Esempio n. 1
def renyi_information(tfr, timestamps=None, freq=None, alpha=3.0):

    :param tfr:
    :param timestamps:
    :param freq:
    :param alpha:
    :type tfr:
    :type timestamps:
    :type freq:
    :type alpha:
    if alpha == 1 and tfr.min().min() < 0:
        raise ValueError("Distribution with negative values not allowed.")
    m, n = tfr.shape
    if timestamps is None:
        timestamps = np.arange(n) + 1
    elif np.allclose(timestamps, np.arange(n)):
        timestamps += 1
    if freq is None:
        freq = np.arange(m)
    tfr = tfr / integrate_2d(tfr, timestamps, freq)
    if alpha == 1:
        R = -integrate_2d(tfr * np.log2(tfr + np.spacing(1)), timestamps, freq)
        R = np.log2(integrate_2d(tfr ** alpha, timestamps, freq) + np.spacing(1))
        R = R / (1 - alpha)
    return R
Esempio n. 2
def renyi_information(tfr, timestamps=None, freq=None, alpha=3.0):

    :param tfr:
    :param timestamps:
    :param freq:
    :param alpha:
    :type tfr:
    :type timestamps:
    :type freq:
    :type alpha:
    if alpha == 1 and tfr.min().min() < 0:
        raise ValueError("Distribution with negative values not allowed.")
    m, n = tfr.shape
    if timestamps is None:
        timestamps = np.arange(n)
    if freq is None:
        freq = np.arange(m)
    tfr = tfr / integrate_2d(tfr, timestamps, freq)
    if alpha == 1:
        R = -integrate_2d(tfr * np.log2(tfr + np.spacing(1)), timestamps, freq)
        R = np.log2(integrate_2d(tfr**alpha, timestamps, freq) + np.spacing(1))
        R = R / (1 - alpha)
    return R
Esempio n. 3
 def _get_interpolated_tf(self, tffr):
     tfr = np.zeros((self.n_voices, self.ts.shape[0]))
     ts2 = (self.signal.shape[0] - 1.0) / 2
     gamma = np.linspace(-self.geo_f[self.n_voices - 1] * ts2,
                         self.geo_f[self.n_voices - 1] * ts2, 2 * self.m1)
     for i in range(self.n_voices):
         condition = np.logical_and(gamma >= -self.geo_f[i] * ts2,
                                    gamma <= self.geo_f[i] * ts2)
         ind = np.nonzero(np.ravel(condition))
         x = gamma[ind]
         y = tffr[i, ind]
         xi = (self.ts - ts2) * self.geo_f[i]
         tck = splrep(x, y)
         tfr[i, :] = splev(xi, tck).ravel()
     t = self.ts
     f = self.geo_f.ravel()
     self.freqs = f
     sp1_ana, sp2_ana = self._normalize()
     if self.kind == "auto":
         multiplier = np.linalg.norm(sp1_ana)**2
         multiplier =, sp2_ana)
     tfr = tfr * multiplier / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / self.n_voices
     self.tfr = tfr
     return tfr, t, f
Esempio n. 4
    def run(self):
        S1, S2 = self._geometric_sample()
        beta, mellin1, mellin2 = self._mellin_transform(S1, S2)
        # Computation for lambda dilations/compressions
        waf = np.zeros((2 * self.m1, self.n_voices), dtype=complex)
        _x = -(2 * 1j * np.pi * beta + 0.5)
        for n in range(1, 2 * self.m1 + 1):
            _y = np.log(
                np.sqrt(1 + (self.u[n - 1] / 2)**2) - self.u[n - 1] / 2)
            mx1 = np.exp(_x * _y) * mellin1
            _y = np.log(
                np.sqrt(1 + (self.u[n - 1] / 2)**2) + self.u[n - 1] / 2)
            mx2 = np.exp(_x * _y) * mellin2
            fx1 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx1))[:self.n_voices]
            fx2 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx2))[:self.n_voices]
            waf[n - 1, :] = fx1 * np.conj(fx2)
            if self.form != "A":
                waf[n - 1, :] *= 1 / np.sqrt(1 + (self.u[n] / 2)**2)
        waf = np.vstack((waf[self.m1:(2 * self.m1), :], waf[:self.m1, :]))
        waf *= np.repeat(self.geo_f.reshape((1, self.geo_f.shape[0])),
                         2 * self.m1,
        tffr = np.fft.ifft(waf, axis=0)
        tffr = np.real(
                    (tffr[self.m1:(2 * self.m1 + 1), :], tffr[:self.m1, :])),
        # conversion from tff to tf using 1d interpolation
        tfr = np.zeros((self.n_voices, self.ts.shape[0]))
        ts2 = (self.signal.shape[0] - 1) / 2
        gamma = np.linspace(
            -self.geo_f[self.n_voices - 1] * ts2,
            self.geo_f[self.n_voices - 1] * ts2,
            2 * self.m1,
        for i in range(self.n_voices):
            condition = np.logical_and(gamma >= -self.geo_f[i] * ts2,
                                       gamma <= self.geo_f[i] * ts2)
            ind = np.nonzero(np.ravel(condition))[0]
            x = gamma[ind]
            y = tffr[i, ind].ravel()
            xi = (self.ts - ts2 - 1) * self.geo_f[i]
            tck = splrep(x, y)
            tfr[i, :] = splev(xi, tck).ravel()
        t = self.ts
        f = self.freqs = self.geo_f[:self.n_voices].ravel()
        sp1_ana, sp2_ana = self._normalize()

        if self.kind == "auto":
            multiplier = np.linalg.norm(sp1_ana)**2
            multiplier =, sp2_ana)

