def _run_joint_optimization(self, initial_states, inputs):
        '''Finds multiple fixed points via a joint optimization over multiple
        state vectors.

            initial_states: Either an [n x n_states] numpy array or an
            LSTMStateTuple with initial_states.c and initial_states.h as
            [n_inits x n_states] numpy arrays. These data specify the initial
            states of the RNN, from which the optimization will search for
            fixed points. The choice of type must be consistent with state
            type of rnn_cell.

            inputs: A [n x n_inputs] numpy array specifying a set of constant
            inputs into the RNN.

            fps: A FixedPoints object containing the optimized fixed points
            and associated metadata.
        self._print_if_verbose('\tFinding fixed points '
                               'via joint optimization.')

        n, _ = tf_utils.safe_shape(initial_states)

        x, F = self._grab_RNN(initial_states, inputs)

        # A shape [n,] TF Tensor of objectives (one per initial state) to be
        # combined in _run_optimization_loop.
        q = 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(F - x), axis=1)

        xstar, F_xstar, qstar, dq, n_iters = self._run_optimization_loop(
            q, x, F)

        fps = FixedPoints(

        return fps
    def _run_sequential_optimizations(self,
        '''Finds fixed points sequentially, running an optimization from one
        initial state at a time.

            initial_states: Either an [n x n_states] numpy array or an
            LSTMStateTuple with initial_states.c and initial_states.h as
            [n_inits x n_states] numpy arrays. These data specify the initial
            states of the RNN, from which the optimization will search for
            fixed points. The choice of type must be consistent with state
            type of rnn_cell.

            inputs: An [n x n_inputs] numpy array specifying a set of constant
            inputs into the RNN.

            q_prior (optional): An [n,] numpy array containing q values from a
            previous optimization round. Provide these if performing
            additional optimization iterations on a subset of outlier
            candidate fixed points. Default: None.

            fps: A FixedPoints object containing the optimized fixed points
            and associated metadata.


        is_fresh_start = q_prior is None

        if is_fresh_start:
            self._print_if_verbose('\tFinding fixed points via '
                                   'sequential optimizations...')

        n_inits, n_states = tf_utils.safe_shape(initial_states)
        n_inputs = inputs.shape[1]

        # Allocate memory for storing results
        fps = FixedPoints(do_alloc_nan=True,

        for init_idx in range(n_inits):

            index = slice(init_idx, init_idx + 1)

            initial_states_i = tf_utils.safe_index(initial_states, index)
            inputs_i = inputs[index, :]

            if is_fresh_start:
                self._print_if_verbose('\n\tInitialization %d of %d:' %
                                       (init_idx + 1, n_inits))
                    '\n\tOutlier %d of %d (q=%.2e):' %
                    (init_idx + 1, n_inits, q_prior[init_idx]))

            fps[init_idx] = self._run_single_optimization(
                initial_states_i, inputs_i)

        return fps
    def find_fixed_points(self, initial_states, inputs):
        '''Finds RNN fixed points and the Jacobians at the fixed points.

            initial_states: Either an [n x n_dims] numpy array or an
            LSTMStateTuple with initial_states.c and initial_states.h as
            [n x n_dims] numpy arrays. These data specify the initial
            states of the RNN, from which the optimization will search for
            fixed points. The choice of type must be consistent with state
            type of rnn_cell.

            inputs: Either a [1 x n_inputs] numpy array specifying a set of
            constant inputs into the RNN to be used for all optimization
            initializations, or an [n x n_inputs] numpy array specifying
            potentially different inputs for each initialization.

            unique_fps: A FixedPoints object containing the set of unique
            fixed points after optimizing from all initial_states. Two fixed
            points are considered unique if all absolute elementwise
            differences are less than tol_unique AND the corresponding inputs
            are unqiue following the same criteria. See for
            additional detail.

            all_fps: A FixedPoints object containing the likely redundant set
            of fixed points (and associated metadata) resulting from ALL
            initializations in initial_states (i.e., the full set of fixed
            points before filtering out putative duplicates to yield
        n = tf_utils.safe_shape(initial_states)[0]

        self._print_if_verbose('\nSearching for fixed points '
                               'from %d initial states.\n' % n)

        if inputs.shape[0] == 1:
            inputs_nxd = np.tile(inputs, [n, 1])  # safe, even if n == 1.
        elif inputs.shape[0] == n:
            inputs_nxd = inputs
            raise ValueError('Incompatible inputs shape: %s.' % inputs.shape)

        if self.method == 'sequential':
            all_fps = self._run_sequential_optimizations(
                initial_states, inputs_nxd)
        elif self.method == 'joint':
            all_fps = self._run_joint_optimization(initial_states, inputs_nxd)
            raise ValueError('Unsupported optimization method. Must be either \
                \'joint\' or \'sequential\', but was  \'%s\'' % self.method)

        # Filter out duplicates after from the first optimization round
        unique_fps = all_fps.get_unique()

        self._print_if_verbose('\tIdentified %d unique fixed points.' %

        # Optionally run additional optimization iterations on identified
        # fixed points with q values on the large side of the q-distribution.
        if self.do_rerun_outliers:
            unique_fps = self._run_additional_iterations_on_outliers(

            # Filter out duplicates after from the second optimization round
            unique_fps = unique_fps.get_unique()

        if self.do_compute_jacobians:
            self._print_if_verbose('\tComputing Jacobian at %d '
                                   'unique fixed points.' % unique_fps.n)
            J_xstar = self._compute_multiple_jacobians_np(unique_fps)
            unique_fps.J_xstar = J_xstar

        self._print_if_verbose('\n\tFixed point finding complete.\n')

        return unique_fps, all_fps