Esempio n. 1
    def test_cli_export_snippet_028(snippy):
        """Export all snippets.

        Export snippet with two lines content description. There must be two
        spaces after the newline in order to force a newline in Mardown format
        for the long description.
            'data': [
                'tar cvfz mytar.tar.gz --exclude="mytar.tar.gz" ./  #  Compress folder excluding the tar.'
            'Manipulate compressed tar files',
            'Manipulate compressed tar files and define very long descrption for the content to extend to two lines.',
            'groups': ['linux'],
            'tags': ['howto', 'linux', 'tar', 'untar'],
        with mock.patch('',
                        create=True) as mock_file:
            cause =['snippy', 'export', '-f', './'])
            assert cause == Cause.ALL_OK
            call = mock_file.return_value.__enter__.return_value.write.mock_calls[
            assert 'Manipulate compressed tar files and define very long descrption for the content to  \nextend to two lines.\n\n' in call
Esempio n. 2
    def test_cli_update_snippet_017(snippy, editor_data):
        """Update snippet with editor.

        Update existing snippet directly from command line. In this case the
        snippet contains multiple comments which are same. The update is made
        in Markdown format and editor must be able to show the content. There
        are no changes and the parser must notice that the content was not
            'data': [
                "find . -iregex '.*\\(py\\|robot\\)'  #  Find files.",
                "find . -iregex '.*\\(py\\|robot\\)' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=-  #  Find files and count lines.",
                "find . -iregex '.*\\(py\\|robot\\)' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=- | tail -n 1",
                "find . -name '*.py' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=-  #  Find files and count lines.",
                "find . -name '*.py' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=- | tail -n 1",
                "find . -name '*.py' -exec cat {} + | wc -l  #  Find files and count lines."
            'Find files and count lines',
            'Find files with or without regexp pattern and count lines.',
            'groups': ['linux'],
            'tags': ['find', 'linux', 'regexp'],
        content = {
            'data': [{
                ("find . -iregex '.*\\(py\\|robot\\)'  #  Find files.",
                 "find . -iregex '.*\\(py\\|robot\\)' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=-  #  Find files and count lines.",
                 "find . -iregex '.*\\(py\\|robot\\)' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=- | tail -n 1",
                 "find . -name '*.py' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=-  #  Find files and count lines.",
                 "find . -name '*.py' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=- | tail -n 1",
                 "find . -name '*.py' -exec cat {} + | wc -l  #  Find files and count lines."
                'Find files and count lines',
                'Find files with or without regexp pattern and count lines.',
                'groups': ('linux', ),
                'tags': ('find', 'linux', 'regexp'),
                'links': (),
                'versions': (),
        template = (
            '# Find files and count lines @linux', '',
            '> Find files with or without regexp pattern and count lines.', '',
            '> ', '', '- Find files.', '',
            '    `$ find . -iregex \'.*\\(py\\|robot\\)\'`', '',
            '- Find files and count lines.', '',
            '    `$ find . -iregex \'.*\\(py\\|robot\\)\' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=-`',
            '', '- <not documented>', '',
            '    `$ find . -iregex \'.*\\(py\\|robot\\)\' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=- | tail -n 1`  ',
            '', '- Find files and count lines.', '',
            '    `$ find . -name \'*.py\' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=-`',
            '', '- <not documented>', '',
            '    `$ find . -name \'*.py\' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=- | tail -n 1`  ',
            '', '- Find files and count lines.', '',
            '    `$ find . -name \'*.py\' -exec cat {} + | wc -l`', '',
            '## Meta', '', '> category : snippet  ',
            'created  : 2018-03-02T02:02:02.000001+00:00  ',
            'digest   : dae4e22c3c3858b5616a29be11916112a16994e30bc3e4b93b069bc9a772d889  ',
            'filename :  ', 'name     :  ', 'source   :  ',
            'tags     : find,linux,regexp  ',
            'updated  : 2018-03-02T02:02:02.000001+00:00  ',
            'uuid     : a1cd5827-b6ef-4067-b5ac-3ceac07dde9f  ',
            'versions :  ', '')
        editor_data.return_value = '\n'.join(template)
        cause =['snippy', 'update', '-d', 'dae4e22c3c3858b5'])
        assert cause == Cause.ALL_OK