Esempio n. 1
    def test_write_compression(self, tmp_path: Path):
        """Test that compression works and compressed files are readable."""
        n = 1000
        df_example = TfsDataFrame(
            data=np.zeros([n, n]),  # highly compressible data
            headers={"Random": "Data"})

        out_file = tmp_path / "data_frame.h5"
        write_hdf(out_file, df_example, complevel=0)
        assert out_file.is_file()

        out_file_compressed = tmp_path / "data_frame_comp.h5"
        write_hdf(out_file_compressed, df_example, complevel=9)
        assert out_file_compressed.is_file()

        assert out_file.stat().st_size > out_file_compressed.stat().st_size

        df_read = read_hdf(out_file)
        assert_tfs_frame_equal(df_example, df_read)

        df_read_compressed = read_hdf(out_file_compressed)
        assert_tfs_frame_equal(df_example, df_read_compressed)
Esempio n. 2
def _create_stats_df(df: pd.DataFrame,
                     parameter: str,
                     global_index: Any = None) -> TfsDataFrame:
    """ Calculates the stats over a given parameter.
    Note: Could be refactored to use `group_by`.

        df (DataFrame): DataFrame containing the DA information over all seeds.
        parameter (str): The parameter over which we want to average, i.e.
                         SEED or ANGLE.
        global_index (Any): identifier to use as a global index, i.e. the statistics
                            over all entries are stored here. (e.g. '0' for SEEDs)

    operation_map = DotDict({
        MEAN: np.mean,
        STD: np.std,
        MIN: np.min,
        MAX: np.max

    pre_index = [] if global_index is None else [global_index]
    index = sorted(set(df[parameter]))
    n_total = sum(df[parameter] == index[0])

    df_stats = TfsDataFrame(
        index=pre_index + index,
            f"{fun}{al}" for al in DA_COLUMNS
            for fun in list(operation_map.keys()) + [N]
    df_stats.headers[HEADER_INFO] = INFO.format(over=OVER_WHICH[parameter],
    df_stats.headers[HEADER_NTOTAL] = n_total

    for col_da in DA_COLUMNS:
        for idx in index:
            mask = (df[parameter] == idx) & (df[col_da] != 0)
            df_stats.loc[idx, f"{N}{col_da}"] = sum(mask)
            for name, operation in operation_map.items():
                             f"{name}{col_da}"] = operation(df.loc[mask,
            for name, operation in operation_map.get_subdict([MIN,
                df_stats.loc[idx, f"{name}{AMP}"] = operation(
                    df.loc[mask, f"{name}{AMP}"])

        if global_index is not None:
            # Note: could be done over df_stats for MEAN, MIN and MAX, but not STD
            mask = df[col_da] != 0
            df_stats.loc[global_index, f"{N}{col_da}"] = sum(mask)

            # Global MEAN, MIN, MAX Dynamic Aperture
            for name, operation in operation_map.get_subdict(
                [MEAN, MIN, MAX, STD]).items():
                             f"{name}{col_da}"] = operation(df.loc[mask,

            # Global MIN, MAX Amplitudes
            for name, operation in operation_map.get_subdict([MIN,
                df_stats.loc[global_index, f"{name}{AMP}"] = operation(
                    df.loc[mask, f"{name}{AMP}"]  # min(MINA) and max(MAXA)

            df_stats.headers[HEADER_HINT] = HINT.format(param=parameter,

    return df_stats
Esempio n. 3
def calculate_rdts(df: TfsDataFrame,
                   rdts: Sequence[str],
                   qx: float = None,
                   qy: float = None,
                   feeddown: int = 0,
                   complex_columns: bool = True,
                   loop_phases: bool = False,
                   hamiltionian_terms: bool = False) -> TfsDataFrame:
    """ Calculates the Resonance Driving Terms.

    Eq. (A8) in [FranchiAnalyticFormulas2017]_ .

        df (TfsDataFrame): Twiss Dataframe.
        rdts (Sequence): List of rdt-names to calculate.
        qx (float): Tune in X-Plane (if not given, header df.Q1 is assumed present).
        qy (float): Tune in Y-Plane (if not given, header df.Q2 is assumed present).
        feeddown (int): Levels of feed-down to include.
        complex_columns (bool): Output complex values in single column of type complex.
                        If ``False``, split complex columns into two real-valued columns.
        loop_phases (bool): Loop over elements when calculating phase-advances.
                            Might be slower for small number of elements, but
                            allows for large (e.g. sliced) optics.
        hamiltionian_terms (bool): Add the hamiltonian terms to the result dataframe.

        New TfsDataFrame with RDT columns.
    """"Calculating RDTs: {seq2str(rdts):s}.")
    with timeit("RDT calculation", print_fun=LOG.debug):
        df_res = TfsDataFrame(index=df.index)
        if qx is None:
            qx = df.headers[f"{TUNE}1"]
        if qy is None:
            qy = df.headers[f"{TUNE}2"]

        if not loop_phases:
            phase_advances = get_all_phase_advances(df)  # might be huge!

        for rdt in rdts:
            rdt = rdt.upper()
            if len(rdt) != 5 or rdt[0] != 'F':
                raise ValueError(
                    f"'{rdt:s}' does not seem to be a valid RDT name.")

            j, k, l, m = [int(i) for i in rdt[1:]]
            conj_rdt = jklm2str(k, j, m, l)

            if conj_rdt in df_res:
                df_res[rdt] = np.conjugate(df_res[conj_rdt])
                with timeit(f"calculating {rdt}", print_fun=LOG.debug):
                    n = j + k + l + m
                    jk, lm = j + k, l + m

                    if n <= 1:
                        raise ValueError(
                            f"The RDT-order has to be >1 but was {n:d} for {rdt:s}"

                    denom_h = 1. / (factorial(j) * factorial(k) *
                                    factorial(l) * factorial(m) * (2**n))
                    denom_f = 1. / (1. - np.exp(PI2I * ((j - k) * qx +
                                                        (l - m) * qy)))

                    betax = df[f"{BETA}{X}"]**(jk / 2.)
                    betay = df[f"{BETA}{Y}"]**(lm / 2.)

                    # Magnetic Field Strengths with Feed-Down
                    dx_idy = df[X] + 1j * df[Y]
                    k_complex = pd.Series(
                        0j, index=df.index
                    )  # Complex sum of strenghts (from K_n + iJ_n) and feeddown to them

                    for q in range(feeddown + 1):
                        n_mad = n + q - 1
                        kl_iksl = df[f"K{n_mad:d}L"] + 1j * df[f"K{n_mad:d}SL"]
                        k_complex += (kl_iksl * (dx_idy**q)) / factorial(q)

                    # real(i**lm * k+ij) is equivalent to Omega-function in paper, see Eq.(A11)
                    # pd.Series is needed here, as np.real() returns numpy-array
                    k_real = pd.Series(np.real(i_pow(lm) * k_complex),
                    sources = df.index[
                        k_real !=
                        0]  # other elements do not contribute to integral, speedup summations

                    if not len(sources):
                            f"No sources found for {rdt}. RDT will be zero.")
                        df_res[rdt] = 0j
                        if hamiltionian_terms:
                            df_res[f2h(rdt)] = 0j

                    # calculate hamiltionian-numerator part
                    h_terms = -k_real.loc[sources] * betax.loc[
                        sources] * betay.loc[sources]

                    if loop_phases:
                        # do loop over elements to not have elements x elements Matrix in memory
                        h_jklm = pd.Series(index=df.index, dtype=complex)
                        for element in df.index:
                            # calculate dphi from all sources to the element
                            # index-intersection keeps `element` at correct place in index
                            sources_plus = df.index.intersection(
                            dphis = dphi_at_element(df.loc[sources_plus, :],
                                                    element, qx, qy)
                            phase_term = np.exp(
                                PI2I * ((j - k) * dphis[X].loc[sources] +
                                        (l - m) * dphis[Y].loc[sources]))
                            h_jklm[element] = (h_terms *
                                               phase_term).sum() * denom_h
                        phx = dphi(phase_advances['X'].loc[sources, :], qx)
                        phy = dphi(phase_advances['Y'].loc[sources, :], qy)
                        phase_term = np.exp(PI2I * ((j - k) * phx +
                                                    (l - m) * phy))
                        h_jklm = phase_term.multiply(
                            h_terms, axis="index").sum(
                                axis="index").transpose() * denom_h

