def visualize(logdir, outdir, num_agents, num_episodes, checkpoint=None, env_processes=True): """Recover checkpoint and render videos from it. Args: logdir: Logging directory of the trained algorithm. outdir: Directory to store rendered videos in. num_agents: Number of environments to simulate in parallel. num_episodes: Total number of episodes to simulate. checkpoint: Checkpoint name to load; defaults to most recent. env_processes: Whether to step environments in separate processes. """ config = utility.load_config(logdir) with tf.device('/cpu:0'): batch_env = utility.define_batch_env(lambda: _create_environment(config, outdir), num_agents, env_processes) graph = utility.define_simulation_graph(batch_env, config.algorithm, config) total_steps = num_episodes * config.max_length loop = _define_loop(graph, total_steps) saver = utility.define_saver(exclude=(r'.*_temporary/.*', r'global_step')) sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) sess_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=sess_config) as sess: utility.initialize_variables(sess, saver, config.logdir, checkpoint, resume=True) for unused_score in, saver, total_steps): pass batch_env.close()
def train(config, env_processes): """Training and evaluation entry point yielding scores. Resolves some configuration attributes, creates environments, graph, and training loop. By default, assigns all operations to the CPU. Args: config: Object providing configurations via attributes. env_processes: Whether to step environments in separate processes. Yields: Evaluation scores. """ tf.reset_default_graph() with config.unlocked: = functools.partial(utility.define_network,, config) config.policy_optimizer = getattr(tf.train, config.policy_optimizer) config.value_optimizer = getattr(tf.train, config.value_optimizer) if config.update_every % config.num_agents: tf.logging.warn( 'Number of algorithms should divide episodes per update.') with tf.device('/cpu:0'): batch_env = utility.define_batch_env( lambda: _create_environment(config), config.num_agents, env_processes) graph = utility.define_simulation_graph(batch_env, config.algorithm, config) loop = _define_loop(graph, config.logdir, config.update_every * config.max_length, config.eval_episodes * config.max_length) total_steps = int(config.steps / config.update_every * (config.update_every + config.eval_episodes)) # Exclude episode related variables since the Python state of environments is # not checkpointed and thus new episodes start after resuming. saver = utility.define_saver(exclude=(r'.*_temporary/.*', )) sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) sess_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=sess_config) as sess: utility.initialize_variables(sess, saver, config.logdir) for score in, saver, total_steps): yield score batch_env.close()
def _network(self, observ, length=None, state=None, reuse=True): """Compute the network output for a batched sequence of observations. Optionally, the initial state can be specified. The weights should be reused for all calls, except for the first one. Output is a named tuple containing the policy as a TensorFlow distribution, the policy mean and log standard deviation, the approximated state value, and the new recurrent state. Args: observ: Sequences of observations. length: Batch of sequence lengths. state: Batch of initial recurrent states. reuse: Python boolean whether to reuse previous variables. Returns: NetworkOutput tuple. """ with tf.variable_scope('network', reuse=reuse): observ = tf.convert_to_tensor(observ) use_gpu = self._config.use_gpu and utility.available_gpus() with tf.device('/gpu:0' if use_gpu else '/cpu:0'): observ = tf.check_numerics(observ, 'observ') cell = self._batch_env.action.shape[1].value) (mean, logstd, value), state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, observ, length, state, tf.float32, swap_memory=True) mean = tf.check_numerics(mean, 'mean') logstd = tf.check_numerics(logstd, 'logstd') value = tf.check_numerics(value, 'value') policy = tf.contrib.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag( mean, tf.exp(logstd)) return _NetworkOutput(policy, mean, logstd, value, state)
