Esempio n. 1
    def _actionGlobalRsrcAddEdit(self, sAction):
        """Add or modify Global Resource record"""

        oData = GlobalResourceData()
        oData.initFromParams(self, fStrict=True)


        if self._oSrvGlue.getMethod() != 'POST':
            raise WuiException('Expected "POST" request, got "%s"' % (self._oSrvGlue.getMethod(),))

        oGlobalResourceLogic = GlobalResourceLogic(self._oDb)
        dErrors = oData.validateAndConvert(self._oDb);
        if len(dErrors) == 0:
            if sAction == WuiAdmin.ksActionGlobalRsrcAdd:
                oGlobalResourceLogic.addGlobalResource(self._oCurUser.uid, oData)
            elif sAction == WuiAdmin.ksActionGlobalRsrcEdit:
                idGlobalRsrc = self.getStringParam(GlobalResourceData.ksParam_idGlobalRsrc)
                oGlobalResourceLogic.editGlobalResource(self._oCurUser.uid, idGlobalRsrc, oData)
                raise WuiException('Invalid parameter.')
            self._sPageTitle  = None;
            self._sPageBody   = None;
            self._sRedirectTo = self._sActionUrlBase + self.ksActionGlobalRsrcShowAll;
            oContent = WuiGlobalResource(oData)
            (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showAddModifyPage(sAction, dErrors=dErrors)

        return True
Esempio n. 2
    def _actionGlobalRsrcShowAddEdit(self, sAction): # pylint: disable=C0103
        """Show Global Resource creation or edit dialog"""

        oGlobalResourceLogic = GlobalResourceLogic(self._oDb)
        if sAction == WuiAdmin.ksActionGlobalRsrcEdit:
            idGlobalRsrc = self.getIntParam(GlobalResourceData.ksParam_idGlobalRsrc, iDefault = -1)
            oData = oGlobalResourceLogic.getById(idGlobalRsrc)
            oData = GlobalResourceData()


        oContent = WuiGlobalResource(oData)
        (self._sPageTitle, self._sPageBody) = oContent.showAddModifyPage(sAction)

        return True
 def __init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, fnDPrint, oDisp, cDaysBack, aiSelectedSortColumns = None):
     WuiListContentBase.__init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, 'System Changelog',
                                 fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp, aiSelectedSortColumns = aiSelectedSortColumns);
     self._asColumnHeaders = [ 'When', 'User', 'Event', 'Details' ];
     self._asColumnAttribs = [ 'align="center"', 'align="center"', '', '' ];
     self._oBuildBlacklistLogic  = BuildBlacklistLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oBuildLogic           = BuildLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oBuildSourceLogic     = BuildSourceLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oFailureCategoryLogic = FailureCategoryLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oFailureReasonLogic   = FailureReasonLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oGlobalResourceLogic  = GlobalResourceLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oSchedGroupLogic      = SchedGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oTestBoxLogic         = TestBoxLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oTestCaseLogic        = TestCaseLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oTestGroupLogic       = TestGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._oUserAccountLogic     = UserAccountLogic(oDisp.getDb());
     self._sPrevDate             = '';
     _ = cDaysBack;
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, oData, sMode, oDisp):
        assert isinstance(oData, TestCaseDataEx)

        if sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Add:
            sTitle = 'New Test Case'
        elif sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Edit:
            sTitle = 'Edit Test Case - %s (#%s)' % (oData.sName,
            assert sMode == WuiFormContentBase.ksMode_Show
            sTitle = 'Test Case - %s (#%s)' % (oData.sName, oData.idTestCase)
        WuiFormContentBase.__init__(self, oData, sMode, 'TestCase', oDisp,

        # Read additional bits form the DB.
        oDepLogic = TestCaseDependencyLogic(oDisp.getDb())
        self._aoAllTestCases = oDepLogic.getApplicableDepTestCaseData(
            -1 if oData.idTestCase is None else oData.idTestCase)
        self._aoAllGlobalRsrcs = GlobalResourceLogic(oDisp.getDb()).getAll()
Esempio n. 5
    def _doGangCleanup(self, oDb, oStatusData):
        _doRequestCommand worker for handling a box in gang-cleanup.
        This will check if all testboxes has completed their run, pretending to
        be busy until that happens.  Once all are completed, resources will be
        freed and the testbox returns to idle state (we update oStatusData).
        oStatusLogic = TestBoxStatusLogic(oDb)
        oTestSet = TestSetData().initFromDbWithId(oDb, oStatusData.idTestSet);
        if oStatusLogic.isWholeGangDoneTesting(oTestSet.idTestSetGangLeader):

