import os
import simpleaudio as sa

from texttospeech import TextToSpeech
from tempfile     import NamedTemporaryFile

# Utility function to play .wav files
def play_wav(filename):
    wave_obj = sa.WaveObject.from_wave_file(filename)
    play_obj =
    play_obj.wait_done()  # Wait until sound has finished playing

# Create a default solution
tts = TextToSpeech()

# Read what needs to be synthesized
print("Введите путь до файла с текстом для синтеза: ")
with open(input(), mode="r") as f:
    text = f.readline()

# Synthesize audiodata and write them to temporary file
audiodata = tts.synthesize(text)
with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb") as f:
    audiopath = os.path.abspath(

    # Play the file
Esempio n. 2
from texttospeech import TextToSpeech

tts = TextToSpeech()
audiodata = tts.synthesize("привет мир, меня зовут Александр!")
with open("out.wav", mode="wb") as f: