Esempio n. 1
    def test_params_type_with_enums(self):
        # Test that we fail if we create a params type with common enum names inside different enum types.
            ParamsType(enum1=EnumList("A", "B", "C"),
                       enum2=EnumList("A", "B", "F"))
        except AttributeError:
            raise Exception(
                "ParamsType should fail with common enum names inside different enum types."

        # Test that we fail if we create a params type with common names in both aliases and constants.
                enum1=EnumList(("A", "a"), ("B", "b")),
                enum2=EnumList(("ONE", "a"), ("TWO", "two")),
        except AttributeError:
                enum1=EnumList(("A", "a"), ("B", "b")),
                enum2=EnumList(("ONE", "one"), ("TWO", "two")),
            raise Exception(
                "ParamsType should fail when there are aliases with same names as some constants."

        # Test that we can access enum values through wrapper directly.
        w = ParamsType(
            enum1=EnumList("A", ("B", "beta"), "C"),
            enum2=EnumList(("D", "delta"), "E", "F"),
        assert w.A == 0 and w.B == 1 and w.C == 2
        assert w.D == 0 and w.E == 1 and w.F == 2
        # Test constants access through aliases.
        assert w.enum_from_alias("beta") == w.B
        assert w.enum_from_alias("delta") == w.D
        assert (w.enum_from_alias("C") == w.C
                )  # C is not an alias, so it should return a constant named C.
        # Test that other regular wrapper attributes are still available.
        assert len(w.fields) == len(w.types) == w.length
Esempio n. 2
    def test_params_type_with_enums(self):
        # Test that we fail if we create a params type with common enum names inside different enum types.
            ParamsType(enum1=EnumList('A', 'B', 'C'),
                       enum2=EnumList('A', 'B', 'F'))
        except AttributeError:
            raise Exception(
                'ParamsType should fail with common enum names inside different enum types.'

        # Test that we fail if we create a params type with common names in both aliases and constants.
            ParamsType(enum1=EnumList(('A', 'a'), ('B', 'b')),
                       enum2=EnumList(('ONE', 'a'), ('TWO', 'two')))
        except AttributeError:
            ParamsType(enum1=EnumList(('A', 'a'), ('B', 'b')),
                       enum2=EnumList(('ONE', 'one'), ('TWO', 'two')))
            raise Exception(
                'ParamsType should fail when there are aliases with same names as some constants.'

        # Test that we can access enum values through wrapper directly.
        w = ParamsType(enum1=EnumList('A', ('B', 'beta'), 'C'),
                       enum2=EnumList(('D', 'delta'), 'E', 'F'))
        assert w.A == 0 and w.B == 1 and w.C == 2
        assert w.D == 0 and w.E == 1 and w.F == 2
        # Test constants access through aliases.
        assert w.enum_from_alias('beta') == w.B
        assert w.enum_from_alias('delta') == w.D
        assert w.enum_from_alias(
        ) == w.C  # C is not an alias, so it should return a constant named C.
        # Test that other regular wrapper attributes are still available.
        assert len(w.fields) == len(w.types) == w.length
Esempio n. 3
class BaseCorrMM(gof.OpenMPOp):
    Base class for `CorrMM`, `CorrMM_gradWeights` and
    `CorrMM_gradInputs`. Cannot be used directly.

    Every sub-class must define internal attribute ``_direction`` out of __init__().
    ``_direction`` must take one of following values:

     - "forward" to correlate bottom with weights and store results in top.
     - "backprop weights" to do a valid convolution of bottom with top
       (swapping the first two dimensions) and store results in weights.
     - "backprop inputs" to do a full convolution of top with weights
       (swapping the first two dimensions) and store results in bottom.

    border_mode : {'valid', 'full', 'half'}
        Additionally, the padding size could be directly specified by an integer,
        a pair of integers, or two pairs of integers.
        Perform subsampling of the output (default: (1, 1)).
        Perform dilated correlation (default: (1,1))
        Perform grouped convolutions (default: 1)
        Perform unshared correlation (default: False)

    check_broadcast = False
    __props__ = (

    _direction = None

    params_type = ParamsType(
            ("DIRECTION_FORWARD", "forward"),  # 0
            ("DIRECTION_BACKPROP_WEIGHTS", "backprop weights"),  # 1
            ("DIRECTION_BACKPROP_INPUTS", "backprop inputs"),
        ),  # 2

    def __init__(
        subsample=(1, 1),
        filter_dilation=(1, 1),
        super(BaseCorrMM, self).__init__(openmp=openmp)
        if isinstance(border_mode, integer_types):
            if border_mode < 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "invalid border_mode {}, which must be a "
                    "non-negative integer".format(border_mode)
            border_mode = ((border_mode, border_mode),) * 2
        elif isinstance(border_mode, tuple):
            if len(border_mode) != 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    "invalid border_mode {} which must be a "
                    "tuple of length 2".format(border_mode)
            border = ()
            for mode in border_mode:
                if isinstance(mode, tuple) and len(mode) == 2 and min(mode) >= 0:
                    border += ((int(mode[0]), int(mode[1])),)
                elif mode >= 0:
                    border += ((int(mode), int(mode)),)
                    raise ValueError(
                        "invalid border mode {}. The tuple can only contain "
                        "integers or tuples of length 2".format(border_mode)
            border_mode = border
        elif border_mode not in ("valid", "full", "half"):
            raise ValueError(
                "invalid border_mode {}, which must be either "
                '"valid", "full", "half", an integer or a tuple '
                "of two integers or a pair of integers".format(border_mode)
        self.border_mode = border_mode
        if len(subsample) != 2:
            raise ValueError("subsample must have two elements")
        if len(filter_dilation) != 2:
            raise ValueError("filter_dilation must have two elements")
        self.subsample = tuple(subsample)
        self.filter_dilation = tuple(filter_dilation)
        self.unshared = unshared

        if not theano.config.blas.ldflags:
            # Theano will use a NumPy C implementation of [sd]gemm_ instead.
            self.blas_type = ""
            if "openblas" in theano.config.blas.ldflags:
                self.blas_type = "openblas"
            elif "mkl" in theano.config.blas.ldflags:
                self.blas_type = "mkl"
                self.blas_type = ""

        if self._direction not in ["forward", "backprop weights", "backprop inputs"]:
            raise ValueError(
                "_direction must be one of 'forward', "
                "'backprop weights', 'backprop inputs'"
        if num_groups < 1:
            raise ValueError("Number of groups should be greater than 0")
        self.num_groups = num_groups

    def pad(self):
        if self.border_mode == "half":
            return ((-1, -1),) * 2
        elif self.border_mode == "full":
            return ((-2, -2),) * 2
        elif isinstance(self.border_mode, tuple):
            return self.border_mode
            assert self.border_mode == "valid"
            return ((0, 0),) * 2

    # Direction should be converted to real enum value,
    # as it is compared to integer later in c_code_helper().
    direction = property(lambda self: self.params_type.enum_from_alias(self._direction))

    dH = property(lambda self: self.subsample[0])
    dW = property(lambda self: self.subsample[1])

    dilH = property(lambda self: self.filter_dilation[0])
    dilW = property(lambda self: self.filter_dilation[1])

    padH_l = property(lambda self: self.pad[0][0])
    padH_r = property(lambda self: self.pad[0][1])
    padW_l = property(lambda self: self.pad[1][0])
    padW_r = property(lambda self: self.pad[1][1])

