def gettcsteps(): # HTTP Basic Auth with personal access token client = TFSAPI("", project="eDellPrograms", pat='dgi5cehn7jg3rpn5enmovn2xj47thnx77vsg5uyv7wiz227ckpaa') query = client.run_query('a7391bf8-addc-46a8-b5a8-0823cb777637') # Get all found workitems result = query.result workitems = result.workitems openwith = {} lstkeys = [] lstvalues = [] for wrktimid in workitems: wrkitmfields = wrktimid.fields tcid = wrktimid[''] tctitle = wrktimid['system.title'] tcsteps = wrktimid['microsoft.vsts.tcm.steps'] if tcsteps is not None: clean_text = html2text.html2text(tcsteps) cleaner_step = html2text.html2text(clean_text).replace("\n", " ") openwith[tcid] = [str(tcid), str(tctitle), str(cleaner_step)] for key, value in openwith.items(): print(key, ' --> ', value) lstkeys.append(key) lstvalues.append(value) dfObj = pd.DataFrame(lstvalues, columns=['id', 'tctitle', 'tcsteps']) dfObj.to_csv('dellcom.csv', index=False)
def validate_setting(token, query): """Validates token and query""" if len(token) < 52: return False if not re.compile( "^[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}" ).match(query): return False with open('config.json') as config_file: configs = json.load(config_file) client = TFSAPI(configs['server'], project=configs['project'], pat=token) try: client.run_query(query) except: error_dialog.showMessage('Check your token or query.') return False return True
def getactnccrit(): # HTTP Basic Auth with personal access token client = TFSAPI("", project="eDellPrograms", pat='dgi5cehn7jg3rpn5enmovn2xj47thnx77vsg5uyv7wiz227ckpaa') query = client.run_query('51bc4c75-3482-46c5-8579-8ebd719bc441') # Get all found workitems result = query.result workitems = result.workitems for wrktimid in workitems: wrkitmfields = wrktimid.fields acptnccrit = wrktimid['Microsoft.VSTS.Common.AcceptanceCriteria'] clean_text = html2text.html2text(acptnccrit) print(clean_text)
def getquerydetails(): # HTTP Basic Auth with personal access token client = TFSAPI("", project="eDellPrograms", pat='dgi5cehn7jg3rpn5enmovn2xj47thnx77vsg5uyv7wiz227ckpaa') query = client.run_query('c03cebf1-1bb2-4c8a-9e75-76ba65ef4020') # Get all found workitems result = query.result workitems = result.workItemRelations a = workitems[0].target wrkitemlist = [] lstkeys = [] lstvalues = [] openwith = {} for wrktimid in workitems: trgt = wrkitemlist.append(int( for b in workitems: strchanges = [] stre2estrtchanges = [] trgt = sit_strt = False e2e_strt = False ttltimeelapsed = '' applicatn = '' # expctdappln =sys.argv[1] wrkitm = client.get_workitem(int( wrkitmfields = wrkitm.fields if ('Dell.SDLC.Application' in wrkitmfields.keys()): applicatn = wrkitmfields['Dell.SDLC.Application'] if ('OSC' in applicatn): if (str(wrkitm['System.WorkItemType']) == "Story" or str(wrkitm['System.WorkItemType']) == "Feature"): rev = wrkitm.revisions for re in rev: fieldacss = for key, value in fieldacss.items(): if (key == 'fields'): allfields = fieldacss[key] if ('Dell.SDLC.Application' in allfields.keys()): applicatn = fieldacss[key][ 'Dell.SDLC.Application'] revstate = fieldacss[key]['System.State'] strchngdby = fieldacss[key]['System.ChangedBy'] # stre2ereqd = fieldacss[key]['Dell.SDLC.QERequired'] if ('OSC' in applicatn): if (revstate == 'Ready for E2E testing'): sit_strt = True changedate = fieldacss[key][ 'System.ChangedDate'] if ( in wrkitemlist): wrkitemlist.remove( stre2estrtchanges.append(changedate) # strchanges.append(strchngdby) # strchanges.append(stre2ereqd) if (revstate == 'E2E Testing Started'): e2e_strt = True e2echangedate = fieldacss[key][ 'System.ChangedDate'] if ( in wrkitemlist): wrkitemlist.remove( strchanges.append(e2echangedate) strchanges.append(strchngdby) # strchanges.append(stre2ereqd) if (sit_strt == True and e2e_strt == True): e2eprpdate = parser.parse(stre2estrtchanges[0]) e2estrtpdate = parser.parse(strchanges[-2]) ttltimeelapsed = e2estrtpdate - e2eprpdate openwith[] = [ str(, str(ttltimeelapsed.days), stre2estrtchanges[0], strchanges[-2], strchanges[-1] ] for key, value in openwith.items(): print(key, ' --> ', value) lstkeys.append(key) lstvalues.append(value) dfObj = pd.DataFrame( lstvalues, columns=['id', 'totaltime', 'readyfor2e', 'e2estarted', 'owner']) # name_dict = { # 'Name': lstkeys, # 'changeby': lstvalues[0][2], # 'totaltimeelapsed': lstvalues[0] # } dfObj.to_csv('OSC.csv')
class TfsService: """ TFS Service class """ def __init__(self, tfs_server, tfs_project='DefaultCollection'): self.__tfs_server = tfs_server self.__tfs_project = tfs_project self.__is_connected = False self.__tfs_client = None return @property def is_connected(self): return self.__is_connected def connect(self, user_name, user_password, connection_test_item_id): '''Connect to TFS Service function Using HttpNtlmAuth authication Parameters: user_name (str): user name user_password (str): user password connection_test_item_id (int): id of test workitem for connection test Returns: is_connected (Boolean): True if successfully connected. False owerwise. ''' self.__tfs_client = TFSAPI(self.__tfs_server, project=self.__tfs_project, user=user_name, password=user_password, auth_type=HttpNtlmAuth) try: wi = self.__tfs_client.get_workitem(int(connection_test_item_id)) self.__is_connected = True if wi else False except: self.__is_connected = False return self.__is_connected def get_workitem(self, item_id): '''Get workitem and load properties Parameters: item_id (int): workitem id Returns: workitem (TfsWorkitem): Workitem with properties. None owerwise ''' if not self.__is_connected: raise NameError('Disconnected from TFS Service') wi = self.__tfs_client.get_workitem(item_id) if wi: return TfsWorkitem(wi) else: return None def get_workitems(self, item_ids): '''Get workitems and load properties Parameters: item_ids (list of int): workitem ids list Returns: workitems (list of TfsWorkitem): List of workitems with properties. None owerwise ''' if not self.__is_connected: raise NameError('Disconnected from TFS Service') if not isinstance(item_ids, list): raise NameError('item_ids should be list') ids = [int(id) for id in item_ids] workitems = self.__tfs_client.get_workitems(ids) if workitems: res = [TfsWorkitem(wi) for wi in workitems] return res else: return None def save_raw_workitem(self, item_id, props): '''Save workitem with given properties Parameters: item_id (int): workitem id props (dict(str, str)): dictionary of properties Returns: result (Boolean): True if saved, False owerwise ''' if not self.__is_connected: raise NameError('Disconnected from TFS Service') if not isinstance(props, dict): raise NameError('props should be dictonary') wi = self.__tfs_client.get_workitem(int(item_id)) if wi: for prop_name, prop_value in props.items(): wi[prop_name] = prop_value return True else: return False def create_workitem(self, workitem_type, required_fields, props=None): '''Create new tfs workitem with given type Parameters: workitem_type (str): workitem type required_fields (dict(str, str)): Required. Dictonary of setted fields. props (dict(str, str)): additional dictionary of properties which will be setted after creating item Returns: workitem (TfsWorkitem): Workitem with properties. None overwise ''' if not self.__is_connected: raise NameError('Disconnected from TFS Service') if (required_fields != None) and (not isinstance(required_fields, dict)): raise NameError('required_fields should be dictonary') if (props != None) and (not isinstance(props, dict)): raise NameError('props should be dictonary') workitem = self.__tfs_client.create_workitem(workitem_type, fields=required_fields) if workitem: wi = TfsWorkitem(workitem) if props != None: for prop_name, prop_value in props.items(): wi[prop_name] = prop_value return wi else: return None def copy_workitem(self, workitem, with_links_and_attachments=True, suppress_notifications=True, props=None): '''Create copy of tfs workitem and set properties Parameters: workitem (TfsWorkitem or int): workitem or workitem ID with_links_and_attachments (Boolean): create copy with links and attachments suppress_notifications (Boolean): suppress notifications props (dict(str, str)): dictionary of properties Returns: workitem (TfsWorkitem): Copy of given Workitem with properties. None overwise ''' if not self.__is_connected: raise NameError('Disconnected from TFS Service') if (props != None) and (not isinstance(props, dict)): raise NameError('props should be dictonary') id = if workitem is TfsWorkitem else workitem source_wi = self.__tfs_client.get_workitem(id) if source_wi: copy_wi = self.__tfs_client.copy_workitem(source_wi, with_links_and_attachments=with_links_and_attachments, suppress_notifications=suppress_notifications) if copy_wi: wi = TfsWorkitem(copy_wi) if props != None: for prop_name, prop_value in props.items(): wi[prop_name] = prop_value return wi else: return None else: raise NameError('Source workitem is None') def run_query(self, query): '''Runs tfs query and return list of workitems Parameters: query (str): Query string. Named query in folder or query GUID Returns: workitem (list of TfsWorkitem): List of workitems. None overwise ''' if not self.__is_connected: raise NameError('Disconnected from TFS Service') query = self.__tfs_client.run_query(query) if query: workitems = [TfsWorkitem(wi) for wi in query.workitems] # Lazy generator return workitems else: return None # uri_params: def run_wiql(self, wiql, uri_params=None): '''Runs tfs wiql and return list of workitems Parameters: wiql (str): wiql query string. uri_params (dict (str, str)): extra URI parameters as a dictionary (only works for parameters that come at the end of the link) Returns: workitem (list of TfsWorkitem): List of workitems. None overwise ''' if not self.__is_connected: raise NameError('Disconnected from TFS Service') if (uri_params != None) and (not isinstance(uri_params, dict)): raise NameError('URI params should be dictonary. Search \'Wiql - Query By Wiql\' URI Parameters web page') query = self.__tfs_client.run_wiql(wiql) if uri_params == None else self.__tfs_client.run_wiql(wiql, params=uri_params) if query: workitems = [TfsWorkitem(wi) for wi in query.workitems] # Lazy generator return workitems else: return None def find_items(self, search_string, wi_fields = ['Id', 'State', 'Title', 'Description']): ''' Search items in TFS. Execute WIQL query. Parameters: search_string (str): what to search. wi_fields (list of str): list of string where to search Returns: workitem (list of TfsWorkitem): List of workitems. None overwise ''' if not wi_fields: raise NameError('Workitem fields is empty') if not self.__is_connected: raise NameError('Disconnected from TFS Service') fields_str = ', '.join(['[{}]'.format(field) for field in wi_fields]) conditionals = ('({field} CONTAINS \'{search})\''.format(field=field, search=search_string) for field in wi_fields) conditional = ' OR '.join(conditionals) wiql = ''' SELECT {fields} FROM Worktitems WHERE {conditional} ORDER BY [System.Id] '''.format(fields=fields_str, conditional=conditional) return self.run_wiql(wiql) #### #### ##### ###### # System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Reverse def add_parent_link(self, source_workitem, dest_workitem): '''Add parent link from source workitem to destination workitem Parameters: source_workitem (TfsWorkitem): Source workitem dest_workitem (TfsWorkitem): Destination workitem Returns: Result (Boolean): True if parent link was added, False overwise ''' if not self.__is_connected: raise NameError('Disconnected from TFS Service') if source_workitem.add_parent_link(dest_workitem): return True else: return False # System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward def add_child_link(self, source_workitem, dest_workitem): '''Add child link from source workitem to destination workitem Parameters: source_workitem (TfsWorkitem): Source workitem dest_workitem (TfsWorkitem): Destination workitem Returns: Result (Boolean): True if child link was added, False overwise ''' if not self.__is_connected: raise NameError('Disconnected from TFS Service') if source_workitem.add_child_link(dest_workitem): return True else: return False # Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Affects-Forward def add_affect_link(self, source_workitem, dest_workitem): '''Add affects link from source workitem to destination workitem Parameters: source_workitem (TfsWorkitem): Source workitem dest_workitem (TfsWorkitem): Destination workitem Returns: Result (Boolean): True if affects link was added, False overwise ''' if not self.__is_connected: raise NameError('Disconnected from TFS Service') if source_workitem.add_affect_link(dest_workitem): return True else: return False # Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Affects-Reverse def add_affected_by_link(self, source_workitem, dest_workitem): '''Add affected by link from source workitem to destination workitem Parameters: source_workitem (TfsWorkitem): Source workitem dest_workitem (TfsWorkitem): Destination workitem Returns: Result (Boolean): True if affected by link was added, False overwise ''' if not self.__is_connected: raise NameError('Disconnected from TFS Service') if source_workitem.add_affected_by_link(dest_workitem): return True else: return False