def demo_flask(image_file): grocery = Grocery('NameIdAdd_NLP') model_name = text_converter = None tgm = GroceryTextModel(text_converter, model_name) tgm.load(model_name) grocery.model = tgm t = time.time() result_dir = './result' image = np.array('RGB')) result, image_framed = ocr_whole.model(image) output_file = os.path.join(result_dir, image_file.split('/')[-1]) Image.fromarray(image_framed).save(output_file) name_total = '' id_total = '' for key in result: string1 = result[key][1] if len(string1) <= 8: continue string2 = re.sub("[\s+\.\!\/_,$%^*(+\"\']+|[+——!,。?、~@#¥%……&*{}[]+", "", string1) no_digit = len(list(filter(str.isdigit, string2.encode('gbk')))) no_alpha = len(list(filter(is_alphabet, string2))) if len(set('法定代表人') & set(string2)) >= 2 or len(set('经营范围') & set(string2)) >= 2 or '资本' in string2 or '类型' in string2 or len(set('年月日') & set(string2)) >= 2 or len(set('登记机关') & set(string2)) >= 2 or '电话' in string2: predict_result = 'others' elif len(set('经营场所') & set(string2)) >= 3 or '住所' in string2 or len(set('营业场所') & set(string2)) >= 3: predict_result = 'company-address' elif len(set('统一社会信用代码') & set(string2)) >= 2 or ((no_digit+no_alpha) / len(string2) > 0.5 and no_digit > 8): predict_result = 'company-id' elif '名称' in string2: predict_result = 'company-name' else: predict_result = grocery.predict(string2) if str(predict_result) == 'company-name': name_total += string1 break elif str(predict_result) == 'company-id': id_total += string1 else: continue id_total = re.sub(r'\W', '', id_total) name_total = stupid_revise(name_total) print("Mission complete, it took {:.3f}s".format(time.time() - t)) print('\nRecongition Result:\n') print(id_total) print(name_total) return output_file, id_total, name_total
""" import re import pandas as pd from tgrocery import Grocery from tgrocery.classifier import * extra_addrs_dir = 'addrs_libs/full_address1.csv' extra_lib = pd.read_csv(extra_addrs_dir, encoding='utf-8') provinces = extra_lib[extra_lib['level'] == 1].loc[:, 'Name'] cities = extra_lib[extra_lib['level'] == 2].loc[:, 'Name'] grocery = Grocery('NameIdAdd_NLP') model_name = text_converter = None tgm = GroceryTextModel(text_converter, model_name) tgm.load(model_name) grocery.model = tgm class Found(Exception): pass def is_alphabet(uchar): """判断一个unicode是否是英文字母""" if (u'\u0041' <= uchar <= u'\u005a') or (u'\u0061' <= uchar <= u'\u007a'): return True else: return False def preprocess_ocr(result):
def demo_flask(image_file): grocery = Grocery('Addrss_NLP') text_converter=None if (os.path.exists(model_name)): tgM=GroceryTextModel(text_converter,model_name) tgM.load(model_name) grocery.model=tgM print('load!!!!!') else: add_file = open('pkl_data/address1.pkl', 'rb') other_file = open('pkl_data/others1.pkl', 'rb') add_list = pickle.load(add_file) other_list = pickle.load(other_file) add_file .close() other_file .close() grocery = Grocery('Addrss_NLP') add_list.extend(other_list) grocery.train(add_list) print (grocery.get_load_status()) # print('train!!!!!!!!') addrline = [] t = time.time() result_dir = '/data/share/nginx/html/bbox' image = np.array('RGB')) result, image_framed = ocr_whole.model(image) output_file = os.path.join(result_dir, image_file.split('/')[-1]) Image.fromarray(image_framed).save(output_file) ret_total = '' for key in result: string1 = result[key][1] # print("predict line text :",string1) string2 = re.sub("[\s+\.\!\/_,$%^*(+\"\']+|[+——!,。?、~@#¥%……&*{}[]+", "", string1) no_digit = len(list(filter(str.isdigit, string2))) no_alpha = len(list(filter(is_alphabet, string2))) if '注册' in string2 or '洼册' in string2 or '洼·册' in string2 or '洼.册' in string2 or '汪·册' in string2 or len(set('登记机关') & set(string2)) >= 3 or '电话' in string2 or ((no_digit / len(string2) > 0.7 and no_digit > 5)): predict_result='others' elif no_alpha>5 or len(set('经营范围化学品') & set(string2)) >= 3 or len(set('年月日') & set(string2)) >= 2: predict_result='others' else: predict_result = grocery.predict(string2) if (str(predict_result) == 'address'): string1 = string1.replace('《', '(') string1 = string1.replace('》', ')') string1 = string1.replace('(', '(') string1 = string1.replace(')', ')') string1 = string1.replace('((','(') if ((not ret_total) or len(string1) > len(ret_total)): ret_total = '' ret_total += string1 else: ret_total += string1 if ')' in ret_total: if '(' not in ret_total: ret_total = ret_total.replace('C', '(') ret_total = re.sub(r'((\w)住所(.*)', '', ret_total) ret_total = re.sub(r'((\w)住房(.*)', '', ret_total) ret_total = re.sub(r'(不作为(.*)', '', ret_total) ret_total = re.sub(r'(有效期(.*)', '', ret_total) ret_total = re.sub(r'(仅限(.*)', '', ret_total) ret_total = re.sub(r'(临时经营(.*)', '', ret_total) ret_total = re.sub(r'(仅限办公(.*)', '', ret_total) ret_total = re.sub(r'(经营场所(.*)', '', ret_total) ret_total = re.sub(r"^[经]*[营]*[场/住]*[所]*", "", ret_total) ret_total = stupid_revise(ret_total) print("Mission complete, it took {:.3f}s".format(time.time() - t)) print('\nRecongition Result:\n') print(ret_total) return output_file,ret_total