Esempio n. 1
    def with_linker_inplace(self, linker):
        for xsh, ysh in [((5, 5), (5, 5)),
                         ((5, 5), (1, 5)),
                         ((5, 5), (5, 1)),
                         ((1, 1), (1, 1)),
                         ((2, 3, 4, 5), (2, 3, 4, 5)),
                         ((2, 3, 4, 5), (1, 3, 1, 5)),
                         ((2, 3, 4, 5), (1, 1, 1, 1)),
                         ((), ())]:
            x = TensorType('float64', [(entry == 1) for entry in xsh])('x')
            y = TensorType('float64', [(entry == 1) for entry in ysh])('y')
            e = Elemwise(scalar.Add(scalar.transfer_type(0)), {0: 0})(x, y)
            f = copy(linker).accept(FunctionGraph([x, y], [e])).make_function()
            xv = numpy.asarray(numpy.random.rand(*xsh))
            yv = numpy.asarray(numpy.random.rand(*ysh))
            zv = xv + yv

            f(xv, yv)

            self.assertTrue((xv == zv).all())
            #test Elemwise.infer_shape
            #the Shape op don't implement c_code!
            if isinstance(linker, gof.PerformLinker):
                x = TensorType('float64', [(entry == 1) for entry in xsh])('x')
                y = TensorType('float64', [(entry == 1) for entry in ysh])('y')
                e = Elemwise(scalar.Add(scalar.transfer_type(0)), {0: 0})(x, y)
                f = copy(linker).accept(FunctionGraph([x,
                     y], [e.shape])).make_function()
                xv = numpy.asarray(numpy.random.rand(*xsh))
                yv = numpy.asarray(numpy.random.rand(*ysh))
                zv = xv + yv

                f(xv, yv)

                assert xv.shape == zv.shape
Esempio n. 2
    def make_node(self, *inputs):
        res = Elemwise.make_node(self, *inputs)
        outputs = [GpuArrayType(broadcastable=o.type.broadcastable,
                                dtype=o.type.dtype)() for o in res.outputs]
        inputs = [as_gpuarray_variable(i) for i in inputs]
        node = Apply(self, inputs, outputs)

        # Try to generate the kernel to catch SupportCodeErrors
            inps = [make_argument(i, 'i%d' % (n,)) for n, i in
            scal_ins = [scalar.Scalar(i.dtype) for i in node.inputs]

            outs = [make_argument(o, 'o%d' % (n,)) for n, o in
                    enumerate(node.outputs) if not n in self.inplace_pattern]
            scal_out = [scalar.Scalar(o.dtype) for o in node.outputs]

            fake_node = Apply(self.scalar_op, [i() for i in scal_ins],
                              [o() for o in scal_out])
            code = self.scalar_op.c_support_code_apply(fake_node, "test")
            if code:
                raise SupportCodeError(code)
        except MethodNotDefined:
            support_code = self.scalar_op.c_support_code()
            if (support_code.strip() != "#define THEANO_MACRO_MOD(x,y) (x % y)" and
                support_code.strip() != ""):
                # The macro is fine, the C++ struct is not.
                raise SupportCodeError(support_code)
        except MethodNotDefined:

        return node
Esempio n. 3
    def make_node(self, *inputs):
        res = Elemwise.make_node(self, *inputs)
        outputs = [GpuArrayType(broadcastable=o.type.broadcastable,
                                dtype=o.type.dtype)() for o in res.outputs]
        inputs = [as_gpuarray_variable(i) for i in inputs]
        node = Apply(self, inputs, outputs)

