def test_ssl(self): '''Test https''' (tmpdir, srvcert_pem, srvkey_pem, clientcert_pem, clientkey_pem, cacert_pem) = testlib_ssl.gen_ssl() self._prepare_ssl(srvkey_pem, srvcert_pem) testlib.recursive_rm(tmpdir) # modern wget now returns 5 on ssl validation errors if self.lsb_release['Release'] <= 9.10: expected = 1 else: expected = 5 # Cert is self-signed, make sure wget says so if self.lsb_release['Release'] <= 8.04: error_str = 'ERROR: Certificate verification error for localhost' else: error_str = "ERROR: cannot verify localhost's certificate" self._test_url_wget("https://localhost/", error_str, expected=expected) # Let's try an SSL page without validating the self-signed cert test_str = testlib_httpd.create_html_page(self.html_page) self._test_url_wget("https://localhost/" + \ os.path.basename(self.html_page), test_str, extra_opts=['--no-check-certificate'])
def test_ssl(self): '''Test https''' (tmpdir, srvcert_pem, srvkey_pem, clientcert_pem, clientkey_pem, cacert_pem) = testlib_ssl.gen_ssl() self._prepare_ssl(srvkey_pem, srvcert_pem) testlib.recursive_rm(tmpdir) self._test_url_lftp("https://localhost/") test_str = testlib_httpd.create_html_page(self.html_page) self._test_url_lftp("https://localhost/" + \ os.path.basename(self.html_page), test_str)
def test_update_ca_certificates_usr(self): '''Test update-ca-certificates for local CA (/usr)''' self.local_ca = "/usr/share/ca-certificates/testlib.crt" # Create a CA, update /etc/hosts and create a test page (tmpdir, srvcert_pem, srvkey_pem, clientcert_pem, clientkey_pem, cacert_pem) = testlib_ssl.gen_ssl() self._prepare_ssl(srvkey_pem, srvcert_pem) testlib.config_replace(self.hosts_file, " server", True) test_str = testlib_httpd.create_html_page(self.html_page) # First, try to access the self-signed server self._w3m_cmd("https://server/" + \ os.path.basename(self.html_page), test_str, verify=False) self._w3m_cmd("https://server/" + \ os.path.basename(self.html_page), "unable to get local issuer certificate") # Next, install the local CA shutil.copy(cacert_pem, self.local_ca) testlib.config_replace(self.ca_certificates_conf, os.path.basename(self.local_ca) + '\n', True) testlib.recursive_rm(tmpdir) rc, report = testlib.cmd(['update-ca-certificates']) expected = 0 result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected) self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report) # Now try to access it self._w3m_cmd("https://server/" + \ os.path.basename(self.html_page), test_str) # Next, remove the installed CA testlib.config_restore(self.ca_certificates_conf) os.unlink(self.local_ca) rc, report = testlib.cmd(['update-ca-certificates']) expected = 0 result = 'Got exit code %d, expected %d\n' % (rc, expected) self.assertEquals(expected, rc, result + report) # Last, try to access the self-signed server again self._w3m_cmd("https://server/" + \ os.path.basename(self.html_page), test_str, verify=False) self._w3m_cmd("https://server/" + \ os.path.basename(self.html_page), "unable to get local issuer certificate")
def test_https(self): '''Test https''' (tmpdir, srvcert_pem, srvkey_pem, clientcert_pem, clientkey_pem, cacert_pem) = testlib_ssl.gen_ssl() shutil.copy(srvkey_pem, self.ssl_key) shutil.copy(srvcert_pem, self.ssl_crt) testlib.recursive_rm(tmpdir) testlib.config_replace(self.default_vhost, ''' server { listen 443; server_name localhost; root %s; index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html; ssl on; ssl_certificate cert.pem; ssl_certificate_key cert.key; ssl_session_timeout 5m; ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl_ciphers "HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5 or HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5:!3DES"; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ =404; } } ''' % self.document_root, append=True) self.daemon.restart() self._test_url("https://localhost/", "Welcome to nginx") test_str = testlib_httpd.create_html_page(self.html_page) self._test_url("https://localhost/" + \ os.path.basename(self.html_page), test_str)