                    df_res[rdt] = h_jklm * denom_f
                        f"Average RDT amplitude |{rdt:s}|: {df_res[rdt].abs().mean():g}"

                    if hamiltionian_terms:
                        df_res[f2h(rdt)] = h_jklm

    if not complex_columns:
        terms = list(rdts)
        if hamiltionian_terms:
            terms += [f2h(rdt) for rdt in rdts]  # F#### -> H####
        df_res = split_complex_columns(df_res, terms)
    return df_res
Esempio n. 4
def closest_tune_approach(
    df: TfsDataFrame, qx: float = None, qy: float = None, method: str = "teapot"
) -> TfsDataFrame:
    """Calculates the closest tune approach from coupling resonances.

    A complex F1001 column is assumed to be present in the DataFrame.
    This can be calculated by :func:`~optics_functions.rdt.rdts`
    :func:`~optics_functions.coupling.coupling_from_rdts` or
    If F1010 is also present it is used, otherwise it is assumed 0.

    The closest tune approach is calculated by means of Eq. (27) in
    [CalagaBetatronCoupling2005]_ (method="teapot" or "calaga") by default,
    or approximated by
    Eq. (1) in [PerssonImprovedControlCoupling2014]_ (method="franchi"),
    Eq. (27) in [CalagaBetatronCoupling2005]_ with the Franchi appoximation (method="teapot_franchi"),
    Eq. (2) in [PerssonImprovedControlCoupling2014]_ (method="persson"),
    the latter without the exp(i(Qx-Qy)s/R) term (method="persson_alt"),
    Eq. (14) in [HoydalsvikEvaluationOfTheClosestTuneApproach2021]_ (method="hoydalsvik"),
    or the latter without the exp(i(Qx-Qy)s/R) term (method="hoydalsvik_alt").

    For "persson[_alt]" and "hoydalsvik[_alt]" methods, also MUX and MUY columns
    are needed in the DataFrame as well as LENGTH (of the machine) and S column
    for the "persson" and "hoydalsvik" methods.

        df (TfsDataFrame): Twiss Dataframe, needs to have complex-valued F1001 column.
        qx (float): Tune in X-Plane (if not given, header df.Q1 is assumed present).
        qy (float): Tune in Y-Plane (if not given, header df.Q2 is assumed present).
        method (str): Which method to use for evaluation.
                      Choices: "calaga", "teapot", "franchi", "teapot_franchi",
                      "persson", "persson_alt", "hoydalsvik" or "hoydalsvik_alt".

        A new ``TfsDataFrame`` with a closest tune approach (DELTAQMIN) column.
        The value is real for "calaga", "teapot", "teapot_franchi" and "franchi"
        methods. The actual closest tune approach value is the absolute value
        of the mean of this column.
    if F1001 not in df.columns:
        raise KeyError(f"'{F1001}' column not in dataframe. Needed to calculated closest tune approach.")

    method_map = {
        "teapot": _cta_teapot,  # as named in [HoydalsvikEvaluationOfTheClosestTuneApproach2021]_
        "calaga": _cta_teapot,  # for compatibility reasons
        "teapot_franchi": _cta_teapot_franchi,
        "franchi": _cta_franchi,
        "persson": _cta_persson,
        "persson_alt": _cta_persson_alt,
        "hoydalsvik": _cta_hoydalsvik,
        "hoydalsvik_alt": _cta_hoydalsvik_alt,
    if qx is None:
        qx = df.headers[f"{TUNE}1"]
    if qy is None:
        qy = df.headers[f"{TUNE}2"]