        tfr = tfr * multiplier / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / self.n_voices
        self.tfr = tfr
        return tfr, t, f
Esempio n. 5
    def run(self):
        f = np.logspace(np.log10(self.fmin), np.log10(self.fmax), self.n_voices)
        a = np.logspace(np.log10(self.fmax / float(self.fmin)), np.log10(1), self.n_voices)
        wt = np.zeros((self.n_voices, self.ts.shape[0]), dtype=complex)
        if self.waveparams > 0:
            for ptr in range(self.n_voices):
                nha = self.waveparams * a[ptr]
                tha = np.arange(-int(np.round(nha)), int(np.round(nha)) + 1)
                x = np.exp(-(2 * np.log(10) / (nha ** 2)) * tha ** 2)
                y = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f[ptr] * tha)
                ha = x * y
                detail = np.convolve(self.z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr])
                ix = np.arange(int(np.round(nha)), detail.shape[0] - int(np.round(nha)) + 1,
                wt[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts]
                detail = detail[ix]
                self.tfr[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts] * np.conj(detail[self.ts])
        elif self.waveparams == 0:
            for ptr in range(self.n_voices):
                ha = mexhat(f[ptr])
                nha = (ha.shape[0] - 1) / 2
                detail = np.convolve(self.z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr])
                ix = np.arange(int(np.round(nha)) + 1, detail.shape[0] - int(np.round(nha)) + 1)
                detail = detail[ix]
                wt[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts]
                self.tfr[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts] * np.conj(detail[self.ts])
        elif isinstance(self.waveparams, np.ndarray):
            rwav, cwav = self.waveparams.shape
            if cwav > rwav:
                self.waveparams = self.waveparams.T
            wavef = np.fft.fft(self.waveparams, axis=0)
            nwave = self.waveparams.shape[0]
            f0 = wavef[np.abs(wavef[:nwave / 2]) == np.amax(np.abs(wavef[:nwave / 2]))]
            f0 = ((f0 - 1) * (1 / nwave)).mean()
            a = np.logspace(np.log10(f0 / float(self.fmin)), np.log10(f0 / float(self.fmax)), self.n_voices)
            B = 0.99
            R = B / (1.001 / 2)
            nscale = np.max([128, np.round((B * nwave * (1 + 2.0 / R) * np.log((1 +
                R / 2.0) / (1 - R / 2.0))) / 2)])
            wts = scale(self.waveparams, a, self.fmin, self.fmax, nscale)
            for ptr in range(self.n_voices):
                ha = wts[ptr, :]
                nha = ha.shape[0] / 2
                detail = np.convolve(self.z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr])
                detail = detail[int(np.floor(nha)):(detail.shape[0] - np.round(nha))]
                wt[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts]
                self.tfr[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts] * np.conj(detail[self.ts])

        # Normalization
        SP = np.fft.fft(self.z, axis=0)
        indmin = 1 + int(np.round(self.fmin * (self.signal.shape[0] - 2)))
        indmax = 1 + int(np.round(self.fmax * (self.signal.shape[0] - 2)))
        SPana = SP[indmin:(indmax + 1)]
        self.tfr = np.real(self.tfr)
        self.tfr = self.tfr * (np.linalg.norm(SPana) ** 2) / integrate_2d(self.tfr, self.ts, f) / self.n_voices
        return self.tfr, self.ts, f, wt
Esempio n. 6
    def run(self):
        S1, S2 = self._geometric_sample()
        beta, mellin1, mellin2 = self._mellin_transform(S1, S2)
        # Computation for lambda dilations/compressions
        waf = np.zeros((2 * self.m1, self.n_voices), dtype=complex)
        _x = -(2 * 1j * np.pi * beta + 0.5)
        for n in range(1, 2 * self.m1 + 1):
            _y = np.log(np.sqrt(1 + (self.u[n - 1] / 2.0) ** 2) - self.u[n - 1] / 2.0)
            mx1 = np.exp(_x * _y) * mellin1
            _y = np.log(np.sqrt(1 + (self.u[n - 1] / 2.0) ** 2) + self.u[n - 1] / 2.0)
            mx2 = np.exp(_x * _y) * mellin2
            fx1 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx1))[:self.n_voices]
            fx2 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx2))[:self.n_voices]
            waf[n - 1, :] = fx1 * np.conj(fx2)
            if self.form != "A":
                waf[n - 1, :] *= 1 / np.sqrt(1 + (self.u[n] / 2.0) ** 2)
        waf = np.vstack((waf[self.m1:(2 * self.m1), :], waf[:self.m1, :]))
        waf *= np.repeat(self.geo_f.reshape((1, self.geo_f.shape[0])), 2 * self.m1, axis=0)
        tffr = np.fft.ifft(waf, axis=0)
        tffr = np.real(np.rot90(np.vstack((tffr[self.m1:(2 * self.m1 + 1), :],
                                        tffr[:self.m1, :])), k=-1))
        # conversion from tff to tf using 1d interpolation
        tfr = np.zeros((self.n_voices, self.ts.shape[0]))
        ts2 = (self.signal.shape[0] - 1.0) / 2
        gamma = np.linspace(-self.geo_f[self.n_voices - 1] * ts2,
                            self.geo_f[self.n_voices - 1] * ts2, 2 * self.m1)
        for i in range(self.n_voices):
            ind = find(np.logical_and(gamma >= -self.geo_f[i] * ts2,
                                    gamma <= self.geo_f[i] * ts2))
            x = gamma[ind]
            y = tffr[i, ind]
            xi = (self.ts - ts2 - 1) * self.geo_f[i]
            tck = splrep(x, y)
            tfr[i, :] = splev(xi, tck).ravel()
        t = self.ts
        f = self.freqs = self.geo_f[:self.n_voices].ravel()
        sp1_ana, sp2_ana = self._normalize()

        if self.kind == "auto":
            multiplier = np.linalg.norm(sp1_ana) ** 2
            multiplier =, sp2_ana)

        tfr = tfr * multiplier / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / self.n_voices
        self.tfr = tfr
        return tfr, t, f
Esempio n. 7
 def _get_interpolated_tf(self, tffr):
     tfr = np.zeros((self.n_voices, self.ts.shape[0]))
     ts2 = (self.signal.shape[0] - 1.0) / 2
     gamma = np.linspace(-self.geo_f[self.n_voices - 1] * ts2,
                         self.geo_f[self.n_voices - 1] * ts2, 2 * self.m1)
     for i in range(self.n_voices):
         ind = find(np.logical_and(gamma >= -self.geo_f[i] * ts2,
                                 gamma <= self.geo_f[i] * ts2))
         x = gamma[ind]
         y = tffr[i, ind]
         xi = (self.ts - ts2) * self.geo_f[i]
         tck = splrep(x, y)
         tfr[i, :] = splev(xi, tck).ravel()
     t = self.ts
     f = self.geo_f.ravel()
     self.freqs = f
     sp1_ana, sp2_ana = self._normalize()
     if self.kind == "auto":
         multiplier = np.linalg.norm(sp1_ana) ** 2
         multiplier =, sp2_ana)
     tfr = tfr * multiplier / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / self.n_voices
     self.tfr = tfr
     return tfr, t, f
Esempio n. 8
def scalogram(signal,

