lLeftCn = "http://testrete1/hier/cb%dto%d" % (pFrom, lMid) self.mDbConn.q("CREATE CLASS \"%s\" AS SELECT * FROM \"%s\" WHERE \"http://testrete1/hier/v\" >= %d AND \"http://testrete1/hier/v\" <= %d" % (lLeftCn, pBase, pFrom, lMid)) else: lLeftCn = pBase self.createClasses(pFrom, lMid, lLeftCn) # right if lMid + 1 < pTo: lRightCn = "http://testrete1/hier/cb%dto%d" % (lMid + 1, pTo) self.mDbConn.q("CREATE CLASS \"%s\" AS SELECT * FROM \"%s\" WHERE \"http://testrete1/hier/v\" >= %d AND \"http://testrete1/hier/v\" <= %d" % (lRightCn, pBase, lMid + 1, pTo)) else: lRightCn = pBase self.createClasses(lMid + 1, pTo, lRightCn) def run(self): for iC in xrange(TESTRETE1_NUMCHECKS): self.mDbConn.q("INSERT \"http://testrete1/hier/v\"=%d" % (random.randrange(0, TESTRETE1_NUMCLASSES))) def check(self): lTot = 0 for iC in xrange(TESTRETE1_NUMCLASSES): lTot += self.mDbConn.qCount("SELECT * FROM \"http://testrete1/hier/c%d\"" % iC) return lTot class TestRete1(AffinityTest): "A basic test for flat vs hierarchical classification." def execute(self): _entryPoint() AffinityTest.declare(TestRete1) if __name__ == '__main__': lT = TestRete1() lT.execute()
print ("user %s has tags %s" % (_pUser, _lTags)) _lExpectedTags = lInMemoryChk.getUserTags(_pUser) if len(_lExpectedTags.difference(_lTags)) > 0: print ("WARNING: expected tags %s" % _lExpectedTags.difference(_lTags)) assert False _lPhotos = _getpins("SELECT * FROM \"http://localhost/afy/class/testphotos1/photo\" AS p JOIN \"http://localhost/afy/class/testphotos1/tagging\" AS t ON (p.\"http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#hasHash\" = t.\"http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#hasHash\") WHERE t.\"http://code.google.com/p/tagont/hasTagLabel\" IN (%s);" % ','.join([("'%s'" % _iT) for _iT in _lTags])) _lUniquePhotos = set() for _iP in _lPhotos: _lUniquePhotos.add(_iP["http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#hasHash"]) if len(_lPhotos) != len(_lUniquePhotos): print ("non-unique: %s unique: %s" % (len(_lPhotos), len(_lUniquePhotos))) return len(_lUniquePhotos) for iU in lUsersOfInterest: lCntPhotos = _countUserPhotos(iU["http://code.google.com/p/tagont/hasVisibility"]) _chkCount("photos that can be viewed by %s" % iU["http://code.google.com/p/tagont/hasVisibility"], _pExpected=lInMemoryChk.countPhotos(iU["http://code.google.com/p/tagont/hasVisibility"]), _pActual=lCntPhotos) if False: # Output the final state. print (_getpins("SELECT *;")) # Close everything. lAffinity.close() class TestPhotos1(AffinityTest): "A simple application talking to the store through pathSQL only, and using a relational model with joins." def execute(self): _entryPoint() AffinityTest.declare(TestPhotos1) if __name__ == '__main__': lT = TestPhotos1() lT.execute()
pHandlerData=time.time(), pGroupNotifs=True, ) print(" sleeping 10 seconds") time.sleep(10) with CheckCounts(0, 1): print("15. change related pin %s" % lNewPins[1].mPID) lNewPins[1]["http://localhost/afy/property/testnotifications1/name"] = "Pablo" print(" sleeping 20 seconds") time.sleep(20) with CheckCounts(0, 1): print("16. change related pin %s" % lNewPins[1].mPID) lNewPins[1]["http://localhost/afy/property/testnotifications1/name"] = "Paolo" time.sleep(1) print("17. unregister") AFYNOTIFIER.unregisterClass("http://localhost/afy/class/testnotifications1/Named", onClassNotif) class TestNotifications1(AffinityTest): "A basic test for notifications." def execute(self): _entryPoint() AffinityTest.declare(TestNotifications1) if __name__ == "__main__": lT = TestNotifications1() lT.execute()
