def _formatDescGeneric(self, sDesc, oEntry): """ Generically format system log the description. """ oRet = WuiHtmlKeeper(); asWords = sDesc.split(); for sWord in asWords: offEqual = sWord.find('='); if offEqual > 0: sKey = sWord[:offEqual]; try: idValue = int(sWord[offEqual+1:].rstrip('.,')); except: pass; else: if sKey == 'idTestSet': oRet.append(self._createTestSetResultsDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective)); continue; if sKey == 'idTestBox': oRet.append(self._createTestBoxDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective)); continue; if sKey == 'idSchedGroup': oRet.append(self._createSchedGroupDetailsLink(idValue, oEntry.tsEffective)); continue; oRet.append(WuiElementText(sWord)); return oRet;
def showTestCaseResultDetails(self, # pylint: disable=R0914,R0915 oTestResultTree, oTestSet, oBuildEx, oValidationKitEx, oTestBox, oTestGroup, oTestCaseEx, oTestVarEx): """Show detailed result""" def getTcDepsHtmlList(aoTestCaseData): """Get HTML <ul> list of Test Case name items""" if len(aoTestCaseData) > 0: sTmp = '<ul>' for oTestCaseData in aoTestCaseData: sTmp += '<li>%s</li>' % (webutils.escapeElem(oTestCaseData.sName),); sTmp += '</ul>' else: sTmp = 'No items' return sTmp def getGrDepsHtmlList(aoGlobalResourceData): """Get HTML <ul> list of Global Resource name items""" if len(aoGlobalResourceData) > 0: sTmp = '<ul>' for oGlobalResourceData in aoGlobalResourceData: sTmp += '<li>%s</li>' % (webutils.escapeElem(oGlobalResourceData.sName),); sTmp += '</ul>' else: sTmp = 'No items' return sTmp asHtml = [] from testmanager.webui.wuireport import WuiReportSummaryLink; tsReportEffectiveDate = None; if oTestSet.tsDone is not None: tsReportEffectiveDate = oTestSet.tsDone + datetime.timedelta(days = 4); if tsReportEffectiveDate >= self.getNowTs(): tsReportEffectiveDate = None; # Test result + test set details. aoResultRows = [ WuiHtmlKeeper([ WuiTmLink(oTestCaseEx.sName, self.oWuiAdmin.ksScriptName, { self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamAction: self.oWuiAdmin.ksActionTestCaseDetails, TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase: oTestCaseEx.idTestCase, self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: oTestSet.tsConfig, }, fBracketed = False), WuiReportSummaryLink(ReportModelBase.ksSubTestCase, oTestCaseEx.idTestCase, tsNow = tsReportEffectiveDate, fBracketed = False), ]), ]; if oTestCaseEx.sDescription is not None and len(oTestCaseEx.sDescription) > 0: aoResultRows.append([oTestCaseEx.sDescription,]); aoResultRows.append([ 'Status:', WuiRawHtml('<span class="tmspan-status-%s">%s</span>' % (oTestResultTree.enmStatus, oTestResultTree.enmStatus,))]); if oTestResultTree.cErrors > 0: aoResultRows.append(( 'Errors:', oTestResultTree.cErrors )); aoResultRows.append([ 'Elapsed:', oTestResultTree.tsElapsed ]); cSecCfgTimeout = oTestCaseEx.cSecTimeout if oTestVarEx.cSecTimeout is None else oTestVarEx.cSecTimeout; cSecEffTimeout = cSecCfgTimeout * oTestBox.pctScaleTimeout / 100; aoResultRows.append([ 'Timeout:', '%s (%s sec)' % (utils.formatIntervalSeconds(cSecEffTimeout), cSecEffTimeout,) ]); if cSecEffTimeout != cSecCfgTimeout: aoResultRows.append([ 'Cfg Timeout:', '%s (%s sec)' % (utils.formatIntervalSeconds(cSecCfgTimeout), cSecCfgTimeout,) ]); aoResultRows += [ ( 'Started:', WuiTmLink(self.formatTsShort(oTestSet.tsCreated), WuiMain.ksScriptName, { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionResultsUnGrouped, WuiMain.ksParamEffectiveDate: oTestSet.tsCreated, }, fBracketed = False) ), ]; if oTestSet.tsDone is not None: aoResultRows += [ ( 'Done:', WuiTmLink(self.formatTsShort(oTestSet.tsDone), WuiMain.ksScriptName, { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionResultsUnGrouped, WuiMain.ksParamEffectiveDate: oTestSet.tsDone, }, fBracketed = False) ) ]; else: aoResultRows += [( 'Done:', 'Still running...')]; aoResultRows += [( 'Config:', oTestSet.tsConfig )]; if oTestVarEx.cGangMembers > 1: aoResultRows.append([ 'Member No:', '#%s (of %s)' % (oTestSet.iGangMemberNo, oTestVarEx.cGangMembers) ]); aoResultRows += [ ( 'Test Group:', WuiHtmlKeeper([ WuiTmLink(oTestGroup.sName, self.oWuiAdmin.ksScriptName, { self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamAction: self.oWuiAdmin.ksActionTestGroupDetails, TestGroupData.ksParam_idTestGroup: oTestGroup.idTestGroup, self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: oTestSet.tsConfig, }, fBracketed = False), WuiReportSummaryLink(ReportModelBase.ksSubTestGroup, oTestGroup.idTestGroup, tsNow = tsReportEffectiveDate, fBracketed = False), ]), ), ]; if oTestVarEx.sTestBoxReqExpr is not None: aoResultRows.append([ 'TestBox reqs:', oTestVarEx.sTestBoxReqExpr ]); elif oTestCaseEx.sTestBoxReqExpr is not None or oTestVarEx.sTestBoxReqExpr is not None: aoResultRows.append([ 'TestBox reqs:', oTestCaseEx.sTestBoxReqExpr ]); if oTestVarEx.sBuildReqExpr is not None: aoResultRows.append([ 'Build reqs:', oTestVarEx.sBuildReqExpr ]); elif oTestCaseEx.sBuildReqExpr is not None or oTestVarEx.sBuildReqExpr is not None: aoResultRows.append([ 'Build reqs:', oTestCaseEx.sBuildReqExpr ]); if oTestCaseEx.sValidationKitZips is not None and oTestCaseEx.sValidationKitZips != '@VALIDATIONKIT_ZIP@': aoResultRows.append([ 'Validation Kit:', oTestCaseEx.sValidationKitZips ]); if oTestCaseEx.aoDepTestCases is not None and len(oTestCaseEx.aoDepTestCases) > 0: aoResultRows.append([ 'Prereq. Test Cases:', oTestCaseEx.aoDepTestCases, getTcDepsHtmlList ]); if oTestCaseEx.aoDepGlobalResources is not None and len(oTestCaseEx.aoDepGlobalResources) > 0: aoResultRows.append([ 'Global Resources:', oTestCaseEx.aoDepGlobalResources, getGrDepsHtmlList ]); # Builds. aoBuildRows = []; if oBuildEx is not None: aoBuildRows += [ WuiHtmlKeeper([ WuiTmLink('Build', self.oWuiAdmin.ksScriptName, { self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamAction: self.oWuiAdmin.ksActionBuildDetails, BuildData.ksParam_idBuild: oBuildEx.idBuild, self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: oTestSet.tsCreated, }, fBracketed = False), WuiReportSummaryLink(ReportModelBase.ksSubBuild, oBuildEx.idBuild, tsNow = tsReportEffectiveDate, fBracketed = False), ]), ]; self._anchorAndAppendBinaries(oBuildEx.sBinaries, aoBuildRows); aoBuildRows += [ ( 'Revision:', WuiSvnLinkWithTooltip(oBuildEx.iRevision, oBuildEx.oCat.sRepository, fBracketed = False) ), ( 'Product:', oBuildEx.oCat.sProduct ), ( 'Branch:', oBuildEx.oCat.sBranch ), ( 'Type:', oBuildEx.oCat.sType ), ( 'Version:', oBuildEx.sVersion ), ( 'Created:', oBuildEx.tsCreated ), ]; if oBuildEx.uidAuthor is not None: aoBuildRows += [ ( 'Author ID:', oBuildEx.uidAuthor ), ]; if oBuildEx.sLogUrl is not None: aoBuildRows += [ ( 'Log:', WuiBuildLogLink(oBuildEx.sLogUrl, fBracketed = False) ), ]; aoValidationKitRows = []; if oValidationKitEx is not None: aoValidationKitRows += [ WuiTmLink('Validation Kit', self.oWuiAdmin.ksScriptName, { self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamAction: self.oWuiAdmin.ksActionBuildDetails, BuildData.ksParam_idBuild: oValidationKitEx.idBuild, self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: oTestSet.tsCreated, }, fBracketed = False), ]; self._anchorAndAppendBinaries(oValidationKitEx.sBinaries, aoValidationKitRows); aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Revision:', WuiSvnLink(oValidationKitEx.iRevision, fBracketed = False) ) ]; if oValidationKitEx.oCat.sProduct != 'VBox TestSuite': aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Product:', oValidationKitEx.oCat.sProduct ), ]; if oValidationKitEx.oCat.sBranch != 'trunk': aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Product:', oValidationKitEx.oCat.sBranch ), ]; if oValidationKitEx.oCat.sType != 'release': aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Type:', oValidationKitEx.oCat.sType), ]; if oValidationKitEx.sVersion != '0.0.0': aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Version:', oValidationKitEx.sVersion ), ]; aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Created:', oValidationKitEx.tsCreated ), ]; if oValidationKitEx.uidAuthor is not None: aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Author ID:', oValidationKitEx.uidAuthor ), ]; if oValidationKitEx.sLogUrl is not None: aoValidationKitRows += [ ( 'Log:', WuiBuildLogLink(oValidationKitEx.sLogUrl, fBracketed = False) ), ]; # TestBox. aoTestBoxRows = [ WuiHtmlKeeper([ WuiTmLink(oTestBox.sName, self.oWuiAdmin.ksScriptName, { self.oWuiAdmin.ksParamAction: self.oWuiAdmin.ksActionTestBoxDetails, TestBoxData.ksParam_idGenTestBox: oTestSet.idGenTestBox, }, fBracketed = False), WuiReportSummaryLink(ReportModelBase.ksSubTestBox, oTestSet.idTestBox, tsNow = tsReportEffectiveDate, fBracketed = False), ]), ]; if oTestBox.sDescription is not None and len(oTestBox.sDescription) > 0: aoTestBoxRows.append([oTestBox.sDescription, ]); aoTestBoxRows += [ ( 'IP:', oTestBox.ip ), #( 'UUID:', oTestBox.uuidSystem ), #( 'Enabled:', oTestBox.fEnabled ), #( 'Lom Kind:', oTestBox.enmLomKind ), #( 'Lom IP:', oTestBox.ipLom ), ( 'OS/Arch:', '%s.%s' % (oTestBox.sOs, oTestBox.sCpuArch) ), ( 'OS Version:', oTestBox.sOsVersion ), ( 'CPUs:', oTestBox.cCpus ), ]; if oTestBox.sCpuName is not None: aoTestBoxRows.append(['CPU Name', oTestBox.sCpuName.replace(' ', ' ')]); if oTestBox.lCpuRevision is not None: sMarch = oTestBox.queryCpuMicroarch(); if sMarch is not None: aoTestBoxRows.append( ('CPU Microarch', sMarch) ); uFamily = oTestBox.getCpuFamily(); uModel = oTestBox.getCpuModel(); uStepping = oTestBox.getCpuStepping(); aoTestBoxRows += [ ( 'CPU Family', '%u (%#x)' % ( uFamily, uFamily, ) ), ( 'CPU Model', '%u (%#x)' % ( uModel, uModel, ) ), ( 'CPU Stepping', '%u (%#x)' % ( uStepping, uStepping, ) ), ]; asFeatures = [ oTestBox.sCpuVendor, ]; if oTestBox.fCpuHwVirt is True: asFeatures.append(u'HW\u2011Virt'); if oTestBox.fCpuNestedPaging is True: asFeatures.append(u'Nested\u2011Paging'); if oTestBox.fCpu64BitGuest is True: asFeatures.append(u'64\u2011bit\u2011Guest'); if oTestBox.fChipsetIoMmu is True: asFeatures.append(u'I/O\u2011MMU'); aoTestBoxRows += [ ( 'Features:', u' '.join(asFeatures) ), ( 'RAM size:', '%s MB' % (oTestBox.cMbMemory,) ), ( 'Scratch Size:', '%s MB' % (oTestBox.cMbScratch,) ), ( 'Scale Timeout:', '%s%%' % (oTestBox.pctScaleTimeout,) ), ( 'Script Rev:', WuiSvnLink(oTestBox.iTestBoxScriptRev, fBracketed = False) ), ( 'Python:', oTestBox.formatPythonVersion() ), ( 'Pending Command:', oTestBox.enmPendingCmd ), ]; aoRows = [ aoResultRows, aoBuildRows, aoValidationKitRows, aoTestBoxRows, ]; asHtml.append(self._htmlTable(aoRows)); # # Convert the tree to a list of events, values, message and files. # sHtmlEvents = ''; sHtmlEvents += '<table