    :param signal:
    :param fmin:
    :param fmax:
    :param n_voices:
    :param time_instants:
    :param waveparams:
    :type signal:
    :type fmin:
    :type fmax:
    :type n_voices:
    :type time_instants:
    :type waveparams:
    # FIXME: Output from the MATLAB implementation differs significantly.
    if time_instants is None:
        time_instants = np.arange(signal.shape[0])
    if waveparams is None:
        waveparams = np.sqrt(signal.shape[0])
    if n_voices is None:
        n_voices = signal.shape[0]

    s_centered = np.real(signal) - np.real(signal).mean()
    z = hilbert(s_centered)

    if (fmin is None) or (fmax is None):
        stf = np.fft.fft(
            np.fft.fftshift(z[time_instants.min():time_instants.max() + 1]))
        nstf = stf.shape[0]
        sp = np.abs(stf[:int(np.round(nstf / 2.0))])**2
        maxsp = sp.max()
        f = np.linspace(0, 0.5, np.round(nstf / 2.0) + 1)
        if fmin is None:
            mask = sp > maxsp / 100.0
            indmin = np.arange(mask.shape[0],
            fmin = max([0.01, 0.05 * np.floor(f[indmin] / 0.05)])
        if fmax is None:
            mask = sp > maxsp / 100.0
            indmax = np.arange(mask.shape[0],
            fmax = 0.05 * np.ceil(f[indmax] / 0.05)

    f = np.logspace(np.log10(fmin), np.log10(fmax), n_voices)
    a = np.logspace(np.log10(fmax / float(fmin)), np.log10(1), n_voices)
    wt = np.zeros((n_voices, time_instants.shape[0]), dtype=complex)
    tfr = np.zeros((n_voices, time_instants.shape[0]), dtype=complex)

    if waveparams > 0:
        for ptr in xrange(n_voices):
            nha = waveparams * a[ptr]
            tha = np.arange(-np.round(nha), np.round(nha) + 1)
            x = np.exp(-(2 * np.log(10) / (nha**2)) * tha**2)
            y = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f[ptr] * tha)
            ha = x * y
            detail = np.convolve(z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr])
            ix = np.arange(round(nha),
                           detail.shape[0] - np.round(nha) + 1,
            wt[ptr, :] = detail[time_instants]
            detail = detail[ix]
            tfr[ptr, :] = detail[time_instants] * np.conj(
    elif waveparams == 0:
        for ptr in xrange(n_voices):
            ha = mexhat(f[ptr])
            nha = (ha.shape[0] - 1) / 2
            detail = np.convolve(z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr])
            ix = np.arange(round(nha) + 1, detail.shape[0] - np.round(nha) + 1)
            detail = detail[ix]
            wt[ptr, :] = detail[time_instants]
            tfr[ptr, :] = detail[time_instants] * np.conj(
    elif isinstance(waveparams, np.ndarray):
        rwav, cwav = waveparams.shape
        if cwav > rwav:
            waveparams = waveparams.T
        wavef = np.fft.fft(waveparams, axis=0)
        nwave = waveparams.shape[0]
        f0 = wavef[np.abs(wavef[:nwave /
                                2]) == np.amax(np.abs(wavef[:nwave / 2]))]
        f0 = ((f0 - 1) * (1 / nwave)).mean()
        a = np.logspace(np.log10(f0 / float(fmin)), np.log10(f0 / float(fmax)),
        B = 0.99
        R = B / (1.001 / 2)
        nscale = np.max([
            np.round((B * nwave * (1 + 2.0 / R) * np.log(
                (1 + R / 2.0) / (1 - R / 2.0))) / 2)
        wts = scale(waveparams, a, fmin, fmax, nscale)
        for ptr in xrange(n_voices):
            ha = wts[ptr, :]
            nha = ha.shape[0] / 2
            detail = np.convolve(z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr])
            detail = detail[int(np.floor(nha)):(detail.shape[0] -
            wt[ptr, :] = detail[time_instants]
            tfr[ptr, :] = detail[time_instants] * np.conj(

    t = time_instants
    f = f.T
    # Normalization
    SP = np.fft.fft(z, axis=0)
    indmin = 1 + np.round(fmin * (signal.shape[0] - 2))
    indmax = 1 + np.round(fmax * (signal.shape[0] - 2))
    SPana = SP[indmin:(indmax + 1)]
    tfr = np.real(tfr)
    tfr = tfr * (np.linalg.norm(SPana)**2) / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / n_voices
    return tfr, t, f, wt
Esempio n. 9
def bertrand(signal, timestamps=None, fmin=None, fmax=None, n_voices=None):

    :param signal:
    :param timestamps:
    :param fmin:
    :param fmax:
    :param n_voices:
    :type signal:
    :type timestamps:
    :type fmin:
    :type fmax:
    :type n_voices:
    xrow = signal.shape[0]
    if timestamps is None:
        timestamps = np.arange(xrow)

    tcol = timestamps.shape[0]
    x1 = signal.copy()
    x2 = signal.copy()

    s1 = np.real(x1)
    s2 = np.real(x2)
    m = (xrow + (xrow % 2)) / 2
    t = np.arange(xrow) - m - 1
    tmin = 1
    tmax = xrow
    T = tmax - tmin
    mt = xrow

    if (fmin is None) or (fmax is None):
        stf1 = np.fft.fft(
            np.fft.fftshift(s1[timestamps.min():timestamps.max() + 1]))
        stf2 = np.fft.fft(
            np.fft.fftshift(s2[timestamps.min():timestamps.max() + 1]))
        nstf = stf1.shape[0]
        sp1 = np.abs(stf1[:int(np.round(nstf / 2.0))])**2
        sp2 = np.abs(stf2[:int(np.round(nstf / 2.0))])**2
        maxsp1 = sp1.max()
        maxsp2 = sp2.max()
        f = np.linspace(0, 0.5, np.round(nstf / 2.0) + 1)
        if fmin is None:
            mask = sp1 > maxsp1 / 100.0
            indmin = np.arange(mask.shape[0],
            fmin = max([0.01, 0.05 * np.floor(f[indmin] / 0.05)])
        if fmax is None:
            mask = sp2 > maxsp2 / 100.0
            indmax = np.arange(mask.shape[0],
            fmax = 0.05 * np.ceil(f[indmax] / 0.05)
    bw = fmax - fmin
    R = bw / (fmin + fmax) * 2.0
    umaxbert = lambda x: np.exp(x) - fmax / fmin
    umax = brenth(umaxbert, 0, 4)
    teq = m / (fmax * umax)
    if teq < mt:
        m0 = np.round((2 * m**2) / teq - m) + 1
        m1 = m + m0
        T = 2 * m1 - 1
        m0 = 0
        m1 = m

