def format_table(table, format='csv', outputstream=sys.stdout, **extra_options): """table can be a table from dict_to_table() or a dictionary. The dictionary can have either a single value as a key (for a one-dimensional table) or 2-tuples (for two-dimensional tables). format is currently one of csv, tsv, tex, texbitmap, or asciiart. Values for texbitmap should be floats between 0 and 1 and the output will be the TeX code for a large-pixeled bitmap.""" if isinstance(table, dict): table = dict_to_table(table) if format in ('csv', 'tsv'): import csv dialect = {'csv' : csv.excel, 'tsv' : csv.excel_tab}[format] writer = csv.writer(outputstream, dialect=dialect) for row in table: writer.writerow(row) elif format == 'tex': import TeXTable print >>outputstream, TeXTable.texify(table, has_header=True) elif format == 'texbitmap': import TeXTable extra_options.setdefault('has_header', True) print >>outputstream, TeXTable.make_tex_bitmap(table, **extra_options) elif format == 'asciiart': from texttable import Texttable texttable = Texttable(**extra_options) texttable.add_rows(table) print >>outputstream, texttable.draw() else: raise ValueError("Unsupported format: %r (supported formats: %s)" % \ (format, ' '.join(supported_formats)))
def print_deploy_header(): table = Texttable(200) table.set_cols_dtype(["t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t"]) table.header( ["Deployment name", "Deployment ID", "Cloud provider", "Region", "Hostname", "Source type", "Source ID", "Source name", "Status"]) return table
def output_table_list(tables): terminal_size = get_terminal_size()[1] widths = [] for tab in tables: for i in range(0, len(tab.columns)): current_width = len(tab.columns[i].label) if len(widths) < i + 1: widths.insert(i, current_width) elif widths[i] < current_width: widths[i] = current_width for row in current_width = len(resolve_cell(row, tab.columns[i].accessor)) if current_width > widths[i]: widths[i] = current_width if sum(widths) != terminal_size: widths[-1] = terminal_size - sum(widths[:-1]) - len(widths) * 3 for tab in tables: table = Texttable(max_width=terminal_size) table.set_cols_width(widths) table.set_deco(0) table.header([i.label for i in tab.columns]) table.add_rows([[AsciiOutputFormatter.format_value(resolve_cell(row, i.accessor), i.vt) for i in tab.columns] for row in], False) six.print_(table.draw() + "\n")
def test_texttable_header(): table = Texttable() table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER) table.set_cols_dtype([ 't', # text 'f', # float (decimal) 'e', # float (exponent) 'i', # integer 'a', # automatic ]) table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "r", "r", "l"]) table.add_rows([ ["text", "float", "exp", "int", "auto"], ["abcd", "67", 654, 89, 128.001], ["efghijk", 67.5434, .654, 89.6, 12800000000000000000000.00023], ["lmn", 5e-78, 5e-78, 89.4, .000000000000128], ["opqrstu", .023, 5e+78, 92., 12800000000000000000000], ]) assert clean(table.draw()) == dedent('''\ text float exp int auto ============================================== abcd 67.000 6.540e+02 89 128.001 efghijk 67.543 6.540e-01 90 1.280e+22 lmn 0.000 5.000e-78 89 0.000 opqrstu 0.023 5.000e+78 92 1.280e+22 ''')
def getAuccuracy( train, testSet, k ): totalCount = len(testSet) correctCount = 0.0; # Init ConfusionMatrix confusionMatrix = { } for i in featuresList: for j in featuresList: confusionMatrix[ (i,j) ] = 0 for i in range(len(testSet)): predition = getPrediction( getDistancesOfKSimilarSets( train, testSet[i], k ) ) if predition == testSet[i][-1]: correctCount+=1; confusionMatrix[ testSet[i][-1], predition ] += 1 print "Confusion Matrix" from texttable import Texttable table=[] row=[""] row.extend(featuresList) table.append(row) for i in featuresList: row=[i] for j in featuresList: row.append( confusionMatrix[ (i,j) ]) table.append(row) T=Texttable(); T.add_rows(table) print T.draw(); return correctCount*1.0/totalCount;
def __repr__(self): t = Texttable() for rowId in range(0,self.size[0]): rowDetails = [] for cellId in range(0,self.size[1]): cell = self.cellAtLocation(cellId,rowId) color = { "free": bcolors.WHITE, "mine": bcolors.PURPLE, "theirs": bcolors.RED }[cell.getState()] rowDetails.append( get_color_string(color, cell) ) t.add_row(rowDetails) return "\n".join([ t.draw(), self.board, self.state ])
def images_to_ascii_table(images): """Just a method that formats the images to ascii table. Expects dictionary {host: [images]} and prints multiple tables """ with closing(StringIO()) as out: for host, values in images.iteritems(): out.write(str(host) + "\n") t = TextTable() t.set_deco(TextTable.HEADER) t.set_cols_dtype(['t'] * 5) t.set_cols_align(["l"] * 5) rows = [] rows.append(['Repository', 'Tag', 'Id', 'Created', 'Size']) for image in values: rows.append([ image.repository or '<none>', image.tag or '<none>',[:12], time_ago(image.created), human_size(image.size) ]) t.add_rows(rows) out.write(t.draw() + "\n\n") return out.getvalue()
def _create_app(args): api = _login(args) response = api.create_app(, args.type, args.autostart, args.extra_info) print('App has been created:') table = Texttable(max_width=140) table.add_rows([['Param', 'Value']] + [[key, value] for key, value in response.items()]) print(table.draw())
def render_instruments_as_table(instruments, display_heading=True): """ Returns ASCII table view of instruments. :param instruments: The instruments to be rendered. :type instruments: :class:`mytardisclient.models.resultset.ResultSet` :param render_format: The format to display the data in ('table' or 'json'). :param display_heading: Setting `display_heading` to True ensures that the meta information returned by the query is summarized in a 'heading' before displaying the table. This meta information can be used to determine whether the query results have been truncated due to pagination. """ heading = "\n" \ "Model: Instrument\n" \ "Query: %s\n" \ "Total Count: %s\n" \ "Limit: %s\n" \ "Offset: %s\n\n" \ % (instruments.url, instruments.total_count, instruments.limit, instruments.offset) if display_heading else "" table = Texttable(max_width=0) table.set_cols_align(["r", 'l', 'l']) table.set_cols_valign(['m', 'm', 'm']) table.header(["ID", "Name", "Facility"]) for instrument in instruments: table.add_row([,, instrument.facility]) return heading + table.draw() + "\n"
def render_schemas_as_table(schemas, display_heading=True): """ Returns ASCII table view of schemas. :param schemas: The schemas to be rendered. :type schemas: :class:`mytardisclient.models.resultset.ResultSet` :param render_format: The format to display the data in ('table' or 'json'). :param display_heading: Setting `display_heading` to True ensures that the meta information returned by the query is summarized in a 'heading' before displaying the table. This meta information can be used to determine whether the query results have been truncated due to pagination. """ heading = "\n" \ "Model: Schema\n" \ "Query: %s\n" \ "Total Count: %s\n" \ "Limit: %s\n" \ "Offset: %s\n\n" \ % (schemas.url, schemas.total_count, schemas.limit, schemas.offset) if display_heading else "" table = Texttable(max_width=0) table.set_cols_align(["r", 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l']) table.set_cols_valign(['m', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'm']) table.header(["ID", "Name", "Namespace", "Type", "Subtype", "Immutable", "Hidden"]) for schema in schemas: table.add_row([,, schema.namespace, schema.type, schema.subtype or '', str(bool(schema.immutable)), str(bool(schema.hidden))]) return heading + table.draw() + "\n"