            GlobalResourceLogic(oDb).freeGlobalResourcesByTestBox(self._idTestBox, fCommit = False);
            TestBoxStatusLogic(oDb).updateState(self._idTestBox, TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_Idle, fCommit = False);

            oStatusData.tsUpdated = oDb.getCurrentTimestamp();
            oStatusData.enmState = TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_Idle;

        return None;
    def _doGangGatheringTimedOut(self, oDb, oStatusData):
        _doRequestCommand worker for handling a box in gang-gathering-timed-out state.
        This will do clean-ups similar to _cleanupOldTest and update the state likewise.


        oStatusData.tsUpdated = oDb.getCurrentTimestamp()
        oStatusData.enmState = TestBoxStatusData.ksTestBoxState_Idle

        return None
class WuiAdminSystemChangelogList(WuiListContentBase):
    WUI System Changelog Content Generator.

    def __init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, fnDPrint, oDisp, cDaysBack, aiSelectedSortColumns = None):
        WuiListContentBase.__init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, 'System Changelog',
                                    fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp, aiSelectedSortColumns = aiSelectedSortColumns);
        self._asColumnHeaders = [ 'When', 'User', 'Event', 'Details' ];
        self._asColumnAttribs = [ 'align="center"', 'align="center"', '', '' ];
        self._oBuildBlacklistLogic  = BuildBlacklistLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oBuildLogic           = BuildLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oBuildSourceLogic     = BuildSourceLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oFailureCategoryLogic = FailureCategoryLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oFailureReasonLogic   = FailureReasonLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oGlobalResourceLogic  = GlobalResourceLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oSchedGroupLogic      = SchedGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oTestBoxLogic         = TestBoxLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oTestCaseLogic        = TestCaseLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oTestGroupLogic       = TestGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oUserAccountLogic     = UserAccountLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._sPrevDate             = '';
        _ = cDaysBack;

    #   oDetails = self._createBlacklistingDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
    def _createBlacklistingDetailsLink(self, idBlacklisting, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the build source details. """
        oBlacklisting = self._oBuildBlacklistLogic.cachedLookup(idBlacklisting);
        if oBlacklisting is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink('Blacklisting #%u' % (oBlacklisting.idBlacklisting,),
                                WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildBlacklistDetails, tsEffective,
                                { BuildBlacklistData.ksParam_idBlacklisting: oBlacklisting.idBlacklisting },
                                fBracketed = False);
        return WuiElementText('[blacklisting #%u not found]' % (idBlacklisting,));

    def _createBuildDetailsLink(self, idBuild, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the build details. """
        oBuild = self._oBuildLogic.cachedLookup(idBuild);
        if oBuild is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink('%s %sr%u' % ( oBuild.oCat.sProduct, oBuild.sVersion, oBuild.iRevision),
                                WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildDetails, tsEffective,
                                { BuildData.ksParam_idBuild: oBuild.idBuild },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'build #%u for %s, type %s'
                                       % (oBuild.idBuild, ' & '.join(oBuild.oCat.asOsArches), oBuild.oCat.sType));
        return WuiElementText('[build #%u not found]' % (idBuild,));

    def _createBuildSourceDetailsLink(self, idBuildSrc, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the build source details. """
        oBuildSource = self._oBuildSourceLogic.cachedLookup(idBuildSrc);
        if oBuildSource is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oBuildSource.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildSrcDetails, tsEffective,
                                { BuildSourceData.ksParam_idBuildSrc: oBuildSource.idBuildSrc },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Build source #%u' % (oBuildSource.idBuildSrc,));
        return WuiElementText('[build source #%u not found]' % (idBuildSrc,));

    def _createFailureCategoryDetailsLink(self, idFailureCategory, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the failure category details. """
        oFailureCategory = self._oFailureCategoryLogic.cachedLookup(idFailureCategory);
        if oFailureCategory is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oFailureCategory.sShort, WuiAdmin.ksActionFailureCategoryDetails, tsEffective,
                                { FailureCategoryData.ksParam_idFailureCategory: oFailureCategory.idFailureCategory },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Failure category #%u' % (oFailureCategory.idFailureCategory,));
        return WuiElementText('[failure category #%u not found]' % (idFailureCategory,));

    def _createFailureReasonDetailsLink(self, idFailureReason, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the failure reason details. """
        oFailureReason = self._oFailureReasonLogic.cachedLookup(idFailureReason);
        if oFailureReason is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oFailureReason.sShort, WuiAdmin.ksActionFailureReasonDetails, tsEffective,
                                { FailureReasonData.ksParam_idFailureReason: oFailureReason.idFailureReason },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Failure reason #%u, category %s'
                                       % (oFailureReason.idFailureReason, oFailureReason.oCategory.sShort));
        return WuiElementText('[failure reason #%u not found]' % (idFailureReason,));

