def __init__(self):
     self.rabbit = Rabbit()
     self.send_after_reconnect_errors = 0
     self.tolerated_send_errors = 0
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self):
     self.rabbit = Rabbit()
     self.send_after_reconnect_errors = 0
     self.tolerated_send_errors = 0
class WhenAgentRunsAsRabbitGoesUpAndDown(object):
    """Tests the agent is ok when Rabbit

    def __init__(self):
        self.rabbit = Rabbit()
        self.send_after_reconnect_errors = 0
        self.tolerated_send_errors = 0

    def stop_agent(self):

    def _send_successfully(self):
        """Sends a message successfully."""
        result = self._send_msg_with_timeout()
        assert_equal(result['status'], 'good')
        return result['version']

    def _send_msg_with_timeout(self):
        context = ReddwarfContext(is_admin=True, limit=5, marker=None)
        version =,
                {"method": "version",
                 "args": {"package_name": "dpkg"}
        return {"status": "good", "version": version}

    def _send_unsuccessfully(self):
        original_queue_count = self.rabbit.get_queue_items(topic_name()) or 0

            fail("Expected the message to fail, but it succeeded.")
        except Exception as e:
            # If the Python side works, we should at least see an item waiting
            # in the queue.
            # Whether we see this determines if the failure to send is Nova's
            # fault or Sneaky Petes.
            print("Error making RPC call: %s" % e)
            print("Original queue count = %d, "
                  "current count = %d"
                  % (original_queue_count,
                     self.rabbit.get_queue_items(topic_name()) or 0))

            #TODO: Erase the commented section below:
            # In the Kombu driver there is a bug where after restarting rabbit
            # the first message to be sent fails with a broken pipe. So here we
            # tolerate one such bug but no more.
            if not isinstance(e, TimeoutError):
                self.send_after_reconnect_errors += 1
                errors = self.send_after_reconnect_errors
                if errors > self.tolerated_send_errors:
                    fail("Exception while making RPC call: %s" % e)
            if ((self.rabbit.get_queue_items(topic_name()) or 0)
                > original_queue_count):
                return {"status": "bad", "blame": "agent"}
                return {"status": "bad", "blame": "host"}

    def check_agent_path_is_correct(self):
        """Make sure the agent binary listed in the config is correct."""
        self.agent_bin = str(test_config.values["agent_bin"])
        nova_conf = str(test_config.values["agent_conf"])
                    "Agent not found at path: %s" % self.agent_bin)
        self.agent = NativeService(cmd=[self.agent_bin,
                                  "--flagfile=%s" % nova_conf,

    def send_agent_a_message(self):
        result = self._send_successfully
        print("RESULT:%s" % result)

    def make_sure_we_can_identify_an_agent_failure(self):
        # This is so confusing, but it has to be, so listen up:
        # Nova code has issues sending messages so we either don't test this
        # or make allowances for Kombu's bad behavior. This test runs before
        # we start the agent and makes sure if Nova successfully sends a
        # message and the agent never answers it this test can identify that
        # and fail.
        result = self._send_unsuccessfully()
        assert_equal(result['status'], 'bad')
        assert_equal(result['blame'], 'agent')

    def stop_rabbit(self):
        if self.rabbit.is_alive:
        assert_false(self.rabbit.is_alive, "Rabbit did not shut down.")

    @test(depends_on=[check_agent_path_is_correct, stop_rabbit])
    def start_agent_while_rabbit_is_off(self):
        """Starts the agent as rabbit is stopped.

        Checks to make sure the agent doesn't just give up if it can't connect
        to Rabbit, and also that the memory doesn't grow as it increasingly
        creates connections.

        mem = self.agent.get_memory_info()
        self.original_mapped = mem.mapped

    def memory_should_not_increase_as_amqp_login_fails(self):
        """The agent should not spend memory on failed connections."""
        #TODO(tim.simpson): This operates on the assumption that the the agent
        # will try to reconnect multiple times while we sleep.
        # Explanation: the syslog (where the agent logs now reside) is
        # unreadable by the test user, so we can't count the original
        # failures and wait until we know the agent has tried to reconnect
        # several times before testing again. Instead we just sleep.
        # Once we log to a readable file we should fix that.
        #self.original_fail_count = count_message_occurrence_in_file(
        #    "/var/log/syslog", "Error establishing AMQP connection"
        # Memory should not go up as the connection fails.
        print("Original mapped memory        : %d" % self.original_mapped)

        # I've noticed that the memory jumps up a bit between 5 and 10 seconds
        # after it starts and then holds steady. So instead of taking the
        # original count, let's wait a bit and use that.
        self.original_mapped = self.agent.get_memory_info().mapped
        print("Mapped memory at 10 seconds   : %d" % self.original_mapped)

        total_seconds = 0
        mapped = []
        for i in range(4):
            total_seconds += 5
            print("Mapped memory after %d seconds : %d"
                  % (total_seconds, mapped[-1]))
        if self.original_mapped < mapped[-1]:
            fail("Oh no, after %d seconds memory rose from %d to %d!"
                 % (total_seconds, self.original_mapped, mapped[-1]))
        if mapped[-1] > 30 * 1024:
            fail("Whoa, why is mapped memory = %d for procid=%d, proc= %s?"
                 % (mapped[-1], self.agent.find_proc_id(), self.agent_bin))

    def start_rabbit(self):
        """Start rabbit."""

    def send_message(self):
        """Tests that the agent auto-connects to rabbit and gets a message."""
        version = self._send_successfully()
        assert_true(version is not None)
        matches ="(\\w+)\\.(\\w+)\\.(\\w+)\\.(\\w+)", version)
        assert_true(matches is not None)

    def restart_rabbit_again(self):
        """Now stop and start rabbit, ensuring the agent reconnects."""

    def send_message_again_1(self):
        """Sends a message."""
        self.tolerated_send_errors = 1

    def send_message_again_2a(self):
        """The agent should be able to receive messages after reconnecting."""

    def send_message_again_2b(self):
        """The agent should be able to receive messages after reconnecting."""
Esempio n. 4
class WhenAgentRunsAsRabbitGoesUpAndDown(object):
    """Tests the agent is ok when Rabbit
    def __init__(self):
        self.rabbit = Rabbit()
        self.send_after_reconnect_errors = 0
        self.tolerated_send_errors = 0

    def stop_agent(self):

    def _send_successfully(self):
        """Sends a message successfully."""
        result = self._send_msg_with_timeout()
        assert_equal(result['status'], 'good')
        return result['version']

    def _send_msg_with_timeout(self):
        context = ReddwarfContext(is_admin=True, limit=5, marker=None)
        version =, topic_name(), {
            "method": "version",
            "args": {
                "package_name": "dpkg"
        return {"status": "good", "version": version}

    def _send_unsuccessfully(self):
        original_queue_count = self.rabbit.get_queue_items(topic_name()) or 0

            fail("Expected the message to fail, but it succeeded.")
        except Exception as e:
            # If the Python side works, we should at least see an item waiting
            # in the queue.
            # Whether we see this determines if the failure to send is Nova's
            # fault or Sneaky Petes.
            print("Error making RPC call: %s" % e)
            print("Original queue count = %d, "
                  "current count = %d" %
                   self.rabbit.get_queue_items(topic_name()) or 0))

            #TODO: Erase the commented section below:
            # In the Kombu driver there is a bug where after restarting rabbit
            # the first message to be sent fails with a broken pipe. So here we
            # tolerate one such bug but no more.
            if not isinstance(e, TimeoutError):
                self.send_after_reconnect_errors += 1
                errors = self.send_after_reconnect_errors
                if errors > self.tolerated_send_errors:
                    fail("Exception while making RPC call: %s" % e)
            if ((self.rabbit.get_queue_items(topic_name()) or 0) >
                return {"status": "bad", "blame": "agent"}
                return {"status": "bad", "blame": "host"}

    def check_agent_path_is_correct(self):
        """Make sure the agent binary listed in the config is correct."""
        self.agent_bin = str(test_config.values["agent_bin"])
        nova_conf = str(test_config.values["agent_conf"])
                    "Agent not found at path: %s" % self.agent_bin)
        self.agent = NativeService(cmd=[
            "--flagfile=%s" %
            nova_conf, "--rabbit_reconnect_wait_time=1", "--guest_id=-99"

    def send_agent_a_message(self):
        result = self._send_successfully
        print("RESULT:%s" % result)

