Esempio n. 1
 def rotate_piece(self):
     """Rotate a piece as long as it won't cause a collision."""
     if not self.gameover and not self.paused:
         new_piece = helpers.rotate_clockwise(self.piece)
         if not helpers.check_collision(self.board, new_piece,
                                        (self.piece_x, self.piece_y)):
             self.piece = new_piece
def _get_costs_of_moves(board, piece):
    """Get the costs of all the moves given a board and piece."""
    cost_to_move = {}
    max_x = len(board[0])
    rotation_index = constants.TETRIS_SHAPES.index(piece)

    for rand_rotation in range(0, constants.SHAPE_TO_ROTATION[rotation_index]):
        if rand_rotation:
            piece = helpers.rotate_clockwise(piece)
        for new_x in range(0, max_x - len(piece[0]) + 1):
            interm_piece_y = 0
            while not helpers.check_collision(board, piece,
                                              (new_x, interm_piece_y)):
                interm_piece_y += 1
            interm_board, removed_rows = helpers.get_interm_board(
                board, piece, (new_x, interm_piece_y))

            if not USE_DELLACHERIES:
                interm_cost = _calculate_simple_cost(interm_board,
                interm_cost = _calculate_dellacheries_cost(
                    interm_board, removed_rows, (new_x, interm_piece_y))
            cost_to_move[interm_cost] = (new_x, interm_piece_y, piece)
    return cost_to_move
def random_player(board, piece, shape_x, shape_y):
    """Player which returns a random move for a given piece and board."""
    shape_x = shape_x
    final_shape = piece

    # Get random rotation
    rand_rotation = random.randint(0, 3)
    for _ in range(0, rand_rotation):
        piece = helpers.rotate_clockwise(piece)
    if not helpers.check_collision(board, piece, (shape_x, shape_y)):
        final_shape = piece

    # Get random x_position position
    new_x = random.randint(0, constants.CONFIG['cols'])
    if new_x > constants.CONFIG['cols'] - len(piece[0]):
        new_x = constants.CONFIG['cols'] - len(piece[0])
    if not helpers.check_collision(board, piece, (new_x, shape_y)):
        shape_x = new_x
    return shape_x, final_shape
Esempio n. 4
    def new_piece(self):
        """Randomly spawn a new piece."""
        self.piece = constants.TETRIS_SHAPES[rand(len(
        self.piece_x = int(constants.CONFIG['cols'] / 2 -
                           len(self.piece[0]) / 2)
        self.piece_y = 0

        if helpers.check_collision(self.board, self.piece,
                                   (self.piece_x, self.piece_y)):
            self.gameover = True
Esempio n. 5
 def move(self, delta_x):
     """For manual play move the piece left or right."""
     if not self.gameover and not self.paused:
         new_x = self.piece_x + delta_x
         if new_x < 0:
             new_x = 0
         if new_x > constants.CONFIG['cols'] - len(self.piece[0]):
             new_x = constants.CONFIG['cols'] - len(self.piece[0])
         if not helpers.check_collision(self.board, self.piece,
                                        (new_x, self.piece_y)):
             self.piece_x = new_x
Esempio n. 6
    def manual_drop(self):
        """The drop function when playing manually.

        This slowly drops a piece to animate a falling piece on the board. When using the
        automatic tetris players we don't care about that so the drop functions are different.
        if not self.gameover and not self.paused:
            self.piece_y += 1
            if helpers.check_collision(self.board, self.piece,
                                       (self.piece_x, self.piece_y)):
                self.board = helpers.add_piece_to_board(
                    self.board, self.piece, (self.piece_x, self.piece_y))
                while True:
                    for i, row in enumerate(self.board[:-1]):
                        if 0 not in row:
                            self.board = helpers.remove_row(self.board, i)
                            self.score += 1