Esempio n. 1
import astroid
import nose
from nose import SkipTest
from hypothesis import given, settings, HealthCheck
from typing import List
import tests.custom_hypothesis_support as cs
from python_ta.typecheck.base import TypeFail, TypeFailFunction
from python_ta.transforms.type_inference_visitor import NoType


def test_inference_list_subscript(node):
    """Test whether visitor properly set the type constraint of Subscript node representing list-index access."""
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(node)
    for subscript_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Subscript):
        list_node = subscript_node.value
        assert subscript_node.inf_type.getValue(
        ) == list_node.elts[0].inf_type.getValue()

def test_subscript_homogeneous_list_slice(node):
    """Test visitor of Subscript node representing slicing of homogeneous list."""
Esempio n. 2
import astroid
import nose
from hypothesis import given, settings
from typing import List
import tests.custom_hypothesis_support as cs

@given(cs.subscript_node(cs.simple_homogeneous_list_node(min_size=1), cs.index_node()))
def test_inference_list_subscript(node):
    """Test whether visitor properly set the type constraint of Subscript node representing list-index access."""
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(node)
    for subscript_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Subscript):
        list_node = subscript_node.value
        assert subscript_node.type_constraints.type == list_node.elts[0].type_constraints.type

@given(cs.subscript_node(cs.simple_homogeneous_list_node(min_size=1), cs.slice_node()))
def test_subscript_homogeneous_list_slice(node):
    """Test visitor of Subscript node representing slicing of homogeneous list."""
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(node)
    for subscript_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Subscript):
        list_node = subscript_node.value
        assert subscript_node.type_constraints.type == List[list_node.elts[0].type_constraints.type]

# TODO: this test currently fails
# @given(cs.simple_homogeneous_dict_node(min_size=1))
# def test_inference_dict_subscript(node):
#     """Note that this test only takes in a dictionary because the subscript index
#     must be the same type as the dictionary's keys in order to type check.
Esempio n. 3
import astroid
import nose
from hypothesis import assume, given, settings, HealthCheck
import tests.custom_hypothesis_support as cs
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set, Tuple

def test_index(node):
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(node)
    for index_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Index):
        assert index_node.inf_type.getValue() == index_node.value.inf_type.getValue()

def test_expr(expr):
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(expr)
    for expr_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Expr):
        assert expr_node.inf_type.getValue() == expr_node.value.inf_type.getValue()

if __name__ == '__main__':