    def _createGlobalResourceDetailsLink(self, idGlobalRsrc, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the global resource details. """
        oGlobalResource = self._oGlobalResourceLogic.cachedLookup(idGlobalRsrc);
        if oGlobalResource is not None:
            return WuiAdminLink(oGlobalResource.sName, '@todo', tsEffective,
                                { GlobalResourceData.ksParam_idGlobalRsrc: oGlobalResource.idGlobalRsrc },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Global resource #%u' % (oGlobalResource.idGlobalRsrc,));
        return WuiElementText('[global resource #%u not found]' % (idGlobalRsrc,));

    def _createSchedGroupDetailsLink(self, idSchedGroup, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the scheduling group details. """
        oSchedGroup = self._oSchedGroupLogic.cachedLookup(idSchedGroup);
        if oSchedGroup is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oSchedGroup.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionSchedGroupDetails, tsEffective,
                                { SchedGroupData.ksParam_idSchedGroup: oSchedGroup.idSchedGroup },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Scheduling group #%u' % (oSchedGroup.idSchedGroup,));
        return WuiElementText('[scheduling group #%u not found]' % (idSchedGroup,));

    def _createTestBoxDetailsLink(self, idTestBox, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the testbox details. """
        oTestBox = self._oTestBoxLogic.cachedLookup(idTestBox);
        if oTestBox is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oTestBox.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestBoxDetails, tsEffective,
                                { TestBoxData.ksParam_idTestBox: oTestBox.idTestBox },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = 'Testbox #%u' % (oTestBox.idTestBox,));
        return WuiElementText('[testbox #%u not found]' % (idTestBox,));

    def _createTestCaseDetailsLink(self, idTestCase, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test case details. """
        oTestCase = self._oTestCaseLogic.cachedLookup(idTestCase);
        if oTestCase is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oTestCase.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseDetails, tsEffective,
                                { TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase: oTestCase.idTestCase },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = 'Test case #%u' % (oTestCase.idTestCase,));
        return WuiElementText('[test case #%u not found]' % (idTestCase,));

    def _createTestGroupDetailsLink(self, idTestGroup, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test group details. """
        oTestGroup = self._oTestGroupLogic.cachedLookup(idTestGroup);
        if oTestGroup is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oTestGroup.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestGroupDetails, tsEffective,
                                { TestGroupData.ksParam_idTestGroup: oTestGroup.idTestGroup },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = 'Test group #%u' % (oTestGroup.idTestGroup,));
        return WuiElementText('[test group #%u not found]' % (idTestGroup,));

    def _createTestSetResultsDetailsLink(self, idTestSet, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test set results. """
        _ = tsEffective;
        from testmanager.webui.wuimain import WuiMain;
        return WuiMainLink('test set #%u' % idTestSet, WuiMain.ksActionTestSetDetails,
                           { TestSetData.ksParam_idTestSet: idTestSet }, fBracketed = False);

    def _createTestSetDetailsLinkByResult(self, idTestResult, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test set results. """
        _ = tsEffective;
        from testmanager.webui.wuimain import WuiMain;
        return WuiMainLink('test result #%u' % idTestResult, WuiMain.ksActionTestSetDetailsFromResult,
                           { TestSetData.ksParam_idTestResult: idTestResult }, fBracketed = False);

    def _createUserAccountDetailsLink(self, uid, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the user account details. """
        oUser = self._oUserAccountLogic.cachedLookup(uid);
        if oUser is not None:
            return WuiAdminLink(oUser.sUsername, '@todo', tsEffective, { UserAccountData.ksParam_uid: oUser.uid },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = '%s (#%u)' % (oUser.sFullName, oUser.uid));
        return WuiElementText('[user #%u not found]' % (uid,));

    def _formatDescGeneric(self, sDesc, oEntry):
        Generically format system log the description.
        oRet = WuiHtmlKeeper();
        asWords = sDesc.split();
        for sWord in asWords:
            offEqual = sWord.find('=');
            if offEqual > 0:
                sKey = sWord[:offEqual];
                try:    idValue = int(sWord[offEqual+1:].rstrip('.,'));
                except: pass;
                    if sKey == 'idTestSet':
                        oRet.append(self._createTestSetResultsDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective));
                    if sKey == 'idTestBox':
                        oRet.append(self._createTestBoxDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective));
                    if sKey == 'idSchedGroup':
                        oRet.append(self._createSchedGroupDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective));

        return oRet;

    def _formatListEntryHtml(self, iEntry): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
        Overridden parent method.
        oEntry    = self._aoEntries[iEntry];
        sRowClass = 'tmodd' if (iEntry + 1) & 1 else 'tmeven';
        sHtml     = u'';

