Esempio n. 1
async def test_inventory_build():
    """Test inventory build
    inv = _init_inventory()

    with patch.multiple(Node, _init_ssh=get_async_task_mock(),
        nodes = await inv.build_inventory()

    # Check if nodes are registered in the inventory
    assert set(nodes) == set(inv.nodes)
    # Check if all the nodes have been registered
    assert len(inv.nodes) == 2
    # Check if all the parameters have been correctly set in the nodes
    for node in sample_inventory:
        key = f"{node['namespace']}.{node['address']}"
        invnode = nodes[key]
        assert node['namespace'] == invnode.nsname
        assert inv.connect_timeout == invnode.connect_timeout
        assert node['jump_host'].split("@")[1] == invnode.jump_host
        assert invnode.jump_host_key

        for arg, arg_value in node.items():
            if arg in ['namespace', 'ssh_keyfile', 'jump_host',
                       'jump_host_key_file', 'passphrase']:
            assert arg_value == getattr(invnode, arg)
Esempio n. 2
async def test_coalescer_keep_on_failing(coalescer_cfg):
    """Try to start a coalescer which keep on failing
    cfg_file = coalescer_cfg
    cfg = load_sq_config(config_file=cfg_file)
    cl = CoalescerLauncher(cfg_file, cfg, MOCK_COALESCER)

    monitor_process_fn = get_async_task_mock()
    dummy_process = MagicMock()
    dummy_process.returncode = 1
    start_coalescer_fn = get_async_task_mock(dummy_process)

        with patch.multiple(CoalescerLauncher,
                            _start_coalescer=start_coalescer_fn), \
            await asyncio.wait_for(cl.start_and_monitor_coalescer(), 5)
        # Check if multiple attempts have been performed
        attempts_done = start_coalescer_fn.call_count
        assert attempts_done == cl.max_attempts, \
            f'Expected {cl.max_attempts} attempts, {attempts_done} done'
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            'The coalescer launcher task expected to fail but it does not')
Esempio n. 3
async def ready_inventory():
    """Fixture returning an already built inventory
    inv = _init_inventory()
    with patch.multiple(Node, _init_ssh=get_async_task_mock(),
        await inv.build_inventory()
    return inv
Esempio n. 4
async def test_launch_worker(monkeypatch, manager_cfg):
    """Test the creation of the worker process
    fake_environ = {}
    monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', fake_environ)

    manager = init_static_manager(manager_cfg)
    fake_process = MagicMock()
    create_subprocess_fn = get_async_task_mock(fake_process)
    with patch.multiple(asyncio, create_subprocess_exec=create_subprocess_fn):
        expected_worker_id = 1
        await manager._launch_poller(expected_worker_id)
        # Check if the process have been correctly created
        assert manager._waiting_workers.get(expected_worker_id), \
               'Worker not placed in the waiting queue'
        assert manager._waiting_workers[expected_worker_id] == fake_process, \
               'The worker process is not the expected one'

        # Check the arguments passed to the worker
        call_args = list(list(create_subprocess_fn.call_args_list[0])[0])
            worker_id_index = call_args.index('--worker-id') + 1
        except ValueError:
  'Worker id flag not provided')
        assert len(call_args) > worker_id_index, \
               'Worker id value not provided to worker'
        assert call_args[worker_id_index] == str(expected_worker_id)
async def test_run_output_workers(data_to_write):
    """Check if the OutputWorkers are correctly launched
    parquet_write = get_async_task_mock()
    gather_write = get_async_task_mock()
    with patch.object(ParquetOutputWorker, 'write_data', parquet_write), \
         patch.object(GatherOutputWorker, 'write_data', gather_write):
        mgr = OutputWorkerManager(OUTPUT_TYPES, OUTPUT_ARGS)
        run_task = asyncio.create_task(mgr.run_output_workers())
        await mgr.output_queue.put(data_to_write)
        # Wait to make the OutputWorkerManager consume the messages
        await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
        # Check if the writers have been called
        # Stop the OuputWorkerManager
Esempio n. 6
async def apply_with_mocks(manager: StaticManager,
                           chunks: List[Dict]) -> Tuple[MagicMock, MagicMock]:
    """Apply the chunks with mocks preventing the application to actually
    start the workers

        manager (StaticManager): the static manager to use
        chunks (List[Dict]): the chunks to apply to each of the worker

