def test_package_installed(host: Host): host.run_expect([0], 'whereis podman')
def test_container_basics(host: Host): with host.sudo(): host.run_expect([0], 'podman image pull') run_hello_world = host.run_expect([0], 'podman run --rm hello-world') assert 'Hello from Docker!' in run_hello_world.stdout
def test_httpd_container(host: Host): with host.sudo(): host.run_expect([0], 'podman image pull') host.run_expect([ 0 ], 'podman container create --name httpd-test -p httpd:2.4.39' ) # noqa E501 host.run_expect([0], 'podman container start httpd-test') host.run_expect([0], 'sleep 2') curl_works = host.run_expect([0], "curl '' 2>/dev/null") assert 'It works!' in curl_works.stdout with host.sudo(): host.run_expect([0], 'podman container stop httpd-test') host.run_expect([0], 'podman container start httpd-test') host.run_expect([0], 'podman container stop httpd-test')
def test_assert_all_containers_are_stopped_and_removed(host: Host): with host.sudo(): host.run_expect([0], 'podman container stop -a') host.run_expect([0], 'podman container prune -f')