def show_pretty_versions(): result_list = list() header_list = ["IP", "Role", "Version", "Name", "Streamcast version", ] result_list.append(header_list) print("Versions installed:") ips = get_ips() for ip in ips: line = retrieve(sshcmd + ip + " cat /var/raumfeld-1.0/device-role.json") if "true" in line: moreinfo = "host" else: moreinfo = "slave" renderer_name = RfCmd.get_device_name_by_ip(ip) line = retrieve(sshcmd + ip + " cat /etc/raumfeld-version") line_streamcast = retrieve(sshcmd + ip + " streamcastd --version") single_result = list() single_result.append(ip) single_result.append(moreinfo) single_result.append(line.rstrip()) single_result.append(renderer_name) single_result.append(line_streamcast.rstrip()) result_list.append(single_result) t = Texttable(250) t.add_rows(result_list) print(t.draw())
def render_datasets_as_table(datasets, display_heading=True): """ Returns ASCII table view of datasets. :param datasets: The datasets to be rendered. :type datasets: :class:`mytardisclient.models.resultset.ResultSet` :param render_format: The format to display the data in ('table' or 'json'). :param display_heading: Setting `display_heading` to True ensures that the meta information returned by the query is summarized in a 'heading' before displaying the table. This meta information can be used to determine whether the query results have been truncated due to pagination. """ heading = "\n" \ "Model: Dataset\n" \ "Query: %s\n" \ "Total Count: %s\n" \ "Limit: %s\n" \ "Offset: %s\n\n" \ % (datasets.url, datasets.total_count, datasets.limit, datasets.offset) if display_heading else "" table = Texttable(max_width=0) table.set_cols_align(["r", 'l', 'l', 'l']) table.set_cols_valign(['m', 'm', 'm', 'm']) table.header(["Dataset ID", "Experiment(s)", "Description", "Instrument"]) for dataset in datasets: table.add_row([, "\n".join(dataset.experiments), dataset.description, dataset.instrument]) return heading + table.draw() + "\n"
def _create_website(args): api = _login(args) if len(args.site_apps) % 2: print('Error: invalid site applications array') print('Array items should be pairs of application name and URL path') print('Example: django_app / django_app_media /media') return else: site_apps = zip(args.site_apps[::2], args.site_apps[1::2]) for site_app in site_apps: app_name, app_url = site_app if not VALID_SYMBOLS.match(app_name): print('Error: %s is not a valid app name' % app_name) print('use A-Z a-z 0-9 or uderscore symbols only') return if not VALID_URL_PATHS.match(app_url): print('Error: %s is not a valid URL path' % app_url) print('must start with / and only regular characters, . and -') return response = api.create_website(args.website_name, args.ip, args.https, \ args.subdomains, *site_apps) print('Web site has been created:') table = Texttable(max_width=140) table.add_rows([['Param', 'Value']] + [[key, value] for key, value in response.items()]) print(table.draw())
def display_two_columns(cls, table_dict=None): if table_dict: ignore_fields = ['_cls', '_id', 'date_modified', 'date_created', 'password', 'confirm'] table = Texttable(max_width=100) rows = [['Property', 'Value']] for key, value in table_dict.iteritems(): if key not in ignore_fields: items = [key.replace('_', ' ').title()] if isinstance(value, list): if value: if key == "projects": project_entry = "" for itm in value: user_project = Project.objects(id=ObjectId(itm.get('$oid'))) \ .only('title', 'project_id').first() project_entry = project_entry + user_project.title + ", " project_entry.strip(', ') items.append(project_entry) else: items.append(' , '.join(value)) else: items.append('None') else: items.append(value) rows.append(items) try: if rows: table.add_rows(rows) except: print sys.exc_info()[0] print table.draw() pass
def draw(self): t = Texttable() t.add_rows([["TEAM","RUNS","HITS","LOB","ERRORS"], [self.away_team.team_name, self.away_runs, self.away_hits, self.away_LOB, self.away_errors], [self.home_team.team_name, self.home_runs, self.home_hits, self.home_LOB, self.home_errors]]) print(t.draw())
def output_table(tab): max_width = get_terminal_size()[1] table = Texttable(max_width=max_width) table.set_deco(0) table.header([i.label for i in tab.columns]) widths = [] number_columns = len(tab.columns) remaining_space = max_width # set maximum column width based on the amount of terminal space minus the 3 pixel borders max_col_width = (remaining_space - number_columns * 3) / number_columns for i in range(0, number_columns): current_width = len(tab.columns[i].label) tab_cols_acc = tab.columns[i].accessor max_row_width = max( [len(str(resolve_cell(row, tab_cols_acc))) for row in ] ) current_width = max_row_width if max_row_width > current_width else current_width if current_width < max_col_width: widths.insert(i, current_width) # reclaim space not used remaining_columns = number_columns - i - 1 remaining_space = remaining_space - current_width - 3 if remaining_columns != 0: max_col_width = (remaining_space - remaining_columns * 3)/ remaining_columns else: widths.insert(i, max_col_width) remaining_space = remaining_space - max_col_width - 3 table.set_cols_width(widths) table.add_rows([[AsciiOutputFormatter.format_value(resolve_cell(row, i.accessor), i.vt) for i in tab.columns] for row in], False) print(table.draw())
def print_stats_table( header, data, columns, default_alignment="l", custom_alignment=None ): """Print out a list of dictionaries (or objects) as a table. If given a list of objects, will print out the contents of objects' `__dict__` attributes. :param header: Header that will be printed above table. :type header: `str` :param data: List of dictionaries (or objects ) """ print("# %s" % header) table = Texttable(max_width=115) table.header(columns) table.set_cols_align(default_alignment * len(columns)) if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] for row in data: # Treat all non-list/tuple objects like dicts to make life easier if not isinstance(row, (list, tuple, dict)): row = vars(row) if isinstance(row, dict): row = [row.get(key, "MISSING") for key in columns] table.add_row(row) if custom_alignment: table.set_cols_align( [custom_alignment.get(column, default_alignment) for column in columns] ) print(table.draw())
def command_password(self, params): '''[set/get/list] <pdu> <port> <password> password set <pdu> <port> <password> Set port password on pdu e.g. - Set password "A01" for port 1 on pdu 1 password set 1 1 A01 password get <pdu> <port> Get port password on pdu e.g. - Get password for port 1 on pdu 1 password get 1 1 password list <pdu> Display password of all ports on pdu e.g. - Display all ports password on pdu 1 password list 1 ''' subcommand = params[0] if subcommand == 'set': if len(params) != 4: self.writeresponse("Invalid parameters.") return pdu = int(params[1]) port = int(params[2]) passwd = params[3] password.write_password(pdu, port, passwd) elif subcommand == 'get': if len(params) != 3: self.writeresponse("Invalid parameters.") return pdu = int(params[1]) port = int(params[2]) password_str = password.read_password(pdu, port) if password_str == "": self.writeresponse("Not found password.") return response = "Password is: " + password_str self.writeresponse(response) elif subcommand == 'list': if len(params) != 2: self.writeresponse("Invalid parameters.") return pdu = int(params[1]) table = Texttable() table.header(["Port", "Password"]) table.set_cols_dtype(['d', 't']) table.set_cols_align(['c', 'c']) for port_index in range(24): passwd = password.read_password(pdu, port_index + 1) if passwd == "": continue table.add_row([port_index + 1, passwd]) self.writeresponse(table.draw())
def show_items(self, items): table = Texttable(max_width=0) table.header(['#', 'item']) table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER | Texttable.VLINES) table.set_cols_dtype(['i', 't']) table.add_rows([(i, item) for i, item in enumerate(items)], header=False) print(table.draw())
def _make_confusion_table(self, labels, predictions): header = self._make_classes_header() C = confusion_matrix(labels, predictions) t = Texttable() t.add_row(['-'] + header) for i, h in enumerate(header): t.add_row([h] + C[i].tolist()) return t
def handle(self): table = Texttable(max_width=0) table.set_deco( Texttable.BORDER | Texttable.HEADER | Texttable.VLINES) table.header(("Processor", "Groups")) table.add_row(["Steps", ":".join(run.steps_groups())]) table.add_row(["Alerts", ":".join(run.alerts_groups()) or "-"]) print(table.draw())
def execute( self ): count = self.server.db.fetchone( "SELECT count(*) FROM %s;" % self.type ) items = self.server.db.fetch( "SELECT * FROM %s;" % self.type, headers=True ) table = Texttable() table.add_rows( items ) print table.draw() print " -- %d records." % count print
def _render_table(nodes): table = Texttable() rows = [["ID", "State", "Tags", "Environment", "Address"]] for node in nodes: environment_description = "%s\nDef: %s" % (node.environment_name(), node.environment_definition_name()) rows.append([, node.state(), node.tags(), environment_description, node.address()]) table.add_rows(rows) print(table.draw())
def drawTable(game, showDealersCards=False): atmp = os.system('clear') table = Texttable() header = [] row_wager = [] row_cards = [] row_totals = [] row_status = [] # # Add dealer's hand # header.append("Dealer") row_wager.append("") if showDealersCards: dealersCards = "{} of {}\n{} of {}".format([0].cards_in_hand[0],[0].cards_in_hand[0],[0].cards_in_hand[1],[0].cards_in_hand[1] dealersTotal =[0].total() else: dealersCards = "X\n{} of {}".format([0].cards_in_hand[1],[0].cards_in_hand[1] dealersTotal = "" row_cards.append(dealersCards) row_totals.append(dealersTotal) row_status.append("") # # /dealer # for player in game.players: for hand in player.hands: header.append( row_wager.append("Bet: $" + str(hand.wager)) row_cards.append("{} of {}\n{} of {}".format(hand.cards_in_hand[0], hand.cards_in_hand[0], hand.cards_in_hand[1], hand.cards_in_hand[1] row_totals.append("Total: {}".format( if hand.status == HandStatus.Blackjack: handStatus = "Blackjack!!" elif hand.status == HandStatus.Bust: handStatus = "Bust" else: handStatus = "" row_status.append(handStatus) table.header(header) table.add_row(row_wager) table.add_row(row_cards) table.add_row(row_totals) table.add_row(row_status) table.set_deco(Texttable.BORDER | Texttable.HEADER | Texttable.VLINES) print(table.draw())
def main(): all = get_results() for keys in all.keys(): print('Simplified', keys[0], 'Hard difficulty', keys[1], 'Black border', keys[2], 'Extended dataset', keys[3]) values = all[keys] values = sorted(values) table = Texttable() cols = ['Val Err', 'Compon.', 'C', 'Gamma', 'Kernel', 'Time', 'Index'] table.add_rows([cols] + values) print table.draw()
def _draw_table(self, targ, metric, rows): parts = [util.hline("%s Metrics on Target '%s'" % (metric, targ['name']), 'cyan')] table = Texttable(logger.LINE_WIDTH) table.set_cols_align(['r', 'l']) name_width = max([len(row[0]) for row in rows]) table.set_cols_width([name_width+1, logger.LINE_WIDTH-name_width-4]) table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER | Texttable.VLINES) table.add_rows(rows) parts.extend([table.draw(), '']) return parts
def __str__(self): from texttable import Texttable table = Texttable(max_width=180) matrix = [[left + ' -> ' + self.parse_table[t][left] if left in self.parse_table[t] else ' ' for t in self.parse_table if not t == 'eps'] for left in self.N] matrix.insert(0, [t for t in self.parse_table]) table.add_rows(matrix) return table.draw() + '\n'
def print_current_standings(players_db): print() table = Texttable() table.header(['Player', 'Wins']) table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER) table.set_cols_align(['l', 'r']) for name, wins in players_db.iter_players_wins(): table.add_row([name, wins]) print(table.draw()) print()
def _list_query(args): what = args.module api = _login(args) rows = getattr(api, 'list_%s' % what)() if not rows: print('No %s found' % what) return table = Texttable(max_width=140) table.add_rows([rows[0].keys()] + [row.values() for row in rows]) print(table.draw())
def main(): all = get_results() for keys in all.keys(): print('Simplified', keys[0], 'Hard difficulty', keys[1], 'Black border', keys[2], 'Extended dataset', keys[3]) values = all[keys] values = sorted(values) table = Texttable() cols = ['Val Err', 'Epochs', 'Fc1', 'Optimizer', 'Index'] table.add_rows([cols] + values) print table.draw()
def pboard(Title=''): print('\n' * 300) from texttable import Texttable ##Player's Table a = Texttable() a.add_rows([['Card', 'Suit', 'Colour', 'Value']]) for i, x in enumerate(player_cards): a.add_row([ player_cards[i].card, player_cards[i].suit, player_cards[i].colour, player_cards[i].value ]) # Dealers Table b = Texttable() b.add_rows([['Card', 'Suit', 'Colour', 'Value']]) if turn == 'player': b.add_row(['Covered', 'Covered', 'Covered', 'Covered']) for i, x in enumerate(dealer_cards[1:]): b.add_row([ dealer_cards[i].card, dealer_cards[i].suit, dealer_cards[i].colour, dealer_cards[i].value ]) else: for i, x in enumerate(dealer_cards): b.add_row([ dealer_cards[i].card, dealer_cards[i].suit, dealer_cards[i].colour, dealer_cards[i].value ]) pbalance() print('...............%s................' % playersname) print(a.draw()) print('\n') print('................Dealer.................') print(b.draw()) print('\n')
def __init__(self): Texttable.__init__(self) # set class attributes so that it'll be more like TRex standard output self.set_chars(['-', '|', '-', '-']) self.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER | Texttable.VLINES)
def main(): is_lin = False is_mac = False is_win = False log_start_time = None log_end_time = None host = None user = None port = None if platform.system() == 'Linux': is_lin = True elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': is_mac = True elif platform.system() == 'Windows': is_win = True parsing_start_time = time.time() log = Log() log.get_entries() parsing_end_time = time.time() dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(log.actions[0].time, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') log_start_time = '{:%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S}'.format(dt) dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(log.actions[len(log.actions) - 1].time, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') log_end_time = '{:%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S}'.format(dt) sort_start_time = time.time() log.actions.sort(key=operator.attrgetter(args.sortby), reverse=args.reverse) sort_end_time = time.time() table = Texttable(0) table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER) table.set_cols_dtype(['i', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't', 'f', 'i', 'i']) table.header([ 'ID', 'Start Time', 'End Time', 'User', 'Raw Cmd', 'Table Name', 'Run time', 'Start Line', 'Total Lines' ]) for a in log.actions[:args.howmany]: runtime = None if user is None: user = a.server_user if host is None: host = a.server_host if port is None: port = a.server_port end_datetime_object = datetime.datetime.strptime( a.time, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') start_datetime_object = end_datetime_object - datetime.timedelta( seconds=a.runtime) start_time = '{:%H:%M:%S}'.format(start_datetime_object) end_time = '{:%H:%M:%S}'.format(end_datetime_object) # if is_lin or is_mac or args.coloring: # if in_range(0, 15, a.runtime): # runtime = get_color_string(bcolors.GREEN, a.runtime) # elif in_range(16, 30, a.runtime): # runtime = get_color_string(bcolors.LIGHT_YELLOW, a.runtime) # elif in_range(31, 60, a.runtime): # runtime = get_color_string(bcolors.YELLOW, a.runtime) # elif in_range(61, 2147483647, a.runtime): # runtime = get_color_string(bcolors.RED, a.runtime) # else: # runtime = a.runtime # table.add_row([, start_time , end_time, a.user, a.rawcmd, a.tablename, a.runtime, a.startline, a.totallines]) # else: # if args.tablename is not None: # print(args.tablename) # if args.action is not None: # print(args.action) # if args.user is not None: # print(args.user) table.add_row([, start_time, end_time, a.user, a.rawcmd, a.tablename, a.runtime, a.startline, a.totallines ]) print(table.draw()) print("\nParse time:", "{0:.3f}".format(parsing_end_time - parsing_start_time)) print("Sort time:", "{0:.3f}".format(sort_end_time - sort_start_time)) print("Server Host: " + host) print("Server Port: " + port) print("Server User: "******"Log Start Time: " + log_start_time) print("Log End Time: " + log_end_time) print("Total actions: " + str(len(log.actions)))
def main(args): if args.gevent: import gevent.monkey gevent.monkey.patch_all() if not args.strict: = ['*' + name + '*' for name in] table = Texttable(args.width) table.set_cols_dtype(['t'] * len(args.fields)) table.set_cols_align([args.align] * len(args.fields)) if not args.quiet: table.add_row([pretify_field(field) for field in args.fields]) table.set_deco(0) instances = [] for required_name in instances.extend(get_instances_by_id_or_name(required_name, projects=args.projects, raw=args.raw, regions=args.regions, clouds=args.clouds)) if instances = [instance for instance in instances if instance.state == 'running'] if not instances: sys.exit(1) instances.sort(key=lambda instance: [getattr(instance, field) for field in args.sort_by]) table.add_rows([[getattr(instance, field) for field in args.fields] for instance in instances], header=False) print table.draw()
mean = score_nb.mean() * 100 std = score_nb.std() * 100 / 2 accuracy = "%0.2f (+/- %0.2f)" % (mean, std) return accuracy, mean def TreeFunction(x, y, cvt): dtree = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier() score_tree = cross_val_score(dtree, x, y.ravel(), cv=cvt) mean = score_tree.mean() * 100 std = score_tree.std() * 100 / 2 accuracy = "%0.2f (+/- %0.2f)" % (mean, std) return accuracy, mean # ----------------- Initialization -------------------- t = Texttable() scoresnb = [] scorestree = [] sdf = ["Iris", "Echocardiogram", "Mushroom", "Breats", "Credit", "Pima", "Hepatitis", "Wine", "Voting", "Car", "Dermatology", "Glass"] # np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan) imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean', axis=0) cv = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=8) min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() # --------------------- Iris ------------------------- dataset_iris = pd.read_csv('Dataset/Iris.csv') dataset_iris.label = pd.factorize(dataset_iris.label)[0] D_iris = dataset_iris.as_matrix()
def percentage_table(data: dict) -> str: table = Texttable() table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER) table.add_row(("feature", "percentage supported")) tlsv = { "TLSv1.0": 0, "TLSv1.1": 0, "TLSv1.2": 0, "TLSv1.3": 0, "SSLv2": 0, "SSLv3": 0, } d = { "plain http": 0, "https redirect": 0, "hsts": 0, "ipv6": 0, } for entry in data.values(): for k in tlsv.keys(): if k in entry["tls_versions"]: tlsv[k] += 1 if entry.get("insecure_http"): d["plain http"] += 1 if entry.get("redirect_to_https"): d["https redirect"] += 1 if entry.get("hsts"): d["hsts"] += 1 if entry.get("ipv6_addresses"): d["ipv6"] += 1 l = len(data) if l == 0: return table.draw() for k, v in tlsv.items(): percentage = round(v / l * 100, 2) table.add_row((k, f"{percentage}%")) for k, v in d.items(): percentage = round(v / l * 100, 2) table.add_row((k, f"{percentage}%")) return table.draw()
if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} <IP_Address>") sys.exit(0) chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() chrome_options.add_argument("--headless") browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options) browser.get('') get_sleepy() browser.find_element_by_class_name('btn-search-censys').click() t = Texttable() t.add_row(['IP ADDRESS', 'PORTS']) with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f: for cnt, line in enumerate(f): open_ports = [] browser.find_element_by_id('q').send_keys(line.strip()) get_sleepy() browser.find_element_by_id('q').send_keys(Keys.ENTER) get_sleepy() protocol_details = browser.find_elements_by_class_name(
def __print_texttable(self, data_array): t = Texttable() t.add_rows(data_array) print(t.draw())
def show_price(tr_code, dfh): while True: df = ts.get_realtime_quotes(tr_code) dfr = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=('code', 'name', 'open', 'pre_close', 'price', 'high', 'low')) #dfr['涨跌']=pd.concat([(df['high']-df['low']),(df['high'] - df['pre_close'].shift(1)).abs(),(df['low'] - df['pre_close'].shift(1))], axis=1).max(axis=1) dfr['涨跌%'] = df.apply(lambda x: ((float(x['price']) - float(x[ 'pre_close'])) / float(x['pre_close'])) * 100, axis=1) dfr['持仓价'] = dfh['hold_price'] dfr['持股数'] = dfh['hold_cnt'] dfr['当日盈亏'] = dfr.apply( lambda x: (float(x['price']) - float(x['pre_close'])) * float(x['持股数']), axis=1) dfr['总盈亏'] = dfr.apply( lambda x: (float(x['price']) - float(x['持仓价'])) * float(x['持股数']), axis=1) total_twl = dfr['当日盈亏'].sum() total_wl = dfr['总盈亏'].sum() dfr = dfr.sort_values(by='总盈亏', ascending=False) tb = Texttable() tb.set_cols_align( ['l', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r']) tb.set_cols_dtype( ['t', 't', 'f', 'f', 'f', 'f', 'f', 'f', 'f', 'i', 'f', 'f']) tb.set_cols_width([8, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12]) tb.header(list(dfr)) tb.add_rows(dfr.values, header=False) print(tb.draw()) print('当日总盈亏 %.2f,总盈亏 %.2f' % (total_twl, total_wl)) total_twl = 0 total_wl = 0 time.sleep(1)
def __init__(self): '''Search algorithms, depth search, width search and minimum path using Dijkstra ''' print('''*******************Search algorithms******************** Author: Oraldo Jacinto Simon Professor: M.I. Jesus Roberto López Santillán ''') list_edges_weight = [] fichero1 = open("graph1.txt", 'r') fichero2 = open("graph2.txt", 'r') lines1 = lines2 = lines1 = lines1.rsplit('\n') lines2 = lines2.rsplit('\n') list_edges_weight1 = [edge.split(',') for edge in lines1 if edge != ''] list_edges_weight2 = [edge.split(',') for edge in lines2 if edge != ''] fichero1.close() fichero2.close() obj_graph1 = Graph() obj_graph2 = Graph() graph1 = obj_graph1.add_from_edge(list_edges_weight1, directed=True) adjacents = graph1.get_adjacents() width = graph1.search_in_width('a') width_recursive = graph1.search_width_recursive('a', queue=deque(), visited=[]) depth = graph1.depth_search('a') graph2 = obj_graph2.add_from_edge(list_edges_weight2, directed=False) adjacents2 = graph2.get_adjacents() table = Texttable() table.set_cols_align(["c", "c", "c"]) table.set_cols_valign(["t", "m", "b"]) table.set_cols_width([20, 70, 40]) head = ["Method", "Graph", "Answer"] rows = [] rows.append(head) search_in_width = [ 'Search in width from the vertex (a)', str(adjacents), str(width_recursive) ] rows.append(search_in_width) depth_search = [ 'Depth Search from the vertex (a)', str(adjacents), str(depth) ] rows.append(depth_search) kruskal = [ 'Kruskal', str(adjacents2), '(Minimum Spanning Tree) => ' + str(graph2.kruskal()) ] rows.append(kruskal) dijkstra = ['Dijkstra', str(adjacents2), 'See trace below'] rows.append(dijkstra) table.add_rows(rows) print(table.draw() + "\n") graph2.dijkstra_search('a', 'e')
