Esempio n. 1
def test_empty_precs_and_effects():
        ("(and )", "effect"),
        ("()", "precondition"),
        ("(and )", "precondition"),
                 r=reader())  # This uses one single reader for all tests
Esempio n. 2
def test_effect_free_variables_in_caldera():
    instance_file, domain_file = collect_strips_benchmarks(["caldera-opt18-adl:p01.pddl"])[0]
    problem = reader().read_problem(domain_file, instance_file)

    act = problem.get_action('get_domain')
    free = collect_effect_free_parameters(act)
    names = sorted(x.expr.symbol for x in free)
    assert names == ['?v00', '?v02']

    assert len(act.effects) == 1
    free = collect_effect_free_variables(act.effects[0])
    names = sorted(x.expr.symbol for x in free)
    assert names == ['?v01']

    projected = project_away_effect_free_variables(act)
    names1 = sorted(x.symbol for x in act.parameters)
    names2 = sorted(x.symbol for x in projected.parameters)
    assert names1 == ['?v00', '?v01', '?v02'] and names2 == ['?v01']

    # Check inplace argument works as expected
    problem2 = project_away_effect_free_variables_from_problem(problem, inplace=False)
    names1 = sorted(x.symbol for x in problem.get_action('get_domain').parameters)
    names2 = sorted(x.symbol for x in problem2.get_action('get_domain').parameters)
    assert names1 == ['?v00', '?v01', '?v02'] and names2 == ['?v01']

    problem2 = project_away_effect_free_variables_from_problem(problem, inplace=True)
    names1 = sorted(x.symbol for x in problem.get_action('get_domain').parameters)
    names2 = sorted(x.symbol for x in problem2.get_action('get_domain').parameters)
    assert names1 == names2 == ['?v01']
Esempio n. 3
def _test_inputs(inputs, r=None):
        Test a list of pairs (x, y): x is string to be parsed, y is rule name
        and return a list with the corresponding outputs of the parser
    r = r or reader()
    return [_test_input(string, rule, r) for string, rule in inputs]
Esempio n. 4
def test_blocksworld_writing():
    problem, _, _, _, table = get_bw_elements()
    domf, instf = write_problem(problem, domain_constants=[table])

    # Make sure that the printed-out problem can be parsed again
    problem2 = reader().read_problem(,
    assert len(problem.actions) == len(problem2.actions)  # Some silly checks
Esempio n. 5
def test_symbol_declarations():
        # First rule defines the predicate, necessary for the rest of rules not to raise an "UndefinedPredicate" error
        ("(at)", "predicate_definition"),
        ("(at1 ?x)", "predicate_definition"),
        ("(at5 ?x1 ?x2 ?x3 ?x4 ?x5)", "predicate_definition"),
        ("(loc1 ?x) - object", "function_definition"),
    ], r=reader())

    # Some additional tests
    r = reader()
    problem = r.parse_string("(loc1 ?x) - object", get_rule("function_definition"))
    lang = problem.language
    f = lang.get_function("loc1")
    assert f.codomain == lang.get_sort('object')
    assert f.domain == (lang.get_sort('object'), )
Esempio n. 6
def _test_inputs(inputs, r=None):
        Test a list of pairs (x, y): x is string to be parsed, y is rule name
        and return a list with the corresponding outputs of the parser.
        If no reader `r` is passed, each test is run on a different reader. This might be useful
        for avoiding duplicate name exceptions, etc, in a sequence of tests.
    return [_test_input(string, rule, r or reader()) for string, rule in inputs]
Esempio n. 7
def test_init():
        # First rule defines the predicate, necessary for the rest of rules not to raise an "UndefinedPredicate" error
        ("(at)", "predicate_definition"),
        ("(at)", "init_atom"),
        ("(not (at))", "init_atom"),
        # ("(assign (at))", "init_atom"),
    ], r=reader())
Esempio n. 8
def check_acyclicity(domain_file, instance_file):
    problem = reader(case_insensitive=True,
                         domain_file, instance_file)
    for a in problem.actions.values():
        acyclic = check_hypergraph_acyclicity(
        print(f'Action {} is {"acyclic" if acyclic else "cyclic"}.')
Esempio n. 9
def test_cost_function_identification():
    problem = generate_fstrips_counters_problem(ncounters=3)
    functions = identify_cost_related_functions(problem)
    assert functions == set()

    instance_file, domain_file = collect_strips_benchmarks(["agricola-opt18-strips:p01.pddl"])[0]
    problem = reader().read_problem(domain_file, instance_file)
    functions = identify_cost_related_functions(problem)
    assert functions == {"group_worker_cost"}
Esempio n. 10
def _setup_predicate_environment():
    read = reader()
    # Set up a few declarations of types objects and functions/predicates
        ("(:types t)", "declaration_of_types"),
        ("(:constants o1 o2 - t)", "constant_declaration"),
        ("(p ?o - t)", "predicate_definition"),
    ], r=read)
    return read
Esempio n. 11
def _setup_function_environment(theories=None):
    read = reader(theories=theories)
    # Set up a few declarations of types objects and functions/predicates
        ("(:types t)", "declaration_of_types"),
        ("(:constants o1 o2 - t)", "constant_declaration"),
        ("(f ?o - t) - t", "function_definition"),
    ], r=read)
    return read
Esempio n. 12
def test_increase_effects():
    output = _test_inputs([
        # First rule defines the function, necessary for the rest of rules not to raise some "Undefined" error
        ("(total-cost) - number", "function_definition"),
        ("(increase (total-cost) 1)", "effect"),
    ], r=reader(strict_with_requirements=False))  # This uses one single reader for all tests