        # Try to generate the kernel to catch SupportCodeErrors
            inps = [make_argument(i, 'i%d' % (n,)) for n, i in
            scal_ins = [scalar.Scalar(i.dtype) for i in node.inputs]

            outs = [make_argument(o, 'o%d' % (n,)) for n, o in
                    enumerate(node.outputs) if not n in self.inplace_pattern]
            scal_out = [scalar.Scalar(o.dtype) for o in node.outputs]

            fake_node = Apply(self.scalar_op, [i() for i in scal_ins],
                              [o() for o in scal_out])
            code = self.scalar_op.c_support_code_apply(fake_node, "test")
            if code:
                raise SupportCodeError(code)
        except MethodNotDefined:
            support_code = self.scalar_op.c_support_code()
            if (support_code.strip() != "#define THEANO_MACRO_MOD(x,y) (x % y)" and
                support_code.strip() != ""):
                # The macro is fine, the C++ struct is not.
                raise SupportCodeError(support_code)
        except MethodNotDefined:

        return node
Esempio n. 4
 def test_same_inputs(self):
     if not theano.config.cxx:
         raise SkipTest("G++ not available, so we need to skip this test.")
     x = TensorType('float64', [0, 0])('x')
     e = Elemwise(scalar.add)(x, x)
     f = gof.CLinker().accept(FunctionGraph([x], [e])).make_function()
     xv = numpy.random.rand(2, 2)
     zv = xv + xv
     assert (f(xv) == zv).all()
Esempio n. 5
    def construct(symbol):
        symbolname = symbol.__name__
        msg = "no_inplace"
        n = "Elemwise{%s,%s}" % (symbolname, msg)
        rval = Elemwise(scalar_op, name=n,
            nfunc_spec=(nfunc and (nfunc, nin, nout)))

        if getattr(symbol, '__doc__', False):
            rval.__doc__ = symbol.__doc__ + '\n' + rval.__doc__

        # for the meaning of this see the ./epydoc script
        # it makes epydoc display rval as if it were a function, not an object
        rval.__epydoc_asRoutine = symbol
        rval.__module__ = 'tensor'

        pprint.assign(rval, printing.FunctionPrinter(symbolname))

        return rval
Esempio n. 6
 def make_node(self, *inputs):
     res = Elemwise.make_node(self, *inputs)
     outputs = [GpuArrayType(broadcastable=o.type.broadcastable,
                             dtype=o.type.dtype)() for o in res.outputs]
     inputs = [as_gpuarray_variable(i) for i in inputs]
     res = Apply(self, inputs, outputs)
     # Try to generate the kernel to catch SupportCodeErrors
     k = self.generate_kernel(res, 'test')
     return res
Esempio n. 7
 def test_fill(self):
     if not theano.config.cxx:
         raise SkipTest("G++ not available, so we need to skip this test.")
     x = TensorType('float64', [0, 0])('x')
     y = TensorType('float64', [1, 1])('y')
     e = Elemwise(scalar.Second(scalar.transfer_type(0)), {0: 0})(x, y)
     f = gof.CLinker().accept(FunctionGraph([x, y], [e])).make_function()
     xv = numpy.ones((5, 5))
     yv = numpy.random.rand(1, 1)
     f(xv, yv)
     assert (xv == yv).all()
Esempio n. 8
 def test_weird_strides(self):
     if not theano.config.cxx:
         raise SkipTest("G++ not available, so we need to skip this test.")
     x = TensorType('float64', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])('x')
     y = TensorType('float64', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])('y')
     e = Elemwise(scalar.add)(x, y)
     f = gof.CLinker().accept(FunctionGraph([x, y], [e])).make_function()
     xv = numpy.random.rand(2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
     yv = numpy.random.rand(2, 2, 2, 2, 2).transpose(4, 0, 3, 1, 2)
     zv = xv + yv
     assert (f(xv, yv) == zv).all()
 def make_node(self, *inputs):
     res = Elemwise.make_node(self, *inputs)
     outputs = [
                      dtype=o.type.dtype)() for o in res.outputs
     inputs = [as_gpuarray_variable(i) for i in inputs]
     res = Apply(self, inputs, outputs)
     # Try to generate the kernel to catch SupportCodeErrors
     k = self.generate_kernel(res, 'test')
     return res
Esempio n. 10
    def test_infer_shape(self):

        for s_left, s_right in [((5, 6), (5, 6)), ((5, 6), (5, 1)),
                                ((5, 6), (1, 6)), ((5, 1), (5, 6)),
                                ((1, 6), (5, 6)), ((2, 3, 4, 5), (2, 3, 4, 5)),
                                ((2, 3, 4, 5), (2, 3, 1, 5)),
                                ((2, 3, 4, 5), (1, 3, 4, 5)),
                                ((2, 1, 4, 5), (2, 3, 4, 5)),
                                ((2, 3, 4, 1), (2, 3, 4, 5))]:
            dtype = theano.config.floatX
            t_left = TensorType(dtype, [(entry == 1) for entry in s_left])()
            t_right = TensorType(dtype, [(entry == 1) for entry in s_right])()
            t_left_val = numpy.zeros(s_left, dtype=dtype)
            t_right_val = numpy.zeros(s_right, dtype=dtype)
            self._compile_and_check([t_left, t_right],
                                    [Elemwise(scalar.add)(t_left, t_right)],
                                    [t_left_val, t_right_val], Elemwise)
Esempio n. 11
def batch_normalization(inputs, gamma, beta, mean, std, mode="low_mem"):
    This function will build the symbolic graph for applying batch normalization
    to a set of activations.
    Also works on GPUs, but is not optimized using cuDNN.

    .. versionadded:: 0.7.1

    inputs : symbolic tensor
        Mini-batch of activations
    gamma: symbolic tensor
        BN scale parameter, must be of same dimensionality as
        inputs and broadcastable against it
    beta: symbolic tensor
        BN shift parameter, must be of same dimensionality as
        inputs and broadcastable against it
    mean: symbolic tensor
        inputs means, must be of same dimensionality as
        inputs and broadcastable against it
    std: symbolic tensor
        inputs standard deviation, must be of same dimensionality as
        inputs and broadcastable against it
    mode: 'low_mem' or 'high_mem'
        Specify which batch_normalization implementation that will be
        As no intermediate representations are stored for the back-propagation,
        'low_mem' implementation lower the memory usage, however,
        it is 5-10% slower than 'high_mem' implementation. Note that 5-10% computation
        time difference compare the batch_normalization operation only, time difference
        between implementation is likely to be less important on the full model fprop/bprop.
    if mode == "low_mem":
        elm_bn = Elemwise(scalar_op=BNComposite(dtype=inputs.dtype))
        rval = elm_bn(inputs, mean, std, gamma, beta)
    elif mode == "high_mem":
        rval = (inputs - mean) * (gamma / std) + beta
        raise ValueError('mode must be either "low_mem", "high_mem"')
    return rval
Esempio n. 12
        # FIXME: still nan at zero
        (x, ) = inputs
        (atanhc, ) = outputs
        (gz, ) = grads
        if x.type in complex_types:
            raise NotImplementedError()
        return [gz * ((x * (1 - x**2))**-1 - atanhc * x**-1)]

    def c_support_code(self):
        return """
            double _atanhc(double x) {
                if (x < -1e-5 || 1e-5 < x) return atanh(x) / x;
                return 1 + x * x / 3;

    def c_code(self, node, name, inp, out, sub):
        (x, ) = inp
        (z, ) = out
        if node.inputs[0].type in float_types:
            return ("""%(z)s =
                _atanhc(%(x)s);""" % locals())
        raise NotImplementedError("only floating point is implemented")

scaler_tanhc = Tanhc(upgrade_to_float, name="tanhc")
tanhc = Elemwise(scaler_tanhc, name="Elemwise{tanhc}", nfunc_spec=None)
scaler_tanhc_grad = TanhcGrad(upgrade_to_float, name="tanhc_grad")
scaler_atanhc = Atanhc(upgrade_to_float, name="atanhc")
atanhc = Elemwise(scaler_atanhc, name="Elemwise{atanhc}", nfunc_spec=None)
Esempio n. 13
        gz, = grads
        return [gz * (1 + scalar.log(x))]

    def c_code(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub):
        x, = inputs
        z, = outputs
        if node.inputs[0].type in [scalar.float32, scalar.float64]:
            return """%(z)s =
                %(x)s == 0.0
                ? 0.0
                : %(x)s * log(%(x)s);""" % locals()
        raise NotImplementedError('only floatingpoint is implemented')

scalar_xlogx = XlogX(scalar.upgrade_to_float, name='scalar_xlogx')
xlogx = Elemwise(scalar_xlogx, name='xlogx')

class XlogY0(scalar.BinaryScalarOp):
    Compute X * log(Y), with special case 0 log(0) = 0.