def test_https_selfsigned(self): '''Test https self-signed''' (self.tempdir, srvcert_pem, srvkey_pem, clientcert_pem, clientkey_pem, cacert_pem) = testlib_ssl.gen_ssl() # fire up a server self.listener = os.fork() if self.listener == 0: args = ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'exec /usr/bin/gnutls-serv --http -p 4443 --x509keyfile %s --x509certfile %s --x509cafile %s >/dev/null 2>&1' % (srvkey_pem, srvcert_pem, cacert_pem)] os.execv(args[0], args) sys.exit(0) time.sleep(1) # Make sure it doesn't verify self._lynx_cmd("", expected=1) # Now try again, ignoring the error self.lynx_cfg = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "lynx.cfg") contents = '''FORCE_SSL_PROMPT:yes\n''' testlib.config_replace(self.lynx_cfg, contents) os.environ['LYNX_CFG'] = self.lynx_cfg self._lynx_cmd("", expected=0) os.environ['LYNX_TRACE_FILE'] = "testlib-Lynx.trace" self._lynx_cmd("", expected=0, extra_args=['-trace', '-tlog']) trace = os.path.expanduser("~/%s" % os.environ['LYNX_TRACE_FILE']) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(trace), "Could not find '%s'" % trace) results = open(trace).read() terms = ['HTParsePort 4443', 'Validating CNs in', 'ssl_host', 'cert_host', 'UNVERIFIED connection to (cert=CN<server>)', 'Certificate issued by:'] for search in terms: self.assertTrue(search in results, "Could not fine '%s' in:\n%s" % (search, results)) # CVE-2012-5821 search = 'SSL error:self signed certificate-Continue?' self.assertTrue(search in results, "Could not fine '%s' in:\n%s" % (search, results)) if self.listener: os.kill(self.listener, 15) os.waitpid(self.listener, 0)
def test_https_badkey(self): '''Test https mismatched keys''' (self.tempdir, srvcert_pem, srvkey_pem, clientcert_pem, clientkey_pem, cacert_pem) = testlib_ssl.gen_ssl() # fire up a server self.listener = os.fork() if self.listener == 0: args = ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'exec /usr/bin/gnutls-serv --http -p 4443 --x509keyfile %s --x509certfile %s --x509cafile %s >/dev/null 2>&1' % (clientkey_pem, srvcert_pem, cacert_pem)] os.execv(args[0], args) sys.exit(0) time.sleep(1) # Make sure it doesn't verify self._lynx_cmd("", expected=1) if self.listener: os.kill(self.listener, 15) os.waitpid(self.listener, 0)
def test_ssl_no_verify(self): '''Test https (self signed/no ca cert)''' (tmpdir, srvcert_pem, srvkey_pem, clientcert_pem, clientkey_pem, cacert_pem) = testlib_ssl.gen_ssl() self._prepare_ssl(srvkey_pem, srvcert_pem) ca = os.path.join(self.tempdir, os.path.basename(cacert_pem)) shutil.copy(cacert_pem, ca) testlib.recursive_rm(tmpdir) # We need to add server to the hosts file, or w3m errors while # validating the cert's CN before the NUL byte check testlib.config_replace(self.hosts_file, " server", True) test_str = testlib_httpd.create_html_page(self.html_page) cmdline = "w3m -dump https://server/" + os.path.basename(self.html_page) child = pexpect.spawn(cmdline) time.sleep(1.0) child.expect(".*unable to get local issuer certificate.*", timeout=2) child.sendline('y') time.sleep(1.0) child.kill(0)
def test_ssl(self): '''Test https (self signed with ca cert)''' (tmpdir, srvcert_pem, srvkey_pem, clientcert_pem, clientkey_pem, cacert_pem) = testlib_ssl.gen_ssl() self._prepare_ssl(srvkey_pem, srvcert_pem) ca = os.path.join(self.tempdir, os.path.basename(cacert_pem)) shutil.copy(cacert_pem, ca) testlib.recursive_rm(tmpdir) # We need to add server to the hosts file, or w3m errors while # validating the cert's CN before the NUL byte check testlib.config_replace(self.hosts_file, " server", True) #cmdline = "w3m -dump -o ssl_ca_file=" + ca + " https://localhost" test_str = testlib_httpd.create_html_page(self.html_page) self._w3m_cmd("https://server/" + \ os.path.basename(self.html_page), test_str, extra_args=['-o', 'ssl_ca_file=' + ca])
def setUp(self): '''Setup mechanisms''' ServerCommon._setUp(self) ServerCommon._stop(self) if self.lsb_release['Release'] == 6.06: return True self.sslhandle, self.sslname = testlib.mkstemp_fill('''SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_ssl';''', dir="/tmp") (self.tmpdir, self.srvcert_pem, self.srvkey_pem, self.clientcert_pem, self.clientkey_pem, self.cacert_pem) = testlib_ssl.gen_ssl()['chown', '-R', 'mysql', self.tmpdir]) self.hosts = "/etc/hosts" testlib.config_replace(self.hosts, "", True)['sed', '-i', 's/^\\(*\\)/\\1 server client/g', self.hosts]) self.mycnf = "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" testlib.config_replace(self.mycnf, "", True)['sed', '-i', 's,^\[mysqld\],[mysqld]\\nssl\\n\\nssl-ca=' + self.cacert_pem + '\\nssl-cert=' + self.srvcert_pem + '\\nssl-key=' + self.srvkey_pem + '\\nlog = /var/log/mysql.log\\n,g', self.mycnf])['sed', '-i', 's,^\[client\],[client]\\nssl\\n\\nssl-ca=' + self.cacert_pem + '\\nssl-cert=' + self.clientcert_pem + '\\nssl-key=' + self.clientkey_pem + '\\nssl-verify-server-cert = false\\n,g', self.mycnf]) ServerCommon._restart(self)