# 主程序 if __name__ == '__main__': itemTemp = getMovieList( "D:/PycharmProjects/reMov/artists.item") # 获取物品ID-物品item列表 fileTemp = readFile( "D:/PycharmProjects/reMov/") # 读取用户-物品ID contextTemp = readFile( "D:/PycharmProjects/reMov/" ) #读取用户-物品-上下文 user_dic, movie_dic = createDict(fileTemp) # 创建字典 context_dic = createDictContext(contextTemp) #创建上下文字典 #numpy.savetxt('user_dict.txt', user_dic) print("创建字典") user_id = 66 movieTemp = recommondation(user_id, user_dic, 80) # 对电影tuijian排序 #movieTemp_txt = pandas.Series(movieTemp) #movieTemp_txt.to_csv('movieTemp_txt.csv') print("创建字典2") rows = [] table = Texttable() # 创建表格并显示 table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER) table.set_cols_dtype(['t', 'f', 'a']) table.set_cols_align(["l", "l", "l"]) rows.append(["user name", "recommondation_movie", "from userid"]) for i in movieTemp: rows.append([user_id, itemTemp[i[0]][0], ""]) #(物品ID对应的物品item) table.add_rows(rows) print(table.draw())
def access_points(ctx, gateway, interface=None): """ Get WiFi access points visible to the gateway """ # TODO implement table for ext wifi if gateway is None: gateway = get_default_gateway(ctx) session = ctx.obj.session resp = session.get_wifi_access_points(gateway, interface) resp.raise_for_status() seen = set() table = Texttable() table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER) table.set_cols_dtype(['t', 't', 'i']) table.set_cols_align(['l', 'l', 'r']) table.header(['ssid', 'security', 'strength']) for ap in resp.json().get('access_points', []): if ap['ssid'] not in seen: table.add_row([ap['ssid'], ap['security'], ap['strength']]) seen.add(ap['ssid']) click.echo(table.draw())
def get_regstat(fixed_image, moving_image, out_stats, out_tm, out_qc, tm): x = [[]] time1 = time.time() # loading images target = plt.imread(fixed_image) #tar=cv2.imread(fixed_image) target_name = os.path.split(fixed_image)[1] # print(target_name) # target=cv2.resize(target,(5705,5705)) # tar=cv2.resize(tar,(5705,5705)) moving = plt.imread(moving_image) #mov=cv2.imread(moving_image) # moving=cv2.resize(moving,(5705,5705)) # mov=cv2.resize(mov,(5705,5705)) moving_name = os.path.split(moving_image)[-1] # print(moving_name) # registration #a=target.shape[0] b=target.shape[1] #moving=cv2.resize(moving,(b,b)) mov_avg=np.mean(moving.astype("float")) print(target.shape) print(moving.shape) res=ird.similarity(target,moving) def_moving=res['timg'] scale=res['scale'] angle=res['angle'] (t0,t1)=res['tvec'] #def_moving, scale, angle, (t0, t1) = imreg.similarity(target, moving) def_mov_array=imreg.similarity_matrix(scale,angle,(t0,t1)), def_mov_array) def_avg=np.mean(def_moving.astype("float")) # def_moving=cv2.resize(def_moving,(5705,5705)) time2 = time.time() ti = time2-time1 # statistical results cc = np.corrcoef(moving.flat, target.flat) r1 = cc[0, 1] score1, diff = compare_ssim(target, moving, full=True, multichannel=True) loss_before = 0.5*(1-r1) + 0.5*(1-score1) cc = np.corrcoef(def_moving.flat, target.flat) r2 = cc[0, 1] score2, diff = compare_ssim(def_moving, target, full=True) loss_after = 0.5*(1-r2) + 0.5*(1-score2) mi_bef = mutual_info_score(moving.ravel(), target.ravel()) mi_aft = mutual_info_score(target.ravel(), def_moving.ravel()) mae = np.sum(np.absolute(target.astype("float") - moving.astype("float"))) u1 = np.sum(target.astype("float") + moving.astype("float")) mean_before = np.divide(mae, u1) u2 = np.sum(target.astype("float") + def_moving.astype("float")) mae = np.sum(np.absolute(target.astype( "float") - def_moving.astype("float"))) mean_after = np.divide(mae, u2) t = Texttable() #print(def_moving.shape) if mi_aft > mi_bef: plt.imsave(tm, def_moving,cmap='gray') else: plt.imsave(tm, moving,cmap='gray') # plt.imsave(tm,def_moving,cmap='gray') x.append([target_name, moving_name, r1, r2, score1, score2, loss_before, loss_after, mi_bef, mi_aft, mean_before, mean_after,mov_avg,def_avg, ti]) t.add_rows(x) t.set_cols_align(['r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r','r', 'r']) t.header(['TARGET', 'MOVING', 'PCC_BEFORE', 'PCC_AFTER', 'SSIM_BEFORE', 'SSIM_AFTER', 'loss_BEFORE', 'loss_AFTER', 'MI_BEFORE', 'MI_AFTER', 'MEAN_BEFORE', 'MEAN_AFTER', 'AVERAGE_INTENSITY_BEFORE', 'AVERAGE_INTENSITY_AFTER','TIME']) def_mov1 = cv2.imread(tm,0) # plotting the results transform = AsinhStretch() + AsymmetricPercentileInterval(0.1, 99.99) targ= transform(target) #targ=cv2.cvtColor(targ.astype(np.uint8),cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) #targ_im=Image.fromarray(targ) plt.imsave('target.tiff', targ, cmap='gray') #plt.imsave(r'/media/u0132399/L-drive/GBW-0075_MILAN_Multiplex/u0140317/registration_comparison/imreg/output_images/target.tiff', targ, cmap='gray') movi = transform(moving) #movi=cv2.cvtColor(movi.astype(np.uint8),cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) plt.imsave('moving.tiff', movi, cmap='gray') #movi_im=Image.fromarray(movi) #plt.imsave(r'/media/u0132399/L-drive/GBW-0075_MILAN_Multiplex/u0140317/registration_comparison/imreg/output_images/moving.tiff', movi, cmap='gray') targ = cv2.imread('target.tiff') movi= cv2.imread('moving.tiff') #targ = cv2.imread( r'/media/u0132399/L-drive/GBW-0075_MILAN_Multiplex/u0140317/registration_comparison/imreg/output_images/target.tiff') #movi = cv2.imread(r'/media/u0132399/L-drive/GBW-0075_MILAN_Multiplex/u0140317/registration_comparison/imreg/output_images/moving.tiff') # def_mov1=cv2.resize(def_mov1,(5705,5705)) def_mov1 = transform(def_mov1) #print(def_mov2.shape) #def_mov1=cv2.cvtColor(def_mov1.astype(np.uint8),cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) plt.imsave('def_moving.tiff', def_mov1, cmap='gray') #def_mov1=Image.fromarray(def_mov1) #plt.imsave('/media/u0132399/L-drive/GBW-0075_MILAN_Multiplex/u0140317/registration_comparison/imreg/output_images/def_moving.tiff', def_mov1, cmap='gray') def_mov1 = cv2.imread('def_moving.tiff') #def_mov1 = cv2.imread(r'/media/u0132399/L-drive/GBW-0075_MILAN_Multiplex/u0140317/registration_comparison/imreg/output_images/def_moving.tiff') #targ = targ.astype(np.uint8) #movi = movi.astype(np.uint8) #def_mov1 = def_mov1.astype(np.uint8) tar1 = np.zeros(targ.shape) mov1 = np.zeros(movi.shape) def_mov = np.zeros(def_mov1.shape) tar1[:, :, 0] = targ[:, :, 0] mov1[:, :, 2] = movi[:, :, 2] def_mov[:, :, 2] = def_mov1[:, :, 2] tar1 = tar1.astype(np.uint8) mov1 = mov1.astype(np.uint8) def_mov = def_mov.astype(np.uint8) # mov[np.where((mov>[15]).all(axis=2))]=[255,0,0] # def_mov1[np.where((def_mov1>[15]).all(axis=2))]=[255,0,0] alpha = 1 beta = 1 gamma = 0 t1 = cv2.addWeighted(tar1, alpha, mov1, beta, gamma) # filename=target_name+moving_name+'unreg_imreg.tif' # cv2.imwrite(,t1) t2 = cv2.addWeighted(tar1, alpha, def_mov, beta, gamma) # filename=target_name+moving_name+'reg_imreg.tif' # cv2.imwrite(filename,t2) if mi_aft > mi_bef: cv2.imwrite(out_qc, t2) else: cv2.imwrite(out_qc, t1) # plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) # plt.axis('off') # plt.imshow(t1,cmap='gray') # # plt.pause(5) # plt.close() # plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) # plt.axis('off') # plt.imshow(t2,cmap='gray') # # plt.pause(5) # plt.close() df = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=['TARGET', 'MOVING', 'PCC_BEFORE', 'PCC_AFTER', 'SSIM_BEFORE', 'SSIM_AFTER', 'loss_BEFORE', 'loss_AFTER', 'MI_BEFORE', 'MI_AFTER', 'MEAN_BEFORE', 'MEAN_AFTER','AVERAGE_INTENSITY_BEFORE', 'AVERAGE_INTENSITY_AFTER', 'TIME']) #df[columns]= ['PCC_BEFORE','PCC_AFTER','SSIM_BEFORE' ,'SSIM_AFTER','loss_BEFORE','loss_AFTER','MI_BEFORE','MI_AFTER','MEAN_BEFORE','MEAN_AFTER'] #writer = pd.ExcelWriter(out_stats) df.to_csv(out_stats, index=None, header=True) # #print(t.draw()) return t
def pformat(self, sort_by: List[int] = []) -> pformatDict: """Pretty format as a table. Uses fetchall().""" # Disabling max_width - output might be uglier if wide, but it will not be worse than beeline and will not # exception out. table = Texttable(max_width=0) # The only other decoration is the horizontal line between rows, which I do not want. table.set_deco(Texttable.BORDER | Texttable.HEADER | Texttable.VLINES) headers = self.headers() table.header(headers) # Convert some annoying types. Ints and friends will now not use the scientific notation anymore. # Note: the default will be 'a': auto. hive2table_types = { 'bigint_type': 'i', 'int_type': 'i', # Forcing to text prevents rounding and padding. 'decimal_type': 't', 'double_type': 't' } # self.description is a tuple with as 2nd element the data type. table.set_cols_dtype([ hive2table_types.get(x[1].lower(), 'a') for x in self.description ]) cnt = 0 try: for r in sorted(self.fetchall(), key=operator.itemgetter( *sort_by)) if sort_by else self.fetchall(): cnt += 1 table.add_row(r) except IndexError: raise TableFormattingError( f"You tried to sort by columns '{sort_by}' but at least one does not exist." ) return {'table': table.draw(), 'rowcount': cnt}
def mostrarBBDD(bbdd): t = Texttable(0) t.header(cable.atributosIdcable()) for i in range(len(bbdd)): t.add_row(bbdd[i].cableToList()) print(t.draw())
def render_schema_as_table(schema): """ Returns ASCII table view of schema. :param schema: The schema to be rendered. :type schema: :class:`mtclient.models.schema.Schema` """ schema_parameter_names = "" table = Texttable() table.set_cols_align(['l', 'l']) table.set_cols_valign(['m', 'm']) table.header(["Schema field", "Value"]) table.add_row(["ID",]) table.add_row(["Name",]) table.add_row(["Namespace", schema.namespace]) table.add_row(["Type", schema.type]) table.add_row(["Subtype", schema.subtype]) table.add_row(["Immutable", str(bool(schema.immutable))]) table.add_row(["Hidden", str(bool(schema.hidden))]) schema_parameter_names += table.draw() + "\n" if not schema.parameter_names: return schema_parameter_names schema_parameter_names += "\n" table = Texttable(max_width=0) table.set_cols_align(["r", 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l']) table.set_cols_valign(['m', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'm']) table.header([ "ParameterName ID", "Full Name", "Name", "Data Type", "Units", "Immutable", "Is Searchable", "Order", "Choices", "Comparison Type" ]) for parameter_name in schema.parameter_names: table.add_row([, parameter_name.full_name.encode('utf8', 'ignore'),, parameter_name.data_type, parameter_name.units.encode('utf8', 'ignore'), str(bool(parameter_name.immutable)), str(bool(parameter_name.is_searchable)), parameter_name.order, parameter_name.choices, parameter_name.comparison_type ]) schema_parameter_names += table.draw() + "\n" return schema_parameter_names
#f-measure fm = f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average='micro') #presisi presisi = precision_score(y_test, y_pred) #recall recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred) #confussion matrix # label = np.sort(np.unique(y_test))[::-1] label = np.unique(y_test) tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred, labels=label).ravel() #scoring skor = gaus.score(X_test, y_test) scores = cross_val_score(clf, X_test, y_test, cv=3, scoring='accuracy') #10fold cross validation f1_macro = cross_val_score( clf, X_test, y_test, cv=3, scoring='f1_macro') #10fold cross validation #data_table.append(['kRNN Oversampling+SMOTE',str(X_smote.shape),str(X_train.shape), "%0.4f" % (akurasi*100),0,"%0.4f" % (fm*100),"%0.4f" % (presisi*100),"%0.4f" % (recall*100) , tp, fp , tn ,fn ]) #DRAW TABLE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- table = Texttable() # table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER) table.set_cols_dtype( ['t', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't', "t", "t", "t", "t", "t"]) # automatic table.set_cols_align( ["l", "r", "r", "r", "r", 'r', "r", "r", "r", "r", "r", "r"]) table.add_rows(data_table) print table.draw()
values = all[parm] values = sorted(values) #indices = [0, 3,4,5,6, 7, 10, 11, 13] indices = [0, 1, 2, 4] cols = ['Val Err', 'Epochs', 'Fc1', 'Optimizer', 'Index'] values =, indices) cols =[cols], indices) #cols = [cols] cols[0].append('or i') i=0 for v in values: v.append(i) i+=1 table = Texttable() print len(values[0]) table.add_rows(cols + values) print table.draw() indicies = [0] indicies = sorted(indicies) values_selected = [] for x in indicies: values_selected += [values[x]] values_selected = values[0:] print('\\begin{center}') print('\\begin{table}') print('\\begin{tabular}{ | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | l |}') print('\\hline')
def info_txt(alist, filename_txt="zf_protein_info.txt", create_txt=True): """ Creates a text file containing the information from a list of genes. Parameter alist: the list to create the file from. Precondtion: alist is a list Parameter full_dict: a dictionary of the full list of proteins. Used by statistics to gather information about the proteins Preconditon: full_dict is a dictionary of protein IDs Parameter filename_txt: a string to name the info file ending in .txt Preconditon: filename_txt is a string ending in .txt Parameter create_txt: A boolean that says whether or not to create a new text file. Preconditon: create_txt is a bool """ filename = helper.edit_filename(filename_txt, "sibling", foldername='output') if not os.path.exists(filename) or create_txt: full_dict = genetics.Protein.full_protein_dict() x = Texttable() today = month = str(today.month) day = str( if len(month) < 2: month = "0" + month if len(day) < 2: day = "0" + day with open(filename, "w+", encoding='utf-8') as f: stats = count.zf_protein_stats(alist, full_dict) f.write( "This text file was generated by the Python module " + os.path.basename(__file__) + "." + "\n\n" + "This file contains information " + "about genes, including their \ngene IDs, their common names, and the list of " + "proteins they \ncode for. This file also contains information about the \n" + "proteins including the number of ZF domains in each protein, \ntheir core " + "sequences, and statistics about the proteins." + "\n\nAuthor: Austin Starks\nDate: " + month + "/" + day + "/" + str(today.year)) f.write(stats + "Gene info: \n\nNote: A core sequence of '????' " + "indicates that domain is likely invalid.\n\n") categories = [ "Gene name", "Protein ID", "Core Seqs", "# ZFs", "Diseases" ] x.add_row(categories) for gene in alist: protein_list = gene.protein_list() for protein in protein_list: row = [ gene.get_gene_name(), protein.get_protein_id(), protein.core_sequences(), protein.num_domains(), gene.disease_list_string() ] x.add_row(row) f.write(x.draw()) print(filename_txt + " created successfully!")