    def st_impl(x, y):
        if x == 0.0:
            return 0.0
        return x * numpy.log(y)

    def impl(self, x, y):
        return XlogY0.st_impl(x, y)
Esempio n. 14
    def _set_row_mappings(self, Gamma, dir_priors, model):
        """Create maps from Dirichlet priors parameters to rows and slices in the transition matrix.

        These maps are needed when a transition matrix isn't simply comprised
        of Dirichlet prior rows, but--instead--slices of Dirichlet priors.

        Consider the following:

        .. code-block:: python

            with pm.Model():
                d_0_rv = pm.Dirichlet("p_0", np.r_[1, 1])
                d_1_rv = pm.Dirichlet("p_1", np.r_[1, 1])

                p_0_rv = tt.as_tensor([0, 0, 1])
                p_1_rv = tt.zeros(3)
                p_1_rv = tt.set_subtensor(p_0_rv[[0, 2]], d_0_rv)
                p_2_rv = tt.zeros(3)
                p_2_rv = tt.set_subtensor(p_1_rv[[1, 2]], d_1_rv)

                P_tt = tt.stack([p_0_rv, p_1_rv, p_2_rv])

        The transition matrix `P_tt` has Dirichlet priors in only two of its
        three rows, and--even then--they're only present in parts of two rows.

        In this example, we need to know that Dirichlet prior 0, i.e. `d_0_rv`,
        is mapped to row 1, and prior 1 is mapped to row 2.  Furthermore, we
        need to know that prior 0 fills columns 0 and 2 in row 1, and prior 1
        fills columns 1 and 2 in row 2.

        These mappings allow one to embed Dirichlet priors in larger transition
        matrices with--for instance--fixed transition behavior.

        """  # noqa: E501

        # Remove unimportant `Op`s from the transition matrix graph
        Gamma = pre_greedy_local_optimizer(
            FunctionGraph([], []),

        # Canonicalize the transition matrix graph
        fg = FunctionGraph(
            list(graph_inputs([Gamma] + self.dir_priors_untrans)),
            [Gamma] + self.dir_priors_untrans,
        canonicalize_opt = optdb.query(Query(include=["canonicalize"]))
        Gamma = fg.outputs[0]
        dir_priors_untrans = fg.outputs[1:]

        Gamma_DimShuffle = Gamma.owner

        if not (isinstance(Gamma_DimShuffle.op, DimShuffle)):
            raise TypeError("The transition matrix should be non-time-varying")

        Gamma_Join = Gamma_DimShuffle.inputs[0].owner

        if not (isinstance(Gamma_Join.op, tt.basic.Join)):
            raise TypeError(
                "The transition matrix should be comprised of stacked row vectors"

        Gamma_rows = Gamma_Join.inputs[1:]

        self.n_rows = len(Gamma_rows)

        # Loop through the rows in the transition matrix's graph and determine
        # how our transformed Dirichlet RVs map to this transition matrix.
        self.row_remaps = {}
        self.row_slices = {}
        for i, dim_row in enumerate(Gamma_rows):
            if not dim_row.owner:

            # By-pass the `DimShuffle`s applied to the `AdvancedIncSubtensor1`
            # `Op`s in which we're actually interested
            gamma_row = dim_row.owner.inputs[0]

            if gamma_row in dir_priors_untrans:
                # This is a row that's simply a `Dirichlet`
                j = dir_priors_untrans.index(gamma_row)
                self.row_remaps[j] = i
                self.row_slices[j] = slice(None)

            if gamma_row.owner.inputs[1] not in dir_priors_untrans:

            # Parts of a row set by a `*Subtensor*` `Op` using a full
            # `Dirichlet` e.g. `P_row[idx] = dir_rv`
            j = dir_priors_untrans.index(gamma_row.owner.inputs[1])
            untrans_dirich = dir_priors_untrans[j]

            if (
                and isinstance(gamma_row.owner.op, AdvancedIncSubtensor1)
                and gamma_row.owner.inputs[1] == untrans_dirich
                self.row_remaps[j] = i

                rhand_val = gamma_row.owner.inputs[2]
                if not isinstance(rhand_val, TensorConstant):
                    # TODO: We could allow more types of `idx` (e.g. slices)
                    # Currently, `idx` can't be something like `2:5`
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Only array indexing allowed for mixed"
                        " Dirichlet/non-Dirichlet rows"
                self.row_slices[j] =
Esempio n. 15
    elif format == "HFLP":
        return float16(X)

# float16 function
# we are using the nvidia cuda function (only works on GPU)
class Float16(UnaryScalarOp):
    def impl(self, x):
        return numpy.float32(numpy.float16(x))

    def c_code(self, node, name, (x, ), (z, ), sub):
        return "%(z)s = __half2float(__float2half_rn(%(x)s));" % locals()

float16_scalar = Float16(same_out_nocomplex, name='float16')
float16 = Elemwise(float16_scalar)

# this function simulate the precision and the range of a fixed point
# while working with floats
# NOB = Number Of Bits = bit-width
# NOIB = Number Of Integer Bits = position of the radix point = range
def fixed_point(X, NOB, NOIB):

    power = T.cast(2.**(NOB - NOIB), theano.config.floatX)  # float !
    max = T.cast((2.**NOB) - 1, theano.config.floatX)
    value = X * power
    value = T.round(value)  # rounding
    value = T.clip(value, -max, max)  # saturation arithmetic
    value = value / power
    return value
Esempio n. 16
from theano.scalar.basic import UnaryScalarOp, same_out_nocomplex
from theano.tensor.elemwise import Elemwise

# Our own rounding function, that does not set the gradient to 0 like Theano's
class Round3(UnaryScalarOp):
    def c_code(self, node, name, (x,), (z,), sub):
        return "%(z)s = round(%(x)s);" % locals()
    def grad(self, inputs, gout):
        (gz,) = gout
        return gz, 
round3_scalar = Round3(same_out_nocomplex, name='round3')
round3 = Elemwise(round3_scalar)

def hard_sigmoid(x):
    return T.clip((x+1.)/2.,0,1)

# The neurons' activations binarization function
# It behaves like the sign function during forward propagation
# And like:
#   hard_tanh(x) = 2*hard_sigmoid(x)-1 
# during back propagation
def binary_tanh_unit(x):
    return 2.*round3(hard_sigmoid(x))-1.
def binary_sigmoid_unit(x):
    return round3(hard_sigmoid(x))
Esempio n. 17
        # casting is done by compiler
        (x, ) = inputs
        (z, ) = outputs
        type = node.inputs[0].type
        if type in float_types:
            return '%(z)s = (%(x)s > 0) ? %(x)s : (isnan(%(x)s) ? NAN : 0.);' % locals(
        if type in int_types:
            return "%(z)s = (%(x)s >= 0) ? %(x)s : 0;" % locals()

# TODO: A more elegant way to inject operators into packages?
theano.scalar.relu_pg = ReLU_PG(same_out_nocomplex, name='relu_pg')
np.relu_pg = np.frompyfunc(lambda x: x * (x > 0), 1, 1)

relu_pg = Elemwise(theano.scalar.relu_pg)

# ##################### Load data from CIFAR-10 dataset #######################
# this code assumes the cifar dataset from ''
# has been extracted in current working directory

def unpickle(file):
    import cPickle
    fo = open(file, 'rb')
    dict = cPickle.load(fo)
    return dict

def load_data():
Esempio n. 18
from theano.tensor.elemwise import Elemwise

# Our own rounding function that does not set the gradient to 0 like Theano's
class __Round(UnaryScalarOp):
    def c_code(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub):
        x, = inputs
        z, = outputs
        return "%(z)s = round(%(x)s);" % locals()

    def grad(self, inputs, gout):
        (gz, ) = gout
        return gz,

__round_scalar = __Round(same_out_nocomplex, name='__round')
__round = Elemwise(__round_scalar)

def HardSigmoid(x):
    return T.clip((x + 1.) / 2., 0, 1)

# The neurons' activations binarization function
# It behaves like the sign function during forward propagation
# And like:
#   hard_tanh(x) = 2*hard_sigmoid(x)-1.
# during back propagation
def BinaryTanh(x):
    return 2. * __round(HardSigmoid(x)) - 1.
Esempio n. 19
        (z, ) = outputs
        type = node.inputs[0].type
        if type in float_types:
            return '%(z)s = (%(x)s > 0) ? 1. : ((%(x)s < 0) ? -1. : (isnan(%(x)s) ? NAN : 0.));' % locals(
        if type in int_types:
            return "%(z)s = (%(x)s >= 0) ? (%(x)s == 0) ? 0 : 1 : -1;" % locals(
        raise TypeError()  # complex has no sgn

# TODO: A more elegant way to inject operators into packages?
theano.scalar.sgn_pg = Sgn_PG(same_out_nocomplex, name='sgn_pg')
np.sgn_pg = np.sign

sgn_pg = Elemwise(theano.scalar.sgn_pg)

# ##################### Load data from CIFAR-10 dataset #######################
# this code assumes the cifar dataset from ''
# has been extracted in current working directory

def unpickle(file):
    import cPickle
    fo = open(file, 'rb')
    dict = cPickle.load(fo)
    return dict

def load_data():
Esempio n. 20
File: Progetto: gunkisu/asr
        v_t = b2 * opt_tparams[_p(k, 'v')] + (1. - b2) * g**2
        g_t = lr_t * m_t / (tensor.sqrt(v_t) + eps)
        p_t = p - g_t
        updates[opt_tparams[_p(k, 'm')]] = m_t
        updates[opt_tparams[_p(k, 'v')]] = v_t
        updates[p] = p_t
    updates[opt_tparams['i']] = i_t
    return updates, opt_tparams

# Theano Op
class Round(UnaryScalarOp):
    def c_code(self, node, name, (x, ), (z, ), sub):
        return "%(z)s = round(%(x)s);" % locals()

    def grad(self, inputs, gout):
        (gz, ) = gout
        return gz,

round_scalar = Round(same_out_nocomplex, name='round')
round = Elemwise(round_scalar)

def hard_sigmoid(x, scale=1.):
    return tensor.clip((scale * x + 1.) / 2., 0, 1)

def binary_sigmoid(x, scale=1.):
    return round(hard_sigmoid(x, scale))
Esempio n. 21

class BinaryOp(UnaryScalarOp):
    def c_code(self, node, name, x1, z1, sub):
        x = x1[0]
        z = z1[0]
        return "%(z)s = round(%(x)s);" % locals()

    def grad(self, inputs, gout):
        (gz,) = gout
        return gz,

binaryScalar = BinaryOp(same_out_nocomplex, name='binaryScalar')
binaryOp = Elemwise(binaryScalar)

class BinaryConv2d(Conv2d):
    A binary convolution layer where
    both output and weights are binary.
    The input may be binary or not.
    debugname = 'bindaryconv2d'
    LayerTypeName = 'BinaryConv2d'
    yaml_tag = u'!BinaryConv2d'

    def __init__(self,
Esempio n. 22
        (gz, ) = grads
        return [gz * (1 + scalar.log(x))]

    def c_code(self, node, name, inputs, outputs, sub):
        (x, ) = inputs
        (z, ) = outputs
        if node.inputs[0].type in [scalar.float32, scalar.float64]:
            return ("""%(z)s =
                %(x)s == 0.0
                ? 0.0
                : %(x)s * log(%(x)s);""" % locals())
        raise NotImplementedError("only floatingpoint is implemented")

scalar_xlogx = XlogX(scalar.upgrade_to_float, name="scalar_xlogx")
xlogx = Elemwise(scalar_xlogx, name="xlogx")

class XlogY0(scalar.BinaryScalarOp):
    Compute X * log(Y), with special case 0 log(0) = 0.

    def st_impl(x, y):
        if x == 0.0:
            return 0.0
        return x * np.log(y)

    def impl(self, x, y):
        return XlogY0.st_impl(x, y)
Esempio n. 23
    def with_linker(self,
        for xsh, tosum in self.cases:
            if dtype == "floatX":
                dtype = theano.config.floatX
            x = TensorType(dtype, [(entry == 1) for entry in xsh])('x')
            d = {}
            if pre_scalar_op is not None:
                d = {"pre_scalar_op": pre_scalar_op}
            if tensor_op is None:
                e = as_tensor_variable(self.op(scalar_op, axis=tosum, **d)(x))
                e = as_tensor_variable(tensor_op(x, axis=tosum, **d))

            if tosum is None:
                tosum = range(len(xsh))

            f = copy(linker).accept(FunctionGraph([x], [e])).make_function()
            xv = numpy.asarray(numpy.random.rand(*xsh))

            if not "int" in dtype:
                xv = numpy.asarray(xv, dtype=dtype)
                xv = numpy.asarray(xv < 0.5, dtype=dtype)

            if test_nan and xv.size > 0:
                if len(xsh) > 0:
                    xv = xv.flatten()
                    xv[0] = numpy.nan
                    xv = xv.reshape(*xsh)
                    xv = numpy.asarray(numpy.nan, dtype=dtype)
            zv = xv
            if pre_scalar_op is not None:
                zv = Elemwise(scalar_op=pre_scalar_op)(x).eval({x: xv})
            numpy_raised = False
            if len(tosum) > 1 and any([a < 0 for a in tosum]):
                #In that case, we need to use the good order of axis
                #in the reduction.
                axis2 = []
                for a in tosum:
                    if a < 0:
                        axis2.append(a + len(xsh))
                assert len(axis2) == len(tosum)
                tosum = tuple(axis2)
            if tensor_op == tensor.all:
                for axis in reversed(sorted(tosum)):
                    zv = numpy.all(zv, axis)
                if len(tosum) == 0:
                    zv = zv != 0
            elif tensor_op == tensor.any:
                for axis in reversed(sorted(tosum)):
                    zv = numpy.any(zv, axis)
                if len(tosum) == 0:
                    zv = zv != 0
            elif scalar_op == scalar.add:
                for axis in reversed(sorted(tosum)):
                    zv = numpy.add.reduce(zv, axis)
            elif scalar_op == scalar.mul:
                for axis in reversed(sorted(tosum)):
                    zv = numpy.multiply.reduce(zv, axis)
            elif scalar_op == scalar.maximum:
                    for axis in reversed(sorted(tosum)):
                        zv = numpy.maximum.reduce(zv, axis)
                except ValueError:
                    numpy_raised = True
            elif scalar_op == scalar.minimum:
                    for axis in reversed(sorted(tosum)):
                        zv = numpy.minimum.reduce(zv, axis)
                except ValueError:
                    numpy_raised = True
            elif scalar_op == scalar.or_:
                for axis in reversed(sorted(tosum)):
                    zv = numpy.bitwise_or.reduce(zv, axis)
            elif scalar_op == scalar.and_:
                for axis in reversed(sorted(tosum)):
                    zv = numpy.bitwise_and.reduce(zv, axis)
            elif scalar_op == scalar.xor:
                # There is no identity value for the xor function
                # So we can't support shape of dimensions 0.
                if == 0:
                for axis in reversed(sorted(tosum)):
                    zv = numpy.bitwise_xor.reduce(zv, axis)
                raise Exception(
                    "Test for CAReduce with scalar_op %s not implemented" %
            if scalar_op in [scalar.maximum, scalar.minimum] and numpy_raised:
                    out = f(xv)
                    assert out.dtype == dtype
                except ValueError:
                # numpy.{all,any} return bool type,
                # but theano ops return an int8 array instead
                if scalar_op in [scalar.and_, scalar.or_]:
                    zv = numpy.asarray(zv, dtype='int8')
                if test_nan:
                            theano.tensor.TensorType.values_eq(f(xv), zv),
                            (f(xv), zv))
                    except NotImplementedError:
                        # GpuCAReduce don't implement all cases when size is 0
                        assert xv.size == 0
                        f_xv = f(xv)
                        self.assertTrue((f_xv.shape == zv.shape), (f_xv, zv))
                        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(f_xv, zv),
                                        (f_xv, zv, xsh, tosum))
                    except NotImplementedError:
                        # GpuCAReduce don't implement all cases when size is 0
                        assert xv.size == 0