        Tuple[MagicMock, MagicMock]: the MagicMocks representing the function
            to start and stop the workers
    launch_fn = get_async_task_mock()
    stop_fn = get_async_task_mock()
    write_chunk_fn = get_async_task_mock()
    with patch.multiple(StaticManager,
        await manager.apply(chunks)
    return launch_fn, stop_fn, write_chunk_fn
Esempio n. 7
async def test_launch_worker_process_creation_fails(monkeypatch, manager_cfg):
    """Test if an exception is raised if it is not possible to create the
    poller worker process.
    fake_environ = {}
    monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', fake_environ)

    manager = init_static_manager(manager_cfg)
    create_subprocess_fn = get_async_task_mock()
    with patch.multiple(asyncio, create_subprocess_exec=create_subprocess_fn):
        expected_worker_id = 1
        with pytest.raises(PollingError):
            await manager._launch_poller(expected_worker_id)
Esempio n. 8
async def run_poller_with_mocks(poller: Poller) -> Dict[str, MagicMock]:
    """Run the poller replacing component 'run' functions with mocks

    # Create a mock for each method
    mks = {
        'inventory': get_async_task_mock(),
        'service_manager': get_async_task_mock(),
        'output_worker_manager': get_async_task_mock()

    with patch.multiple(Inventory,
                        schedule_nodes_run=mks['inventory']), \
                       schedule_services_run=mks['service_manager']), \
                       run_output_workers=mks['output_worker_manager']), \
        poller_run = asyncio.create_task(
        await asyncio.wait([poller_run])
    return mks
Esempio n. 9
def test_inventory_init():
    """Test init of Inventory class
    inventory_args = {
        'add_task_fn': get_async_task_mock(),
        'ssh_config_file': 'config/file',
        'connect_timeout': 30

    inv = _init_inventory(**inventory_args)

    for arg, arg_value in inventory_args.items():
        assert getattr(inv, arg) == arg_value
Esempio n. 10
def test_init_service_manager():
    """Test correct ServiceManager initialization
    run_mode = 'forever'
    interval = 30
    add_tasks = get_async_task_mock()
    service_manager = ServiceManager(add_tasks, SERVICE_DIR, SCHEMA_DIR,
                                     asyncio.Queue(), run_mode, interval)
    # Check if the service manager has been correctly initialized
    assert service_manager.add_task_fn == add_tasks
    assert service_manager.service_directory == SERVICE_DIR
    assert service_manager.schema_dir == SCHEMA_DIR
    assert service_manager.output_queue
    assert service_manager.default_interval == 30
    assert service_manager.run_mode == run_mode

    # Check the list of services
    assert set(service_manager.svcs_list) == set(_get_services())
Esempio n. 11
async def test_exception_when_launching_worker(monkeypatch, manager_cfg):
    """Test if exception when launching the workers is properly handled
    fake_environ = {}
    monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', fake_environ)

    manager = init_static_manager(manager_cfg)

    write_chunk_fn = get_async_task_mock()
    launch_res = asyncio.Future()
    launch_fn = MagicMock(return_value=launch_res)

    _, _, chunk1 = get_random_node_list(1)

    with pytest.raises(Exception, match=r'test'):
        with patch.multiple(StaticManager,
            await manager.apply([chunk1])
Esempio n. 12
def _init_service_manager(add_tasks: Callable = None,
                          svc_dir: str = SERVICE_DIR,
                          schema_dir: str = SCHEMA_DIR,
                          queue: asyncio.Queue = asyncio.Queue,
                          run_mode: str = 'forever',
                          interval: int = 30,
                          service_only: str = None,
                          exclude_svcs: str = None):
    # Create add tasks method mock
    if not add_tasks:
        add_tasks = get_async_task_mock()

    # Construct additional parameters
    other_params = {}
    if service_only:
        other_params['service_only'] = service_only
    if exclude_svcs:
        other_params['exclude_services'] = exclude_svcs

    # Init ServiceManager
    return ServiceManager(add_tasks, svc_dir, schema_dir, queue, run_mode,
                          interval, **other_params)
Esempio n. 13
def _init_inventory(add_task_fn: Callable = None, **kwargs):
    if not add_task_fn:
        add_task_fn = get_async_task_mock()
    return SampleInventory(add_task_fn,