def generateMessage(self, state, isFlowReverse=True): stateIctsInfo = self.getIctsInfoForState(state, isFlowReverse) if stateIctsInfo.shape[0] == 0: return '' # ictRows = stateIctsInfo.sort_values(by=['station_name']).apply( lambda b: [b.station_name, b.dev_num, '{0:.2f}'.format(b['data'])], axis=1).tolist() messageStr = 'MVAR flow is from LV side to HV side in the following ICTs of {0} substations: \n'.format( stateNames[state]) messageStr += 'Number of ICTs = {0}\n'.format(len(ictRows)) messageStr += '\n' table = Texttable() table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER | Texttable.BORDER | Texttable.VLINES) table.set_cols_dtype(['t', 't', 't']) table.set_cols_align(["l", "l", "l"]) ictRows.insert(0, ["Substation", "Device Name", "MVAR"]) table.add_rows(ictRows) messageStr += table.draw() return messageStr
def render_schemas_as_table(schemas, display_heading=True): """ Returns ASCII table view of schemas. :param schemas: The schemas to be rendered. :type schemas: :class:`mtclient.models.resultset.ResultSet` :param render_format: The format to display the data in ('table' or 'json'). :param display_heading: Setting `display_heading` to True ensures that the meta information returned by the query is summarized in a 'heading' before displaying the table. This meta information can be used to determine whether the query results have been truncated due to pagination. """ heading = "\n" \ "Model: Schema\n" \ "Query: %s\n" \ "Total Count: %s\n" \ "Limit: %s\n" \ "Offset: %s\n\n" \ % (schemas.url, schemas.total_count, schemas.limit, schemas.offset) if display_heading else "" table = Texttable(max_width=0) table.set_cols_align(["r", 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'l']) table.set_cols_valign(['m', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'm']) table.header( ["ID", "Name", "Namespace", "Type", "Subtype", "Immutable", "Hidden"]) for schema in schemas: table.add_row([,, schema.namespace, schema.type, schema.subtype or '', str(bool(schema.immutable)), str(bool(schema.hidden)) ]) return heading + table.draw() + "\n"
from bson.son import SON from pymongo import MongoClient from texttable import Texttable t = Texttable() client = MongoClient("mongodb://") database = client["Project"] collection = database["players"] def query4(): print("List of top 10 best goalkeeper:") pipeline = [{ u"$match": { u"player_positions": u"GK" } }, { u"$project": { u"short_name": 1.0, u"Score": { u"$avg": [ u"$gk_diving", u"$gk_handling", u"$gk_kicking", u"$gk_reflexes" ] } } }, { u"$sort": SON([(u"Score", -1)]) }, { u"$limit": 10.0 }]
def rtt_range(data: dict) -> str: class RTTEntry(NamedTuple): min: int max: int url: str lst: List[RTTEntry] = [] # timeout_url: List[str] = [] for url, entry in data.items(): if "rtt_range" not in entry: continue if not entry["rtt_range"][0]: timeout_url.append(url) continue lst.append(RTTEntry(*entry["rtt_range"], url)) lst.sort() table = Texttable() table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER) table.add_row(("url", "rtt_min", "rtt_max")) for rttentry in lst: table.add_row((rttentry.url, rttentry.min, rttentry.max)) for url in timeout_url: table.add_row((url, "Timeout", "Timeout")) return table.draw()
def print_prediction(predictions, metric_parameters): """Visualize the predictions. Args: - predictions: predictions of each patient - metric_parameters: parameters for the problem and labels Returns: - For online predictions, returns graphs - For one-shot predictions, returns table """ # Parameters label_sets = metric_parameters['label_name'] problem = metric_parameters['problem'] graph_format = ['bo-', 'r+--', 'gs-.', 'cp:', 'm*-'] # For one-shot prediction setting if problem == 'one-shot': # Initialize table perf_table = Texttable() first_row = ['id/label'] + label_sets perf_table.set_cols_align(["c" for _ in range(len(first_row))]) multi_rows = [first_row] for i in range(predictions.shape[0]): curr_row = [str(i + 1)] # For each label for j in range(len(label_sets)): label_name = label_sets[j] curr_row = curr_row + [predictions[i, j]] multi_rows = multi_rows + [curr_row] perf_table.add_rows(multi_rows) # Print table print(perf_table.draw()) # Return table return perf_table.draw() # For online prediction setting elif problem == 'online': # Initialize graph figs = [] for i in range(predictions.shape[0]): fig = plt.figure(i + 10, figsize=(8, 5)) legend_set = [] # For each label for j in range(len(label_sets)): label_name = label_sets[j] curr_perf = predictions[i][:, j] legend_set = legend_set + [label_name] plt.plot(range(len(curr_perf) - 1), curr_perf[:-1], graph_format[j]) plt.xlabel('Sequence Length', fontsize=10) plt.ylabel('Predictions', fontsize=10) plt.legend(legend_set, fontsize=10) plt.title('ID: ' + str(i + 1), fontsize=10) plt.grid() # Print graph fig.patch.set_facecolor('#f0f2f6') figs.append(fig) # Return graph return figs
def pformat_extended(self, sort_by: List[int] = []): cnt = 0 headers = self.headers() output = '' try: for r in sorted(self.fetchall(), key=operator.itemgetter( *sort_by)) if sort_by else self.fetchall(): cnt += 1 table = Texttable(max_width=0) table.set_deco(Texttable.VLINES) table.set_cols_align(['r', 'l']) table.set_chars( ['-', ':', '+', '='] ) # Just replacing vertical line with ':' instead of default '|' for i, h in enumerate(headers): table.add_row([h, r[i]]) output += f'row {cnt}:\n' output += table.draw() output += '\n\n' except IndexError: raise TableFormattingError( f"You tried to sort by columns '{sort_by}' but at least one does not exist." ) return {'table': output, 'rowcount': cnt}
def showTable(self): neighbors_id = [i[1] for i in self.neighbors] table = Texttable() table.set_deco(Texttable.HEADER) table.set_cols_dtype(["t", "t", "t", "t"]) table.set_cols_align(["l", "l", "l", "l"]) rows = [] rows.append([u"movie ID", u"Name", u"release", u"from userID"]) for item in self.recommandList: fromID = [] for i in self.movies: if i[0] == item[1]: movie = i break for i in self.ItemUser[item[1]]: if i in neighbors_id: fromID.append(i) movie.append(fromID) rows.append(movie) table.add_rows(rows) print(table.draw())
