Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, filedir: str) -> None:
        self.cwd = os.path.dirname(
            filedir)  # base directory for indir, outdir and tempdir
        self.indir = os.path.join(self.cwd, 'input')  # Input files
        self.outdir = os.path.join(self.cwd,
                                   'output')  # Expected/actual output files
        self.tempdir = os.path.join(
            self.cwd, 'temp')  # Scratch directory for temporary work

        # Get the parent's directory name.  If it is a test directory, borrow from its environment
        parent = Path(self.cwd).parts[-2]
        if parent.startswith('test'):
            parent_env = import_module('..environment', __package__)
            self.meta_yaml = parent_env.env.meta_yaml
            self.types_yaml = parent_env.env.types_yaml
            self.mapping_yaml = parent_env.env.mapping_yaml
            self.import_map = parent_env.env.import_map
            self.mismatch_action = parent_env.env.mismatch_action
            self.root_input_path = parent_env.env.root_input_path
            self.root_expected_path = parent_env.env.root_expected_path
            self.root_temp_file_path = parent_env.env.root_temp_file_path
            self._log = parent_env.env._log
            self.meta_yaml = self.input_path('meta.yaml')
            self._check_changed(self.meta_yaml, LOCAL_METAMODEL_YAML_FILE)

            self.types_yaml = self.input_path('includes', TYPES_FILE_NAME)
            self._check_changed(self.types_yaml, LOCAL_TYPES_YAML_FILE)

            self.mapping_yaml = self.input_path('includes', MAPPING_FILE_NAME)
            self._check_changed(self.mapping_yaml, LOCAL_MAPPING_YAML_FILE)

            from tests import USE_LOCAL_IMPORT_MAP
            self.import_map = self.input_path(
                'local_import_map.json') if USE_LOCAL_IMPORT_MAP else None
            from tests import DEFAULT_MISMATCH_ACTION
            self.mismatch_action = DEFAULT_MISMATCH_ACTION
            self.root_input_path = self.input_path
            self.root_expected_path = self.expected_path
            self.root_temp_file_path = self.temp_file_path
            self._log = MismatchLog()
Esempio n. 2
 def clear_log(self) -> None:
     """ Clear the output log """
     self._log = MismatchLog()
Esempio n. 3
class TestEnvironment:
    import_map_warning_emitted: bool = False
    """ Testing environment """
    def __init__(self, filedir: str) -> None:
        self.cwd = os.path.dirname(
            filedir)  # base directory for indir, outdir and tempdir
        self.indir = os.path.join(self.cwd, 'input')  # Input files
        self.outdir = os.path.join(self.cwd,
                                   'output')  # Expected/actual output files
        self.tempdir = os.path.join(
            self.cwd, 'temp')  # Scratch directory for temporary work

        # Get the parent's directory name.  If it is a test directory, borrow from its environment
        parent = Path(self.cwd).parts[-2]
        if parent.startswith('test'):
            parent_env = import_module('..environment', __package__)
            self.meta_yaml = parent_env.env.meta_yaml
            self.types_yaml = parent_env.env.types_yaml
            self.mapping_yaml = parent_env.env.mapping_yaml
            self.import_map = parent_env.env.import_map
            self.mismatch_action = parent_env.env.mismatch_action
            self.root_input_path = parent_env.env.root_input_path
            self.root_expected_path = parent_env.env.root_expected_path
            self.root_temp_file_path = parent_env.env.root_temp_file_path
            self._log = parent_env.env._log
            self.meta_yaml = self.input_path('meta.yaml')
            self._check_changed(self.meta_yaml, LOCAL_METAMODEL_YAML_FILE)

            self.types_yaml = self.input_path('includes', TYPES_FILE_NAME)
            self._check_changed(self.types_yaml, LOCAL_TYPES_YAML_FILE)

            self.mapping_yaml = self.input_path('includes', MAPPING_FILE_NAME)
            self._check_changed(self.mapping_yaml, LOCAL_MAPPING_YAML_FILE)

            from tests import USE_LOCAL_IMPORT_MAP
            self.import_map = self.input_path(
                'local_import_map.json') if USE_LOCAL_IMPORT_MAP else None
            from tests import DEFAULT_MISMATCH_ACTION
            self.mismatch_action = DEFAULT_MISMATCH_ACTION
            self.root_input_path = self.input_path
            self.root_expected_path = self.expected_path
            self.root_temp_file_path = self.temp_file_path
            self._log = MismatchLog()

    def _check_changed(test_file: str, runtime_file: str) -> None:
        if not filecmp.cmp(test_file, runtime_file):
                f"WARNING: Test file {test_file} does not match {runtime_file}.  "
                f"You may want to update the test version and rerun")
        from tests import USE_LOCAL_IMPORT_MAP
        if USE_LOCAL_IMPORT_MAP and not TestEnvironment.import_map_warning_emitted:
                f"WARNING: USE_LOCAL_IMPORT_MAP must be reset to False before completing submission."
            TestEnvironment.import_map_warning_emitted = True

    def clear_log(self) -> None:
        """ Clear the output log """
        self._log = MismatchLog()

    def input_path(self, *path: str) -> str:
        """ Create a file path in the local input directory """
        return os.path.join(self.indir, *[p for p in path if p])

    def expected_path(self, *path: str) -> str:
        """ Create a file path in the local output directory """
        return os.path.join(self.outdir, *[p for p in path if p])