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s{%s, %s, %s, %s %s}" % (

    def as_common_dtype(in1, in2):
        Upcast input variables if necessary.
        dtype = theano.scalar.upcast(in1.dtype, in2.dtype)
        return in1.astype(dtype), in2.astype(dtype)

    def __setstate__(self, d):
        if not hasattr(self, "num_groups"):
            self.num_groups = 1

    def c_support_code(self):
        ccodes = blas_headers.blas_header_text()
        if self.blas_type == "openblas":
            ccodes += blas_headers.openblas_threads_text()
        elif self.blas_type == "mkl":
            ccodes += blas_headers.mkl_threads_text()
        return ccodes

    def c_libraries(self):
        return ldflags()

    def c_compile_args(self):
        compile_args = ldflags(libs=False, flags=True)
        compile_args += super(BaseCorrMM, self).c_compile_args()
        return compile_args

    def c_lib_dirs(self):
        return ldflags(libs=False, libs_dir=True)

    def c_header_dirs(self):
        return ldflags(libs=False, include_dir=True)

    def c_headers(self):
        headers = ["<stdio.h>"]
        headers += super(BaseCorrMM, self).c_headers()
        return headers

    def c_code_cache_version(self):
        # raise this whenever modifying any of the support_code_files
        return (10, self.openmp, blas_header_version())

    def c_support_code_apply(self, node, nodename):
        # REMEMBER TO RAISE c_code_cache_version when changing any of
        # these files
        sub = {}
        dtype = str(node.__dict__["inputs"][0].dtype)
        assert dtype in ("float32", "float64")
        if dtype == "float32":
            sub["gemm"] = "sgemm_"
            sub["gemv"] = "sgemv_"
            sub["float_type"] = "npy_float"
            sub["float_typenum"] = "NPY_FLOAT"
            sub["n_bytes"] = 4
            sub["c_float_type"] = "float"
            sub["gemm"] = "dgemm_"
            sub["gemv"] = "dgemv_"
            sub["float_type"] = "npy_double"
            sub["float_typenum"] = "NPY_DOUBLE"
            sub["n_bytes"] = 8
            sub["c_float_type"] = "double"

        if self.openmp:
            sub["omp_flags"] = "#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)"
            sub["omp_get_max_threads"] = "omp_get_max_threads()"
            sub["omp_get_thread_num"] = "omp_get_thread_num()"

            if self.blas_type == "openblas":
                sub["blas_set_num_threads"] = "openblas_set_num_threads"
                sub["blas_get_num_threads"] = "openblas_get_num_threads()"
            elif self.blas_type == "mkl":
                sub["blas_set_num_threads"] = "mkl_set_num_threads"
                sub["blas_get_num_threads"] = "mkl_get_max_threads()"
                sub["blas_set_num_threads"] = ""
                sub["blas_get_num_threads"] = "0"
            sub["omp_flags"] = ""
            sub["omp_get_max_threads"] = "1"
            sub["omp_get_thread_num"] = "0"
            sub["blas_set_num_threads"] = ""
            sub["blas_get_num_threads"] = "0"

        files = [os.path.join("c_code", "corr_gemm.c")]
        codes = [
            open(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], f)).read() for f in files
        final_code = ""
        for code in codes:
            final_code += code
        return final_code % sub

    def c_code_helper(self, bottom, weights, top, sub, height=None, width=None):
        This generates the C code for CorrMM (direction="forward"),
        CorrMM_gradWeights (direction="backprop weights"), and
        CorrMM_gradInputs (direction="backprop inputs").
        Depending on the direction, one of bottom, weights, top will
        receive the output, while the other two serve as inputs.

        :param bottom: Variable name of the input images in the forward pass,
            or the gradient of the input images in backprop wrt. inputs
        :param weights: Variable name of the filters in the forward pass,
            or the gradient of the filters in backprop wrt. weights
        :param top: Variable name of the output images / feature maps in the
            forward pass, or the gradient of the outputs in the backprop passes
        :param sub: Dictionary of substitutions useable to help generating the
            C code.
        :param height: If self.subsample[0] != 1, a variable giving the height
            of the filters for direction="backprop weights" or the height of
            the input images for direction="backprop inputs".

            If self.border_mode == 'half', a variable giving the height of the
            filters for direction="backprop weights".  Ignored otherwise.
        :param width: If self.subsample[1] != 1, a variable giving the width
            of the filters for direction="backprop weights" or the width of the
            input images for direction="backprop inputs".

            If self.border_mode == 'half', a variable giving the width of the
            filters for direction="backprop weights".  Ignored otherwise.

        # When subsampling, we cannot unambiguously infer the height and width
        # of bottom and weights from top, so we require them to be given.
        # Similarly, when border_mode="half", we cannot infer the weight size.
        if height:
            height = "(*(npy_int64 *)(PyArray_DATA(%s)))" % height
            if ((self.direction != 0) and (self.dH != 1)) or (
                (self.direction == 1) and (self.padH_l == -1 or self.padH_r == -1)
                raise ValueError(
                    "height must be given for backprop with vertical sampling or border_mode='half'"
            height = "-1"
        if width:
            width = "(*(npy_int64 *)(PyArray_DATA(%s)))" % width
            if ((self.direction != 0) and (self.dW != 1)) or (
                (self.direction == 1) and (self.padW_l == -1 or self.padW_r == -1)
                raise ValueError(
                    "width must be given for backprop with horizontal sampling or border_mode='half'"
            width = "-1"

        return """
    // Mandatory args
    int direction = %(params)s->direction;  // forward, bprop weights, bprop inputs

    // Optional args
    int dH = %(params)s->dH;
    int dW = %(params)s->dW;
    int dilH = %(params)s->dilH;
    int dilW = %(params)s->dilW;
    int padH_l = %(params)s->padH_l;
    int padH_r = %(params)s->padH_r;
    int padW_l = %(params)s->padW_l;
    int padW_r = %(params)s->padW_r;
    int numgroups = %(params)s->num_groups;
    int unshared = %(params)s->unshared;

    PyArrayObject * bottom = %(bottom)s;
    PyArrayObject * weights = %(weights)s;
    PyArrayObject * top = %(top)s;
    PyArrayObject * out2 = NULL;
    PyArrayObject **out = NULL;

    switch(%(params)s->direction) {
            out = &%(top)s;
            out = &%(weights)s;
            out = &%(bottom)s;
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "CPU CorrMM: Invalid direction.");

    int wdim, odim;
    wdim = unshared ? 6 : 4;
    odim = 4; //Can be set to 6 later for unshared backprop wrt weights

    // Obtain or infer kernel width and height
    // (we need to know it early to be able to handle auto-padding)
    int kH, kW, dil_kH, dil_kW;
    if (direction != 1) {
        // weight is an input variable, we can just read its shape
        kH = PyArray_DIMS(weights)[wdim-2];
        kW = PyArray_DIMS(weights)[wdim-1];
    else {
        if (%(height)s != -1) {
            // kernel height is specified (perhaps vertical subsampling or half padding)
            kH = %(height)s;
        else if (padH_l == -2 || padH_r == -2) {
            // vertical full padding, we can infer the kernel height
            kH = (2 - PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[2] + (PyArray_DIMS(top)[2] - 1) * dH - 1)/ dilH + 1;
        else {
            // explicit padding, we can infer the kernel height
            kH = (PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[2] + padH_l + padH_r - (PyArray_DIMS(top)[2] - 1) * dH - 1) / dilH +1;
        if (%(width)s != -1) {
            // kernel width is specified (perhaps horizontal subsampling or half padding)
            kW = %(width)s;
        else if (padW_l == -2 || padW_r == -2) {
            kW = (2 - PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[3] + (PyArray_DIMS(top)[3] - 1) * dW - 1) / dilW + 1;
        else {
            kW = (PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[3] + padW_l + padW_r - (PyArray_DIMS(top)[3] - 1) * dW - 1) / dilW + 1;

    // Implicit dilated kernel size
    dil_kH = (kH - 1) * dilH + 1;
    dil_kW = (kW - 1) * dilW + 1;

    // Auto-padding if requested
    if (padH_l == -1 || padH_r == -1) {  // vertical half padding
        padH_l = padH_r = dil_kH / 2;
    else if (padH_l == -2 || padH_r == -2) {  // vertical full padding
        padH_l = padH_r = dil_kH - 1;
    else if (padH_l < -2 || padH_r < -2) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "BaseCorrMM: padH_l and padH_r must be >= -2");
    if (padW_l == -1 || padW_r == -1) {  // horizontal half padding
        padW_l = padW_r = dil_kW / 2;
    else if (padW_l == -2 || padW_r == -2) {  // horizontal full padding
        padW_l = padW_r = dil_kW - 1;
    else if (padW_l < -2 || padW_r < -2) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "BaseCorrMM: padW_l and padW_r must be >= -2");