def __init__(self, batch_env, step, is_training, should_log, config): """Create an instance of the PPO algorithm. Args: batch_env: In-graph batch environment. step: Integer tensor holding the current training step. is_training: Boolean tensor for whether the algorithm should train. should_log: Boolean tensor for whether summaries should be returned. config: Object containing the agent configuration as attributes. """ self._batch_env = batch_env self._step = step self._is_training = is_training self._should_log = should_log self._config = config self._observ_filter = normalize.StreamingNormalize( self._batch_env.observ[0], center=True, scale=True, clip=5, name='normalize_observ') self._reward_filter = normalize.StreamingNormalize( self._batch_env.reward[0], center=False, scale=True, clip=10, name='normalize_reward') # Memory stores tuple of observ, action, mean, logstd, reward. template = (self._batch_env.observ[0], self._batch_env.action[0], self._batch_env.action[0], self._batch_env.action[0], self._batch_env.reward[0]) self._memory = memory.EpisodeMemory(template, config.update_every, config.max_length, 'memory') self._memory_index = tf.Variable(0, False) use_gpu = self._config.use_gpu and utility.available_gpus() with tf.device('/gpu:0' if use_gpu else '/cpu:0'): # Create network variables for later calls to reuse. action_size = self._batch_env.action.shape[1].value self._network = tf.make_template( 'network', functools.partial(, config, action_size)) output = self._network( tf.zeros_like(self._batch_env.observ)[:, None], tf.ones(len(self._batch_env))) with tf.variable_scope('ppo_temporary'): self._episodes = memory.EpisodeMemory(template, len(batch_env), config.max_length, 'episodes') if output.state is None: self._last_state = None else: # Ensure the batch dimension is set. tf.contrib.framework.nest.map_structure( lambda x: x.set_shape([len(batch_env)] + x.shape. as_list()[1:]), output.state) # pylint: disable=undefined-variable self._last_state = tf.contrib.framework.nest.map_structure( lambda x: tf.Variable(lambda: tf.zeros_like(x), False), output.state) self._last_action = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like( self._batch_env.action), False, name='last_action') self._last_mean = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like( self._batch_env.action), False, name='last_mean') self._last_logstd = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like( self._batch_env.action), False, name='last_logstd') self._penalty = tf.Variable(self._config.kl_init_penalty, False, dtype=tf.float32) self._optimizer = self._config.optimizer(self._config.learning_rate)
def __init__(self, batch_env, step, is_training, should_log, config): """Create an instance of the PPO algorithm. Args: batch_env: In-graph batch environment. step: Integer tensor holding the current training step. is_training: Boolean tensor for whether the algorithm should train. should_log: Boolean tensor for whether summaries should be returned. config: Object containing the agents configuration as attributes. """ self._batch_env = batch_env self._step = step self._is_training = is_training self._should_log = should_log self._config = config self._observ_filter = normalize.StreamingNormalize( self._batch_env.observ[0], center=True, scale=True, clip=5, name='normalize_observ') self._reward_filter = normalize.StreamingNormalize( self._batch_env.reward[0], center=False, scale=True, clip=10, name='normalize_reward') # Memory stores tuple of observ, action, mean, logstd, reward. template = (self._batch_env.observ[0], self._batch_env.action[0], self._batch_env.action[0], self._batch_env.action[0], self._batch_env.reward[0]) self._memory = memory.EpisodeMemory(template, config.update_every, config.max_length, 'memory') self._memory_index = tf.Variable(0, False) use_gpu = self._config.use_gpu and utility.available_gpus() with tf.device('/gpu:0' if use_gpu else '/cpu:0'): # Create network variables for later calls to reuse. self._network(tf.zeros_like(self._batch_env.observ)[:, None], tf.ones(len(self._batch_env)), reuse=None) cell =[1].value) with tf.variable_scope('ppo_temporary'): self._episodes = memory.EpisodeMemory(template, len(batch_env), config.max_length, 'episodes') self._last_state = utility.create_nested_vars( cell.zero_state(len(batch_env), tf.float32)) self._last_action = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like( self._batch_env.action), False, name='last_action') self._last_mean = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like( self._batch_env.action), False, name='last_mean') self._last_logstd = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like( self._batch_env.action), False, name='last_logstd') self._penalty = tf.Variable(self._config.kl_init_penalty, False, dtype=tf.float32) self._policy_optimizer = self._config.policy_optimizer( self._config.policy_lr, name='policy_optimizer') self._value_optimizer = self._config.value_optimizer( self._config.value_lr, name='value_optimizer')