# print "JSON result: %s" % lAffinity.check("SELECT * FROM cars AS c JOIN workers(@['d', 'n']) AS w ON (c.afy:pinID = w.cars) WHERE (c.year IN @[1980, 2000]);") print "Start step11" pins = PIN.loadPINs(lAffinity.qProto("SELECT * FROM cars AS c JOIN workers(@['d', 'n']) AS w ON (c.afy:pinID = w.cars) WHERE (c.year IN @[1980, 2000]);")) assert len(pins) > 0 print "Step11 complete!" # for repro bug#302 lAffinity.q("DELETE FROM *;") assert lAffinity.qCount("select * where not exists(afy:predicate)") == 0 lAffinity.close() print "Test tutorial complete!" return True def _entryPoint(): start = time.time() test_executable_doc() # TODO: Review... doesn't seem happy... test_tutorial() end = time.time() print "TestOnlineMaterials costs : " + timeToString(end - start) class TestOnlineMaterials(AffinityTest): def execute(self): _entryPoint() AffinityTest.declare(TestOnlineMaterials) if __name__ == '__main__': lT = TestOnlineMaterials() lT.execute()
cnt=cnt+1 sql = "INSERT OPTIONS(TRANSIENT) temperature="+ str(temperature) +",distance=" + str(distance) lAffinity.q(sql) lPins = PIN.loadPINs(lAffinity.qProto("SELECT * FROM #count_fire_warning")) print "==> Totally " + str(cnt) + " fire warnings are detected!" assert lPins[0]['fire_warning_cnt'] == cnt lAffinity.close() return True def _entryPoint(): start = time.time() test_case_1() print "Test rules complete!" end = time.time() print "Testrules costs : " + timeToString(end - start) class TestRules(AffinityTest): def execute(self): _entryPoint() AffinityTest.declare(TestRules) if __name__ == '__main__': lT = TestRules() lT.execute()
lPin = PIN.loadPINs(lAffinity.qProto("INSERT (\"http://localhost/afy/property/testtypes1/value1\") VALUES (&%s.\"http://localhost/afy/property/testtypes1/value1\"[%d]);" % (lReferenced1.mPID, lValue.mEid)))[0] lPin['http://localhost/afy/property/testtypes1/value2'] = lValue lPin.refreshPIN() assert lValue == lPin['http://localhost/afy/property/testtypes1/value1'] assert lValue == lPin['http://localhost/afy/property/testtypes1/value2'] assert affinity_pb2.Value.VT_REFIDELT == lPin.getExtra('http://localhost/afy/property/testtypes1/value1').mType assert affinity_pb2.Value.VT_REFIDELT == lPin.getExtra('http://localhost/afy/property/testtypes1/value2').mType # TODO: VT_EXPR # TODO: VT_QUERY # TODO: VT_CURRENT - available? # TODO: VT_ENUM - available? # TODO: VT_DECIMAL - available? # TODO: VT_URIID - purpose? vs VT_REFID? # TODO: VT_IDENTITY - purpose? # TODO: VT_REFCID - purpose? # TODO: VT_RANGE - purpose? # NOTE: VT_ARRAY is tested with collections. lAffinity.close() class TestTypes1(AffinityTest): "A basic test for native data types (python and Affinity)." def execute(self): _entryPoint() AffinityTest.declare(TestTypes1) if __name__ == '__main__': lT = TestTypes1() lT.execute()
if len(lPBStream.pins) > 1: print ("\nA basic PIN modification test (ISession::modify style).") lPid = lPBStream.pins[1].id print ("before modify: %s" % lAffinity.check("SELECT * FROM {@%x};" % lPid.id)) lPin = PIN({PIN.SK_PID:PIN.PID.fromPB(lPid), "http://localhost/afy/property/testbasics1/myprop1":"bien"}) #lPin = PIN(__PID__=PIN.PID.fromPB(lPid), testbasics1_myprop1="bien") lPin.savePIN() print ("after modify: %s" % lAffinity.check("SELECT * FROM {@%x};" % lPid.id)) if len(lPBStream.pins) > 1: print ("\nA basic PIN deletion test.") lPid = lPBStream.pins[1].id print ("before delete: %s" % lAffinity.check("SELECT * FROM {@%x};" % lPid.id)) PIN.deletePINs([PIN.PID.fromPB(lPid)]) #print ("after delete: %s" % lAffinity.check("SELECT * FROM {@%x};" % lPid.id)) #print ("\nFinal state check.") #print (lAffinity.check("SELECT *")) lAffinity.close() class TestBasics1(AffinityTest): "First basic test (originally written for testgen/python)." def execute(self): _entryPoint() AffinityTest.declare(TestBasics1) if __name__ == '__main__': lT = TestBasics1() lT.execute()
assert 1 == lAffinity.qCount("SELECT color FROM houses(1).doors WHERE doorid=2;") assert 3 == lAffinity.qCount("SELECT color FROM houses(1).doors") assert 3 == lAffinity.qCount("SELECT color FROM houses.doors;") lAffinity.close() return True def _entryPoint(): # test cases are executed here start = time.time() TEST = 'test_case_' cnt = 0 for i in range(1, 49): eval(TEST+str(i)+'()') cnt+=1 end = time.time() print "Totally " + str(cnt) + " cases have been tested." print "TestBasicPathSQL costs : " + timeToString(end - start) class TestBasicPathSQL(AffinityTest): def execute(self): _entryPoint() AffinityTest.declare(TestBasicPathSQL) if __name__ == '__main__': lT = TestBasicPathSQL() lT.execute()
# verify the results assert lAffinity.qCount("select * where exists(T6_P2);") == (TOTAL - cnt) assert lAffinity.qCount("SELECT * FROM T6_LEV_C1;") == cnt lAffinity.close() print "Test test_case_6 complete!" return True def _entryPoint(): start = time.time() test_case_1() test_case_2() test_case_3() #test_case_4() test_case_5() test_case_6() end = time.time() print "Test transient pins complete!" print "TestTransient costs : " + timeToString(end - start) class TestTransient(AffinityTest): def execute(self): _entryPoint() AffinityTest.declare(TestTransient) if __name__ == '__main__': lT = TestTransient() lT.execute()
lCollection3b = list(lCollection3) checkPersistedProp("comparing reloaded testcollections1/mycoll3 to lCollection3", lPin1, "http://localhost/afy/property/testcollection1/mycoll3", lCollection3b) while len(lCollection3b) > 1: del lPin1["http://localhost/afy/property/testcollection1/mycoll3"][0] del lCollection3b[0] if 0 != cmp(lPin1["http://localhost/afy/property/testcollection1/mycoll3"], lCollection3b): reportError("comparing in-memory testcollections1/mycoll3 to lCollection3b, after deletion of element") checkPersistedProp("comparing reloaded testcollections1/mycoll3 to lCollection3b, after deletion of element", lPin1, "http://localhost/afy/property/testcollection1/mycoll3", lCollection3b) del lPin1["http://localhost/afy/property/testcollection1/mycoll3"] try: if lPin1.has_key("http://localhost/afy/property/testcollection1/mycoll3") or lPin1.getExtra("http://localhost/afy/property/testcollection1/mycoll3"): reportError("retrieving testcollection1/mycoll3 after deletion of the property") except Exception as ex: #print repr(ex) pass lPinChk = PIN.createFromPID(lPin1.mPID) if lPinChk.has_key("http://localhost/afy/property/testcollection/mycoll3"): reportError("retrieving testcollection1/mycoll3 after deletion of the property, on reloaded pin") lAffinity.close() class TestCollections1(AffinityTest): "A basic test for collections." def execute(self): _entryPoint() AffinityTest.declare(TestCollections1) if __name__ == '__main__': lT = TestCollections1() lT.execute()