def test_debian_egg_name_workaround(script): """ We can uninstall packages installed with the pyversion removed from the egg-info metadata directory name. Refs: """ result = script.pip('install', 'INITools==0.2', expect_error=True) egg_info = os.path.join( script.site_packages, "INITools-0.2-py%s.egg-info" % pyversion) # Debian only removes pyversion for global installs, not inside a venv # so even if this test runs on a Debian/Ubuntu system with broken setuptools, # since our test runs inside a venv we'll still have the normal .egg-info assert egg_info in result.files_created, "Couldn't find %s" % egg_info # The Debian no-pyversion version of the .egg-info mangled = os.path.join(script.site_packages, "INITools-0.2.egg-info") assert mangled not in result.files_created, "Found unexpected %s" % mangled # Simulate a Debian install by copying the .egg-info to their name for it full_egg_info = os.path.join(script.base_path, egg_info) assert os.path.isdir(full_egg_info) full_mangled = os.path.join(script.base_path, mangled) os.renames(full_egg_info, full_mangled) assert os.path.isdir(full_mangled) # Try the uninstall and verify that everything is removed. result2 = script.pip("uninstall", "INITools", "-y") assert_all_changes(result, result2, [script.venv/'build', 'cache'])
def test_uninstall_from_usersite_with_dist_in_global_site(self, script, virtualenv): """ Test uninstall from usersite (with same dist in global site) """ # the test framework only supports testing using virtualenvs. # the sys.path ordering for virtualenvs with --system-site-packages is this: virtualenv-site, user-site, global-site. # this test will use 2 modifications to simulate the user-site/global-site relationship # 1) a monkey patch which will make it appear piptestpackage is not in the virtualenv site # if we don't patch this, pip will return an installation error: "Will not install to the usersite because it will lack sys.path precedence..." # 2) adding usersite to PYTHONPATH, so usersite has sys.path precedence over the virtualenv site virtualenv.system_site_packages = True script.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = script.base_path / script.user_site _patch_dist_in_site_packages(script) result1 = script.pip_install_local('pip-test-package==0.1') result2 = script.pip_install_local('--user', 'pip-test-package==0.1.1') result3 = script.pip('uninstall', '-vy', 'pip-test-package') # uninstall console is mentioning user scripts, but not global scripts assert script.user_bin_path in result3.stdout assert script.bin_path not in result3.stdout # uninstall worked assert_all_changes(result2, result3, [script.venv/'build', 'cache']) # site still has 0.2 (can't look in result1; have to check) egg_info_folder = script.base_path / script.site_packages / 'pip_test_package-0.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion assert isdir(egg_info_folder)
def test_uninstall_rollback(script, data): """ Test uninstall-rollback (using test package with a crafted to fail on install). """ result = script.pip( 'install', '-f', data.find_links, '--no-index', 'broken==0.1' ) assert script.site_packages / '' in result.files_created, list( result.files_created.keys() ) result2 = script.pip( 'install', '-f', data.find_links, '--no-index', 'broken===0.2broken', expect_error=True, ) assert result2.returncode == 1, str(result2) assert 'python', '-c', "import broken; print(broken.VERSION)" ).stdout == '0.1\n' assert_all_changes( result.files_after, result2, [script.venv / 'build'], )
def test_upgrade_from_reqs_file(): """ Upgrade from a requirements file. """ env = reset_env() write_file( "test-req.txt", textwrap.dedent( """\ PyLogo<0.4 # and something else to test out: INITools==0.3 """ ), ) install_result = run_pip("install", "-r", env.scratch_path / "test-req.txt") write_file( "test-req.txt", textwrap.dedent( """\ PyLogo # and something else to test out: INITools """ ), ) run_pip("install", "--upgrade", "-r", env.scratch_path / "test-req.txt") uninstall_result = run_pip("uninstall", "-r", env.scratch_path / "test-req.txt", "-y") assert_all_changes(install_result, uninstall_result, [env.venv / "build", "cache", env.scratch / "test-req.txt"])
def test_uninstall_from_reqs_file(): """ Test uninstall from a requirements file. """ env = reset_env() write_file('test-req.txt', textwrap.dedent("""\ -e %s#egg=initools-dev # and something else to test out: PyLogo<0.4 """ % local_checkout('svn+'))) result = run_pip('install', '-r', 'test-req.txt') write_file('test-req.txt', textwrap.dedent("""\ # -f, -i, and --extra-index-url should all be ignored by uninstall -f -i --extra-index-url -e %s#egg=initools-dev # and something else to test out: PyLogo<0.4 """ % local_checkout('svn+'))) result2 = run_pip('uninstall', '-r', 'test-req.txt', '-y') assert_all_changes( result, result2, [env.venv/'build', env.venv/'src', env.scratch/'test-req.txt'])
def test_uninstall_overlapping_package(script, data): """ Uninstalling a distribution that adds modules to a pre-existing package should only remove those added modules, not the rest of the existing package. See: GitHub issue #355 (pip uninstall removes things it didn't install) """ parent_pkg = data.packages.join("parent-0.1.tar.gz") child_pkg = data.packages.join("child-0.1.tar.gz") result1 = script.pip('install', parent_pkg, expect_error=False) assert join(script.site_packages, 'parent') in result1.files_created, sorted(result1.files_created.keys()) result2 = script.pip('install', child_pkg, expect_error=False) assert join(script.site_packages, 'child') in result2.files_created, sorted(result2.files_created.keys()) assert normpath(join(script.site_packages, 'parent/plugins/')) in result2.files_created, sorted(result2.files_created.keys()) #the import forces the generation of __pycache__ if the version of python supports it'python', '-c', "import parent.plugins.child_plugin, child") result3 = script.pip('uninstall', '-y', 'child', expect_error=False) assert join(script.site_packages, 'child') in result3.files_deleted, sorted(result3.files_created.keys()) assert normpath(join(script.site_packages, 'parent/plugins/')) in result3.files_deleted, sorted(result3.files_deleted.keys()) assert join(script.site_packages, 'parent') not in result3.files_deleted, sorted(result3.files_deleted.keys()) # Additional check: uninstalling 'child' should return things to the # previous state, without unintended side effects. assert_all_changes(result2, result3, [])
def test_uninstall_editable_from_usersite(self, script, virtualenv, data): """ Test uninstall editable local user install """ virtualenv.system_site_packages = True script.user_site_path.makedirs() # install to_install = data.packages.join("FSPkg") result1 = script.pip( 'install', '--user', '-e', to_install, expect_error=False, ) egg_link = script.user_site / 'FSPkg.egg-link' assert egg_link in result1.files_created, str(result1.stdout) # uninstall result2 = script.pip('uninstall', '-y', 'FSPkg') assert not isfile(script.base_path / egg_link) assert_all_changes( result1, result2, [ script.venv / 'build', 'cache', script.user_site / 'easy-install.pth', ] )
def test_uninstall_from_usersite(self, script): """ Test uninstall from usersite """ result1 = script.pip('install', '--user', 'INITools==0.3') result2 = script.pip('uninstall', '-y', 'INITools') assert_all_changes(result1, result2, [script.venv / 'build', 'cache'])
def test_uninstall_from_reqs_file(script, tmpdir): """ Test uninstall from a requirements file. """ script.scratch_path.join("test-req.txt").write(textwrap.dedent("""\ -e %s#egg=initools-dev # and something else to test out: PyLogo<0.4 """ % local_checkout('svn+', tmpdir.join("cache")))) result = script.pip('install', '-r', 'test-req.txt') script.scratch_path.join("test-req.txt").write(textwrap.dedent("""\ # -f, -i, and --extra-index-url should all be ignored by uninstall -f -i --extra-index-url -e %s#egg=initools-dev # and something else to test out: PyLogo<0.4 """ % local_checkout('svn+', tmpdir.join("cache")))) result2 = script.pip('uninstall', '-r', 'test-req.txt', '-y') assert_all_changes( result, result2, [script.venv/'build', script.venv/'src', script.scratch/'test-req.txt', script.site_packages/'easy-install.pth'])
def test_uninstall_from_usersite_with_dist_in_global_site( self, virtualenv, script): """ Test uninstall from usersite (with same dist in global site) """ _patch_dist_in_site_packages(virtualenv) script.pip_install_local('pip-test-package==0.1', '--no-binary=:all:') result2 = script.pip_install_local( '--user', 'pip-test-package==0.1.1', '--no-binary=:all:') result3 = script.pip('uninstall', '-vy', 'pip-test-package') # uninstall console is mentioning user scripts, but not global scripts assert normcase(script.user_bin_path) in result3.stdout, str(result3) assert normcase(script.bin_path) not in result3.stdout, str(result3) # uninstall worked assert_all_changes(result2, result3, [script.venv / 'build', 'cache']) # site still has 0.2 (can't look in result1; have to check) egg_info_folder = ( script.base_path / script.site_packages / 'pip_test_package-0.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion ) assert isdir(egg_info_folder)
def _test_uninstall_editable_with_source_outside_venv(tmpdir): env = reset_env() result ='git', 'clone', local_repo('git+git://'), tmpdir) result2 = run_pip('install', '-e', tmpdir) assert (join(env.site_packages, 'virtualenv.egg-link') in result2.files_created), list(result2.files_created.keys()) result3 = run_pip('uninstall', '-y', 'virtualenv', expect_error=True) assert_all_changes(result, result3, [env.venv/'build'])
def test_upgrade_from_reqs_file(script): """ Upgrade from a requirements file. """ script.scratch_path.join("test-req.txt").write(textwrap.dedent("""\ PyLogo<0.4 # and something else to test out: INITools==0.3 """)) install_result = script.pip( 'install', '-r', script.scratch_path / 'test-req.txt' ) script.scratch_path.join("test-req.txt").write(textwrap.dedent("""\ PyLogo # and something else to test out: INITools """)) script.pip( 'install', '--upgrade', '-r', script.scratch_path / 'test-req.txt' ) uninstall_result = script.pip( 'uninstall', '-r', script.scratch_path / 'test-req.txt', '-y' ) assert_all_changes( install_result, uninstall_result, [script.venv / 'build', 'cache', script.scratch / 'test-req.txt'], )
def test_uninstall_from_usersite(self): """ Test uninstall from usersite """ env = reset_env(system_site_packages=True) result1 = run_pip('install', '--user', 'INITools==0.3') result2 = run_pip('uninstall', '-y', 'INITools') assert_all_changes(result1, result2, [env.venv/'build', 'cache'])
def test_uninstall_from_usersite(self, script, virtualenv): """ Test uninstall from usersite """ virtualenv.system_site_packages = True result1 = script.pip('install', '--user', 'INITools==0.3') result2 = script.pip('uninstall', '-y', 'INITools') assert_all_changes(result1, result2, [script.venv/'build', 'cache'])
def test_uninstall_editable_from_svn(script, tmpdir): """ Test uninstalling an editable installation from svn. """ result = script.pip('install', '-e', '%s#egg=initools-dev' % local_checkout('svn+', tmpdir.join("cache"))) result.assert_installed('INITools') result2 = script.pip('uninstall', '-y', 'initools') assert (script.venv/'src'/'initools' in result2.files_after), 'oh noes, pip deleted my sources!' assert_all_changes(result, result2, [script.venv/'src', script.venv/'build', script.site_packages/'easy-install.pth'])
def test_uninstall_easy_installed_console_scripts(script): """ Test uninstalling package with console_scripts that is easy_installed. """ args = ['easy_install'] args.append('discover') result =*args, **{"expect_stderr": True}) assert script.bin/'discover'+script.exe in result.files_created, sorted(result.files_created.keys()) result2 = script.pip('uninstall', 'discover', '-y') assert_all_changes(result, result2, [script.venv/'build', 'cache', script.site_packages/'easy-install.pth'])
def test_uninstall_wheel(script, data): """ Test uninstalling a wheel """ package = data.packages.join("simple.dist-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl") result = script.pip('install', package, '--no-index') dist_info_folder = script.site_packages / 'simple.dist-0.1.dist-info' assert dist_info_folder in result.files_created result2 = script.pip('uninstall', 'simple.dist', '-y') assert_all_changes(result, result2, [])
def test_uninstall_easy_install_after_import(script): """ Uninstall an easy_installed package after it's been imported """ result ='easy_install', 'INITools==0.2', expect_stderr=True) #the import forces the generation of __pycache__ if the version of python supports it'python', '-c', "import initools") result2 = script.pip('uninstall', 'INITools', '-y') assert_all_changes(result, result2, [script.venv/'build', 'cache', script.site_packages/'easy-install.pth'])
def test_uninstall_console_scripts(script): """ Test uninstalling a package with more files (console_script entry points, extra directories). """ args = ['install'] args.append('discover') result = script.pip(*args, **{"expect_error": True}) assert script.bin/'discover'+script.exe in result.files_created, sorted(result.files_created.keys()) result2 = script.pip('uninstall', 'discover', '-y', expect_error=True) assert_all_changes(result, result2, [script.venv/'build', 'cache'])
def test_upgrade_force_reinstall_newest(script): """ Force reinstallation of a package even if it is already at its newest version if --force-reinstall is supplied. """ result = script.pip('install', 'INITools') assert script.site_packages/ 'initools' in result.files_created, sorted(result.files_created.keys()) result2 = script.pip('install', '--upgrade', '--force-reinstall', 'INITools') assert result2.files_updated, 'upgrade to INITools 0.3 failed' result3 = script.pip('uninstall', 'initools', '-y', expect_error=True) assert_all_changes(result, result3, [script.venv/'build', 'cache'])
def test_uninstall_before_upgrade(script): """ Automatic uninstall-before-upgrade. """ result = script.pip('install', 'INITools==0.2', expect_error=True) assert script.site_packages/ 'initools' in result.files_created, sorted(result.files_created.keys()) result2 = script.pip('install', 'INITools==0.3', expect_error=True) assert result2.files_created, 'upgrade to INITools 0.3 failed' result3 = script.pip('uninstall', 'initools', '-y', expect_error=True) assert_all_changes(result, result3, [script.venv/'build', 'cache'])
def test_uninstall_with_scripts(script): """ Uninstall an easy_installed package with scripts. """ result ='easy_install', 'PyLogo', expect_stderr=True) easy_install_pth = script.site_packages/ 'easy-install.pth' pylogo = sys.platform == 'win32' and 'pylogo' or 'PyLogo' assert(pylogo in result.files_updated[easy_install_pth].bytes) result2 = script.pip('uninstall', 'pylogo', '-y') assert_all_changes(result, result2, [script.venv/'build', 'cache', easy_install_pth])
def test_uninstall_before_upgrade_from_url(script): """ Automatic uninstall-before-upgrade from URL. """ result = script.pip('install', 'INITools==0.2', expect_error=True) assert script.site_packages/ 'initools' in result.files_created, sorted(result.files_created.keys()) result2 = script.pip('install', '', expect_error=True) assert result2.files_created, 'upgrade to INITools 0.3 failed' result3 = script.pip('uninstall', 'initools', '-y', expect_error=True) assert_all_changes(result, result3, [script.venv/'build', 'cache'])
def test_simple_uninstall(script): """ Test simple install and uninstall. """ result = script.pip('install', 'INITools==0.2') assert join(script.site_packages, 'initools') in result.files_created, sorted(result.files_created.keys()) #the import forces the generation of __pycache__ if the version of python supports it'python', '-c', "import initools") result2 = script.pip('uninstall', 'INITools', '-y') assert_all_changes(result, result2, [script.venv/'build', 'cache'])
def test_uninstall_easy_install_after_import(): """ Uninstall an easy_installed package after it's been imported """ env = reset_env() result ='easy_install', 'INITools==0.2', expect_stderr=True) #the import forces the generation of __pycache__ if the version of python supports it'python', '-c', "import initools") result2 = run_pip('uninstall', 'INITools', '-y') assert_all_changes(result, result2, [env.venv/'build', 'cache'])
def test_uninstall_before_upgrade(): """ Automatic uninstall-before-upgrade. """ env = reset_env() result = run_pip("install", "INITools==0.2", expect_error=True) assert env.site_packages / "initools" in result.files_created, sorted(result.files_created.keys()) result2 = run_pip("install", "INITools==0.3", expect_error=True) assert result2.files_created, "upgrade to INITools 0.3 failed" result3 = run_pip("uninstall", "initools", "-y", expect_error=True) assert_all_changes(result, result3, [env.venv / "build", "cache"])
def test_upgrade_to_same_version_from_url(script): """ When installing from a URL the same version that is already installed, no need to uninstall and reinstall if --upgrade is not specified. """ result = script.pip('install', 'INITools==0.3', expect_error=True) assert script.site_packages/ 'initools' in result.files_created, sorted(result.files_created.keys()) result2 = script.pip('install', '', expect_error=True) assert not result2.files_updated, 'INITools 0.3 reinstalled same version' result3 = script.pip('uninstall', 'initools', '-y', expect_error=True) assert_all_changes(result, result3, [script.venv/'build', 'cache'])
def test_uninstall_easy_installed_console_scripts(): """ Test uninstalling package with console_scripts that is easy_installed. """ env = reset_env() args = ['easy_install'] args.append('discover') result =*args, **{"expect_stderr": True}) assert env.bin/'discover'+env.exe in result.files_created, sorted(result.files_created.keys()) result2 = run_pip('uninstall', 'discover', '-y') assert_all_changes(result, result2, [env.venv/'build', 'cache'])
def test_uninstall_editable_from_svn(): """ Test uninstalling an editable installation from svn. """ env = reset_env() result = run_pip('install', '-e', '%s#egg=initools-dev' % local_checkout('svn+')) result.assert_installed('INITools') result2 = run_pip('uninstall', '-y', 'initools') assert (env.venv/'src'/'initools' in result2.files_after), 'oh noes, pip deleted my sources!' assert_all_changes(result, result2, [env.venv/'src', env.venv/'build'])
def test_uninstall_rollback(): """ Test uninstall-rollback (using test package with a crafted to fail on install). """ env = reset_env() result = run_pip('install', '-f', find_links, '--no-index', 'broken==0.1') assert env.site_packages / '' in result.files_created, list(result.files_created.keys()) result2 = run_pip('install', '-f', find_links, '--no-index', 'broken==0.2broken', expect_error=True) assert result2.returncode == 1, str(result2) assert'python', '-c', "import broken; print(broken.VERSION)").stdout == '0.1\n' assert_all_changes(result.files_after, result2, [env.venv/'build', 'pip-log.txt'])
def test_uninstall_editable_from_svn(script, tmpdir): """ Test uninstalling an editable installation from svn. """ result = script.pip( 'install', '-e', '%s#egg=initools' % ( local_checkout('svn+', tmpdir) ), ) result.assert_installed('INITools') result2 = script.pip('uninstall', '-y', 'initools') assert (script.venv / 'src' / 'initools' in result2.files_after) assert_all_changes( result, result2, [ script.venv / 'src', script.venv / 'build', script.site_packages / 'easy-install.pth' ], )
def test_uninstall_from_reqs_file(script: PipTestEnvironment, tmpdir: Path) -> None: """ Test uninstall from a requirements file. """ local_svn_url = local_checkout( "svn+", tmpdir, ) script.scratch_path.joinpath("test-req.txt").write_text( textwrap.dedent(""" -e {url}#egg=initools # and something else to test out: PyLogo<0.4 """).format(url=local_svn_url)) result = script.pip("install", "-r", "test-req.txt") script.scratch_path.joinpath("test-req.txt").write_text( textwrap.dedent(""" # -f, -i, and --extra-index-url should all be ignored by uninstall -f -i --extra-index-url -e {url}#egg=initools # and something else to test out: PyLogo<0.4 """).format(url=local_svn_url)) result2 = script.pip("uninstall", "-r", "test-req.txt", "-y") assert_all_changes( result, result2, [ script.venv / "build", script.venv / "src", script.scratch / "test-req.txt", script.site_packages / "easy-install.pth", ], )
