def log_request(self, code, size=None):
            # For present purposes, we don't want the request splattered onto
            # stderr, as it would upset devs watching the test run

        def log_error(self, format, *args):
            # Suppress error output as well

class Server(HTTPServer):
    # This pernicious flag is on by default in HTTPServer. But proper
    # operation of freeport() absolutely depends on it being off.
    allow_reuse_address = False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Instantiate a Server(TestHTTPRequestHandler) on the first free port
    # in the specified port range. Doing this inline is better than in a
    # daemon thread: if it blows up here, we'll get a traceback. If it blew up
    # in some other thread, the traceback would get eaten and we'd run the
    # subject test program anyway.
    httpd, port = freeport(xrange(8000, 8020),
                           lambda port: Server(('', port), TestHTTPRequestHandler))
    # Pass the selected port number to the subject test program via the
    # environment. We don't want to impose requirements on the test program's
    # command-line parsing -- and anyway, for C++ integration tests, that's
    # performed in TUT code rather than our own.
    os.environ["PORT"] = str(port)
    debug("$PORT = %s", port)
    sys.exit(run(server=Thread(name="httpd", target=httpd.serve_forever), *sys.argv[1:]))
Esempio n. 2
    def hello(self, who):
        # LLXMLRPCListener expects a dict return.
        return {"hi_there": "Hello, %s!" % who}

    def getdict(self):
        return dict(nested_dict=dict(a=17, b=5))

    def log_request(self, code, size=None):
        # For present purposes, we don't want the request splattered onto
        # stderr, as it would upset devs watching the test run

    def log_error(self, format, *args):
        # Suppress error output as well

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Instantiate a TestServer on the first free port in the specified port
    # range. Doing this inline is better than in a daemon thread: if it blows
    # up here, we'll get a traceback. If it blew up in some other thread, the
    # traceback would get eaten and we'd run the subject test program anyway.
    xmlrpcd, port = freeport(xrange(8000, 8020),
                             lambda port: TestServer(('', port)))
    # Pass the selected port number to the subject test program via the
    # environment. We don't want to impose requirements on the test program's
    # command-line parsing -- and anyway, for C++ integration tests, that's
    # performed in TUT code rather than our own.
    os.environ["PORT"] = str(port)
    sys.exit(run(server=Thread(name="xmlrpc", target=xmlrpcd.serve_forever), *sys.argv[1:]))
        def log_request(self, code, size=None):
            # For present purposes, we don't want the request splattered onto
            # stderr, as it would upset devs watching the test run

        def log_error(self, format, *args):
            # Suppress error output as well

class Server(HTTPServer):
    # This pernicious flag is on by default in HTTPServer. But proper
    # operation of freeport() absolutely depends on it being off.
    allow_reuse_address = False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Instantiate a Server(TestHTTPRequestHandler) on the first free port
    # in the specified port range. Doing this inline is better than in a
    # daemon thread: if it blows up here, we'll get a traceback. If it blew up
    # in some other thread, the traceback would get eaten and we'd run the
    # subject test program anyway.
    httpd, port = freeport(xrange(8000, 8020),
                           lambda port: Server(('', port), TestHTTPRequestHandler))
    # Pass the selected port number to the subject test program via the
    # environment. We don't want to impose requirements on the test program's
    # command-line parsing -- and anyway, for C++ integration tests, that's
    # performed in TUT code rather than our own.
    os.environ["PORT"] = str(port)
    debug("$PORT = %s", port)
    sys.exit(run(server=Thread(name="httpd", target=httpd.serve_forever), *sys.argv[1:]))
    def log_request(self, code, size=None):
        # For present purposes, we don't want the request splattered onto
        # stderr, as it would upset devs watching the test run

    def log_error(self, format, *args):
        # Suppress error output as well

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # function to make a server with specified port
    make_server = lambda port: TestServer(('', port))

    if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
        # Instantiate a TestServer on a port chosen by the runtime.
        xmlrpcd = make_server(0)
        # "Then there's Windows"
        # Instantiate a TestServer on the first free port in the specified
        # port range.
        xmlrpcd, port = freeport(xrange(8000, 8020), make_server)

    # Pass the selected port number to the subject test program via the
    # environment. We don't want to impose requirements on the test program's
    # command-line parsing -- and anyway, for C++ integration tests, that's
    # performed in TUT code rather than our own.
    os.environ["PORT"] = str(xmlrpcd.server_port)
    sys.exit(run(server_inst=xmlrpcd, *sys.argv[1:]))
Esempio n. 5
    path_search = False
    options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "V", ["valgrind"])
    for option, value in options:
        if option == "-V" or option == "--valgrind":
            do_valgrind = True

    # function to make a server with specified port
    make_server = lambda port: Server(
        ('', port), TestHTTPRequestHandler)

    if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
        # Instantiate a Server(TestHTTPRequestHandler) on a port chosen by the
        # runtime.
        httpd = make_server(0)
        # "Then there's Windows"
        # Instantiate a Server(TestHTTPRequestHandler) on the first free port
        # in the specified port range.
        httpd, port = freeport(range(8000, 8020), make_server)

    # Pass the selected port number to the subject test program via the
    # environment. We don't want to impose requirements on the test program's
    # command-line parsing -- and anyway, for C++ integration tests, that's
    # performed in TUT code rather than our own.
    os.environ["LL_TEST_PORT"] = str(httpd.server_port)
    debug("$LL_TEST_PORT = %s", httpd.server_port)
    if do_valgrind:
        args = ["valgrind", "--log-file=./valgrind.log"] + args
        path_search = True
    sys.exit(run(server_inst=httpd, use_path=path_search, *args))
Esempio n. 6
        return {"hi_there": "Hello, %s!" % who}

    def getdict(self):
        return dict(nested_dict=dict(a=17, b=5))

    def log_request(self, code, size=None):
        # For present purposes, we don't want the request splattered onto
        # stderr, as it would upset devs watching the test run

    def log_error(self, format, *args):
        # Suppress error output as well

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Instantiate a TestServer on the first free port in the specified port
    # range. Doing this inline is better than in a daemon thread: if it blows
    # up here, we'll get a traceback. If it blew up in some other thread, the
    # traceback would get eaten and we'd run the subject test program anyway.
    xmlrpcd, port = freeport(xrange(8000, 8020), lambda port: TestServer(
        ('', port)))
    # Pass the selected port number to the subject test program via the
    # environment. We don't want to impose requirements on the test program's
    # command-line parsing -- and anyway, for C++ integration tests, that's
    # performed in TUT code rather than our own.
    os.environ["PORT"] = str(port)
        run(server=Thread(name="xmlrpc", target=xmlrpcd.serve_forever),