Esempio n. 1
def test_schemas():
    bare_values = load_dummy_values()
    web_proc = bare_values['deployments']['web']
    # deploy is an alias for deployments
    bare_values['deploy'] = {'web': web_proc, 'another': web_proc}
    yadu(bare_values, DUMMY_VALUES_PATH)
    _, values = run_under_click_context(load_helm_values,
                                        (DUMMY_VALUES_PATH, ))
    assert values['deployments']['web'] == values['deployments']['another']
    assert values['cronjobs'] == {}
    build = values['build']
    assert build['prepare']['keep'] == [f'./{BUILD_TREASURE_NAME}']

    bare_values['volumeMounts'][0]['subPath'] = 'foo/bar'  # should be basename
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as e:

    assert 'subPath should be' in str(e)

    false_ing = {'host': 'dummy', 'deployName': 'web'}
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):

    bad_web = {'containerPort': 8000}
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
Esempio n. 2
def test_reserved_words():
    # test reserved words
    bare_values = load_dummy_values()
    web_proc = bare_values['deployments']['web']
    bare_values['deployments'] = {'cronjobs': web_proc}
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as e:

    assert 'this is a reserved word' in str(e)
Esempio n. 3
def test_duplicate_proc_names():
    values = load_dummy_values()
    web = values['deployments']['web'].copy()
    del web['resources']
    values['cronjobs'] = {'web': web}
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as e:

    assert 'proc names should not duplicate' in str(e)
Esempio n. 4
def test_canary():
    res = run(lain, args=['deploy', '--canary'], returncode=1)
    assert 'cannot initiate canary deploy' in ensure_str(res.output)
    run(lain, args=['deploy'])
    res = run(lain, args=['deploy', '--canary'])
    assert 'canary version has been deployed' in ensure_str(res.output)
    res = run(lain, args=['deploy'], returncode=1)
    assert 'cannot proceed due to on-going canary deploy' in ensure_str(
    resp = url_get_json(DUMMY_URL)
    assert resp['env']['HOSTNAME'].startswith(f'{DUMMY_APPNAME}-web')
    res = run(lain, args=['set-canary-group', 'internal'], returncode=1)
    assert 'canaryGroups not defined in values' in ensure_str(res.output)
    # inject canary annotations for test purpose
    values = load_dummy_values()
    canary_header_name = 'canary'
    values['canaryGroups'] = {
        'internal': {
            '': canary_header_name
    yadu(values, DUMMY_VALUES_PATH)
    run(lain, args=['set-canary-group', 'internal'])
    ings_res = kubectl(
    ings = jalo(ings_res.stdout)
    for ing in ings['items']:
        annotations = ing['metadata']['annotations']
        assert (annotations[''] ==

    canary_header = {canary_header_name: 'always'}
    resp = url_get_json(DUMMY_URL, headers=canary_header)
    assert resp['env']['HOSTNAME'].startswith(f'{DUMMY_CANARY_NAME}-web')
    run(lain, args=['set-canary-group', '--abort'])
    run(lain, args=['wait'])
    assert f'{DUMMY_CANARY_NAME}-web' not in get_dummy_pod_names()
    values['tests'] = DUMMY_TESTS_CLAUSE
    yadu(values, DUMMY_VALUES_PATH)
    tag = 'latest'
    run(lain, args=['deploy', '--set', f'imageTag={tag}', '--canary'])
    run(lain, args=['set-canary-group', '--final'])
    run(lain, args=['wait'])
    assert f'{DUMMY_CANARY_NAME}-web' not in get_dummy_pod_names()
    image = get_deploy_image(f'{DUMMY_APPNAME}-web')
    assert image.endswith(f':{tag}')
Esempio n. 5
def test_sts():
    # sts values are mostly the same with deploy, we just have to change a few
    # things to make it work
    values = load_dummy_values()
    sts = deepcopy(values['deployments']['web'])
    override_values = {
        'statefulSets': {
            'worker': sts,
    yadu(override_values, f'{CHART_DIR_NAME}/values-{TEST_CLUSTER}.yaml')
    run(lain, args=['deploy'])
    _, pod_name = run_under_click_context(pick_pod,
                                          kwargs={'proc_name': 'worker'})
    assert pod_name == f'{DUMMY_APPNAME}-worker-0'
Esempio n. 6
def test_workflow(registry):
    # lain init should failed when chart directory already exists
    run(lain, args=['init'], returncode=1)
    # use -f to remove chart directory and redo
    run(lain, args=['init', '-f'])
    # lain use will switch current context switch to [TEST_CLUSTER]
    run(lain, args=['use', TEST_CLUSTER])
    # lain use will print current cluster
    res = run(lain, args=['use'])
    assert f'* {TEST_CLUSTER}' in ensure_str(res.stdout)
    # this makes sure lain-use can work when kubeconfig is absent
    ensure_absent(join(KUBECONFIG_DIR, 'config'))
    run(lain, args=['use', TEST_CLUSTER])
    # see if this image is actually present on registry
    res = run(lain, args=['image'])
    image_tag = res.stdout.strip().split(':')[-1]
    # should fail when using a bad image tag
    res = run(lain, args=['deploy', '--set', 'imageTag=noway'], returncode=1)
    assert 'image not found' in ensure_str(res.output).lower()
    cronjob_name = 'nothing'
    override_values = {
        # 随便加一个 job, 为了看下一次部署的时候能否顺利先清理掉这个 job
        'jobs': DUMMY_JOBS_CLAUSE,
        # 随便加一个 cronjob, 为了测试 lain create-job
        'cronjobs': {
            cronjob_name: {
                'schedule': '0 0 * * *',
                'command': ['echo', RANDOM_STRING],
    yadu(override_values, f'{CHART_DIR_NAME}/values-{TEST_CLUSTER}.yaml')
    # use a built image to deploy
        args=['--ignore-lint', 'deploy', '--set', f'imageTag={image_tag}'])
    res = run(lain, args=['create-job', cronjob_name])
    create_job_cmd = f'kubectl create job --from=cronjob/{DUMMY_APPNAME}-{cronjob_name} manual-test-{cronjob_name}'
    assert create_job_cmd in res.output
    # check service is up
    dummy_resp = url_get_json(DUMMY_URL)
    assert dummy_resp['env']['FOO'] == 'BAR'
    assert dummy_resp['secretfile'] == 'I\nAM\nBATMAN'
    # check if hostAliases is working
    assert 'localhost' in dummy_resp['hosts']
    assert 'local' in dummy_resp['hosts']
    # check imageTag is correct
    deployed_images = tell_deployed_images(DUMMY_APPNAME)
    assert len(deployed_images) == 1
    deployed_image = deployed_images.pop()
    assert deployed_image.endswith(image_tag)

    # check if init job succeeded
    # run a extra job, to test lain job functionalities
    command = 'env'
    res = run(lain, args=['job', '--force', command])
    _, job_name = run_under_click_context(make_job_name, args=(command, ))
    pod_name = wait_for_job_success(job_name)
    _, pod_name_again = run_under_click_context(
        pick_pod, kwargs={'selector': f'job-name={job_name}'})
    # check if pick_pod works correctly
    assert pod_name == pod_name_again
    logs_res = kubectl('logs', pod_name, capture_output=True)
    logs = ensure_str(logs_res.stdout)
    assert 'FOO=BAR' in logs
    # 跑第二次只是为了看看清理过程能否顺利执行, 保证不会报错
    run(lain, args=['job', '--force', 'env'])