        # Format the timestamp.
        sDate = self.formatTsShort(oEntry.tsEffective);
        if sDate[:10] != self._sPrevDate:
            self._sPrevDate = sDate[:10];
            sHtml += '  <tr class="%s tmdaterow" align="left"><td colspan="7">%s</td></tr>\n' % (sRowClass, sDate[:10],);
        sDate = sDate[11:]

        # System log events.
        # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
        aoChanges = None;
        if   oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_CmdNacked:
            sEvent = 'Command not acknowleged';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_TestBoxUnknown:
            sEvent = 'Unknown testbox';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_TestSetAbandoned:
            sEvent = 'Abandoned ' if oEntry.sDesc.startswith('idTestSet') else 'Abandoned test set';
            oDetails = self._formatDescGeneric(oEntry.sDesc, oEntry);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_UserAccountUnknown:
            sEvent = 'Unknown user account';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_XmlResultMalformed:
            sEvent = 'Malformed XML result';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_SchedQueueRecreate:
            sEvent = 'Recreating scheduling queue';
            asWords = oEntry.sDesc.split();
            if len(asWords) > 3 and asWords[0] == 'User' and asWords[1][0] == '#':
                try:    idAuthor = int(asWords[1][1:]);
                except: pass;
                    oEntry.oAuthor = self._oUserAccountLogic.cachedLookup(idAuthor);
                    if oEntry.oAuthor is not None:
                        i = 2;
                        if asWords[i] == 'recreated':   i += 1;
                        oEntry.sDesc = ' '.join(asWords[i:]);
            oDetails = self._formatDescGeneric(oEntry.sDesc.replace('sched queue #', 'for scheduling group idSchedGroup='),
        # System changelog events.
        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_Blacklisting:
            sEvent = 'Modified blacklisting';
            oDetails = self._createBlacklistingDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_Build:
            sEvent = 'Modified build';
            oDetails = self._createBuildDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_BuildSource:
            sEvent = 'Modified build source';
            oDetails = self._createBuildSourceDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_GlobalRsrc:
            sEvent = 'Modified global resource';
            oDetails = self._createGlobalResourceDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_FailureCategory:
            sEvent = 'Modified failure category';
            oDetails = self._createFailureCategoryDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oFailureCategoryLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_FailureReason:
            sEvent = 'Modified failure reason';
            oDetails = self._createFailureReasonDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oFailureReasonLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_SchedGroup:
            sEvent = 'Modified scheduling group';
            oDetails = self._createSchedGroupDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestBox:
            sEvent = 'Modified testbox';
            oDetails = self._createTestBoxDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oTestBoxLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestCase:
            sEvent = 'Modified test case';
            oDetails = self._createTestCaseDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oTestCaseLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestGroup:
            sEvent = 'Modified test group';
            oDetails = self._createTestGroupDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestResult:
            sEvent = 'Modified test failure reason';
            oDetails = self._createTestSetDetailsLinkByResult(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_User:
            sEvent = 'Modified user account';
            oDetails = self._createUserAccountDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

            sEvent   = '%s(%s)' % (oEntry.sEvent, oEntry.idWhat,);
            oDetails = '!Unknown event!' + (oEntry.sDesc if oEntry.sDesc else '');

        # Do the formatting.

        if aoChanges:
            oChangeEntry    = aoChanges[0];
            cAttribsChanged = len(oChangeEntry.aoChanges) + 1;
            if oChangeEntry.oOldRaw is None and sEvent.startswith('Modified '):
                sEvent = 'Created ' + sEvent[9:];

            oChangeEntry    = None;
            cAttribsChanged = -1;

        sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s">\n' \
                 u'    <td rowspan="%d" align="center" >%s</td>\n' \
                 u'    <td rowspan="%d" align="center" >%s</td>\n' \
                 u'    <td colspan="5" class="%s%s">%s %s</td>\n' \
                 u'  </tr>\n' \
               % ( sRowClass,
                  1 + cAttribsChanged + 1, sDate,
                  1 + cAttribsChanged + 1, webutils.escapeElem(oEntry.oAuthor.sUsername if oEntry.oAuthor is not None else ''),
                  sRowClass, ' tmsyschlogevent' if oChangeEntry is not None else '', webutils.escapeElem(sEvent),
                  oDetails.toHtml() if isinstance(oDetails, WuiHtmlBase) else oDetails,

