""" Source: https://medium.com/@d3lm/understand-tensorflow-by-mimicking-its-api-from-scratch-faa55787170d """ import tf_api as tf # create default graph tf.Graph().as_default() # construct computational graph by creating some nodes a = tf.Constant(15) b = tf.Constant(5) prod = tf.multiply(a, b) sum = tf.add(a, b) res = tf.divide(prod, sum) # create a session object session = tf.Session() # run computational graph to compute the output for 'res' out = session.run(res) print(out)
import tf_api as tf graph = tf.Graph() graph.as_default() a = tf.Constant(15) b = tf.Constant(10) prod = tf.multiply(a, b) sum = tf.add(a, b) res = tf.divide(prod, sum) session = tf.Session() out = session.run(res) print(out)