    // Infer output shape
    npy_intp out_dim[6];
    out_dim[4] = out_dim[5] = 0; //Only used for unshared backprop wrt weights
    switch(direction) {
    case 0:  // forward pass
        // output is top: (batchsize, num_filters, height, width)
        // height and width: top = (bottom + pad_l + pad_r - ((weight-1)*dil + 1)) / sample + 1
        out_dim[0] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[0];
        out_dim[1] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[0];
        out_dim[2] = (npy_intp)((PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[2] + padH_l + padH_r - ((PyArray_DIMS(weights)[wdim-2]-1)*dilH + 1)) / dH + 1);
        out_dim[3] = (npy_intp)((PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[3] + padW_l + padW_r - ((PyArray_DIMS(weights)[wdim-1]-1)*dilW + 1)) / dW + 1);
        if (out_dim[0] < 0 || out_dim[1] < 0 || out_dim[2] <= 0 || out_dim[3] <= 0)
            if (unshared) {
                             "CorrMM: impossible output shape\\n"
                             "  bottom shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                             "  weights shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                             "  top shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n",
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[1],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[3],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[1],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[3],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[4], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[5],
                             (long int)out_dim[0], (long int)out_dim[1], (long int)out_dim[2],
                             (long int)out_dim[3]);
            else {
                             "CorrMM: impossible output shape\\n"
                             "  bottom shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                             "  weights shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                             "  top shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n",
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[1],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[3],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[1],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[3],
                             (long int)out_dim[0], (long int)out_dim[1], (long int)out_dim[2],
                             (long int)out_dim[3]);
    case 1:  // backprop wrt. weights
        // output is weights: (num_filters, num_channels, height, width)
        // height and width: weights = (bottom + pad_l + pad_r - (top - 1) * sample - 1) / dil + 1
        out_dim[0] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(top)[1];
        if (unshared){
            odim = 6;
            out_dim[1] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(top)[2];
            out_dim[2] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(top)[3];
        out_dim[wdim-3] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[1] / numgroups;
        out_dim[wdim-2] = (npy_intp)kH;  // already inferred further above
        out_dim[wdim-1] = (npy_intp)kW;  // how convenient
        if (unshared) {
            if (out_dim[0] < 0 || out_dim[1] <= 0 || out_dim[2] <= 0 || out_dim[3] < 0
                    || out_dim[4] <= 0 || out_dim[5] <= 0){
                             "CorrMM backprop wrt. weights: impossible output shape\\n"
                             "  bottom shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                             "  weights shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                             "  top shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n",
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[1],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[3],
                             (long int)out_dim[0], (long int)out_dim[1], (long int)out_dim[2],
                             (long int)out_dim[3], (long int)out_dim[4], (long int)out_dim[5],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[1],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[3]);
        else {
            if (out_dim[0] < 0 || out_dim[1] < 0 || out_dim[2] <= 0 || out_dim[3] <= 0)
                             "CorrMM backprop wrt. weights: impossible output shape\\n"
                             "  bottom shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                             "  weights shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                             "  top shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n",
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[1],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[3],
                             (long int)out_dim[0], (long int)out_dim[1], (long int)out_dim[2],
                             (long int)out_dim[3],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[1],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[3]);
    case 2:  // backprop wrt. inputs
        // output is bottom: (batchsize, num_channels, height, width)
        // height and width: bottom = (top - 1) * sample + (weights-1)*dil + 1 - 2*pad
        out_dim[0] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(top)[0];
        out_dim[1] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[wdim-3] * numgroups;
        out_dim[2] = (npy_intp)((%(height)s != -1) ? %(height)s : (PyArray_DIMS(top)[2] - 1) * dH + (PyArray_DIMS(weights)[wdim-2]-1)*dilH + 1 - padH_l - padH_r);
        out_dim[3] = (npy_intp)((%(width)s != -1) ? %(width)s : (PyArray_DIMS(top)[3] - 1) * dW + (PyArray_DIMS(weights)[wdim-1]-1)*dilW + 1 - padW_l - padW_r);
        if (unshared) {
            if (out_dim[0] < 0 || out_dim[1] < 0 || out_dim[2] <= 0 || out_dim[3] <= 0)
                             "CorrMM backprop wrt. inputs: impossible output shape\\n"
                             "  bottom shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                             "  weights shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                             "  top shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n",
                             (long int)out_dim[0], (long int)out_dim[1], (long int)out_dim[2],
                             (long int)out_dim[3],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[1],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[3],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[4], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[5],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[1],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[3]);
        else {
            if (out_dim[0] < 0 || out_dim[1] < 0 || out_dim[2] <= 0 || out_dim[3] <= 0)
                             "CorrMM backprop wrt. inputs: impossible output shape\\n"
                             "  bottom shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                             "  weights shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                             "  top shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n",
                             (long int)out_dim[0], (long int)out_dim[1], (long int)out_dim[2],
                             (long int)out_dim[3],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[1],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[3],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[1],
                             (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[3]);
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "BaseCorrMM: direction must be 0, 1, or 2\\n");

    // Prepare output array
    int typenum;
    int failure;
    failure = !(*out
           && PyArray_NDIM(*out)==odim
           && PyArray_IS_C_CONTIGUOUS(*out)
           && PyArray_DIMS(*out)[0]==out_dim[0]
           && PyArray_DIMS(*out)[1]==out_dim[1]
           && PyArray_DIMS(*out)[2]==out_dim[2]
           && PyArray_DIMS(*out)[3]==out_dim[3]);
    if (odim == 6){
        failure = failure || !(PyArray_DIMS(*out)[4]==out_dim[4]
                && PyArray_DIMS(*out)[5]==out_dim[5]);
    if ( failure )
        if (direction != 1) {
          typenum = PyArray_TYPE(weights);
        else {
          typenum = PyArray_TYPE(bottom);
        //Change to PyArray_ZEROS which is faster than PyArray_EMPTY.
        *out = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_ZEROS(odim,
        if (NULL == *out)
            if (odim == 4) {
                        "BaseCorrMM: Failed to allocate output of %%lld x %%lld x %%lld x %%lld",
                        (long long)out_dim[0], (long long)out_dim[1], (long long)out_dim[2], (long long)out_dim[3]);
            if (odim == 6) {
                        "BaseCorrMM: Failed to allocate output of %%lld x %%lld x %%lld x %%lld %%lld %%lld",
                        (long long)out_dim[0], (long long)out_dim[1], (long long)out_dim[2], (long long)out_dim[3],
                        (long long)out_dim[4], (long long)out_dim[5]);

    // Call corrMM code
    out2 = corrMM(%(bottom)s, %(weights)s, %(top)s, direction, dH, dW, dilH, dilW,
                padH_l, padH_r, padW_l, padW_r, numgroups, unshared);
    if (out2==NULL){
    assert (out2 == *out);

""" % dict(
Esempio n. 4
class CumOp(theano.Op):
    # See function cumsum/cumprod for docstring