        if oChangeEntry is not None:
            sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s tmsyschlogspacerrowabove">\n' \
                     u'    <td xrowspan="%d" style="border-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px;"></td>\n' \
                     u'    <td colspan="3" style="border-right: 0px;"></td>\n' \
                     u'    <td rowspan="%d" class="%s tmsyschlogspacer"></td>\n' \
                     u'  </tr>\n' \
                   % (sRowClass, cAttribsChanged + 1, cAttribsChanged + 1, sRowClass);
            for j, oChange in enumerate(oChangeEntry.aoChanges):
                fLastRow = j + 1 == len(oChangeEntry.aoChanges);
                sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s%s tmsyschlogattr%s">\n' \
                       % ( sRowClass, 'odd' if j & 1 else 'even', ' tmsyschlogattrfinal' if fLastRow else '',);
                if j == 0:
                    sHtml += u'    <td class="%s tmsyschlogspacer" rowspan="%d"></td>\n' % (sRowClass, cAttribsChanged - 1,);

                if isinstance(oChange, AttributeChangeEntryPre):
                    sHtml += u'    <td class="%s%s">%s</td>\n' \
                             u'    <td><div class="tdpre"><pre>%s</pre></div></td>\n' \
                             u'    <td class="%s%s"><div class="tdpre"><pre>%s</pre></div></td>\n' \
                           % ( ' tmtopleft' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomleft' if fLastRow else '',
                               ' tmtopright' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomright' if fLastRow else '',
                               webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sNewText), );
                    sHtml += u'    <td class="%s%s">%s</td>\n' \
                             u'    <td>%s</td>\n' \
                             u'    <td class="%s%s">%s</td>\n' \
                           % ( ' tmtopleft' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomleft' if fLastRow else '',
                               ' tmtopright' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomright' if fLastRow else '',
                               webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sNewText), );
                sHtml += u'  </tr>\n';

        if oChangeEntry is not None:
            sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s tmsyschlogspacerrowbelow "><td colspan="5"></td></tr>\n\n' % (sRowClass,);
        return sHtml;

    def _generateTableHeaders(self):
        Overridden parent method.

        sHtml = u'<thead class="tmheader">\n' \
                u' <tr>\n' \
                u'  <th rowspan="2">When</th>\n' \
                u'  <th rowspan="2">Who</th>\n' \
                u'  <th colspan="5">Event</th>\n' \
                u' </tr>\n' \
                u' <tr>\n' \
                u'  <th style="border-right: 0px;"></th>\n' \
                u'  <th>Attribute</th>\n' \
                u'  <th>Old</th>\n' \
                u'  <th style="border-right: 0px;">New</th>\n' \
                u'  <th></th>\n' \
                u' </tr>\n' \
        return sHtml;
class WuiAdminSystemChangelogList(WuiListContentBase):
    WUI System Changelog Content Generator.

    def __init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, fnDPrint, oDisp, cDaysBack, aiSelectedSortColumns = None):
        WuiListContentBase.__init__(self, aoEntries, iPage, cItemsPerPage, tsEffective, 'System Changelog',
                                    fnDPrint = fnDPrint, oDisp = oDisp, aiSelectedSortColumns = aiSelectedSortColumns);
        self._asColumnHeaders = [ 'When', 'User', 'Event', 'Details' ];
        self._asColumnAttribs = [ 'align="center"', 'align="center"', '', '' ];
        self._oBuildBlacklistLogic  = BuildBlacklistLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oBuildLogic           = BuildLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oBuildSourceLogic     = BuildSourceLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oFailureCategoryLogic = FailureCategoryLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oFailureReasonLogic   = FailureReasonLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oGlobalResourceLogic  = GlobalResourceLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oSchedGroupLogic      = SchedGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oTestBoxLogic         = TestBoxLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oTestCaseLogic        = TestCaseLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oTestGroupLogic       = TestGroupLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._oUserAccountLogic     = UserAccountLogic(oDisp.getDb());
        self._sPrevDate             = '';
        _ = cDaysBack;

    #   oDetails = self._createBlacklistingDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
    def _createBlacklistingDetailsLink(self, idBlacklisting, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the build source details. """
        oBlacklisting = self._oBuildBlacklistLogic.cachedLookup(idBlacklisting);
        if oBlacklisting is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink('Blacklisting #%u' % (oBlacklisting.idBlacklisting,),
                                WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildBlacklistDetails, tsEffective,
                                { BuildBlacklistData.ksParam_idBlacklisting: oBlacklisting.idBlacklisting },
                                fBracketed = False);
        return WuiElementText('[blacklisting #%u not found]' % (idBlacklisting,));

    def _createBuildDetailsLink(self, idBuild, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the build details. """
        oBuild = self._oBuildLogic.cachedLookup(idBuild);
        if oBuild is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink('%s %sr%u' % ( oBuild.oCat.sProduct, oBuild.sVersion, oBuild.iRevision),
                                WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildDetails, tsEffective,
                                { BuildData.ksParam_idBuild: oBuild.idBuild },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'build #%u for %s, type %s'
                                       % (oBuild.idBuild, ' & '.join(oBuild.oCat.asOsArches), oBuild.oCat.sType));
        return WuiElementText('[build #%u not found]' % (idBuild,));