    if n_voices is None:
        nq = np.ceil((bw * T * (1 + 2.0 / R) * np.log(
            (1 + R / 2.0) / (1 - R / 2.0))) / 2)
        nmin = nq - nq % 2
        ndflt = 2**nextpow2(nmin)
        n_voices = int(ndflt)

    # Geometric sampling for the analyzed spectrum
    k = np.arange(1, n_voices + 1)
    q = (fmax / fmin)**(1 / (n_voices - 1.0))
    t = np.arange(1, mt + 1) - m - 1
    geo_f = fmin * np.exp((k - 1) * np.log(q))
    tfmatx = np.exp(
        -2 * 1j *[0], 1), geo_f.reshape(1, geo_f.shape[0])) *
    S1 =, s1.shape[0]), tfmatx)
    S2 =, s2.shape[0]), tfmatx)
    S1 = np.append(S1, np.zeros((n_voices, )))
    S2 = np.append(S2, np.zeros((n_voices, )))

    # Mellin tranform of signal
    p = np.arange(2 * n_voices)
    mellin1 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(S1))
    mellin2 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(S2))
    umin = -umax
    du = np.abs(umax - umin) / (2 * m1)
    u = np.linspace(umin, umax - du, (umax - umin) / du)
    u[m1] = 0
    beta = (p / float(n_voices) - 1) / (2 * np.log(q))

    # Computation of P0(t. f, f)
    waf = np.zeros((2 * m1, n_voices), dtype=complex)
    for n in np.hstack((np.arange(1, m1 + 1), np.arange(m1 + 2, 2 * m1 + 1))):
        mx1 = np.exp((-2 * 1j * np.pi * beta + 0.5) * np.log(
            (u[n - 1] / 2) * np.exp(-u[n - 1] / 2.0) /
            np.sinh(u[n - 1] / 2))) * mellin1
        mx2 = np.exp((-2 * 1j * np.pi * beta + 0.5) * np.log(
            (u[n - 1] / 2) * np.exp(u[n - 1] / 2.0) /
            np.sinh(u[n - 1] / 2))) * mellin2
        fx1 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx1))[:n_voices]
        fx2 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx2))[:n_voices]
        waf[n - 1, :] = fx1 * np.conj(fx2)
    waf[m1, :] = S1[:n_voices] * np.conj(S2[:n_voices])
    waf = np.vstack((waf[m1:(2 * m1), :], waf[:m1, :]))
    waf *= np.repeat(geo_f.reshape((1, geo_f.shape[0])), 2 * m1, axis=0)
    tffr = np.fft.ifft(waf, axis=0)
    tffr = np.real(
        np.rot90(np.vstack((tffr[m1:(2 * m1 + 1), :], tffr[:m1, :])), k=-1))
    # conversion from tff to tf using 1d interpolation
    tfr = np.zeros((n_voices, tcol))
    ts2 = (mt - 1.0) / 2
    gamma = np.linspace(-geo_f[n_voices - 1] * ts2, geo_f[n_voices - 1] * ts2,
                        2 * m1)
    for i in xrange(n_voices):
        ind = find(
            np.logical_and(gamma >= -geo_f[i] * ts2, gamma <= geo_f[i] * ts2))
        x = gamma[ind]
        y = tffr[i, ind]
        xi = (timestamps - ts2 - 1) * geo_f[i]
        tck = splrep(x, y)
        tfr[i, :] = splev(xi, tck).ravel()
    t = timestamps
    f = geo_f.ravel()

    # Normalization
    SP1 = np.fft.fft(hilbert(s1), axis=0)
    SP2 = np.fft.fft(hilbert(s2), axis=0)
    indmin = 1 + int(np.round(fmin * (tcol - 2)))
    indmax = 1 + int(np.round(fmax * (tcol - 2)))
    sp1_ana = SP1[(indmin - 1):indmax]
    sp2_ana = SP2[(indmin - 1):indmax]

    tfr = tfr *, sp2_ana) / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / n_voices
    return tfr, t, f
Esempio n. 10
def smoothed_pseudo_wigner(signal,

    :param signal:
    :param timestamps:
    :param K:
    :param nh0:
    :param ng0:
    :param fmin:
    :param fmax:
    :param n_voices:
    :type signal:
    :type timestamps:
    :type K:
    :type nh0:
    :type ng0:
    :type fmin:
    :type fmax:
    :type n_voices:
    xrow = signal.shape[0]
    if timestamps is None:
        timestamps = np.arange(signal.shape[0])
    if nh0 is None:
        nh0 = np.sqrt(signal.shape[0])

    tcol = timestamps.shape[0]
    mt = signal.shape[0]

    x1 = x2 = signal.copy()
    s1 = np.real(x1)
    s2 = np.real(x2)
    m = (mt + np.remainder(mt, 2.0)) / 2.0

    if (fmin is None) or (fmax is None):
        stf1 = np.fft.fft(
            np.fft.fftshift(s1[timestamps.min():timestamps.max() + 1]))
        stf2 = np.fft.fft(
            np.fft.fftshift(s2[timestamps.min():timestamps.max() + 1]))
        nstf = stf1.shape[0]
        sp1 = np.abs(stf1[:int(np.round(nstf / 2.0))])**2
        sp2 = np.abs(stf2[:int(np.round(nstf / 2.0))])**2
        maxsp1 = sp1.max()
        maxsp2 = sp2.max()
        f = np.linspace(0, 0.5,
                        np.round(nstf / 2.0) + 1)[:int(np.round(nstf / 2.0))]
        if fmin is None:
            mask = sp1 > maxsp1 / 100.0
            indmin = np.arange(mask.shape[0],
            fmin = max([0.01, 0.05 * np.floor(f[indmin] / 0.05)])
        if fmax is None:
            mask = sp2 > maxsp2 / 100.0
            indmax = np.arange(mask.shape[0],
            fmax = 0.05 * np.ceil(f[indmax] / 0.05)

    B = fmax - fmin
    R = B / ((fmin + fmax) / 2.0)
    ratio = fmax / fmin
    umax = np.log(ratio)
    teq = nh0 / (fmax * umax)
    if teq > 2 * nh0:
        m0 = (2 * nh0**2) / teq - nh0 + 1
        m0 = 0
    mu = np.round(nh0 + m0)
    T = 2 * mu - 1

    if n_voices is None:
        nq = np.ceil((B * T * (1 + 2.0 / R) * np.log(
            (1 + R / 2.0) / (1 - R / 2.0))) / 2)
        nmin = nq - nq % 2
        ndflt = 2**nextpow2(nmin)
        n_voices = int(ndflt)

    k = np.arange(1, n_voices + 1)
    q = ratio**(1.0 / (n_voices - 1))
    a = np.exp((k - 1) * np.log(q))
    geo_f = fmin * a

    # Wavelet decomposition computation
    matxte1 = np.zeros((n_voices, tcol), dtype=complex)
    matxte2 = np.zeros((n_voices, tcol), dtype=complex)
    _, _, _, wt1 = scalogram(s1,
    _, _, _, wt2 = scalogram(s2,
    for ptr in xrange(n_voices):
        matxte1[ptr, :] = wt1[ptr, :] * np.sqrt(a[n_voices - ptr - 1])
        matxte2[ptr, :] = wt2[ptr, :] * np.sqrt(a[n_voices - ptr - 1])

    umin = -umax
    u = np.linspace(umin, umax, 2 * mu + 1)
    u = u[:(2 * mu)]
    u[mu] = 0
    p = np.arange(2 * n_voices)
    beta = (p / float(n_voices) - 1.0) / (2 * np.log(q))
    l1 = l2 = np.zeros((2 * mu, 2 * n_voices), dtype=complex)
    for m in xrange(l1.shape[0]):
        l1[m, :] = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j * beta * np.log(lambdak(u[m], K)))
        l2[m, :] = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j * beta * np.log(lambdak(-u[m], K)))

    # Calculate time smoothing window
    if ng0 == 0:
        G = np.ones((2 * mu))
        a_t = 3
        sigma_t = ng0 * fmax / np.sqrt(2 * a_t * np.log(10))
        a_u = 2 * np.pi**2 * sigma_t**2 * umax**2 / np.log(10)
        G = np.exp(-(a_u * np.log(10) / mu**2) * np.arange(-mu, mu)**2)

    waf = np.zeros((2 * mu, n_voices))
    tfr = np.zeros((n_voices, tcol))
    S1 = S2 = np.zeros((2 * n_voices, ), dtype=complex)
    mx1 = mx2 = np.zeros((2 * n_voices, 2 * mu))

    for ti in xrange(tcol):
        S1[:n_voices] = matxte1[:, ti]
        mellin1 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(S1))
        mx1 = l1 * mellin1.reshape(1, mellin1.shape[0]).repeat(2 * mu, 0)
        mx1 = np.fft.fft(mx1, axis=0)
        tx1 = mx1[:n_voices, :].T

        S2[:n_voices] = matxte2[:, ti]
        mellin2 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(S2))
        mx2 = l2 * mellin2.reshape(1, mellin2.shape[0]).repeat(2 * mu, 0)
        mx2 = np.fft.fft(mx2, axis=0)
        tx2 = mx2[:n_voices, :].T
        waf = np.real(tx1 * np.conj(tx2)) * G.reshape(G.shape[0], 1).repeat(
            n_voices, axis=1)
        tfr[:, ti] = np.sum(waf) * geo_f

    t = timestamps
    f = geo_f

    # Normalization
    sp1 = np.fft.fft(hilbert(s1))
    sp2 = np.fft.fft(hilbert(s2))
    indmin = 1 + np.round(fmin * (xrow - 2))
    indmax = 1 + np.round(fmax * (xrow - 2))
    sp1_ana = sp1[indmin:(indmax + 1)]
    sp2_ana = sp2[indmin:(indmax + 1)]
    xx =, np.real(sp2_ana))
    xx +=, np.imag(sp2_ana))
    tfr = tfr * xx / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / n_voices
    return tfr, t, f
Esempio n. 11
def scalogram(signal, fmin=None, fmax=None, n_voices=None, time_instants=None,

    :param signal:
    :param fmin:
    :param fmax:
    :param n_voices:
    :param time_instants:
    :param waveparams:
    :type signal:
    :type fmin:
    :type fmax:
    :type n_voices:
    :type time_instants:
    :type waveparams:
    # FIXME: Output from the MATLAB implementation differs significantly.
    if time_instants is None:
        time_instants = np.arange(signal.shape[0])
    if waveparams is None:
        waveparams = np.sqrt(signal.shape[0])
    if n_voices is None:
        n_voices = signal.shape[0]

    s_centered = np.real(signal) - np.real(signal).mean()
    z = hilbert(s_centered)

    if (fmin is None) or (fmax is None):
        stf = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(z[time_instants.min():time_instants.max() + 1]))
        nstf = stf.shape[0]
        sp = np.abs(stf[:int(np.round(nstf / 2.0))]) ** 2
        maxsp = sp.max()
        f = np.linspace(0, 0.5, np.round(nstf / 2.0) + 1)
        if fmin is None:
            mask = sp > maxsp / 100.0
            indmin = np.arange(mask.shape[0], dtype=int)[mask.astype(bool)].min()
            fmin = max([0.01, 0.05 * np.floor(f[indmin] / 0.05)])
        if fmax is None:
            mask = sp > maxsp / 100.0
            indmax = np.arange(mask.shape[0], dtype=int)[mask.astype(bool)].max()
            fmax = 0.05 * np.ceil(f[indmax] / 0.05)

    f = np.logspace(np.log10(fmin), np.log10(fmax), n_voices)
    a = np.logspace(np.log10(fmax / float(fmin)), np.log10(1), n_voices)
    wt = np.zeros((n_voices, time_instants.shape[0]), dtype=complex)
    tfr = np.zeros((n_voices, time_instants.shape[0]), dtype=complex)