    def make_sure_we_can_identify_an_agent_failure(self):
        # This is so confusing, but it has to be, so listen up:
        # Nova code has issues sending messages so we either don't test this
        # or make allowances for Kombu's bad behavior. This test runs before
        # we start the agent and makes sure if Nova successfully sends a
        # message and the agent never answers it this test can identify that
        # and fail.
        result = self._send_unsuccessfully()
        assert_equal(result['status'], 'bad')
        assert_equal(result['blame'], 'agent')

    def stop_rabbit(self):
        if self.rabbit.is_alive:
        assert_false(self.rabbit.is_alive, "Rabbit did not shut down.")

    @test(depends_on=[check_agent_path_is_correct, stop_rabbit])
    def start_agent_while_rabbit_is_off(self):
        """Starts the agent as rabbit is stopped.

        Checks to make sure the agent doesn't just give up if it can't connect
        to Rabbit, and also that the memory doesn't grow as it increasingly
        creates connections.

        print("FDSize=%d" % self.agent.get_fd_count())
        mem = self.agent.get_memory_info()
        self.original_mapped = mem.mapped

    def memory_should_not_increase_as_amqp_login_fails(self):
        """The agent should not spend memory on failed connections."""
        #TODO(tim.simpson): This operates on the assumption that the the agent
        # will try to reconnect multiple times while we sleep.
        # Explanation: the syslog (where the agent logs now reside) is
        # unreadable by the test user, so we can't count the original
        # failures and wait until we know the agent has tried to reconnect
        # several times before testing again. Instead we just sleep.
        # Once we log to a readable file we should fix that.
        #self.original_fail_count = count_message_occurrence_in_file(
        #    "/var/log/syslog", "Error establishing AMQP connection"
        # Memory should not go up as the connection fails.
        print("Original mapped memory        : %d" % self.original_mapped)

        # I've noticed that the memory jumps up a bit between 5 and 10 seconds
        # after it starts and then holds steady. So instead of taking the
        # original count, let's wait a bit and use that.
        for i in range(10):
            print("FDSize=%d" % self.agent.get_fd_count())

        self.original_mapped = self.agent.get_memory_info().mapped
        self.original_fdsize = self.agent.get_fd_count()
        print("Starting FDSize=%d" % self.original_fdsize)
        print("Mapped memory at 10 seconds   : %d" % self.original_mapped)

        total_seconds = 0
        mapped = []
        fdsize = []
        for i in range(4):
            total_seconds += 5
            print("Mapped memory after %d seconds : %d" %
                  (total_seconds, mapped[-1]))
            print("FDSize = %d" % self.agent.get_fd_count())
        if self.original_mapped < mapped[-1]:
            fail("Oh no, after %d seconds memory rose from %d to %d!" %
                 (total_seconds, self.original_mapped, mapped[-1]))
        if self.original_fdsize < fdsize[-1]:
            fail("Oh no, after %d seconds fdsize rose from %d to %d!" %
                 (self.original_fdsize, fdsize[-1]))
        if mapped[-1] > 30 * 1024:
            fail("Whoa, why is mapped memory = %d for procid=%d, proc= %s?" %
                 (mapped[-1], self.agent.find_proc_id(), self.agent_bin))

    def start_rabbit(self):
        """Start rabbit."""

    def send_message(self):
        """Tests that the agent auto-connects to rabbit and gets a message."""
        version = self._send_successfully()
        assert_true(version is not None)
        matches ="(\\w+)\\.(\\w+)\\.(\\w+)\\.(\\w+)", version)
        assert_true(matches is not None)

    def _check_for_fd_growth(self):
        actual_fdc = self.agent.get_fd_count()
        if self.original_fdsize < actual_fdc:
            fail("Oh no, fdsize rose from %d to %d!" %
                 (self.original_fdsize, actual_fdc))

    def restart_rabbit_again(self):
        """Now stop and start rabbit, ensuring the agent reconnects."""

    def send_message_again_1(self):
        """Sends a message."""
        self.tolerated_send_errors = 1

    def send_message_again_2a(self):
        """The agent should be able to receive messages after reconnecting."""

    def send_message_again_2b(self):
        """The agent should be able to receive messages after reconnecting."""