    __props__ = ("axis", "mode")
    check_input = False
    params_type = ParamsType(c_axis=int_t,
                             mode=EnumList(('MODE_ADD', 'add'),
                                           ('MODE_MUL', 'mul')))

    def __init__(self, axis=None, mode='add'):
        if mode not in ('add', 'mul'):
            raise ValueError('%s: Unknown mode "%s"' %
                             (type(self).__name__, mode))
        self.axis = axis
        self.mode = mode

    c_axis = property(lambda self: np.MAXDIMS
                      if self.axis is None else self.axis)

    def make_node(self, x):
        x = basic.as_tensor_variable(x)
        out_type = x.type()

        if self.axis is None:
            out_type = theano.tensor.vector(dtype=x.dtype)  # Flatten
        elif self.axis >= x.ndim or self.axis < -x.ndim:
            raise ValueError('axis(={0}) out of bounds'.format(self.axis))

        return theano.Apply(self, [x], [out_type])

    def perform(self, node, inputs, output_storage, params):
        x = inputs[0]
        z = output_storage[0]
        z[0] = {
            'add': np.cumsum,
            'mul': np.cumprod
        }[self.mode](x, axis=self.axis)

    def grad(self, inputs, output_gradients):
        x, = inputs
        gi, = output_gradients

        if self.axis is None:
            if self.mode == 'add':
                return [cumsum(gi[::-1])[::-1].reshape(x.shape)]
            elif self.mode == 'mul':
                fx = cumprod(x, axis=self.axis)
                return [cumsum((fx * gi)[::-1])[::-1].reshape(x.shape) / x]
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    '%s: unknown gradient for mode "%s"' %
                    (type(self).__name__, self.mode))

        reverse_slicing = [slice(None, None, None)] * gi.ndim
        reverse_slicing[self.axis] = slice(None, None, -1)
        reverse_slicing = tuple(reverse_slicing)
        # We need to reverse the gradients along ``self.axis``,
        #  compute cumsum, then reverse again
        if self.mode == 'add':
            return [cumsum(gi[reverse_slicing], self.axis)[reverse_slicing]]
        elif self.mode == 'mul':
            fx = cumprod(x, axis=self.axis)
            return [
                    (fx * gi)[reverse_slicing], self.axis)[reverse_slicing] / x
            raise NotImplementedError('%s: unknown gradient for mode "%s"' %
                                      (type(self).__name__, self.mode))

    def infer_shape(self, node, shapes):
        if self.axis is None:
            return [([0]), )]  # Flatten

        return shapes

    def c_code(self, node, name, inames, onames, sub):
        x, = inames
        z, = onames
        axis = self.axis
        fail = sub['fail']
        params = sub['params']

        code = """
                int axis = %(params)s->c_axis;
                if (axis == 0 && PyArray_NDIM(%(x)s) == 1)
                    axis = NPY_MAXDIMS;
                npy_intp shape[1] = { PyArray_SIZE(%(x)s) };
                if(axis == NPY_MAXDIMS && !(%(z)s && PyArray_DIMS(%(z)s)[0] == shape[0]))
                    %(z)s = (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, shape, PyArray_TYPE((PyArrayObject*) py_%(x)s));

                else if(axis != NPY_MAXDIMS && !(%(z)s && PyArray_CompareLists(PyArray_DIMS(%(z)s), PyArray_DIMS(%(x)s), PyArray_NDIM(%(x)s))))
                    %(z)s = (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_SimpleNew(PyArray_NDIM(%(x)s), PyArray_DIMS(%(x)s), PyArray_TYPE(%(x)s));

                if (!%(z)s)

                    PyObject * t = NULL;
                    if(%(params)s->mode == MODE_ADD)
                        t = PyArray_CumSum(
                            %(x)s, axis,
                            PyArray_TYPE(%(x)s), %(z)s);
                    else if(%(params)s->mode == MODE_MUL)
                        t = PyArray_CumProd(
                            %(x)s, axis,
                            PyArray_TYPE(%(x)s), %(z)s);

                    if (!t){
                    // Because PyArray_CumSum/CumProd returns a newly created reference on t.
            """ % locals()

        return code

    def c_code_cache_version(self):
        return (8, )

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s{%s, %s}" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.axis, self.mode)
Esempio n. 5
class Images2Neibs(Op):
    Reshapes the input as a 2D tensor where each row is an pooling

    mode : {'valid', 'ignore_borders', 'wrap_centered'}
        - 'valid' :
            Requires an input that is a multiple of the pooling factor
            (in each direction).
        - 'half' :
            Equivalent to 'valid' if we pre-pad with zeros the input on
            each side by (neib_shape[0]//2, neib_shape[1]//2)
        - 'full' :
            Equivalent to 'valid' if we pre-pad with zeros the input on
            each side by (neib_shape[0] - 1, neib_shape[1] - 1)
        - 'ignore_borders' :
            Same as valid, but will ignore the borders if the shape(s)
            of the input is not a multiple of the pooling factor(s).
        - 'wrap_centered' :
            ?? TODO comment


    __props__ = ("mode", )
    BORDER_MODE = EnumList(
        ("MODE_VALID", "valid"),
        ("MODE_HALF", "half"),
        ("MODE_FULL", "full"),
        ("MODE_WRAP_CENTERED", "wrap_centered"),
        ("MODE_IGNORE_BORDERS", "ignore_borders"),
    params_type = BORDER_MODE

    def get_params(self, node):
        return self.mode

    def __init__(self, mode="valid"):
        implemented_modes = self.BORDER_MODE.get_aliases()
        if mode not in implemented_modes:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"Only modes {', '.join(implemented_modes)} have been implemented for {type(self).__name__}"
        self.mode = mode

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__ + "{%s}" % self.mode

    def __setstate__(self, d):
        if not hasattr(self, "mode"):
            self.mode = "valid"

    def make_node(self, ten4, neib_shape, neib_step=None):
        ten4 : a list of lists of images
            ten4 is of shape (list 1 dim, list 2 dim, row, col).
            (r,c) where r is the height of the neighborhood in rows and c is
            the width of the neighborhood in columns.
            (dr,dc) where dr is the number of rows to skip between patch and dc
            is the number of columns. When None, this is the same as neib_shape
            (patch are disjoint).

            A 2D matrix, written using the following pattern::

                idx = 0
                for i in range(list 1 dim)
                    for j in range(list 2 dim)
                        for k in <image column coordinates>
                            for l in <image row coordinates>
                                     = flattened version of ten4[i,j,l:l+r,k:k+c]
                                idx += 1

            .. note:: The op isn't necessarily implemented internally with these
                for loops, they're just the easiest way to describe the output

        ten4 = tt.as_tensor_variable(ten4)
        neib_shape = tt.as_tensor_variable(neib_shape)
        if neib_step is None:
            neib_step = neib_shape
            neib_step = tt.as_tensor_variable(neib_step)

        assert ten4.ndim == 4
        assert neib_shape.ndim == 1
        assert neib_step.ndim == 1

        return Apply(self, [ten4, neib_shape, neib_step],

    def grad(self, inp, grads):
        x, neib_shape, neib_step = inp
        (gz, ) = grads

        if self.mode in ["valid", "ignore_borders"]:
            if (neib_shape is neib_step or neib_shape == neib_step or
                    # Theano Constant == do not compare the data
                    # the equals function do that.
                (hasattr(neib_shape, "equals") and neib_shape.equals(neib_step)
                return [
                    neibs2images(gz, neib_shape, x.shape, mode=self.mode),
                    grad_undefined(self, 1, neib_shape),
                    grad_undefined(self, 2, neib_step),

        if self.mode in ["valid"]:
            # Iterate over neighborhood positions, summing contributions.
            def pos2map(pidx, pgz, prior_result, neib_shape, neib_step):
                Helper function that adds gradient contribution from a single
                neighborhood position i,j.
                pidx = Index of position within neighborhood.
                pgz  = Gradient of shape (batch_size*num_channels*neibs)
                prior_result  = Shape (batch_size, num_channnels, rows, cols)
                neib_shape = Number of rows, cols in a neighborhood.
                neib_step  = Step sizes from image2neibs.
                nrows, ncols = neib_shape
                rstep, cstep = neib_step
                batch_size, num_channels, rows, cols = prior_result.shape
                i = pidx // ncols
                j = pidx - (i * ncols)
                # This position does not touch some img pixels in valid mode.
                result_indices = prior_result[:, :,
                                              i:(rows - nrows + i + 1):rstep,
                                              j:(cols - ncols + j + 1):cstep, ]
                newshape = ((batch_size, num_channels) +
                            ((rows - nrows) // rstep + 1, ) +
                            ((cols - ncols) // cstep + 1, ))
                return tt.inc_subtensor(result_indices, pgz.reshape(newshape))

            indices = tt.arange(neib_shape[0] * neib_shape[1])
            pgzs = gz.dimshuffle((1, 0))
            result, _ = theano.scan(
                sequences=[indices, pgzs],
                non_sequences=[neib_shape, neib_step],
            grad_input = result[-1]
            return [
                grad_undefined(self, 1, neib_shape),
                grad_undefined(self, 2, neib_step),

        return [
            grad_not_implemented(self, 0, x),
            grad_undefined(self, 1, neib_shape),
            grad_undefined(self, 2, neib_step),

    def c_code_cache_version(self):
        return (10, )

    def perform(self, node, inp, out_, params):
        ten4, neib_shape, neib_step = inp
        (z, ) = out_
        # GpuImages2Neibs should not run this perform in DebugMode
        if type(self) != Images2Neibs:
            raise theano.gof.utils.MethodNotDefined()

        def CEIL_INTDIV(a, b):
            if a % b:
                return (a // b) + 1
                return a // b

        grid_c = -1  # number of patch in height
        grid_d = -1  # number of patch in width
        assert ten4.ndim == 4
        assert neib_shape.ndim == 1
        assert neib_shape.shape[0] == 2
        assert neib_step.ndim == 1
        assert neib_step.shape[0] == 2
        c, d = neib_shape
        step_x, step_y = neib_step
        mode = self.mode
        if step_x <= 0 or step_y <= 0:
            raise ValueError("neib_step wrong step ; values <= 0. Got " +
        if c <= 0 or d <= 0:
            raise ValueError("neib_shape values <=0. Got " + str(neib_shape))

        if mode == "wrap_centered":
            if (c % 2 != 1) or (d % 2 != 1):
                raise TypeError(
                    " in mode wrap_centered need patch with odd shapes")

            if (ten4.shape[2] < c) or (ten4.shape[3] < d):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Images2Neibs: in wrap_centered mode, don't support"
                    " image shapes smaller then the patch shapes:"
                    f" neib_shape=({int(c)},{int(d)}), ten4[2:]=[{int(ten4.shape[2])},{int(ten4.shape[3])}]"
            grid_c = CEIL_INTDIV(ten4.shape[2], step_x)
            grid_d = CEIL_INTDIV(ten4.shape[3], step_y)
        elif mode == "valid":
            if (ten4.shape[2] < c) or (((ten4.shape[2] - c) % step_x) != 0):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"neib_shape[0]={int(c)}, neib_step[0]={int(step_x)} and"
                    f" ten4.shape[2]={int(ten4.shape[2])} not consistent")
            if (ten4.shape[3] < d) or (((ten4.shape[3] - d) % step_y) != 0):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"neib_shape[1]={int(d)}, neib_step[1]={int(step_y)} and"
                    f" ten4.shape[3]={int(ten4.shape[3])} not consistent")
            # number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1 + ((ten4.shape[2] - c) // step_x)
            # number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1 + ((ten4.shape[3] - d) // step_y)
        elif mode == "ignore_borders":
            # number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1 + ((ten4.shape[2] - c) // step_x)
            # number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1 + ((ten4.shape[3] - d) // step_y)
        elif mode == "half":
            # This is equivalent to 'valid' with padding (c // 2, d // 2) on both sides
            # Thus the expanded image will have size (h + 2 * (c // 2), w + 2 * (d // 2))
            # Plugging these in the equation for 'valid' we get
            # h + 2 * (c // 2) - c  = h - (c % 2)
            # w + 2 * (d // 2) - c  = w - (d % 2)
            if (ten4.shape[2] < c) or (((ten4.shape[2] -
                                         (c % 2)) % step_x) != 0):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"neib_shape[0]={int(c)}, neib_step[0]={int(step_x)} and"
                    f" ten4.shape[2]={int(ten4.shape[2])} not consistent")
            if (ten4.shape[3] < d) or (((ten4.shape[3] -
                                         (d % 2)) % step_y) != 0):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"neib_shape[0]={int(d)}, neib_step[0]={int(step_y)} and"
                    f" ten4.shape[3]={int(ten4.shape[3])} not consistent")
            # number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1 + ((ten4.shape[2] - (c % 2)) // step_x)
            # number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1 + ((ten4.shape[3] - (d % 2)) // step_y)
        elif mode == "full":
            # This is equivalent to 'valid' with padding (c - 1, d - 1) on both sides
            # Thus the expanded image will have size (h + 2 * (c - 1), w + 2 * (d - 1))
            # Plugging these in the equation for 'valid' we get
            # h + 2 * (c - 1) - c  = h + c - 2
            # w + 2 * (d - 1) - c  = w + d - 2
            if (ten4.shape[2] < c) or ((
                (ten4.shape[2] + c - 2) % step_x) != 0):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"neib_shape[0]={int(c)}, neib_step[0]={int(step_x)} and"
                    f" ten4.shape[2]={int(ten4.shape[2])} not consistent")
            if (ten4.shape[3] < d) or ((
                (ten4.shape[3] + d - 2) % step_y) != 0):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"neib_shape[0]={int(d)}, neib_step[0]={int(step_y)} and"
                    f" ten4.shape[3]={int(ten4.shape[3])} not consistent")
            # number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1 + ((ten4.shape[2] + c - 2) // step_x)
            # number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1 + ((ten4.shape[3] + d - 2) // step_y)
            raise TypeError(f"Images2Neibs: unknow mode '{mode}'")
        z_dim0 = grid_c * grid_d * ten4.shape[1] * ten4.shape[0]
        z_dim1 = c * d
        z[0] = np.empty((z_dim0, z_dim1), dtype=node.outputs[0].dtype)

        nb_batch = ten4.shape[0]
        nb_stack = ten4.shape[1]
        height = ten4.shape[2]
        width = ten4.shape[3]

        wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x = c // 2
        wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y = d // 2
        for n in range(nb_batch):
            for s in range(nb_stack):
                # loop over the number of patch in height
                for a in range(grid_c):
                    # loop over the number of patch in width
                    for b in range(grid_d):
                        z_row = b + grid_d * (a + grid_c * (s + nb_stack * n))
                        for i in range(c):
                            ten4_2 = i + a * step_x
                            if mode == "wrap_centered":
                                ten4_2 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x
                                if ten4_2 < 0:
                                    ten4_2 += height
                                elif ten4_2 >= height:
                                    ten4_2 -= height
                            elif mode == "half":
                                ten4_2 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x
                            elif mode == "full":
                                ten4_2 -= c - 1
                            if ten4_2 < 0 or ten4_2 >= height:
                                z[0][z_row, d * i:d * i + d] = 0
                                for j in range(d):
                                    ten4_3 = j + b * step_y
                                    if mode == "wrap_centered":
                                        ten4_3 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y
                                        if ten4_3 < 0:
                                            ten4_3 += width
                                        elif ten4_3 >= width:
                                            ten4_3 -= width
                                    elif mode == "half":
                                        ten4_3 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y
                                    elif mode == "full":
                                        ten4_3 -= d - 1
                                    z_col = j + d * i
                                    if ten4_3 < 0 or ten4_3 >= width:
                                        z[0][z_row, z_col] = 0
                                        z[0][z_row, z_col] = ten4[n, s, ten4_2,

    def infer_shape(self, node, input_shape):
        in_shape = input_shape[0]
        c, d = node.inputs[1]
        step_x, step_y = node.inputs[2]
        if self.mode == "wrap_centered":
            grid_c = tt.ceil_intdiv(in_shape[2], step_x)
            grid_d = tt.ceil_intdiv(in_shape[3], step_y)
        elif self.mode == "valid":
            grid_c = 1 + ((in_shape[2] - c) // step_x)
            grid_d = 1 + ((in_shape[3] - d) // step_y)
        elif self.mode == "ignore_borders":
            grid_c = 1 + ((in_shape[2] - c) // step_x)
            grid_d = 1 + ((in_shape[3] - d) // step_y)
        elif self.mode == "half":
            grid_c = 1 + ((in_shape[2] - (c % 2)) // step_x)
            grid_d = 1 + ((in_shape[3] - (d % 2)) // step_y)
        elif self.mode == "full":
            grid_c = 1 + ((in_shape[2] + c - 2) // step_x)
            grid_d = 1 + ((in_shape[3] + d - 2) // step_y)
            raise TypeError(f"Images2Neibs: unknow mode '{self.mode}'")
        z_dim0 = grid_c * grid_d * in_shape[1] * in_shape[0]
        z_dim1 = c * d
        return [(z_dim0, z_dim1)]