def test_debian_egg_name_workaround(script): """ We can uninstall packages installed with the pyversion removed from the egg-info metadata directory name. Refs: """ result = script.pip('install', 'INITools==0.2') egg_info = os.path.join( script.site_packages, "INITools-0.2-py{pyversion}.egg-info".format(**globals())) # Debian only removes pyversion for global installs, not inside a venv # so even if this test runs on a Debian/Ubuntu system with broken # setuptools, since our test runs inside a venv we'll still have the normal # .egg-info assert egg_info in result.files_created, \ "Couldn't find {egg_info}".format(**locals()) # The Debian no-pyversion version of the .egg-info mangled = os.path.join(script.site_packages, "INITools-0.2.egg-info") assert mangled not in result.files_created, \ "Found unexpected {mangled}".format(**locals()) # Simulate a Debian install by copying the .egg-info to their name for it full_egg_info = os.path.join(script.base_path, egg_info) assert os.path.isdir(full_egg_info) full_mangled = os.path.join(script.base_path, mangled) os.renames(full_egg_info, full_mangled) assert os.path.isdir(full_mangled) # Try the uninstall and verify that everything is removed. result2 = script.pip("uninstall", "INITools", "-y") assert_all_changes(result, result2, [script.venv / 'build', 'cache'])
def _test_uninstall_editable_with_source_outside_venv( script, tmpdir, temp_pkg_dir, ): result = 'git', 'clone', local_repo('git+git://', tmpdir), temp_pkg_dir, expect_stderr=True, ) result2 = script.pip('install', '-e', temp_pkg_dir) assert join(script.site_packages, 'pip-test-package.egg-link') in result2.files_created, list( result2.files_created.keys()) result3 = script.pip('uninstall', '-y', 'pip-test-package') assert_all_changes( result, result3, [script.venv / 'build', script.site_packages / 'easy-install.pth'], )
def test_uninstall_from_reqs_file(script, tmpdir): """ Test uninstall from a requirements file. """ local_svn_url = local_checkout( 'svn+', tmpdir, ) script.scratch_path.joinpath("test-req.txt").write_text( textwrap.dedent(""" -e {url}#egg=initools # and something else to test out: PyLogo<0.4 """).format(url=local_svn_url) ) result = script.pip('install', '-r', 'test-req.txt') script.scratch_path.joinpath("test-req.txt").write_text( textwrap.dedent(""" # -f, -i, and --extra-index-url should all be ignored by uninstall -f -i --extra-index-url -e {url}#egg=initools # and something else to test out: PyLogo<0.4 """).format(url=local_svn_url) ) result2 = script.pip('uninstall', '-r', 'test-req.txt', '-y') assert_all_changes( result, result2, [ script.venv / 'build', script.venv / 'src', script.scratch / 'test-req.txt', script.site_packages / 'easy-install.pth', ], )
def test_uninstall_overlapping_package(script, data): """ Uninstalling a distribution that adds modules to a pre-existing package should only remove those added modules, not the rest of the existing package. See: GitHub issue #355 (pip uninstall removes things it didn't install) """ parent_pkg = data.packages.joinpath("parent-0.1.tar.gz") child_pkg = data.packages.joinpath("child-0.1.tar.gz") result1 = script.pip('install', parent_pkg) assert join(script.site_packages, 'parent') in result1.files_created, ( sorted(result1.files_created.keys()) ) result2 = script.pip('install', child_pkg) assert join(script.site_packages, 'child') in result2.files_created, ( sorted(result2.files_created.keys()) ) assert normpath( join(script.site_packages, 'parent/plugins/') ) in result2.files_created, sorted(result2.files_created.keys()) # The import forces the generation of __pycache__ if the version