with open(outputDir + "/negativeReviews.txt", "w") as fileNeg: for i in negPredIndex: for k in range(len(reviewContent[i])): fileNeg.write(reviewContent[i][k]) fileNeg.write("\n") #Write the predicted neutral reviews to a file with open(outputDir + "/neutralReviews.txt", "w") as fileNeut: for i in neutPredIndex: for k in range(len(reviewContent[i])): fileNeut.write(reviewContent[i][k]) fileNeut.write("\n") #Write the predicted neutral reviews to a file with open(outputDir + "/featureScore.txt", "w") as fileFeat: t = Texttable() lst = [["Feature", "Score"]] for tup in avgFeatScore: lst.append([tup[0], tup[1]]) t.add_rows(lst) fileFeat.write(str(t.draw())) print("The files are successfully created in the dir '" + outputDir + "'") #Evaluation metric PP = len(set(posActIndex).intersection(set(posPredIndex))) PNe = len(set(posActIndex).intersection(set(negPredIndex))) PN = len(set(posActIndex).intersection(set(neutPredIndex))) NeP = len(set(negActIndex).intersection(set(posPredIndex))) NeNe = len(set(negActIndex).intersection(set(negPredIndex)))
from texttable import Texttable table = Texttable () jawab = "y" no = 0 nama = [] nim = [] nilai_tugas = [] nilai_uts = [] nilai_uas = [] while(jawab == "y"): nama.append(input("Masukkan Nama : ")) nim.append(input("Masukkan Nim : ")) nilai_tugas.append(input("Nilai Tugas : ")) nilai_uts.append(input("Nilai UTS : ")) nilai_uas.append(input("Nilai UAS : ")) jawab = input("Tambah data (y/t?") no += 1 for i in range(no): tugas = int(nilai_tugas[i]) uts = int(nilai_uts[i]) uas = int(nilai_uas[i]) akhir = (tugas*30/100) + (uts*35/100) + (uas*35/100) table.add_rows([['No','Nama','NIM','TUGAS','UTS','UAS','AKHIR'], [i+1, nama[i],nim[i],nilai_tugas[i],nilai_uts[i],nilai_uas[i] ,akhir]]) print (table.draw())
def generate_report(proj_conf): d = { 'runname':proj_conf['run'], 'project_id': proj_conf['id'], 'samplenames': ' '.join(proj_conf['samples']), 'latex_opt' : "", 'uppnex': "", 'mapping':"", 'dup_rem':"", 'read_count':"", 'quantifyer':"", 'gene_body_cov':"", 'FPKM_heatmap':"", 'FPKM_PCAplot':"", 'Mapping_statistics': "", 'Read_Distribution':"", 'rRNA_table':"" } ## Latex option (no of floats per page) floats_per_page = '.. raw:: latex\n\n \setcounter{totalnumber}{8}' d['latex_opt'] = floats_per_page ## Metadata fetched from the 'Genomics project list' on Google Docs try: proj_data = ProjectMetaData(proj_conf['id'], proj_conf['config']) uppnex_proj = proj_data.uppnex_id except: uppnex_proj = "b201YYXX" print "No uppnex ID fetched" pass if not uppnex_proj: uppnex_proj="b201YYXX" print "No uppnex ID fetched" d['uppnex'] = uppnex_proj ## RNA-seq tools fetched from config file post_process.yaml try: tools = proj_conf['config']['custom_algorithms']['RNA-seq analysis'] d['mapping'] = os.path.join(tools['aligner'],tools['aligner_version']) d['dup_rem'] = os.path.join(tools['dup_remover'],tools['dup_remover_version']) d['read_count'] = os.path.join(tools['counts'],tools['counts_version']) d['quantifyer'] = os.path.join(tools['quantifyer'],tools['quantifyer_version']) except: print "Could not fetched RNA-seq tools from config file post_process.yaml" d['mapping'] = "X" d['dup_rem'] = "X" d['read_count'] = "X" d['quantifyer'] = "X" pass ## Mapping Statistics tab = Texttable() tab.set_cols_dtype(['t','t','t','t']) tab.add_row(['Sample','Tot # read pairs','Uniquely mapped reads (%)','Uniquely mapped reads (%)\n dups removed']) statistics={} try: for sample_name in proj_conf['samples']: try: f = open('tophat_out_'+sample_name+'/logs/prep_reads.log', 'r') tot_NO_read_pairs = f.readlines()[2].split()[3] f.close() f = open('tophat_out_'+sample_name+'/stat'+sample_name, 'r') dict = make_stat(f,tot_NO_read_pairs) tab.add_row([sample_name,tot_NO_read_pairs,dict['bef_dup_rem']['%uniq_mapped'],dict['aft_dup_rem']['%uniq_mapped']]) statistics[sample_name] = dict except: print 'Could not make mapping statistics for sample '+sample_name d['Mapping_statistics'] = tab.draw() json = open('stat.json','w') print>> json, statistics json.close() except: print "Could not make Mapping Statistics table" pass ## Read Distribution try: tab = Texttable() tab.set_cols_dtype(['t','t','t','t','t','t','t','t']) tab.add_row(["Sample","CDS Exon","5'UTR Exon","3'UTR Exon","Intron","TSS up 1kb","TES down 1kb","mRNA frac"]) read_dist = {} for i in range(len(proj_conf['samples'])): sample_name = proj_conf['samples'][i] dict = {} try: f = open('RSeQC_rd_'+sample_name+'.out','r') dict = read_RSeQC_rd233(f) row = [sample_name,dict['CDS_Exons']['Tags/Kb'], dict["5'UTR_Exons"]['Tags/Kb'], dict["3'UTR_Exons"]['Tags/Kb'],dict['Introns']['Tags/Kb'], dict['TSS_up_1kb']['Tags/Kb'],dict['TES_down_1kb']['Tags/Kb'], dict['mRNA_frac']] tab.add_row(row) read_dist[sample_name] = dict except: print "Could not make read distribution for sample "+sample_name pass json = open('RSeQC_rd.json','w') print >> json, read_dist json.close() d['Read_Distribution'] = tab.draw() except: print "Could not make Read Distribution table" pass ## FPKM_PCAplot, FPKM_heatmap if os.path.exists("FPKM_PCAplot.pdf") and os.path.exists("FPKM_heatmap.pdf"): d['FPKM_PCAplot'] = image("FPKM_PCAplot.pdf", width="100%") d['FPKM_heatmap'] = image("FPKM_heatmap.pdf", width="100%") else: print "could not make FPKM PCAplot and FPKM heatmap" ## rRNA_table try: tab = Texttable() tab.set_cols_dtype(['t','t']) tab.add_row(["Sample","rRNA"]) f=open('rRNA.quantification','r') D={} for line in f: D[str(line.split('\t')[0].strip())]=str(line.split('\t')[1].strip()) for sample_name in proj_conf['samples']: if D.has_key(sample_name): tab.add_row([sample_name,D[sample_name]]) d['rRNA_table']=tab.draw() f.close() except: print "could not generate rRNA table" pass return d
from texttable import Texttable import xlrd import csv t = Texttable() filepath_1 = 'Salon Wise Service Price.xlsx' filepath_2 = 'salon_code_mapping.xlsx' csvfilepath = 'mapped_appointment.csv' wb_1 = xlrd.open_workbook(filepath_1) sheet_1 = wb_1.sheet_by_index(0) sheet_1.cell_value(0, 0) master_fields = [] master_rows = [] # Adding fields for i in range(sheet_1.ncols): master_fields.append(sheet_1.cell_value(0, i)) # Adding rows for i in range(1, sheet_1.nrows): master_rows.append(sheet_1.row_values(i)) wb_2 = xlrd.open_workbook(filepath_2) sheet_2 = wb_2.sheet_by_index(0) sheet_2.cell_value(0, 0) map_fields = [] map_rows = []