    def _createBuildSourceDetailsLink(self, idBuildSrc, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the build source details. """
        oBuildSource = self._oBuildSourceLogic.cachedLookup(idBuildSrc);
        if oBuildSource is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oBuildSource.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildSrcDetails, tsEffective,
                                { BuildSourceData.ksParam_idBuildSrc: oBuildSource.idBuildSrc },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Build source #%u' % (oBuildSource.idBuildSrc,));
        return WuiElementText('[build source #%u not found]' % (idBuildSrc,));

    def _createFailureCategoryDetailsLink(self, idFailureCategory, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the failure category details. """
        oFailureCategory = self._oFailureCategoryLogic.cachedLookup(idFailureCategory);
        if oFailureCategory is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oFailureCategory.sShort, WuiAdmin.ksActionFailureCategoryDetails, tsEffective,
                                { FailureCategoryData.ksParam_idFailureCategory: oFailureCategory.idFailureCategory },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Failure category #%u' % (oFailureCategory.idFailureCategory,));
        return WuiElementText('[failure category #%u not found]' % (idFailureCategory,));

    def _createFailureReasonDetailsLink(self, idFailureReason, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the failure reason details. """
        oFailureReason = self._oFailureReasonLogic.cachedLookup(idFailureReason);
        if oFailureReason is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oFailureReason.sShort, WuiAdmin.ksActionFailureReasonDetails, tsEffective,
                                { FailureReasonData.ksParam_idFailureReason: oFailureReason.idFailureReason },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Failure reason #%u, category %s'
                                       % (oFailureReason.idFailureReason, oFailureReason.oCategory.sShort));
        return WuiElementText('[failure reason #%u not found]' % (idFailureReason,));

    def _createGlobalResourceDetailsLink(self, idGlobalRsrc, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the global resource details. """
        oGlobalResource = self._oGlobalResourceLogic.cachedLookup(idGlobalRsrc);
        if oGlobalResource is not None:
            return WuiAdminLink(oGlobalResource.sName, '@todo', tsEffective,
                                { GlobalResourceData.ksParam_idGlobalRsrc: oGlobalResource.idGlobalRsrc },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Global resource #%u' % (oGlobalResource.idGlobalRsrc,));
        return WuiElementText('[global resource #%u not found]' % (idGlobalRsrc,));

    def _createSchedGroupDetailsLink(self, idSchedGroup, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the scheduling group details. """
        oSchedGroup = self._oSchedGroupLogic.cachedLookup(idSchedGroup);
        if oSchedGroup is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oSchedGroup.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionSchedGroupDetails, tsEffective,
                                { SchedGroupData.ksParam_idSchedGroup: oSchedGroup.idSchedGroup },
                                fBracketed = False,
                                sTitle = 'Scheduling group #%u' % (oSchedGroup.idSchedGroup,));
        return WuiElementText('[scheduling group #%u not found]' % (idSchedGroup,));

    def _createTestBoxDetailsLink(self, idTestBox, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the testbox details. """
        oTestBox = self._oTestBoxLogic.cachedLookup(idTestBox);
        if oTestBox is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oTestBox.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestBoxDetails, tsEffective,
                                { TestBoxData.ksParam_idTestBox: oTestBox.idTestBox },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = 'Testbox #%u' % (oTestBox.idTestBox,));
        return WuiElementText('[testbox #%u not found]' % (idTestBox,));

    def _createTestCaseDetailsLink(self, idTestCase, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test case details. """
        oTestCase = self._oTestCaseLogic.cachedLookup(idTestCase);
        if oTestCase is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oTestCase.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseDetails, tsEffective,
                                { TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase: oTestCase.idTestCase },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = 'Test case #%u' % (oTestCase.idTestCase,));
        return WuiElementText('[test case #%u not found]' % (idTestCase,));

    def _createTestGroupDetailsLink(self, idTestGroup, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test group details. """
        oTestGroup = self._oTestGroupLogic.cachedLookup(idTestGroup);
        if oTestGroup is not None:
            from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin;
            return WuiAdminLink(oTestGroup.sName, WuiAdmin.ksActionTestGroupDetails, tsEffective,
                                { TestGroupData.ksParam_idTestGroup: oTestGroup.idTestGroup },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = 'Test group #%u' % (oTestGroup.idTestGroup,));
        return WuiElementText('[test group #%u not found]' % (idTestGroup,));

    def _createTestSetResultsDetailsLink(self, idTestSet, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test set results. """
        _ = tsEffective;
        from testmanager.webui.wuimain import WuiMain;
        return WuiMainLink('test set #%u' % idTestSet, WuiMain.ksActionTestSetDetails,
                           { TestSetData.ksParam_idTestSet: idTestSet }, fBracketed = False);