    qx_frac, qy_frac = qx % 1, qy % 1


    dqmin_str = f"{DELTA}{TUNE}{MINIMUM}"
    df_res = TfsDataFrame(index=df.index, columns=[dqmin_str])
    df_res[dqmin_str] = method_map[method.lower()](df, qx_frac, qy_frac)"({method.lower()}) |C-| = {np.abs(df_res[dqmin_str].dropna().mean())}")
    return df_res
Esempio n. 5
def test_write_read_spaces_in_strings(_test_file: str):
    df = TfsDataFrame(data=["This is", "a test", 'with spaces'], columns=["A"])
    write_tfs(_test_file, df)
    new = read_tfs(_test_file)
    assert_frame_equal(df, new)
Esempio n. 6
def test_fail_on_spaces_headers():
    df = TfsDataFrame(headers={"allowed": 1, "not allowed": 2})
    with pytest.raises(TfsFormatError):
        write_tfs('', df)
Esempio n. 7
def test_fail_on_spaces_columns():
    df = TfsDataFrame(columns=["allowed", "not allowed"])
    with pytest.raises(TfsFormatError):
        write_tfs('', df)
Esempio n. 8
def test_fail_on_non_unique_index():
    df = TfsDataFrame(index=["A", "B", "A"])
    with pytest.raises(TfsFormatError):
        write_tfs('', df)
Esempio n. 9
def prepare_twiss_dataframe(
    df_twiss: TfsDataFrame,
    df_errors: pd.DataFrame = None,
    invert_signs_madx: bool = False,
    max_order: int = 16,
    join: str = "inner",
) -> TfsDataFrame:
    """Prepare dataframe to use with the optics functions.

    - Adapt Beam 4 signs.
    - Add missing K(S)L and orbit columns.
    - Merge optics and error dataframes (add values).

        df_twiss (TfsDataFrame): Twiss-optics DataFrame.
        df_errors (DataFrame): Twiss-errors DataFrame (optional).
        invert_signs_madx (bool): Inverts signs after the madx-convention for beam 4.
                                  That is, if you use beam 4 you should set this
                                  flag to True to convert beam 4 to beam 2 signs.
        max_order (int): Maximum field order to be still included (1==Dipole).
        join (str): How to join elements of optics and errors. "inner" or "outer".

        TfsDataFrame with necessary columns added. If a merge happened, only the
        necessary columns are present.
    df_twiss = df_twiss.copy()  # As data is moved around

    if invert_signs_madx:
        df_twiss, df_errors = switch_signs_for_beam4(df_twiss, df_errors)

    df_twiss = set_name_index(df_twiss, "twiss")
    k_columns = [f"K{n}{s}L" for n in range(max_order) for s in ("S", "")]
    orbit_columns = list(PLANES)

    if df_errors is None:
        return add_missing_columns(df_twiss, k_columns + orbit_columns)

    # Merge Dataframes
    df_errors = df_errors.copy()
    df_errors = set_name_index(df_errors, "error")
    index = df_twiss.index.join(df_errors.index, how=join)
    if not (set(index) - set(df_twiss.index)):
        df = df_twiss.loc[index, :]
        df = TfsDataFrame(index=index, headers=df_twiss.headers.copy())
        # Merge S column and set zeros in dfs for addition, where elements are missing
        for df_self, df_other in ((df_twiss, df_errors), (df_errors,
            df.loc[df_self.index, S] = df_self[S]
            for new_indx in df_other.index.difference(df_self.index):
                df_self.loc[new_indx, :] = 0
        df = df.sort_values(by=S)

    df_twiss = add_missing_columns(df_twiss, k_columns + list(PLANES))
    df_errors = add_missing_columns(df_errors,
                                    k_columns + [f"{D}{X}", f"{D}{Y}"])
    df_errors = df_errors.rename(columns={f"{D}{p}": p for p in PLANES})

    add_columns = k_columns + orbit_columns
    df.loc[:, add_columns] = df_twiss[add_columns] + df_errors[add_columns]

    for name, df_old in (("twiss", df_twiss), ("errors", df_errors)):
        dropped_columns = set(df_old.columns) - set(df.columns)
        if dropped_columns:
                f"The following {name}-columns were dropped on merge: {seq2str(dropped_columns)}"
    return df