    def actual_path(self, *path: str, is_dir: bool = False) -> str:
        """ Return the full path to the path fragments in path """
        dir_path = [p for p in (path if is_dir else path[:-1]) if p]
        return os.path.join(self.tempdir, *[p for p in path if p])

    def temp_file_path(self, *path: str, is_dir: bool = False) -> str:
        """ Create the directories down to the path fragments in path.  If is_dir is True, create and clear the
         innermost directory
        return self.actual_path(*path, is_dir=is_dir)

    def log(self,
            file_or_directory: str,
            message: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        self._log.log(file_or_directory, message)

    def verb(self) -> str:
        return 'will be' if self.fail_on_error else 'was'

    def fail_on_error(self) -> bool:
        return self.mismatch_action == MismatchAction.Fail

    def report_errors(self) -> bool:
        return self.mismatch_action != MismatchAction.Ignore

    def __str__(self):
        """ Return the current state of the log file """
        return '\n\n'.join([str(e) for e in self._log.entries])

    def make_temp_dir(self, *paths: str) -> str:
        """ Create and initialize a list of paths """
        full_path = self.tempdir
        if len(paths):
            for i in range(len(paths)):
                full_path = os.path.join(full_path, paths[i])
                                                       clear=i == len(paths) -
        return full_path

    def string_comparator(self, expected: str, actual: str) -> Optional[str]:
        Compare two strings w/ embedded line feeds.  Return a simple match/nomatch output message
        :param expected: expected string
        :param actual: actual string
        :return: Error message if mismatch else None
        if expected.replace('\r\n', '\n').strip() != actual.replace(
                '\r\n', '\n').strip():
            return f"Output {self.verb} changed."

    def remove_testing_directory(directory: str) -> None:
        shutil.rmtree(directory, ignore_errors=True)

    def make_testing_directory(directory: str, clear: bool = False) -> None:
        Create directory if necessary and clear it if requested
        :param directory: Directory to create
        :param clear: True means remove everything there
        if clear or not os.path.exists(directory):
            safety_file = os.path.join(directory, "generated")
            if os.path.exists(directory):
                if not os.path.exists(safety_file):
                    raise FileNotFoundError(
                        f"'generated' guard file not found in {directory}")
            os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
            with open(safety_file, "w") as f:
                    "Generated for safety.  Directory will not be cleared if this file is not present"

    def generate_directory(self, dirname: Union[str, List[str]],
                           generator: Callable[[str], None]) -> None:
        Invoke the generator and compare the output in a temp directory to the output directory.  Report the results
        and then update the output directory
        :param dirname: relative directory name (e.g. gengolr/meta)
        :param generator: function to create the output. First argument is the target directory
        dirname = dirname if isinstance(dirname, List) else [dirname]
        temp_output_directory = self.make_temp_dir(*dirname)
        expected_output_directory = self.expected_path(*dirname)


        diffs = are_dir_trees_equal(expected_output_directory,
        if diffs:
            self.log(expected_output_directory, diffs)
            if not self.fail_on_error:
                os.rename(temp_output_directory, expected_output_directory)

    def generate_single_file(self,
                             filename: Union[str, List[str]],
                             generator: Callable[[Optional[str]],
                             value_is_returned: bool = False,
                             filtr: Callable[[str], str] = None,
                             comparator: Callable[[str, str], str] = None,
                             use_testing_root: bool = False) -> str:
        Invoke the generator and compare the actual results to the expected.
        :param filename: relative file name(s) (no path)
        :param generator: output generator. Either produces a string or creates a file
        :param value_is_returned: True means that generator returns output directly
        :param filtr: Optional filter to remove non-compare information (e.g. dates, specific paths, etc.)
        :param comparator: Optional output comparison function.
        :param use_testing_root: True means output directory is in test root instead of local directory
        :return: the generator output
        # If no filter, default to identity function
        if not filtr:
            filtr = lambda s: s
        filename = filename if isinstance(filename, List) else [filename]
        actual_file = self.root_temp_file_path(
            *filename) if use_testing_root else self.actual_path(*filename)
        expected_file = self.root_expected_path(
            *filename) if use_testing_root else self.expected_path(*filename)

        if value_is_returned:
            actual = filtr(generator())
            outf = StringIO()
            from tests import CLIExitException
            with contextlib.redirect_stdout(outf):
                except CLIExitException:
            actual = filtr(outf.getvalue())

        if not self.eval_single_file(
                expected_file, actual, filtr,
                comparator if comparator else self.string_comparator):
            if self.fail_on_error:
                with open(actual_file, 'w') as actualf:
        return actual

    def eval_single_file(self,
                         expected_file_path: str,
                         actual_text: str,
                         filtr: Callable[[str], str],
                         comparator: Callable[[str, str], str] = None) -> bool:
        """ Compare actual_text to the contents of the expected file.  Log a message if there is a mismatch and
            overwrite the expected file if we're not in the fail on error mode
        if comparator is None:
            comparator = self.string_comparator
        if os.path.exists(expected_file_path):
            with open(expected_file_path) as expf:
                expected_text = filtr(
            msg = comparator(expected_text, filtr(actual_text))
            msg = f"New file {self.verb} created"
        if msg:
            self.log(expected_file_path, msg)
        if msg and not self.fail_on_error:
            with open(expected_file_path, 'w') as outf:
        return not msg