    def _createTestSetDetailsLinkByResult(self, idTestResult, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the test set results. """
        _ = tsEffective;
        from testmanager.webui.wuimain import WuiMain;
        return WuiMainLink('test result #%u' % idTestResult, WuiMain.ksActionTestSetDetailsFromResult,
                           { TestSetData.ksParam_idTestResult: idTestResult }, fBracketed = False);

    def _createUserAccountDetailsLink(self, uid, tsEffective):
        """ Creates a link to the user account details. """
        oUser = self._oUserAccountLogic.cachedLookup(uid);
        if oUser is not None:
            return WuiAdminLink(oUser.sUsername, '@todo', tsEffective, { UserAccountData.ksParam_uid: oUser.uid },
                                fBracketed = False, sTitle = '%s (#%u)' % (oUser.sFullName, oUser.uid));
        return WuiElementText('[user #%u not found]' % (uid,));

    def _formatDescGeneric(self, sDesc, oEntry):
        Generically format system log the description.
        oRet = WuiHtmlKeeper();
        asWords = sDesc.split();
        for sWord in asWords:
            offEqual = sWord.find('=');
            if offEqual > 0:
                sKey = sWord[:offEqual];
                try:    idValue = int(sWord[offEqual+1:].rstrip('.,'));
                except: pass;
                    if sKey == 'idTestSet':
                        oRet.append(self._createTestSetResultsDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective));
                    if sKey == 'idTestBox':
                        oRet.append(self._createTestBoxDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective));
                    if sKey == 'idSchedGroup':
                        oRet.append(self._createSchedGroupDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective));

        return oRet;

    def _formatListEntryHtml(self, iEntry): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
        Overridden parent method.
        oEntry    = self._aoEntries[iEntry];
        sRowClass = 'tmodd' if (iEntry + 1) & 1 else 'tmeven';
        sHtml     = u'';

        # Format the timestamp.
        sDate = self.formatTsShort(oEntry.tsEffective);
        if sDate[:10] != self._sPrevDate:
            self._sPrevDate = sDate[:10];
            sHtml += '  <tr class="%s tmdaterow" align="left"><td colspan="7">%s</td></tr>\n' % (sRowClass, sDate[:10],);
        sDate = sDate[11:]

        # System log events.
        # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
        aoChanges = None;
        if   oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_CmdNacked:
            sEvent = 'Command not acknowleged';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_TestBoxUnknown:
            sEvent = 'Unknown testbox';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_TestSetAbandoned:
            sEvent = 'Abandoned ' if oEntry.sDesc.startswith('idTestSet') else 'Abandoned test set';
            oDetails = self._formatDescGeneric(oEntry.sDesc, oEntry);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_UserAccountUnknown:
            sEvent = 'Unknown user account';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_XmlResultMalformed:
            sEvent = 'Malformed XML result';
            oDetails = oEntry.sDesc;

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemLogData.ksEvent_SchedQueueRecreate:
            sEvent = 'Recreating scheduling queue';
            asWords = oEntry.sDesc.split();
            if len(asWords) > 3 and asWords[0] == 'User' and asWords[1][0] == '#':
                try:    idAuthor = int(asWords[1][1:]);
                except: pass;
                    oEntry.oAuthor = self._oUserAccountLogic.cachedLookup(idAuthor);
                    if oEntry.oAuthor is not None:
                        i = 2;
                        if asWords[i] == 'recreated':   i += 1;
                        oEntry.sDesc = ' '.join(asWords[i:]);
            oDetails = self._formatDescGeneric(oEntry.sDesc.replace('sched queue #', 'for scheduling group idSchedGroup='),
        # System changelog events.
        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_Blacklisting:
            sEvent = 'Modified blacklisting';
            oDetails = self._createBlacklistingDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_Build:
            sEvent = 'Modified build';
            oDetails = self._createBuildDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_BuildSource:
            sEvent = 'Modified build source';
            oDetails = self._createBuildSourceDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_GlobalRsrc:
            sEvent = 'Modified global resource';
            oDetails = self._createGlobalResourceDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_FailureCategory:
            sEvent = 'Modified failure category';
            oDetails = self._createFailureCategoryDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oFailureCategoryLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_FailureReason:
            sEvent = 'Modified failure reason';
            oDetails = self._createFailureReasonDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oFailureReasonLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_SchedGroup:
            sEvent = 'Modified scheduling group';
            oDetails = self._createSchedGroupDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestBox:
            sEvent = 'Modified testbox';
            oDetails = self._createTestBoxDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oTestBoxLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestCase:
            sEvent = 'Modified test case';
            oDetails = self._createTestCaseDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);
            (aoChanges, _) = self._oTestCaseLogic.fetchForChangeLog(oEntry.idWhat, 0, 1, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestGroup:
            sEvent = 'Modified test group';
            oDetails = self._createTestGroupDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_TestResult:
            sEvent = 'Modified test failure reason';
            oDetails = self._createTestSetDetailsLinkByResult(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

        elif oEntry.sEvent == SystemChangelogLogic.ksWhat_User:
            sEvent = 'Modified user account';
            oDetails = self._createUserAccountDetailsLink(oEntry.idWhat, oEntry.tsEffective);

            sEvent   = '%s(%s)' % (oEntry.sEvent, oEntry.idWhat,);
            oDetails = '!Unknown event!' + (oEntry.sDesc if oEntry.sDesc else '');

        # Do the formatting.

        if aoChanges:
            oChangeEntry    = aoChanges[0];
            cAttribsChanged = len(oChangeEntry.aoChanges) + 1;
            if oChangeEntry.oOldRaw is None and sEvent.startswith('Modified '):
                sEvent = 'Created ' + sEvent[9:];

            oChangeEntry    = None;
            cAttribsChanged = -1;

        sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s">\n' \
                 u'    <td rowspan="%d" align="center" >%s</td>\n' \
                 u'    <td rowspan="%d" align="center" >%s</td>\n' \
                 u'    <td colspan="5" class="%s%s">%s %s</td>\n' \
                 u'  </tr>\n' \
               % ( sRowClass,
                  1 + cAttribsChanged + 1, sDate,
                  1 + cAttribsChanged + 1, webutils.escapeElem(oEntry.oAuthor.sUsername if oEntry.oAuthor is not None else ''),
                  sRowClass, ' tmsyschlogevent' if oChangeEntry is not None else '', webutils.escapeElem(sEvent),
                  oDetails.toHtml() if isinstance(oDetails, WuiHtmlBase) else oDetails,

        if oChangeEntry is not None:
            sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s tmsyschlogspacerrowabove">\n' \
                     u'    <td xrowspan="%d" style="border-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px;"></td>\n' \
                     u'    <td colspan="3" style="border-right: 0px;"></td>\n' \
                     u'    <td rowspan="%d" class="%s tmsyschlogspacer"></td>\n' \
                     u'  </tr>\n' \
                   % (sRowClass, cAttribsChanged + 1, cAttribsChanged + 1, sRowClass);
            for j, oChange in enumerate(oChangeEntry.aoChanges):
                fLastRow = j + 1 == len(oChangeEntry.aoChanges);
                sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s%s tmsyschlogattr%s">\n' \
                       % ( sRowClass, 'odd' if j & 1 else 'even', ' tmsyschlogattrfinal' if fLastRow else '',);
                if j == 0:
                    sHtml += u'    <td class="%s tmsyschlogspacer" rowspan="%d"></td>\n' % (sRowClass, cAttribsChanged - 1,);

                if isinstance(oChange, AttributeChangeEntryPre):
                    sHtml += u'    <td class="%s%s">%s</td>\n' \
                             u'    <td><div class="tdpre"><pre>%s</pre></div></td>\n' \
                             u'    <td class="%s%s"><div class="tdpre"><pre>%s</pre></div></td>\n' \
                           % ( ' tmtopleft' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomleft' if fLastRow else '',
                               ' tmtopright' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomright' if fLastRow else '',
                               webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sNewText), );
                    sHtml += u'    <td class="%s%s">%s</td>\n' \
                             u'    <td>%s</td>\n' \
                             u'    <td class="%s%s">%s</td>\n' \
                           % ( ' tmtopleft' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomleft' if fLastRow else '',
                               ' tmtopright' if j == 0 else '', ' tmbottomright' if fLastRow else '',
                               webutils.escapeElem(oChange.sNewText), );
                sHtml += u'  </tr>\n';

        if oChangeEntry is not None:
            sHtml += u'  <tr class="%s tmsyschlogspacerrowbelow "><td colspan="5"></td></tr>\n\n' % (sRowClass,);
        return sHtml;

    def _generateTableHeaders(self):
        Overridden parent method.

        sHtml = u'<thead class="tmheader">\n' \
                u' <tr>\n' \
                u'  <th rowspan="2">When</th>\n' \
                u'  <th rowspan="2">Who</th>\n' \
                u'  <th colspan="5">Event</th>\n' \
                u' </tr>\n' \
                u' <tr>\n' \
                u'  <th style="border-right: 0px;"></th>\n' \
                u'  <th>Attribute</th>\n' \
                u'  <th>Old</th>\n' \
                u'  <th style="border-right: 0px;">New</th>\n' \
                u'  <th></th>\n' \
                u' </tr>\n' \
        return sHtml;