Esempio n. 1
def new_default_version_available(prev_version):
    def fn():

    def success_predicate(pkg_version):
        return (pkg_version != prev_version, 'Package version has not changed')

    spin(fn, success_predicate)
Esempio n. 2
def destroy_service():
    destroy_endpoint = marathon_api_url_with_param('apps', PACKAGE_NAME)
    request(dcos.http.delete, destroy_endpoint)
    # Make sure the scheduler has been destroyed
    def fn():

    def success_predicate(service):
        return (service == None, 'Service not destroyed')

    spin(fn, success_predicate)
def destroy_service():
    destroy_endpoint = marathon_api_url_with_param('apps', PACKAGE_NAME)
    request(dcos.http.delete, destroy_endpoint)
    # Make sure the scheduler has been destroyed
    def fn():

    def success_predicate(service):
        return (service == None, 'Service not destroyed')

    spin(fn, success_predicate)
Esempio n. 4
def test_node_is_replaced():
    infinity_commons.get_and_verify_plan(lambda p: p['status'] == 'COMPLETE')
    replaced_node_host = [
        t['slave_id'] for t in
        get_dcos_command('task --json') if t['name'] == 'node-0'
    replaced_node_task_id = get_cassandra_command('node replace node-0')[0]
    assert 'node-0' in replaced_node_task_id

    plan = infinity_commons.get_and_verify_plan(
        lambda p: (
            p['status'] == infinity_commons.PlanState.COMPLETE.value and
            len(infinity_commons.filter_phase(p, "Deploy")['steps']) == 3
    assert plan['status'] == infinity_commons.PlanState.COMPLETE.value

    # Check that we've created a new task with a new id, waiting until a new one comes up.
    def get_status():
        return get_first(
            get_dcos_command('task --json'), lambda t: t['name'] == 'node-0'

    def success_predicate(task_id):
        return task_id != replaced_node_task_id, 'Task ID for replaced node did not change'

    spin(get_status, success_predicate)

    # Check cluster status with nodetool to assure that the new node has rejoined the cluster
    # and the old node has been removed, waiting until it's running (status "UN").
    def get_status():
        node1_host = get_first(
            get_first(get_dcos_command('task --json'), lambda t: t['name'] == 'node-1')['labels'],
            lambda label: label['key'] == 'offer_hostname'

        return shakedown.run_command_on_agent(
            "docker run -t --net=host pitrho/cassandra-nodetool nodetool -p 7199 status"

    def success_predicate(status):
        command_succeeded, status = status
        succeeded = (
            command_succeeded and
            len([x for x in status.split('\n') if x.startswith('UN')]) == DEFAULT_NODE_COUNT

        return succeeded, 'Node did not successfully rejoin cluster'

    spin(get_status, success_predicate)
def check_scheduler_health():
    # Make sure scheduler endpoint is responding and all nodes are available
    def fn():
            return get_cassandra_command('node list')
        except RuntimeError:
            return []

    def success_predicate(brokers):
        return (len(brokers) == DEFAULT_NODE_COUNT,
                'Scheduler and all nodes not available')

    spin(fn, success_predicate)
Esempio n. 6
def check_scheduler_health():
    # Make sure scheduler endpoint is responding and all nodes are available
    def fn():
            return get_cassandra_command('node list')
        except RuntimeError:
            return []

    def success_predicate(brokers):
        return (len(brokers) == DEFAULT_NODE_COUNT,
                'Scheduler and all nodes not available')

    spin(fn, success_predicate)
def get_and_verify_plan(predicate=lambda r: True):
    global counter
    plan_url = cassandra_api_url('plan')
    def fn():
            return dcos.http.get(plan_url)
        except dcos.errors.DCOSHTTPException as err:
            return err.response

    def success_predicate(result):
        global counter
        message = 'Request to {} failed'.format(plan_url)

            body = result.json()
        except ValueError:
            return False, message

        if counter < 3:
            counter += 1
        pred_res = predicate(body)
        if pred_res:
            counter = 0

        return pred_res, message

    return spin(fn, success_predicate).json()
Esempio n. 8
def get_and_verify_plan(predicate=lambda r: True,
    global counter
    plan_url = cassandra_api_url('plan')

    def fn():
            return dcos.http.get(plan_url)
        except dcos.errors.DCOSHTTPException as err:
            return err.response

    def success_predicate(result):
        global counter
        message = 'Request to {} failed'.format(plan_url)

            body = result.json()
        except ValueError:
            return False, message

        if counter < 3:
            counter += 1
        pred_res = predicate(body)
        if pred_res:
            counter = 0

        return pred_res, message

    return spin(fn, success_predicate, wait_time=wait_time).json()
Esempio n. 9
def get_and_verify_plan(predicate=lambda r: True, assert_success=True):
    print("mds inside get_and_verify_plan")
    global counter

    def fn():
        str = cassandra_api_url('plans/deploy')
        print("get_and_verify_plan: " + str)
        return dcos.http.get(str, is_success=request_success)

    def success_predicate(result):
        global counter
        message = 'Request to /plan failed'

            body = result.json()
        except Exception:
            return False, message

        if counter < 3:
            counter += 1

        if predicate(body):
            counter = 0

        return predicate(body), message

    return spin(fn, success_predicate, wait_time=HEALTH_WAIT_TIME, assert_success=assert_success).json()
Esempio n. 10
def _block_on_adminrouter(master_ip):
    headers = {'Authorization': "token={}".format(shakedown.dcos_acs_token())}
    metadata_url = "http://{}/metadata".format(master_ip)

    def get_metadata():
        response = requests.get(metadata_url, headers=headers)
        return response

    def success(response):
        error_message = "Failed to parse json"
            is_healthy = response.json()['PUBLIC_IPV4'] == master_ip
            return is_healthy, "Master is not healthy yet"
        except Exception:
            return False, error_message

    spin(get_metadata, success, HEALTH_WAIT_TIME)"Master is up again.  Master IP: {}".format(master_ip))
Esempio n. 11
def get_node_host():
    def fn():
            return shakedown.get_service_ips(PACKAGE_NAME)
        except IndexError:
            return set()

    def success_predicate(result):
        return len(result) == DEFAULT_NODE_COUNT, 'Nodes failed to return'

    return spin(fn, success_predicate).pop()
Esempio n. 12
def _block_on_adminrouter():
    def get_master_ip():
        return shakedown.master_ip()

    def is_up(ip):
        return ip, "Failed to fetch master ip"

    # wait for adminrouter to recover
    print("Ensuring adminrouter is up...")
    ip = spin(get_master_ip, is_up)
    print("Adminrouter is up.  Master IP: {}".format(ip))
def get_node_host():
    def fn():
            return shakedown.get_service_ips(PACKAGE_NAME)
        except IndexError:
            return set()

    def success_predicate(result):
        return len(result) == DEFAULT_NODE_COUNT, 'Nodes failed to return'

    return spin(fn, success_predicate).pop()
def verify_leader_changed(old_leader_ip):
    def fn():
            return shakedown.master_leader_ip()
        except DCOSAuthenticationException:
            print("Got exception while fetching leader")
        return old_leader_ip

    def success_predicate(new_leader_ip):
        is_success = old_leader_ip != new_leader_ip
        return is_success, "Leader has not changed"

    result = spin(fn, success_predicate)
    print("Leader has changed to {}".format(result))
Esempio n. 15
def get_and_verify_plan(predicate=lambda r: True):
    global counter
    def fn():
        return dcos.http.get(cassandra_api_url('plan'))

    def success_predicate(result):
        global counter
        message = 'Request to /plan failed'

            body = result.json()
            return False, message

        if counter < 3:
            counter += 1

        if predicate(body): counter = 0

        return predicate(body), message

    return spin(fn, success_predicate).json()
Esempio n. 16
def verify_leader_changed(old_leader_ip):

    def fn():
            return shakedown.master_leader_ip()
        except DCOSAuthenticationException:
            log.error("Got exception while fetching leader")
        return old_leader_ip

    def success_predicate(new_leader_ip):
        is_success = old_leader_ip != new_leader_ip
        if is_success :
            return is_success, "(MDS) Success and leader has changed!"
        is_success = old_leader_ip == new_leader_ip
        if is_success :
            return is_success, "(MDS) Success and leader has not changed!"

    result = spin(fn, success_predicate)"Leader IP {}".format(result))
def get_and_verify_plan(predicate=lambda r: True):
    global counter
    def fn():
        return requests.get(
            cassandra_api_url('plan'), headers=request_headers()

    def success_predicate(result):
        global counter
        message = 'Request to /plan failed'

            body = result.json()
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            return False, message

        if counter < 3:
            counter += 1

        if predicate(body): counter = 0

        return predicate(body), message

    return spin(fn, success_predicate).json()
def new_default_version_available(prev_version):
    def fn():
    def success_predicate(pkg_version):
        return (pkg_version != prev_version, 'Package version has not changed')
    spin(fn, success_predicate)