    def c_code(self, node, name, inp, out, sub):
        return """
#define CEIL_INTDIV(a, b) ((a/b) + ((a %% b) ? 1: 0))

        int grid_c = -1; //number of patch in height
        int grid_d = -1; //number of patch in width
        if (PyArray_NDIM(%(ten4)s) != 4)
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "ten4 wrong rank");
        if (PyArray_NDIM(%(neib_shape)s) != 1)
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "neib_shape wrong rank");
        if ( (PyArray_DIMS(%(neib_shape)s))[0] != 2)
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "neib_shape wrong shape ; has to"
                                          " contain 2 elements");
        if (PyArray_NDIM(%(neib_step)s) != 1)
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "neib_step wrong rank");
        if ( (PyArray_DIMS(%(neib_step)s))[0] != 2)
                         "neib_step wrong step ; has to contain 2 elements");

        // (c,d) = neib_shape
        const npy_intp c = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_shape)s, 0);
        const npy_intp d = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_shape)s, 1);
        // (step_x,step_y) = neib_step
        const dtype_%(neib_step)s step_x = *(dtype_%(neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 0);
        const dtype_%(neib_step)s step_y = *(dtype_%(neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 1);

        if (step_x <=0 || step_y <=0)
                         "neib_step wrong step ; values <= 0. Got %%lld %%lld.",
                         (long long) step_x, (long long) step_y);

        if (c <=0 || d <=0)
                         "neib_shape values <= 0. Got %%lld %%lld.",
                         (long long)c, (long long)d);

        if (%(mode)s == MODE_WRAP_CENTERED) {
            if (c%%2!=1 || d%%2!=1){
                             "Images2Neibs: in mode wrap_centered"
                             " need patch with odd shapes");
            if ( (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c ||
                 (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d)
                    "Images2Neibs: in wrap_centered mode, don't support image"
                    " shapes smaller then the patch shapes:"
                    " neib_shape=(%%ld,%%ld), ten4[2:]=[%%ld,%%ld]",
                    (long int)c, (long int)d,
                    (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]),
                    (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]));
            grid_c = CEIL_INTDIV(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]),step_x);
            grid_d = CEIL_INTDIV(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]),step_y);

        } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_VALID) {
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-c) %% step_x)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[0]=%%ld, neib_step[0]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[2]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)c, (long int)step_x,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]));
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-d) %% step_y)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[1]=%%ld, neib_step[1]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[3]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)d, (long int)step_y,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]));
            //number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-c)/step_x);
            //number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-d)/step_y);
        } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_IGNORE_BORDERS) {
            //number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-c)/step_x);
            //number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-d)/step_y);
        } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_HALF) {
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-(c%%2)) %% step_x)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[0]=%%ld, neib_step[0]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[2]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)c, (long int)step_x,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]));
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-(d%%2)) %% step_y)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[1]=%%ld, neib_step[1]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[3]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)d, (long int)step_y,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]));
            //number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-(c%%2))/step_x);
            //number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-(d%%2))/step_y);
        } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_FULL) {
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]+c-2) %% step_x)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[0]=%%ld, neib_step[0]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[2]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)c, (long int)step_x,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]));
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]+d-2) %% step_y)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[1]=%%ld, neib_step[1]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[3]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)d, (long int)step_y,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]));
            //number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]+c-2)/step_x);
            //number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]+d-2)/step_y);
        } else {
                         "Images2Neibs: unknow mode %%d", %(mode)s);

        // new dimensions for z
        const npy_intp z_dim1 = c * d;
        const npy_intp z_dim0 =  grid_c
                            * grid_d
                            * (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[1]
                            * (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[0];

        if ((NULL == %(z)s)
            || ((PyArray_DIMS(%(z)s))[0] != z_dim0 )
            || ((PyArray_DIMS(%(z)s))[1] != z_dim1 )
            npy_intp dims[2];
            dims[0] = z_dim0;
            dims[1] = z_dim1;

            %(z)s = (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_EMPTY(2,
                PyArray_TYPE((PyArrayObject*) py_%(ten4)s),

            if (!%(z)s)
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "failed to alloc z output");

        { // NESTED SCOPE

        const int nb_batch = (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[0];
        const int nb_stack = (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[1];
        const int height = (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2];
        const int width = (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3];

        // (c,d) = neib_shape
        const npy_intp c = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_shape)s, 0);
        const npy_intp d = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_shape)s, 1);
        // (step_x,step_y) = neib_step
        const npy_intp step_x = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 0);
        const npy_intp step_y = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 1);

        const int wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x = c/2;
        const int wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y = d/2;
        // Oh this is messed up...
        for (int n = 0; n < nb_batch; n++)              // loop over batches
            for (int s = 0; s < nb_stack; s++)          // loop over stacks
                for (int a = 0; a < grid_c; a++)        // loop over the number of patch in height
                    for (int b = 0; b < grid_d; b++)    // loop over the number of patch in width
                        int z_row = b + grid_d*(a + grid_c*(s + nb_stack*n));
                        for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)     // loop over c
                            int ten4_2 = i + a * step_x;
                            if (%(mode)s == MODE_WRAP_CENTERED) {
                                ten4_2 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x;
                                if ( ten4_2 < 0 ) ten4_2 += height;
                                else if (ten4_2 >= height) ten4_2 -= height;
                            } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_HALF) {
                                ten4_2 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x;
                            } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_FULL) {
                                ten4_2 -= c - 1;
                            if (ten4_2 < 0 | ten4_2 >= height) {
                                dtype_%(z)s* curr_z = (dtype_%(z)s*) PyArray_GETPTR2(%(z)s, z_row, d * i);
                                memset(curr_z, 0, d*sizeof(*curr_z));
                            } else {
                                for (int j = 0; j < d; j++)  // loop over d
                                    int ten4_3 = j + b * step_y;
                                    if (%(mode)s == MODE_WRAP_CENTERED) {
                                        ten4_3 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y;
                                        if ( ten4_3 < 0 ) ten4_3 += width;
                                        else if (ten4_3 >= width) ten4_3 -= width;
                                    } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_HALF) {
                                        ten4_3 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y;
                                    } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_FULL) {
                                        ten4_3 -= d - 1;
                                    int z_col = j + d * i;
                                    dtype_%(z)s* curr_z = (dtype_%(z)s*) PyArray_GETPTR2(%(z)s, z_row, z_col);
                                    if (ten4_3 < 0 | ten4_3 >= width) {
                                        *curr_z = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        *curr_z = *( (dtype_%(ten4)s*) PyArray_GETPTR4(%(ten4)s, n, s, ten4_2, ten4_3));
        } // END NESTED SCOPE
        """ % dict(
Esempio n. 6
class BaseCorrMM(gof.OpenMPOp):
    Base class for `CorrMM`, `CorrMM_gradWeights` and
    `CorrMM_gradInputs`. Cannot be used directly.

    Every sub-class must define internal attribute ``_direction`` out of __init__().
    ``_direction`` must take one of following values:

     - "forward" to correlate bottom with weights and store results in top.
     - "backprop weights" to do a valid convolution of bottom with top
       (swapping the first two dimensions) and store results in weights.
     - "backprop inputs" to do a full convolution of top with weights
       (swapping the first two dimensions) and store results in bottom.

    border_mode : {'valid', 'full', 'half'}
        Additionally, the padding size could be directly specified by an integer
        or a pair of integers
        Perform subsampling of the output (default: (1, 1)).
        Perform dilated correlation (default: (1,1))
        Perform grouped convolutions (default: 1)
    check_broadcast = False
    __props__ = ('border_mode', 'subsample', 'filter_dilation', 'num_groups')

    _direction = None

    params_type = ParamsType(
            ('DIRECTION_FORWARD', 'forward'),  # 0
            ('DIRECTION_BACKPROP_WEIGHTS', 'backprop weights'),  # 1
            ('DIRECTION_BACKPROP_INPUTS', 'backprop inputs')),  # 2

    def __init__(self,
                 subsample=(1, 1),
                 filter_dilation=(1, 1),
        super(BaseCorrMM, self).__init__(openmp=openmp)
        if isinstance(border_mode, integer_types):
            if border_mode < 0:
                raise ValueError('invalid border_mode {}, which must be a '
                                 'non-negative integer'.format(border_mode))
            border_mode = (border_mode, border_mode)
        if isinstance(border_mode, tuple):
            if len(border_mode
                   ) != 2 or border_mode[0] < 0 or border_mode[1] < 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    'invalid border_mode {}, which must be a '
                    'pair of non-negative integers'.format(border_mode))
            pad_h, pad_w = map(int, border_mode)
            border_mode = (pad_h, pad_w)
        if not ((isinstance(border_mode, tuple) and min(border_mode) >= 0)
                or border_mode in ('valid', 'full', 'half')):
            raise ValueError('invalid border_mode {}, which must be either '
                             '"valid", "full", "half", an integer or a pair of'
                             ' integers'.format(border_mode))
        self.border_mode = border_mode
        if len(subsample) != 2:
            raise ValueError("subsample must have two elements")
        if len(filter_dilation) != 2:
            raise ValueError("filter_dilation must have two elements")
        self.subsample = tuple(subsample)
        self.filter_dilation = tuple(filter_dilation)

        if not theano.config.blas.ldflags:
            # Theano will use a NumPy C implementation of [sd]gemm_ instead.
            self.blas_type = ''
            if 'openblas' in theano.config.blas.ldflags:
                self.blas_type = 'openblas'
            elif 'mkl' in theano.config.blas.ldflags:
                self.blas_type = 'mkl'
                self.blas_type = ''

        if self._direction not in [
                "forward", "backprop weights", "backprop inputs"
            raise ValueError("_direction must be one of 'forward', "
                             "'backprop weights', 'backprop inputs'")
        if num_groups < 1:
            raise ValueError("Number of groups should be greater than 0")
        self.num_groups = num_groups

    def pad(self):
        if self.border_mode == "half":
            return (-1, -1)
        elif self.border_mode == "full":
            return (-2, -2)
        elif isinstance(self.border_mode, tuple):
            return self.border_mode
            assert self.border_mode == "valid"
            return (0, 0)

    # Direction should be converted to real enum value,
    # as it is compared to integer later in c_code_helper().
    direction = property(
        lambda self: self.params_type.enum_from_alias(self._direction))

    dH = property(lambda self: self.subsample[0])
    dW = property(lambda self: self.subsample[1])

    dilH = property(lambda self: self.filter_dilation[0])
    dilW = property(lambda self: self.filter_dilation[1])

    padH = property(lambda self: self.pad[0])
    padW = property(lambda self: self.pad[1])

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s{%s, %s, %s, %s}' % (
            self.__class__.__name__, self.border_mode, str(self.subsample),
            str(self.filter_dilation), str(self.num_groups))

    def as_common_dtype(in1, in2):
        Upcast input variables if neccesary.
        dtype = theano.scalar.upcast(in1.dtype, in2.dtype)
        return in1.astype(dtype), in2.astype(dtype)

    def __setstate__(self, d):
        if not hasattr(self, 'num_groups'):
            self.num_groups = 1

    def c_support_code(self):
        ccodes = blas_headers.blas_header_text()
        if self.blas_type == 'openblas':
            ccodes += blas_headers.openblas_threads_text()
        elif self.blas_type == 'mkl':
            ccodes += blas_headers.mkl_threads_text()
        return ccodes

    def c_libraries(self):
        return ldflags()

    def c_compile_args(self):
        compile_args = ldflags(libs=False, flags=True)
        compile_args += super(BaseCorrMM, self).c_compile_args()
        return compile_args

    def c_lib_dirs(self):
        return ldflags(libs=False, libs_dir=True)

    def c_header_dirs(self):
        return ldflags(libs=False, include_dir=True)

    def c_headers(self):
        headers = ['<stdio.h>']
        headers += super(BaseCorrMM, self).c_headers()
        return headers

    def c_code_cache_version(self):
        # raise this whenever modifying any of the support_code_files
        return (7, self.openmp, blas_header_version())

    def c_support_code_apply(self, node, nodename):
        # REMEMBER TO RAISE c_code_cache_version when changing any of
        # these files
        sub = {}
        dtype = str(node.__dict__['inputs'][0].dtype)
        assert dtype in ('float32', 'float64')
        if dtype == 'float32':
            sub['gemm'] = 'sgemm_'
            sub['float_type'] = 'npy_float'
            sub['float_typenum'] = 'NPY_FLOAT'
            sub['n_bytes'] = 4
            sub['c_float_type'] = 'float'
            sub['gemm'] = 'dgemm_'
            sub['float_type'] = 'npy_double'
            sub['float_typenum'] = 'NPY_DOUBLE'
            sub['n_bytes'] = 8
            sub['c_float_type'] = 'double'

        if self.openmp:
            sub['omp_flags'] = '#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)'
            sub['omp_get_max_threads'] = 'omp_get_max_threads()'
            sub['omp_get_thread_num'] = 'omp_get_thread_num()'

            if self.blas_type == 'openblas':
                sub['blas_set_num_threads'] = 'openblas_set_num_threads'
                sub['blas_get_num_threads'] = 'openblas_get_num_threads()'
            elif self.blas_type == 'mkl':
                sub['blas_set_num_threads'] = 'mkl_set_num_threads'
                sub['blas_get_num_threads'] = 'mkl_get_max_threads()'
                sub['blas_set_num_threads'] = ''
                sub['blas_get_num_threads'] = '0'
            sub['omp_flags'] = ''
            sub['omp_get_max_threads'] = '1'
            sub['omp_get_thread_num'] = '0'
            sub['blas_set_num_threads'] = ''
            sub['blas_get_num_threads'] = '0'

        files = [os.path.join('c_code', 'corr_gemm.c')]
        codes = [
            open(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], f)).read()
            for f in files
        final_code = ''
        for code in codes:
            final_code += code
        return final_code % sub

    def c_code_helper(self,
        This generates the C code for CorrMM (direction="forward"),
        CorrMM_gradWeights (direction="backprop weights"), and
        CorrMM_gradInputs (direction="backprop inputs").
        Depending on the direction, one of bottom, weights, top will
        receive the output, while the other two serve as inputs.

        :param bottom: Variable name of the input images in the forward pass,
            or the gradient of the input images in backprop wrt. inputs
        :param weights: Variable name of the filters in the forward pass,
            or the gradient of the filters in backprop wrt. weights
        :param top: Variable name of the output images / feature maps in the
            forward pass, or the gradient of the outputs in the backprop passes
        :param sub: Dictionary of substitutions useable to help generating the
            C code.
        :param height: If self.subsample[0] != 1, a variable giving the height
            of the filters for direction="backprop weights" or the height of
            the input images for direction="backprop inputs".

            If self.border_mode == 'half', a variable giving the height of the
            filters for direction="backprop weights".  Ignored otherwise.
        :param width: If self.subsample[1] != 1, a variable giving the width
            of the filters for direction="backprop weights" or the width of the
            input images for direction="backprop inputs".

            If self.border_mode == 'half', a variable giving the width of the
            filters for direction="backprop weights".  Ignored otherwise.