    increase = output[1][0]
    assert isinstance(increase, FunctionalEffect) and isinstance(increase.condition, Tautology)
    assert str(increase.rhs) == '+(total-cost(), 1)'
Esempio n. 13
def test_single_atom_goal():
    r = reader()
        # First rule defines the predicate, necessary for the rest of rules not to raise an "UndefinedPredicate" error
        ("(CLEAR ?A - object)", "predicate_definition"),
        ("(:objects A B C D E)", "object_declaration"),
        ("(:goal (AND (CLEAR A)))", "goal"),
    ], r=r)
    assert isinstance(r.problem.goal, Atom)
    assert str(r.problem.goal) == "clear(a)"
Esempio n. 14
 def compute_acyclicity(instance):
     instance_file, domain_file = collect_strips_benchmarks([instance])[0]
     problem = reader(case_insensitive=True).read_problem(
         domain_file, instance_file)
     hgraphs = { compute_schema_constraint_hypergraph(a)
         for a in problem.actions.values()
     return {
         name: check_hypergraph_acyclicity(h)
         for name, h in hgraphs.items()
Esempio n. 15
def test_predicate_effects():
        # First rule defines the predicate, necessary for the rest of rules not to raise an "UndefinedPredicate" error
        ("(at)", "predicate_definition"),
        ("(at)", "effect"),
        ("(not (at))", "effect"),
        ("(and (not (at)))", "effect"),
        ("(and (not (at)) (at) (at))", "effect"),
        ("(forall (?x) (at))", "effect"),
        ("(when (not (at)) (at))", "effect"),
        ("(when (not (at)) (and (at) (at)))", "effect"),
    ], r=reader())  # This uses one single reader for all tests
Esempio n. 16
def test_formulas():
    r = reader()

    # Test a few names expected to be valid:
    for domain_name in ["BLOCKS", "blocS-woRlD", "blocks_world"]:
        tag = "(domain {})".format(domain_name)
        _ = r.parse_string(tag, get_rule("domain"))

    # And a few ones expected to be invalid
    for domain_name in ["BL#OCKS", "@mydomain", "2ndblocksworld", "blocks2.0"]:
        tag = "(domain {})".format(domain_name)

        with pytest.raises(ParsingError):
            _ = r.parse_string(tag, get_rule("domain"))
Esempio n. 17
def test_symbol_casing():
    """ Test the special casing for PDDL parsing. See issue #67 """
    instance_file, domain_file = collect_strips_benchmarks(["spider-sat18-strips:p01.pddl"])[0]
    problem = reader().read_problem(domain_file, instance_file)

    # PDDL parsing represents all symbols in lowercase. The PDDL contains a predicate TO-DEAL, but will get lowercased
    _ = problem.language.get_predicate("to-deal")
    with pytest.raises(UndefinedPredicate):
        _ = problem.language.get_predicate("TO-DEAL")

    # PDDL predicate current-deal remains unaffected
    _ = problem.language.get_predicate("current-deal")

    assert "to-deal" in set(x.symbol for x in get_symbols(problem.language, type_="predicate", include_builtin=False))
Esempio n. 18
def test_effect_free_variables_in_organic_synthesis():
    instance_file, domain_file = collect_strips_benchmarks(["organic-synthesis-opt18-strips:p01.pddl"])[0]
    problem = reader().read_problem(domain_file, instance_file)
    free = collect_effect_free_parameters(problem.get_action('additionofrohacrossgemdisubstitutedalkene'))
    names = sorted(x.expr.symbol for x in free)
    assert names == ['?h_3', '?h_4', '?r0_7', '?r1_8', '?r2_9']

    free = collect_effect_free_parameters(problem.get_action('additionofrohacrossmonosubstitutedalkene'))
    names = sorted(x.expr.symbol for x in free)
    assert names == ['?h_3', '?h_4', '?h_5', '?r0_8', '?r1_9']

    free = collect_effect_free_parameters(problem.get_action('additionofrohacrosstetrasubstitutedalkene'))
    names = sorted(x.expr.symbol for x in free)
    assert names == ['?r0_5', '?r1_6', '?r2_7', '?r3_8', '?r4_9']

    projected = project_away_effect_free_variables(problem.get_action('additionofrohacrosstetrasubstitutedalkene'))
    names = sorted(x.symbol for x in projected.parameters)
    assert names == ['?c_1', '?c_2', '?h_3', '?o_4']
Esempio n. 19
def test_pddl_type_declaration():
    r = reader()
        ("type1", "possibly_typed_name_list"),
        ("type1 type2 type3", "possibly_typed_name_list"),
        ("type1 - object", "possibly_typed_name_list"),
        ("type1 type2 type3 - object", "possibly_typed_name_list"),
    ], r=r)

    o = _test_input("type1 type2 - object type3 type4 - object type5", "possibly_typed_name_list", r)
    assert len(o) == 5 and all(parent == 'object' for typename, parent in o)

    o = _test_input("t t t t", "possibly_typed_name_list", r)
    assert len(o) == 4 and all(parent == 'object' for typename, parent in o)

    o = _test_input("t t t t - t", "possibly_typed_name_list", r)
    assert len(o) == 4 and all(parent == 't' for typename, parent in o)

    o = _test_input("t t t t - t t2 t3", "possibly_typed_name_list", r)
    assert len(o) == 6 and len(list(filter(lambda x: x == 'object', (parent for _, parent in o)))) == 2
Esempio n. 20
def test_lp_on_caldera():
    instance_file, domain_file = collect_strips_benchmarks(
    problem = reader().read_problem(domain_file, instance_file)
    lp, tr = create_reachability_lp(problem, ground_actions=True)