class="tmtbl-events" id="tmtbl-events" width="100%">\n'; sHtmlEvents += ' <tr class="tmheader">\n' \ ' <th>When</th>\n' \ ' <th></th>\n' \ ' <th>Elapsed</th>\n' \ ' <th>Event name</th>\n' \ ' <th colspan="2">Value (status)</th>' \ ' <th></th>\n' \ ' </tr>\n'; sPrettyCmdLine = ' \\<br> \n'.join(webutils.escapeElem(oTestCaseEx.sBaseCmd + ' ' + oTestVarEx.sArgs).split() ); (sTmp, _, cFailures) = self._recursivelyGenerateEvents(oTestResultTree, sPrettyCmdLine, '', 1, 0, oTestSet, 0); sHtmlEvents += sTmp; sHtmlEvents += '</table>\n' # # Put it all together. # sHtml = '<table class="tmtbl-testresult-details-base" width="100%">\n'; sHtml += ' <tr>\n' sHtml += ' <td valign="top" width="20%%">\n%s\n</td>\n' % ' <br>\n'.join(asHtml); sHtml += ' <td valign="top" width="80%" style="padding-left:6px">\n'; sHtml += self._generateMainReason(oTestResultTree, oTestSet); sHtml += ' <h2>Events:</h2>\n'; sHtml += ' <form action="#" method="get" id="graph-form">\n' \ ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n' \ ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%u"/>\n' \ ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%u"/>\n' \ ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%u"/>\n' \ ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%u"/>\n' \ % ( WuiMain.ksParamAction, WuiMain.ksActionGraphWiz, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTestBoxIds, oTestBox.idTestBox, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizBuildCatIds, oBuildEx.idBuildCategory, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTestCaseIds, oTestSet.idTestCase, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizSrcTestSetId, oTestSet.idTestSet, ); if oTestSet.tsDone is not None: sHtml += ' <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>\n' \ % ( WuiMain.ksParamEffectiveDate, oTestSet.tsDone, ); sHtml += ' <p>\n'; sFormButton = '<button type="submit" onclick="%s">Show graphs</button>' \ % ( webutils.escapeAttr('addDynamicGraphInputs("graph-form", "main", "%s", "%s");' % (WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizWidth, WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizDpi, )) ); sHtml += ' ' + sFormButton + '\n'; sHtml += ' %s %s %s\n' \ % ( WuiTmLink('Log File', '', { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionViewLog, WuiMain.ksParamLogSetId: oTestSet.idTestSet, }), WuiTmLink('Raw Log', '', { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionGetFile, WuiMain.ksParamGetFileSetId: oTestSet.idTestSet, WuiMain.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: False, }), WuiTmLink('Download Log', '', { WuiMain.ksParamAction: WuiMain.ksActionGetFile, WuiMain.ksParamGetFileSetId: oTestSet.idTestSet, WuiMain.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: True, }), ); sHtml += ' </p>\n'; if cFailures == 1: sHtml += ' <p>%s</p>\n' % ( WuiTmLink('Jump to failure', '#failure-0'), ) elif cFailures > 1: sHtml += ' <p>Jump to failure: '; if cFailures <= 13: for iFailure in range(0, cFailures): sHtml += ' ' + WuiTmLink('#%u' % (iFailure,), '#failure-%u' % (iFailure,)).toHtml(); else: for iFailure in range(0, 6): sHtml += ' ' + WuiTmLink('#%u' % (iFailure,), '#failure-%u' % (iFailure,)).toHtml(); sHtml += ' ... '; for iFailure in range(cFailures - 6, cFailures): sHtml += ' ' + WuiTmLink('#%u' % (iFailure,), '#failure-%u' % (iFailure,)).toHtml(); sHtml += ' </p>\n'; sHtml += sHtmlEvents; sHtml += ' <p>' + sFormButton + '</p>\n'; sHtml += ' </form>\n'; sHtml += ' </td>\n'; sHtml += ' </tr>\n'; sHtml += '</table>\n'; return ('Test Case result details', sHtml)