        # When subsampling, we cannot unambiguously infer the height and width
        # of bottom and weights from top, so we require them to be given.
        # Similarly, when border_mode="half", we cannot infer the weight size.
        if height:
            height = '(*(npy_int64 *)(PyArray_DATA(%s)))' % height
            if ((self.direction != 0) and
                (self.dH != 1)) or ((self.direction == 1) and
                                    (self.padH == -1)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "height must be given for backprop with vertical sampling or border_mode='half'"
            height = '-1'
        if width:
            width = '(*(npy_int64 *)(PyArray_DATA(%s)))' % width
            if ((self.direction != 0) and
                (self.dW != 1)) or ((self.direction == 1) and
                                    (self.padW == -1)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "width must be given for backprop with horizontal sampling or border_mode='half'"
            width = '-1'

        return """
    // Mandatory args
    int direction = %(params)s->direction;  // forward, bprop weights, bprop inputs

    // Optional args
    int dH = %(params)s->dH;
    int dW = %(params)s->dW;
    int dilH = %(params)s->dilH;
    int dilW = %(params)s->dilW;
    int padH = %(params)s->padH;
    int padW = %(params)s->padW;
    int numgroups = %(params)s->num_groups;

    PyArrayObject * bottom = %(bottom)s;
    PyArrayObject * weights = %(weights)s;
    PyArrayObject * top = %(top)s;
    PyArrayObject * out2 = NULL;
    PyArrayObject **out = NULL;

    switch(%(params)s->direction) {
            out = &%(top)s;
            out = &%(weights)s;
            out = &%(bottom)s;
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "CPU CorrMM: Invalid direction.");

    // Obtain or infer kernel width and height
    // (we need to know it early to be able to handle auto-padding)
    int kH, kW, dil_kH, dil_kW;
    if (direction != 1) {
        // weight is an input variable, we can just read its shape
        kH = PyArray_DIMS(weights)[2];
        kW = PyArray_DIMS(weights)[3];
    else {
        if (%(height)s != -1) {
            // kernel height is specified (perhaps vertical subsampling or half padding)
            kH = %(height)s;
        else if (padH == -2) {
            // vertical full padding, we can infer the kernel height
            kH = (2 - PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[2] + (PyArray_DIMS(top)[2] - 1) * dH - 1)/ dilH + 1;
        else {
            // explicit padding, we can infer the kernel height
            kH = (PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[2] + 2*padH - (PyArray_DIMS(top)[2] - 1) * dH - 1) / dilH +1;
        if (%(width)s != -1) {
            // kernel width is specified (perhaps horizontal subsampling or half padding)
            kW = %(width)s;
        else if (padW == -2) {
            kW = (2 - PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[3] + (PyArray_DIMS(top)[3] - 1) * dW - 1) / dilW + 1;
        else {
            kW = (PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[3] + 2*padW - (PyArray_DIMS(top)[3] - 1) * dW - 1) / dilW + 1;

    // Implicit dilated kernel size
    dil_kH = (kH - 1) * dilH + 1;
    dil_kW = (kW - 1) * dilW + 1;

    // Auto-padding if requested
    if (padH == -1) {  // vertical half padding
        padH = dil_kH / 2;
    else if (padH == -2) {  // vertical full padding
        padH = dil_kH - 1;
    else if (padH < 0) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "BaseCorrMM: padH must be >= -2");
    if (padW == -1) {  // horizontal half padding
        padW = dil_kW / 2;
    else if (padW == -2) {  // horizontal full padding
        padW = dil_kW - 1;
    else if (padW < 0) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "BaseCorrMM: padW must be >= -2");

    // Infer output shape
    npy_intp out_dim[4];
    switch(direction) {
    case 0:  // forward pass
        // output is top: (batchsize, num_filters, height, width)
        // height and width: top = (bottom + 2*pad - ((weight-1)*dil + 1)) / sample + 1
        out_dim[0] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[0];
        out_dim[1] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[0];
        out_dim[2] = (npy_intp)((PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[2] + 2*padH - ((PyArray_DIMS(weights)[2]-1)*dilH + 1)) / dH + 1);
        out_dim[3] = (npy_intp)((PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[3] + 2*padW - ((PyArray_DIMS(weights)[3]-1)*dilW + 1)) / dW + 1);
        if (out_dim[0] < 0 || out_dim[1] < 0 || out_dim[2] <= 0 || out_dim[3] <= 0)
                         "CorrMM: impossible output shape\\n"
                         "  bottom shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                         "  weights shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                         "  top shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n",
                         (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[1],
                         (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[3],
                         (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[1],
                         (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[3],
                         (long int)out_dim[0], (long int)out_dim[1], (long int)out_dim[2],
                         (long int)out_dim[3]);
    case 1:  // backprop wrt. weights
        // output is weights: (num_filters, num_channels, height, width)
        // height and width: weights = (bottom + 2*pad - (top - 1) * sample - 1) / dil + 1
        out_dim[0] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(top)[1];
        out_dim[1] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[1] / numgroups;
        out_dim[2] = (npy_intp)kH;  // already inferred further above
        out_dim[3] = (npy_intp)kW;  // how convenient
        if (out_dim[0] < 0 || out_dim[1] < 0 || out_dim[2] <= 0 || out_dim[3] <= 0)
                         "CorrMM backprop wrt. weights: impossible output shape\\n"
                         "  bottom shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                         "  weights shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                         "  top shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n",
                         (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[1],
                         (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(bottom)[3],
                         (long int)out_dim[0], (long int)out_dim[1], (long int)out_dim[2],
                         (long int)out_dim[3],
                         (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[1],
                         (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[3]);
    case 2:  // backprop wrt. inputs
        // output is bottom: (batchsize, num_channels, height, width)
        // height and width: bottom = (top - 1) * sample + (weights-1)*dil + 1 - 2*pad
        out_dim[0] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(top)[0];
        out_dim[1] = (npy_intp)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[1] * numgroups;
        out_dim[2] = (npy_intp)((%(height)s != -1) ? %(height)s : (PyArray_DIMS(top)[2] - 1) * dH + (PyArray_DIMS(weights)[2]-1)*dilH + 1 - 2*padH);
        out_dim[3] = (npy_intp)((%(width)s != -1) ? %(width)s : (PyArray_DIMS(top)[3] - 1) * dW + (PyArray_DIMS(weights)[3]-1)*dilW + 1 - 2*padW);
        if (out_dim[0] < 0 || out_dim[1] < 0 || out_dim[2] <= 0 || out_dim[3] <= 0)
                         "CorrMM backprop wrt. inputs: impossible output shape\\n"
                         "  bottom shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                         "  weights shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n"
                         "  top shape: %%ld x %%ld x %%ld x %%ld\\n",
                         (long int)out_dim[0], (long int)out_dim[1], (long int)out_dim[2],
                         (long int)out_dim[3],
                         (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[1],
                         (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(weights)[3],
                         (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[0], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[1],
                         (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[2], (long int)PyArray_DIMS(top)[3]);
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "BaseCorrMM: direction must be 0, 1, or 2\\n");

    // Prepare output array
    int typenum;
    if ( !(*out
           && PyArray_NDIM(*out)==4
           && PyArray_IS_C_CONTIGUOUS(*out)
           && PyArray_DIMS(*out)[0]==out_dim[0]
           && PyArray_DIMS(*out)[1]==out_dim[1]
           && PyArray_DIMS(*out)[2]==out_dim[2]
           && PyArray_DIMS(*out)[3]==out_dim[3]))
        if (direction != 1) {
          typenum = PyArray_TYPE(weights);
        else {
          typenum = PyArray_TYPE(bottom);
        //Change to PyArray_ZEROS which is faster than PyArray_EMPTY.
        *out = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_ZEROS(4,
        if (NULL == *out)
                    "BaseCorrMM: Failed to allocate output of %%lld x %%lld x %%lld x %%lld",
                    (long long)out_dim[0], (long long)out_dim[1], (long long)out_dim[2], (long long)out_dim[3]);

    // Call corrMM code
    out2 = corrMM(%(bottom)s, %(weights)s, %(top)s, direction, dH, dW, dilH, dilW, padH, padW, numgroups );
    if (out2==NULL){
    assert (out2 == *out);

""" % dict(bottom=bottom,