    values = load_dummy_values()
    web_proc = values['deployments']['web']
        'imagePullPolicy': 'Always',
        'terminationGracePeriodSeconds': 1,
    # add one extra ingress rule to values.yaml
    dev_host = f'{DUMMY_APPNAME}-dev'
    full_host = 'dummy.full.domain'
            'host': dev_host,
            'deployName': 'web-dev',
            'paths': ['/']
            'host': full_host,
            'deployName': 'web',
            'paths': ['/']
    values['jobs'] = {'init': {'command': ['echo', 'migrate']}}
    yadu(values, DUMMY_VALUES_PATH)
    overrideReplicaCount = 3
    overrideImageTag = 'latest'
    # add another env
    run(lain, args=['env', 'add', 'SCALE=BANANA'])
    web_dev_proc = deepcopy(web_proc)
        'replicaCount': overrideReplicaCount,
        'imageTag': overrideImageTag,
    # adjust replicaCount and imageTag in override values file
    override_values = {
        'deployments': {
            'web-dev': web_dev_proc,
        # this is just used to ensure helm template rendering
        'ingressAnnotations': {
            '': 1,
        'externalIngresses': [
                'host': '',
                'deployName': 'web',
                'paths': ['/']
                'host': '',
                'deployName': 'web',
                'paths': ['/']
    yadu(override_values, f'{CHART_DIR_NAME}/values-{TEST_CLUSTER}.yaml')

    def get_helm_values():
        ctx = context()
        helm_values = ctx.obj['values']
        return helm_values

    # check if values-[TEST_CLUSTER].yaml currectly overrides helm context
    _, helm_values = run_under_click_context(get_helm_values)
    assert helm_values['deployments']['web-dev'][
        'replicaCount'] == overrideReplicaCount

    # deploy again to create newly added ingress rule
    run(lain, args=['deploy', '--set', f'imageTag={DUMMY_IMAGE_TAG}'])
    # check if the new ingress rule is created
    res = kubectl(
    assert not res.returncode
    domain = TEST_CLUSTER_CONFIG['domain']
    assert set(res.stdout.decode('utf-8').split()) == {
        tell_ing_name(full_host, DUMMY_APPNAME, domain, 'web'),
        tell_ing_name(DUMMY_APPNAME, DUMMY_APPNAME, domain, 'web'),
        tell_ing_name(dev_host, DUMMY_APPNAME, domain, 'web-dev'),
    # check pod name match its corresponding deploy name
    dummy_resp = url_get_json(DUMMY_URL)
    assert tell_pod_deploy_name(
        dummy_resp['env']['HOSTNAME']) == f'{DUMMY_APPNAME}-web'
    dummy_dev_resp = url_get_json(DUMMY_DEV_URL)
    assert (tell_pod_deploy_name(
        dummy_dev_resp['env']['HOSTNAME']) == f'{DUMMY_APPNAME}-web-dev')
    # env is overriden in dummy-dev, see default values.yaml
    assert dummy_dev_resp['env']['FOO'] == 'BAR'
    assert dummy_dev_resp['env']['SCALE'] == 'BANANA'
    assert dummy_dev_resp['env']['LAIN_CLUSTER'] == TEST_CLUSTER
    assert dummy_dev_resp['env']['K8S_NAMESPACE'] == TEST_CLUSTER_CONFIG.get(
        'namespace', 'default')
    assert dummy_dev_resp['env']['IMAGE_TAG'] == DUMMY_IMAGE_TAG
    # check if replicaCount is correctly overriden
    res = kubectl(
    assert res.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() == str(overrideReplicaCount)
    # check if imageTag is correctly overriden
    web_image = get_deploy_image(f'{DUMMY_APPNAME}-web')
    assert web_image.endswith(DUMMY_IMAGE_TAG)
    web_dev_image = get_deploy_image(f'{DUMMY_APPNAME}-web-dev')
    assert web_dev_image.endswith(overrideImageTag)
    # rollback imageTag for web-dev using `lain update_image`
    run(lain, args=['update-image', 'web-dev'])
    # restart a few times to test lain restart functionalities
    run(lain, args=['restart', 'web', '--wait'])
    run(lain, args=['restart', '--graceful', '--wait'])
    dummy_dev_resp = url_get_json(DUMMY_DEV_URL)
    # if dummy-dev is at the correct imageTag, that means lain update-image is
    # working correctly, and lain restart too
    assert dummy_dev_resp['env']['IMAGE_TAG'] == DUMMY_IMAGE_TAG
    run(lain, args=['--auto-pilot', 'env', 'add', f'treasure={RANDOM_STRING}'])
    dummy_resp = url_get_json(DUMMY_URL)
    # --auto-pilot will trigger a graceful restart, verify by confirming the
    # added env inside the freshly created containers
    assert dummy_resp['env']['treasure'] == RANDOM_STRING
Esempio n. 7
def test_values():
    values = load_dummy_values()
    domain = TEST_CLUSTER_CONFIG['domain']
    values['env'] = {'SOMETHING': 'ELSE', 'OVERRIDE_BY_PROC': 'old'}
    ing_anno = {'fake-annotations': 'bar'}
    values['ingresses'] = [
            'host': 'dummy',
            'deployName': 'web',
            'paths': ['/'],
            'annotations': ing_anno
            'host': f'dummy.{domain}',
            'deployName': 'web',
            'paths': ['/']
    values['externalIngresses'] = [
            'host': '',
            'deployName': 'web',
            'paths': ['/'],
            'annotations': ing_anno,
            'host': '',
            'deployName': 'web',
            'paths': ['/']
    values['labels'] = {'foo': 'bar'}
    web_proc = values['deployments']['web']
    nodePort = 32333
    fake_proc_sa = 'procsa'
        'env': {
            'OVERRIDE_BY_PROC': 'new'
        'podAnnotations': {
            '': 'true'
        'workingDir': RANDOM_STRING,
        'hostNetwork': True,
        'nodePort': nodePort,
        'serviceAccountName': fake_proc_sa,
        'nodes': ['node-1'],
    yadu(values, DUMMY_VALUES_PATH)
    k8s_specs = render_k8s_specs()
    ingresses = [spec for spec in k8s_specs if spec['kind'] == 'Ingress']
    domain = TEST_CLUSTER_CONFIG['domain']
    internal_ing = next(ing for ing in ingresses
                        if ing['metadata']['name'] == tell_ing_name(
                            DUMMY_APPNAME, DUMMY_APPNAME, domain, 'web'))
    dic_contains(internal_ing['metadata']['annotations'], ing_anno)
    dummy_public_com = next(
        ing for ing in ingresses
        if ing['metadata']['name'] == 'dummy-public-com-dummy-web')
    dic_contains(dummy_public_com['metadata']['annotations'], ing_anno)
    if 'clusterIssuer' in TEST_CLUSTER_CONFIG:
        # when tls is not available, skip this test
        for ing in ingresses:
            spec = ing['spec']
            rule = spec['rules'][0]
            domain = rule['host']
            tls = ing['spec']['tls']
            tls_name = tls[0]['secretName']
            tls_hosts = tls[0]['hosts']
            assert set(tls_hosts) == set(make_wildcard_domain(domain))
            assert (rule['http']['paths'][0]['backend']['service']['port']
                    ['number'] == nodePort)
            assert tls_name == tell_domain_tls_name(tls_hosts[0])

    deployment = next(spec for spec in k8s_specs
                      if spec['kind'] == 'Deployment')
    sa = deployment['spec']['template']['spec']['serviceAccountName']
    assert sa == fake_proc_sa
    # check if podAnnotations work
    assert (deployment['spec']['template']['metadata']['annotations']
            [''] == 'true')
    container_spec = deployment['spec']['template']['spec']
    assert container_spec['hostNetwork'] is True
    containers = container_spec['containers'][0]
    assert containers['workingDir'] == RANDOM_STRING
    env_dic = {}
    for pair in container_spec['containers'][0]['env']:
        env_dic[pair['name']] = pair['value']

    assert env_dic == {
        'K8S_NAMESPACE': TEST_CLUSTER_CONFIG.get('namespace', 'default'),
        'IMAGE_TAG': 'overridden-during-deploy',
        'SOMETHING': 'ELSE',
        'OVERRIDE_BY_PROC': 'new',
    assert container_spec['affinity']['nodeAffinity']
    assert deployment['metadata']['labels']['foo'] == 'bar'
    match_expression = container_spec['affinity']['nodeAffinity'][
    assert match_expression['key'] == f'{DUMMY_APPNAME}-web'

    service = next(spec for spec in k8s_specs if spec['kind'] == 'Service')
    service_spec = service['spec']
    port = service_spec['ports'][0]
    assert port['nodePort'] == port['port'] == nodePort
    assert port['targetPort'] == 5000