    if waveparams > 0:
        for ptr in range(n_voices):
            nha = waveparams * a[ptr]
            tha = np.arange(-np.round(nha), np.round(nha) + 1)
            x = np.exp(-(2 * np.log(10) / (nha ** 2)) * tha ** 2)
            y = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f[ptr] * tha)
            ha = x * y
            detail = np.convolve(z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr])
            ix = np.arange(round(nha), detail.shape[0] - np.round(nha) + 1,
            wt[ptr, :] = detail[time_instants]
            detail = detail[ix]
            tfr[ptr, :] = detail[time_instants] * np.conj(detail[time_instants])
    elif waveparams == 0:
        for ptr in range(n_voices):
            ha = mexhat(f[ptr])
            nha = (ha.shape[0] - 1) / 2
            detail = np.convolve(z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr])
            ix = np.arange(round(nha) + 1, detail.shape[0] - np.round(nha) + 1)
            detail = detail[ix]
            wt[ptr, :] = detail[time_instants]
            tfr[ptr, :] = detail[time_instants] * np.conj(detail[time_instants])
    elif isinstance(waveparams, np.ndarray):
        rwav, cwav = waveparams.shape
        if cwav > rwav:
            waveparams = waveparams.T
        wavef = np.fft.fft(waveparams, axis=0)
        nwave = waveparams.shape[0]
        f0 = wavef[np.abs(wavef[:nwave / 2]) == np.amax(np.abs(wavef[:nwave / 2]))]
        f0 = ((f0 - 1) * (1 / nwave)).mean()
        a = np.logspace(np.log10(f0 / float(fmin)), np.log10(f0 / float(fmax)), n_voices)
        B = 0.99
        R = B / (1.001 / 2)
        nscale = np.max([128, np.round((B * nwave * (1 + 2.0 / R) * np.log((1 +
            R / 2.0) / (1 - R / 2.0))) / 2)])
        wts = scale(waveparams, a, fmin, fmax, nscale)
        for ptr in range(n_voices):
            ha = wts[ptr, :]
            nha = ha.shape[0] / 2
            detail = np.convolve(z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr])
            detail = detail[int(np.floor(nha)):(detail.shape[0] - np.round(nha))]
            wt[ptr, :] = detail[time_instants]
            tfr[ptr, :] = detail[time_instants] * np.conj(detail[time_instants])

    t = time_instants
    f = f.T
    # Normalization
    SP = np.fft.fft(z, axis=0)
    indmin = 1 + np.round(fmin * (signal.shape[0] - 2))
    indmax = 1 + np.round(fmax * (signal.shape[0] - 2))
    SPana = SP[indmin:(indmax + 1)]
    tfr = np.real(tfr)
    tfr = tfr * (np.linalg.norm(SPana) ** 2) / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / n_voices
    return tfr, t, f, wt
Esempio n. 12
def bertrand(signal, timestamps=None, fmin=None, fmax=None, n_voices=None):

    :param signal:
    :param timestamps:
    :param fmin:
    :param fmax:
    :param n_voices:
    :type signal:
    :type timestamps:
    :type fmin:
    :type fmax:
    :type n_voices:
    xrow = signal.shape[0]
    if timestamps is None:
        timestamps = np.arange(xrow)

    tcol = timestamps.shape[0]
    x1 = signal.copy()
    x2 = signal.copy()

    s1 = np.real(x1)
    s2 = np.real(x2)
    m = (xrow + (xrow % 2)) / 2
    t = np.arange(xrow) - m - 1
    tmin = 1
    tmax = xrow
    T = tmax - tmin
    mt = xrow

    if (fmin is None) or (fmax is None):
        stf1 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(s1[timestamps.min():timestamps.max() + 1]))
        stf2 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(s2[timestamps.min():timestamps.max() + 1]))
        nstf = stf1.shape[0]
        sp1 = np.abs(stf1[:int(np.round(nstf / 2.0))]) ** 2
        sp2 = np.abs(stf2[:int(np.round(nstf / 2.0))]) ** 2
        maxsp1 = sp1.max()
        maxsp2 = sp2.max()
        f = np.linspace(0, 0.5, np.round(nstf / 2.0) + 1)
        if fmin is None:
            mask = sp1 > maxsp1 / 100.0
            indmin = np.arange(mask.shape[0], dtype=int)[mask.astype(bool)].min()
            fmin = max([0.01, 0.05 * np.floor(f[indmin] / 0.05)])
        if fmax is None:
            mask = sp2 > maxsp2 / 100.0
            indmax = np.arange(mask.shape[0], dtype=int)[mask.astype(bool)].max()
            fmax = 0.05 * np.ceil(f[indmax] / 0.05)
    bw = fmax - fmin
    R = bw / (fmin + fmax) * 2.0
    umaxbert = lambda x: np.exp(x) - fmax / fmin
    umax = brenth(umaxbert, 0, 4)
    teq = m / (fmax * umax)
    if teq < mt:
        m0 = np.round((2 * m ** 2) / teq - m) + 1
        m1 = m + m0
        T = 2 * m1 - 1
        m0 = 0
        m1 = m

    if n_voices is None:
        nq = np.ceil((bw * T * (1 + 2.0 / R) * np.log((1 + R / 2.0) / (1 - R / 2.0))) / 2)
        nmin = nq - nq % 2
        ndflt = 2 ** nextpow2(nmin)
        n_voices = int(ndflt)

    # Geometric sampling for the analyzed spectrum
    k = np.arange(1, n_voices + 1)
    q = (fmax / fmin) ** (1 / (n_voices - 1.0))
    t = np.arange(1, mt + 1) - m - 1
    geo_f = fmin * np.exp((k - 1) * np.log(q))
    tfmatx = np.exp(-2 * 1j *[0], 1),
                                     geo_f.reshape(1, geo_f.shape[0])) * np.pi)
    S1 =, s1.shape[0]), tfmatx)
    S2 =, s2.shape[0]), tfmatx)
    S1 = np.append(S1, np.zeros((n_voices,)))
    S2 = np.append(S2, np.zeros((n_voices,)))

    # Mellin tranform of signal
    p = np.arange(2 * n_voices)
    mellin1 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(S1))
    mellin2 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(S2))
    umin = -umax
    du = np.abs(umax - umin) / (2 * m1)
    u = np.linspace(umin, umax - du, (umax - umin) / du)
    u[m1] = 0
    beta = (p / float(n_voices) - 1) / (2 * np.log(q))

    # Computation of P0(t. f, f)
    waf = np.zeros((2 * m1, n_voices), dtype=complex)
    for n in np.hstack((np.arange(1, m1 + 1), np.arange(m1 + 2, 2 * m1 + 1))):
        mx1 = np.exp((-2 * 1j * np.pi * beta + 0.5) * np.log((u[n - 1] / 2) *
            np.exp(-u[n - 1] / 2.0) / np.sinh(u[n - 1] / 2))) * mellin1
        mx2 = np.exp((-2 * 1j * np.pi * beta + 0.5) * np.log((u[n - 1] / 2) *
            np.exp(u[n - 1] / 2.0) / np.sinh(u[n - 1] / 2))) * mellin2
        fx1 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx1))[:n_voices]
        fx2 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(mx2))[:n_voices]
        waf[n - 1, :] = fx1 * np.conj(fx2)
    waf[m1, :] = S1[:n_voices] * np.conj(S2[:n_voices])
    waf = np.vstack((waf[m1:(2 * m1), :], waf[:m1, :]))
    waf *= np.repeat(geo_f.reshape((1, geo_f.shape[0])), 2 * m1, axis=0)
    tffr = np.fft.ifft(waf, axis=0)
    tffr = np.real(np.rot90(np.vstack((tffr[m1:(2 * m1 + 1), :],
                                       tffr[:m1, :])), k=-1))
    # conversion from tff to tf using 1d interpolation
    tfr = np.zeros((n_voices, tcol))
    ts2 = (mt - 1.0) / 2
    gamma = np.linspace(-geo_f[n_voices - 1] * ts2,
                        geo_f[n_voices - 1] * ts2, 2 * m1)
    for i in range(n_voices):
        ind = find(np.logical_and(gamma >= -geo_f[i] * ts2,
                                  gamma <= geo_f[i] * ts2))
        x = gamma[ind]
        y = tffr[i, ind]
        xi = (timestamps - ts2 - 1) * geo_f[i]
        tck = splrep(x, y)
        tfr[i, :] = splev(xi, tck).ravel()
    t = timestamps
    f = geo_f.ravel()

    # Normalization
    SP1 = np.fft.fft(hilbert(s1), axis=0)
    SP2 = np.fft.fft(hilbert(s2), axis=0)
    indmin = 1 + int(np.round(fmin * (tcol - 2)))
    indmax = 1 + int(np.round(fmax * (tcol - 2)))
    sp1_ana = SP1[(indmin - 1):indmax]
    sp2_ana = SP2[(indmin - 1):indmax]

    tfr = tfr *, sp2_ana) / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / n_voices
    return tfr, t, f
Esempio n. 13
def smoothed_pseudo_wigner(signal, timestamps=None, K='bertrand', nh0=None,
        ng0=0, fmin=None, fmax=None, n_voices=None):

    :param signal:
    :param timestamps:
    :param K:
    :param nh0:
    :param ng0:
    :param fmin:
    :param fmax:
    :param n_voices:
    :type signal:
    :type timestamps:
    :type K:
    :type nh0:
    :type ng0:
    :type fmin:
    :type fmax:
    :type n_voices:
    xrow = signal.shape[0]
    if timestamps is None:
        timestamps = np.arange(signal.shape[0])
    if nh0 is None:
        nh0 = np.sqrt(signal.shape[0])

    tcol = timestamps.shape[0]
    mt = signal.shape[0]

    x1 = x2 = signal.copy()
    s1 = np.real(x1)
    s2 = np.real(x2)
    m = (mt + np.remainder(mt, 2.0)) / 2.0

    if (fmin is None) or (fmax is None):
        stf1 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(s1[timestamps.min():timestamps.max() + 1]))
        stf2 = np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(s2[timestamps.min():timestamps.max() + 1]))
        nstf = stf1.shape[0]
        sp1 = np.abs(stf1[:int(np.round(nstf / 2.0))]) ** 2
        sp2 = np.abs(stf2[:int(np.round(nstf / 2.0))]) ** 2
        maxsp1 = sp1.max()
        maxsp2 = sp2.max()
        f = np.linspace(0, 0.5, np.round(nstf / 2.0) + 1)[:int(np.round(nstf / 2.0))]
        if fmin is None:
            mask = sp1 > maxsp1 / 100.0
            indmin = np.arange(mask.shape[0], dtype=int)[mask.astype(bool)].min()
            fmin = max([0.01, 0.05 * np.floor(f[indmin] / 0.05)])
        if fmax is None:
            mask = sp2 > maxsp2 / 100.0
            indmax = np.arange(mask.shape[0], dtype=int)[mask.astype(bool)].max()
            fmax = 0.05 * np.ceil(f[indmax] / 0.05)

    B = fmax - fmin
    R = B / ((fmin + fmax) / 2.0)
    ratio = fmax / fmin
    umax = np.log(ratio)
    teq = nh0 / (fmax * umax)
    if teq > 2 * nh0:
        m0 = (2 * nh0 ** 2) / teq - nh0 + 1
        m0 = 0
    mu = np.round(nh0 + m0)
    T = 2 * mu - 1

    if n_voices is None:
        nq = np.ceil((B * T * (1 + 2.0 / R) * np.log((1 + R / 2.0) / (1 - R / 2.0))) / 2)
        nmin = nq - nq % 2
        ndflt = 2 ** nextpow2(nmin)
        n_voices = int(ndflt)

    k = np.arange(1, n_voices + 1)
    q = ratio ** (1.0 / (n_voices - 1))
    a = np.exp((k - 1) * np.log(q))
    geo_f = fmin * a

