threads = [] for worker in workers: # worker threads t = threading.Thread(, args=()) t.start() # training threads.append(t) # add a PPO updating thread threads.append(threading.Thread(target=GLOBAL_PPO.update, )) threads[-1].start() COORD.join(threads) # plot reward change and test plt.plot(np.arange(len(GLOBAL_RUNNING_R)), GLOBAL_RUNNING_R) plt.xlabel('Episode') plt.ylabel('Moving reward') plt.ion() #env = gym.make('Pendulum-v0') trading_fee = .007 time_fee = .00724 history_length = 1 generator = get_CSV_data(filename="./test_6.csv") env = SpreadTrading(spread_coefficients=[1], data_generator=generator, trading_fee=trading_fee, time_fee=time_fee, history_length=history_length) while True: s = env.reset() for t in range(3455): env.render() s = env.step(GLOBAL_PPO.choose_action(s))[0]
from tgym.core import DataGenerator from tgym.envs import SpreadTrading from tgym.gens.deterministic import WavySignal generator = WavySignal(period_1=25, period_2=50, epsilon=-0.5) game_length = 200 trading_fee = 0.2 time_fee = 0 # history_length number of historical states in the observation vector. history_length = 2 environment = SpreadTrading(spread_coefficients=[1], data_generator=generator, trading_fee=trading_fee, time_fee=time_fee, history_length=history_length, game_length=game_length) environment.render() while True: action = raw_input("Action: Buy (b) / Sell (s) / Hold (enter): ") if action == 'b': action = [0, 1, 0] elif action == 's': action = [0, 0, 1] else: action = [1, 0, 0] environment.step(action) environment.render()
# In[104]: # Running the agent done = False state = environment.reset() while not done: action = agent.act(state) for position in environment._positions: if all(environment._position == environment._positions[position]): position_name = position for _action in environment._actions: if all(action == environment._actions[_action]): action_name = _action state, _, done, info = environment.step(action) for position in environment._positions: if all(environment._position == environment._positions[position]): next_position_name = position print position_name, action_name, next_position_name if 'status' in info and info['status'] == 'Closed plot': done = True else: environment.render(savefig=True) # In[ ]: