sane defaults (mostly null) for keyword arguments. = name

        # Running
        self.exe = exe
        self.test_id = test_id
        self.run_cmd_template = ('tc.program tc.args tc.input > '
                                 'tc.output 2> tc.error')
        self.launch_parallel = 'mpirun -np tc.nprocs'
        self.submit_template = None
        self.submit_pattern = 'testcode.run_cmd'

        # dummy job with default settings (e.g tolerance)
        self.default_test_settings = None

        # Analysis
        self.benchmark = benchmark
        self.ignore_fields = []
        self.data_tag = None
        self.extract_cmd_template = 'tc.extract tc.args tc.file'
        self.extract_program = None
        self.extract_args = ''
        self.extract_fmt = 'table'
        self.skip_cmd_template = 'tc.skip tc.args tc.test'
        self.skip_program = None
        self.skip_args = ''
        self.verify = False

        # Info
        self.vcs = None

        # Set values passed in as keyword options.
        for (attr, val) in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, attr, val)

        # If using an external verification program, then set the default
        # extract command template.
        if self.verify and 'extract_cmd_template' not in kwargs:
            self.extract_cmd_template = 'tc.extract tc.args tc.test tc.bench'

        # Can we actually extract the data?
        if self.extract_fmt == 'yaml' and not _HAVE_YAML:
            err = 'YAML data format cannot be used: PyYAML is not installed.'
            raise exceptions.TestCodeError(err)
Esempio n. 4
def get_unique_test_id(tests, reuse_id=False, date_fmt='%d%m%Y'):
    '''Find a unique test id based upon the date and previously run tests.'''
    todays_id = time.strftime(date_fmt)
    newest_file = None
    test_id = '0'*len(todays_id)
    for test in tests:
        test_globs = glob.glob('%s*' %
                os.path.join(test.path, testcode2.FILESTEM['test'])
        for test_file in test_globs:
            if (not newest_file or
                    os.stat(test_file)[-2] > os.stat(newest_file)[-2]):
                newest_file = test_file
                # keep track of the latest file with today's test_id (in case
                # the most recent test was run with a user-specified test_id).
                newest_test_id = util.testcode_file_id(
                                 newest_file, testcode2.FILESTEM['test']
                if newest_test_id[:len(todays_id)] == todays_id:
                    test_id = newest_test_id
    if reuse_id:
        # Want test_id to be the most recent set of tests.
        if not newest_file:
            err = 'Cannot find any previous test outputs.'
            raise exceptions.TestCodeError(err)
        test_id = util.testcode_file_id(newest_file, testcode2.FILESTEM['test'])
    elif test_id[:len(todays_id)] == todays_id:
        # Have run at more than one test today already.  Create unique id.
        if len(test_id) == len(todays_id):
            test_id = 1
            test_id = int(test_id[len(todays_id)+1:]) + 1
        test_id = '%s-%s' % (todays_id, test_id)
        # First test of the day!
        test_id = todays_id
    return test_id
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, name, exe, test_id, benchmark, **kwargs):

        # Set sane defaults (mostly null) for keyword arguments. = name

        # Running
        self.exe = exe
        self.test_id = test_id
        self.run_cmd_template = ('tc.program tc.args tc.input > '
                                 'tc.output 2> tc.error')
        self.launch_parallel = 'mpirun -np tc.nprocs'
        self.submit_pattern = 'testcode.run_cmd'

        # dummy job with default settings (e.g tolerance)
        self.default_test_settings = None

        # Analysis
        self.benchmark = benchmark
        self.ignore_fields = []
        self.data_tag = None
        self.extract_cmd_template = 'tc.extract tc.args tc.file'
        self.extract_program = None
        self.extract_args = ''
        self.extract_fmt = 'table'
        self.skip_cmd_template = 'tc.skip tc.args tc.test'
        self.skip_program = None
        self.skip_args = ''
        self.verify = False
        self.extract_fn = None

        # Info
        self.vcs = None

        # Set values passed in as keyword options.
        for (attr, val) in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, attr, val)

        # If using an external verification program, then set the default
        # extract command template.
        if self.verify and 'extract_cmd_template' not in kwargs:
            self.extract_cmd_template = 'tc.extract tc.args tc.test tc.bench'

        if self.extract_fn:
            if _HAVE_IMPORTLIB_:
                self.extract_fn = self.extract_fn.split()
                if len(self.extract_fn) == 2:
                (mod, fn) = self.extract_fn[-1].rsplit('.', 1)
                mod = importlib.import_module(mod)
                self.extract_fn = mod.__getattribute__(fn)
            elif self.extract_program:
                warnings.warn('importlib not available.  Will attempt to '
                              'analyse data via an external script.')
                self.extract_fn = None
                raise exceptions.TestCodeError(
                    'importlib not available and '
                    'no data extraction program supplied.')

        # Can we actually extract the data?
        if self.extract_fmt == 'yaml' and not _HAVE_YAML:
            err = 'YAML data format cannot be used: PyYAML is not installed.'
            raise exceptions.TestCodeError(err)
Esempio n. 6
def parse_userconfig(config_file, executables=None, test_id=None,
    '''Parse the user options and job types from the userconfig file.

config_file: location of the userconfig file, either relative or absolute.'''

    if executables is None:
        executables = {}

    if not os.path.exists(config_file):
        raise exceptions.TestCodeError(
                'User configuration file %s does not exist.' % (config_file)
    # paths to programs can be specified relative to the config
    # file.
    config_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(config_file))

    userconfig = compat.configparser.RawConfigParser()
    userconfig.optionxform = str # Case sensitive file.

    # Alter config file with additional settings provided.
    if settings:
        for (section_key, section) in settings.items():
            for (option_key, value) in section.items():
                userconfig.set(section_key, option_key, value)

    # Sensible defaults for the user options.
    user_options = dict(benchfile=None, date_fmt='%d%m%Y',
            tolerance='(1.e-10,None)', output_files=None, diff='diff')

    if userconfig.has_section('user'):
        user_options['tolerance'] = dict(
                     for item in eval_nested_tuple(user_options['tolerance']))
        raise exceptions.TestCodeError(
                'user section in userconfig does not exist.'

    if not userconfig.sections():
        raise exceptions.TestCodeError(
                'No job types specified in userconfig.'

    test_program_options = ('run_cmd_template', 'submit_template',
        'launch_parallel', 'ignore_fields', 'data_tag', 'extract_cmd_template',
        'extract_program', 'extract_args', 'extract_fmt', 'verify', 'vcs',
        'skip_program', 'skip_args', 'skip_cmd_template')
    default_test_options = ('inputs_args', 'output', 'nprocs')
    test_programs = {}
    for section in userconfig.sections():
        tp_dict = {}
        tolerances = copy.deepcopy(user_options['tolerance'])
        # Read in possible TestProgram settings.
        for item in test_program_options:
            if userconfig.has_option(section, item):
                tp_dict[item] = userconfig.get(section, item)
        if section in executables:
            exe = executables[section]
        elif '_tc_all' in executables:
            exe = executables['_tc_all']
            exe = 'exe'
        if userconfig.has_option(section, exe):
            # exe is set to be a key rather than the path to an executable.
            # Expand.
            exe = userconfig.get(section, exe)
        # Create a default test settings.
        # First, tolerances...
        if userconfig.has_option(section, 'tolerance'):
            for item in (
                    eval_nested_tuple(userconfig.get(section, 'tolerance'))
                (name, tol) = parse_tolerance_tuple(item)
                tolerances[name] = tol
        test_dict = dict(
        # Other settings...
        for item in default_test_options:
            if userconfig.has_option(section, item):
                test_dict[item] = userconfig.get(section, item)
        if userconfig.has_option(section, 'run_concurrent'):
            test_dict['run_concurrent'] = \
                    userconfig.getboolean(section, 'run_concurrent')
        # Programs can be specified relative to the config directory.
        exe = set_program_name(exe, config_directory)
        if 'extract_program' in tp_dict:
            tp_dict['extract_program'] = set_program_name(
                                tp_dict['extract_program'], config_directory)
        if 'skip_program' in tp_dict:
            tp_dict['skip_program'] = set_program_name(
                                tp_dict['skip_program'], config_directory)
        if 'submit_template' in tp_dict:
            tp_dict['submit_template'] = os.path.join(config_directory,
        for key in ('nprocs', 'max_nprocs', 'min_nprocs'):
            if key in test_dict:
                test_dict[key] = int(test_dict[key])
        if 'inputs_args' in test_dict:
            # format: (input, arg), (input, arg)'
            test_dict['inputs_args'] = (
        # Create a default test.
        tp_dict['default_test_settings'] = testcode2.Test(None, None, None,
        if 'vcs' in tp_dict:
            tp_dict['vcs'] = vcs.VCSRepository(tp_dict['vcs'],
        program = testcode2.TestProgram(section, exe, test_id,
            user_options['benchmark'], **tp_dict)
        test_programs[section] = program

        if len(test_programs) == 1:
            # only one program; set default program which helpfully is the most
            # recent value of section from the previous loop.
            user_options['default_program'] = section

    return (user_options, test_programs)
Esempio n. 7
def parse_jobconfig(config_file, user_options, test_programs, settings=None):
    '''Parse the test configurations from the jobconfig file.

config_file: location of the jobconfig file, either relative or absolute.'''

    if not os.path.exists(config_file):
        raise exceptions.TestCodeError(
                'Job configuration file %s does not exist.' % (config_file)

    # paths to the test directories can be specified relative to the config
    # file.
    config_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(config_file))

    jobconfig = compat.configparser.RawConfigParser()
    jobconfig.optionxform = str # Case sensitive file.

    # Alter config file with additional settings provided.
    if settings:
        for (section_key, section) in settings.items():
            for (option_key, value) in section.items():
                jobconfig.set(section_key, option_key, value)

    # Parse job categories.
    # Just store as list of test names for now.
    if jobconfig.has_section('categories'):
        test_categories = dict(jobconfig.items('categories'))
        for (key, val) in test_categories.items():
            test_categories[key] = val.split()
        test_categories = {}

    # Parse individual sections for tests.
    # Note that sections/paths may contain globs and hence correspond to
    # multiple tests.
    # First, find out the tests each section corresponds to.
    test_sections = []
    for section in jobconfig.sections():
        # Expand any globs in the path/section name and create individual Test
        # objects for each one.
        if jobconfig.has_option(section, 'path'):
            path = os.path.join(config_directory,
                                jobconfig.get(section, 'path'))
            globbed_tests = [(section, test_path)
                                            for test_path in glob.glob(path)]
            path = os.path.join(config_directory, section)
            globbed_tests = [(test_path, test_path)
                                            for test_path in glob.glob(path)]
            test_sections.append((section, globbed_tests))
    test_sections.sort(key=lambda sec_info: len(sec_info[1]), reverse=True)
    test_info = {}
    for (section, globbed_tests) in test_sections:
        test_dict = {}
        # test program
        if jobconfig.has_option(section, 'program'):
            test_program = test_programs[jobconfig.get(section, 'program')]
            test_program = test_programs[user_options['default_program']]
        # tolerances
        if jobconfig.has_option(section, 'tolerance'):
            test_dict['tolerances'] = {}
            for item in (
                (name, tol) = parse_tolerance_tuple(item)
                test_dict['tolerances'][name] = tol
            jobconfig.remove_option(section, 'tolerance')
            if None in test_dict['tolerances']:
                test_dict['default_tolerance'] = test_dict['tolerances'][None]
        # inputs and arguments
        if jobconfig.has_option(section, 'inputs_args'):
            # format: (input, arg), (input, arg)'
            test_dict['inputs_args'] = (
                    eval_nested_tuple(jobconfig.get(section, 'inputs_args')))
            jobconfig.remove_option(section, 'inputs_args')
        if jobconfig.has_option(section, 'run_concurrent'):
            test_dict['run_concurrent'] = \
                    jobconfig.getboolean(section, 'run_concurrent')
            jobconfig.remove_option(section, 'run_concurrent')
        # Other options.
        for option in jobconfig.options(section):
            test_dict[option] = jobconfig.get(section, option)
        for key in ('nprocs', 'max_nprocs', 'min_nprocs'):
            if key in test_dict:
                test_dict[key] = int(test_dict[key])
        for (name, path) in globbed_tests:
            # Need to take care with tolerances: want to *update* existing
            # tolerance dictionary rather than overwrite it.
            # This means we can't just use test_dict to update the relevant
            # dictionary in test_info.
            tol = None
            if name in test_info:
                # Just update existing info.
                test = test_info[name]
                if  'tolerances' in test_dict:
                    tol = test_dict.pop('tolerances')
                test[0] = test_program
                test[1] = path
                if tol:
                    test_dict['tolerances'] = tol
                # Create new test_info value.
                # Merge with default values.
                # Default test options.
                default_test = test_program.default_test_settings
                test = dict(
                        tolerances = copy.deepcopy(default_test.tolerances),
                if  'tolerances' in test_dict:
                    tol = test_dict.pop('tolerances')
                # restore tolerances for next test in the glob.
                if tol:
                    test_dict['tolerances'] = tol
                test_info[name] = [test_program, path, copy.deepcopy(test)]

    # Now create the tests (after finding out what the input files are).
    tests = []
    for (name, (test_program, path, test_dict)) in test_info.items():
        old_dir = os.getcwd()
        # Expand any globs in the input files.
        inputs_args = []
        for input_arg in test_dict['inputs_args']:
            # Be a little forgiving for the input_args config option.
            # If we're given ('input'), then clearly the user meant for the
            # args option to be empty.  However, literal_eval returns
            # a string rather than a tuple in such cases, which causes
            # problems.
            if isinstance(input_arg, str):
                inp = input_arg
                arg = ''
            elif len(input_arg) == 2:
                inp = input_arg[0]
                arg = input_arg[1]
                inp = input_arg[0]
                arg = ''
            if inp:
                # the test, error and benchmark filenames contain the input
                # filename, so we need to filter them out.
                inp_files = sorted(glob.glob(inp))
                if not inp_files:
                    err = 'Cannot find input file %s in %s.' % (inp, path)
                    raise exceptions.TestCodeError(err)
                for inp_file in inp_files:
                    # We use a glob for the input argument to avoid the
                    # case where the argument is empty and hence a pattern
                    # such as *.inp also matches files like
                    # test.out.test_id.inp=x.inp and hence considering
                    # previous output files to actually be an input file in
                    # their own right.
                    test_files = [
                         util.testcode_filename(stem[1], '*', '*', arg)
                         for stem in testcode2._FILESTEM_TUPLE
                    testcode_files = []
                    for tc_file in test_files:
                    if inp_file not in testcode_files:
                        inputs_args.append((inp_file, arg))
                inputs_args.append((inp, arg))
        test_dict['inputs_args'] = tuple(inputs_args)
        # Create test.
        if test_dict['run_concurrent']:
            for input_arg in test_dict['inputs_args']:
                test_dict['inputs_args'] = (input_arg,)
                tests.append(testcode2.Test(name, test_program, path,
            tests.append(testcode2.Test(name, test_program, path, **test_dict))

    return (tests, test_categories)