    # Wavelet decomposition computation
    matxte1 = np.zeros((n_voices, tcol), dtype=complex)
    matxte2 = np.zeros((n_voices, tcol), dtype=complex)
    _, _, _, wt1 = scalogram(s1, time_instants=timestamps, waveparams=nh0,
            fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, n_voices=n_voices)
    _, _, _, wt2 = scalogram(s2, time_instants=timestamps, waveparams=nh0,
            fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, n_voices=n_voices)
    for ptr in range(n_voices):
        matxte1[ptr, :] = wt1[ptr, :] * np.sqrt(a[n_voices - ptr - 1])
        matxte2[ptr, :] = wt2[ptr, :] * np.sqrt(a[n_voices - ptr - 1])

    umin = -umax
    u = np.linspace(umin, umax, 2 * mu + 1)
    u = u[:(2 * mu)]
    u[mu] = 0
    p = np.arange(2 * n_voices)
    beta = (p / float(n_voices) - 1.0) / (2 * np.log(q))
    l1 = l2 = np.zeros((2 * mu, 2 * n_voices), dtype=complex)
    for m in range(l1.shape[0]):
        l1[m, :] = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j * beta * np.log(lambdak(u[m], K)))
        l2[m, :] = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j * beta * np.log(lambdak(-u[m], K)))

    # Calculate time smoothing window
    if ng0 == 0:
        G = np.ones((2 * mu))
        a_t = 3
        sigma_t = ng0 * fmax / np.sqrt(2 * a_t * np.log(10))
        a_u = 2 * np.pi ** 2 * sigma_t ** 2 * umax ** 2 / np.log(10)
        G = np.exp(-(a_u * np.log(10) / mu ** 2) * np.arange(-mu, mu) ** 2)

    waf = np.zeros((2 * mu, n_voices))
    tfr = np.zeros((n_voices, tcol))
    S1 = S2 = np.zeros((2 * n_voices,), dtype=complex)
    mx1 = mx2 = np.zeros((2 * n_voices, 2 * mu))

    for ti in range(tcol):
        S1[:n_voices] = matxte1[:, ti]
        mellin1 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(S1))
        mx1 = l1 * mellin1.reshape(1, mellin1.shape[0]).repeat(2 * mu, 0)
        mx1 = np.fft.fft(mx1, axis=0)
        tx1 = mx1[:n_voices, :].T

        S2[:n_voices] = matxte2[:, ti]
        mellin2 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(S2))
        mx2 = l2 * mellin2.reshape(1, mellin2.shape[0]).repeat(2 * mu, 0)
        mx2 = np.fft.fft(mx2, axis=0)
        tx2 = mx2[:n_voices, :].T
        waf = np.real(tx1 * np.conj(tx2)) * G.reshape(G.shape[0], 1).repeat(n_voices, axis=1)
        tfr[:, ti] = np.sum(waf) * geo_f

    t = timestamps
    f = geo_f

    # Normalization
    sp1 = np.fft.fft(hilbert(s1))
    sp2 = np.fft.fft(hilbert(s2))
    indmin = 1 + np.round(fmin * (xrow - 2))
    indmax = 1 + np.round(fmax * (xrow - 2))
    sp1_ana = sp1[indmin:(indmax + 1)]
    sp2_ana = sp2[indmin:(indmax + 1)]
    xx =, np.real(sp2_ana))
    xx +=, np.imag(sp2_ana))
    tfr = tfr * xx / integrate_2d(tfr, t, f) / n_voices
    return tfr, t, f
Esempio n. 14
    def run(self):
        f = np.logspace(np.log10(self.fmin), np.log10(self.fmax),
        a = np.logspace(np.log10(self.fmax / float(self.fmin)), np.log10(1),
        wt = np.zeros((self.n_voices, self.ts.shape[0]), dtype=complex)
        if self.waveparams > 0:
            for ptr in range(self.n_voices):
                nha = self.waveparams * a[ptr]
                tha = np.arange(-int(np.round(nha)), int(np.round(nha)) + 1)
                x = np.exp(-(2 * np.log(10) / (nha**2)) * tha**2)
                y = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f[ptr] * tha)
                ha = x * y
                detail = np.convolve(self.z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr])
                ix = np.arange(int(np.round(nha)),
                               detail.shape[0] - int(np.round(nha)) + 1,
                wt[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts]
                detail = detail[ix]
                self.tfr[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts] * np.conj(detail[self.ts])
        elif self.waveparams == 0:
            for ptr in range(self.n_voices):
                ha = mexhat(f[ptr])
                nha = (ha.shape[0] - 1) / 2
                detail = np.convolve(self.z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr])
                ix = np.arange(
                    int(np.round(nha)) + 1,
                    detail.shape[0] - int(np.round(nha)) + 1)
                detail = detail[ix]
                wt[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts]
                self.tfr[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts] * np.conj(detail[self.ts])
        elif isinstance(self.waveparams, np.ndarray):
            rwav, cwav = self.waveparams.shape
            if cwav > rwav:
                self.waveparams = self.waveparams.T
            wavef = np.fft.fft(self.waveparams, axis=0)
            nwave = self.waveparams.shape[0]
            f0 = wavef[np.abs(wavef[:nwave /
                                    2]) == np.amax(np.abs(wavef[:nwave / 2]))]
            f0 = ((f0 - 1) * (1 / nwave)).mean()
            a = np.logspace(np.log10(f0 / float(self.fmin)),
                            np.log10(f0 / float(self.fmax)), self.n_voices)
            B = 0.99
            R = B / (1.001 / 2)
            nscale = np.max([
                np.round((B * nwave * (1 + 2.0 / R) * np.log(
                    (1 + R / 2.0) / (1 - R / 2.0))) / 2)
            wts = scale(self.waveparams, a, self.fmin, self.fmax, nscale)
            for ptr in range(self.n_voices):
                ha = wts[ptr, :]
                nha = ha.shape[0] / 2
                detail = np.convolve(self.z, ha) / np.sqrt(a[ptr])
                detail = detail[int(np.floor(nha)):(detail.shape[0] -
                wt[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts]
                self.tfr[ptr, :] = detail[self.ts] * np.conj(detail[self.ts])

        # Normalization
        SP = np.fft.fft(self.z, axis=0)
        indmin = 1 + int(np.round(self.fmin * (self.signal.shape[0] - 2)))
        indmax = 1 + int(np.round(self.fmax * (self.signal.shape[0] - 2)))
        SPana = SP[indmin:(indmax + 1)]
        self.tfr = np.real(self.tfr)
        self.tfr = self.tfr * (np.linalg.norm(SPana)**2) / integrate_2d(
            self.tfr, self.ts, f) / self.n_voices
        return self.tfr, self.ts, f, wt