of python # supports it'python', '-c', "import parent.plugins.child_plugin, child") result3 = script.pip('uninstall', '-y', 'child') assert join(script.site_packages, 'child') in result3.files_deleted, ( sorted(result3.files_created.keys()) ) assert normpath( join(script.site_packages, 'parent/plugins/') ) in result3.files_deleted, sorted(result3.files_deleted.keys()) assert join(script.site_packages, 'parent') not in result3.files_deleted, ( sorted(result3.files_deleted.keys()) ) # Additional check: uninstalling 'child' should return things to the # previous state, without unintended side effects. assert_all_changes(result2, result3, [])
def test_uninstall_from_usersite_with_dist_in_global_site( self, script, virtualenv): """ Test uninstall from usersite (with same dist in global site) """ # the test framework only supports testing using virtualenvs. # the sys.path ordering for virtualenvs with --system-site-packages is # this: virtualenv-site, user-site, global-site. # this test will use 2 modifications to simulate the # user-site/global-site relationship # 1) a monkey patch which will make it appear piptestpackage is not in # the virtualenv site if we don't patch this, pip will return an # installation error: "Will not install to the usersite because it # will lack sys.path precedence..." # 2) adding usersite to PYTHONPATH, so usersite has sys.path precedence # over the virtualenv site virtualenv.system_site_packages = True script.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = script.base_path / script.user_site _patch_dist_in_site_packages(script) script.pip_install_local('pip-test-package==0.1', '--no-binary=:all:') result2 = script.pip_install_local('--user', 'pip-test-package==0.1.1', '--no-binary=:all:') result3 = script.pip('uninstall', '-vy', 'pip-test-package') # uninstall console is mentioning user scripts, but not global scripts assert script.user_bin_path in result3.stdout assert script.bin_path not in result3.stdout # uninstall worked assert_all_changes(result2, result3, [script.venv / 'build', 'cache']) # site still has 0.2 (can't look in result1; have to check) egg_info_folder = (script.base_path / script.site_packages / 'pip_test_package-0.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion) assert isdir(egg_info_folder)
def test_uninstall_editable_from_usersite(self): """ Test uninstall editable local user install """ env = reset_env(system_site_packages=True) #install to_install = abspath(join(tests_data, 'packages', 'FSPkg')) result1 = run_pip('install', '--user', '-e', to_install, expect_error=False) egg_link = env.user_site / 'FSPkg.egg-link' assert egg_link in result1.files_created, str(result1.stdout) #uninstall result2 = run_pip('uninstall', '-y', 'FSPkg') assert not isfile(env.root_path / egg_link) assert_all_changes( result1, result2, [env.venv / 'build', 'cache', env.user_site / 'easy-install.pth'])
def test_uninstall_editable_from_svn(script: PipTestEnvironment, tmpdir: Path) -> None: """ Test uninstalling an editable installation from svn. """ result = script.pip( "install", "-e", "{checkout}#egg=initools".format(checkout=local_checkout( "svn+", tmpdir)), ) result.assert_installed("INITools") result2 = script.pip("uninstall", "-y", "initools") assert script.venv / "src" / "initools" in result2.files_after assert_all_changes( result, result2, [ script.venv / "src", script.venv / "build", script.site_packages / "easy-install.pth", ], )
def test_uninstall_console_scripts(script: PipTestEnvironment) -> None: """ Test uninstalling a package with more files (console_script entry points, extra directories). """ pkg_path = create_test_package_with_setup( script, name="discover", version="0.1", entry_points={"console_scripts": ["discover = discover:main"]}, ) result = script.pip("install", pkg_path) result.did_create(script.bin / "discover" + script.exe) result2 = script.pip("uninstall", "discover", "-y") assert_all_changes( result, result2, [ script.venv / "build", "cache", Path("scratch") / "discover" / "discover.egg-info", ], )
def test_uninstall_easy_install_after_import( script: PipTestEnvironment) -> None: """ Uninstall an easy_installed package after it's been imported """ # setuptools 52 removed easy_install. script.pip("install", "setuptools==51.3.3", use_module=True) result = script.easy_install("INITools==0.2", expect_stderr=True) # the import forces the generation of __pycache__ if the version of python # supports it"python", "-c", "import initools") result2 = script.pip("uninstall", "INITools", "-y") assert_all_changes( result, result2, [ script.venv / "build", "cache", script.site_packages / "easy-install.pth", ], )
def test_uninstall_rollback(script, data): """ Test uninstall-rollback (using test package with a crafted to fail on install). """ result = script.pip( 'install', '-f', data.find_links, '--no-index', 'broken==0.1' ) result.did_create(script.site_packages / '') result2 = script.pip( 'install', '-f', data.find_links, '--no-index', 'broken===0.2broken', expect_error=True, ) assert result2.returncode == 1, str(result2) assert 'python', '-c', "import broken; print(broken.VERSION)" ).stdout == '0.1\n' assert_all_changes( result.files_after, result2, [script.venv / 'build'], )
def check_force_reinstall(script, specifier, expected): """ Args: specifier: the requirement specifier to force-reinstall. expected: the expected version after force-reinstalling. """ result = script.pip_install_local('simplewheel==1.0') check_installed_version(script, 'simplewheel', '1.0') # Remove an installed file to test whether --force-reinstall fixes it. to_fix = script.site_packages_path.joinpath("simplewheel", "") to_fix.unlink() result2 = script.pip_install_local('--force-reinstall', specifier) check_installed_version(script, 'simplewheel', expected) # site_packages_path is absolute, but files_created mapping uses # relative paths as key. fixed_key = os.path.relpath(to_fix, script.base_path) result2.did_create(fixed_key, message='force-reinstall failed') result3 = script.pip('uninstall', 'simplewheel', '-y') assert_all_changes(result, result3, [script.venv / 'build', 'cache'])
def check_force_reinstall(script: PipTestEnvironment, specifier: str, expected: str) -> None: """ Args: specifier: the requirement specifier to force-reinstall. expected: the expected version after force-reinstalling. """ result = script.pip_install_local("simplewheel==1.0") check_installed_version(script, "simplewheel", "1.0") # Remove an installed file to test whether --force-reinstall fixes it. to_fix = script.site_packages_path.joinpath("simplewheel", "") to_fix.unlink() result2 = script.pip_install_local("--force-reinstall", specifier) check_installed_version(script, "simplewheel", expected) # site_packages_path is absolute, but files_created mapping uses # relative paths as key. fixed_key = os.path.relpath(to_fix, script.base_path) result2.did_create(fixed_key, message="force-reinstall failed") result3 = script.pip("uninstall", "simplewheel", "-y") assert_all_changes(result, result3, [script.venv / "build", "cache"])
def test_uninstall_from_usersite_with_dist_in_global_site( self, virtualenv, script): """ Test uninstall from usersite (with same dist in global site) """ _patch_dist_in_site_packages(virtualenv) script.pip_install_local('pip-test-package==0.1', '--no-binary=:all:') result2 = script.pip_install_local('--user', 'pip-test-package==0.1.1', '--no-binary=:all:') result3 = script.pip('uninstall', '-vy', 'pip-test-package') # uninstall console is mentioning user scripts, but not global scripts assert normcase(script.user_bin_path) in result3.stdout, str(result3) assert normcase(script.bin_path) not in result3.stdout, str(result3) # uninstall worked assert_all_changes(result2, result3, [script.venv / 'build', 'cache']) # site still has 0.2 (can't look in result1; have to check) egg_info_folder = (script.base_path / script.site_packages / 'pip_test_package-0.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion) assert isdir(egg_info_folder)