            x = TensorType(dtype, [(entry == 1) for entry in xsh])('x')
            if tensor_op is None:
                e = self.op(scalar_op, axis=tosum)(x)
                e = tensor_op(x, axis=tosum)
            if tosum is None:
                tosum = range(len(xsh))
            f = copy(linker).accept(FunctionGraph([x],
            if not (scalar_op in [scalar.maximum, scalar.minimum] and
                    ((xsh == () or == 0))):
                    assert all(f(xv) == zv.shape)
                except NotImplementedError:
                    # GpuCAReduce don't implement all cases when size is 0
                    assert xv.size == 0
Esempio n. 24
from augment import augment_images, adapt_to_binareye

# Our own rounding function, that does not set the gradient to 0 like Theano's
class Round3(UnaryScalarOp):
    def c_code(self, node, name, (x, ), (z, ), sub):
        return "%(z)s = round(%(x)s);" % locals()

    def grad(self, inputs, gout):
        (gz, ) = gout
        return gz,

round3_scalar = Round3(same_out_nocomplex, name='round3')
round3 = Elemwise(round3_scalar)

def hard_sigmoid(x):
    return T.clip((x + 1.) / 2., 0, 1)

# The neurons' activations binarization function
# It behaves like the sign function during forward propagation
# And like:
#   hard_tanh(x) = 2*hard_sigmoid(x)-1
# during back propagation
def binary_tanh_unit(x):
    return 2. * round3(hard_sigmoid(x)) - 1.

Esempio n. 25
    def grad(self, inputs, gout):
        (gz, ) = gout
        return gz,

class Floor3(UnaryScalarOp):
    def c_code(self, node, name, (x, ), (z, ), sub):
        return "%(z)s = floor(%(x)s+.5);" % locals()  # train -.5 and .5

    def grad(self, inputs, gout):
        (gz, ) = gout
        return gz,

round3_scalar = Round3(same_out_nocomplex, name='round3')
round3 = Elemwise(round3_scalar)

floor3_scalar = Floor3(same_out_nocomplex, name='floor3')
floor3 = Elemwise(floor3_scalar)

def hard_sigmoid(x):
    return T.clip((x + 1.) / 2., 0, 1)

# The neurons' activations binarization function
# It behaves like the sign function during forward propagation
# And like:
#   hard_tanh(x) = 2*hard_sigmoid(x)-1
# during back propagation
Esempio n. 26
from theano.scalar.basic import UnaryScalarOp, same_out_nocomplex
from theano.tensor.elemwise import Elemwise
from itertools import izip

class round_custom(UnaryScalarOp):
    def c_code(self, node, name, (x, ), (z, ), sub):
        return "%(z)s = round(%(x)s);" % locals()

    def grad(self, inputs, gout):
        (gz, ) = gout
        return gz,

round_scalar = round_custom(same_out_nocomplex, name='round_var')
round_var = Elemwise(round_scalar)

def hard_sigmoid(x):
    return T.clip((x + 1.) / 2., 0, 1)

def discrete_neuron_3states(x):  #discrete activation with three states
    return T.cast(
        round_var(hard_sigmoid(2 * (x - 1)) + hard_sigmoid(2 * (x + 1)) - 1),

# This class extends the Lasagne DenseLayer to support Probabilistic Discretization of Weights
class DenseLayer(
Esempio n. 27
from theano.scalar.basic import UnaryScalarOp, same_out_nocomplex
from theano.tensor.elemwise import Elemwise

class Round3(UnaryScalarOp):
    def c_code(self, node, name, x, z, sub):
        return "%(z)s = round(%(x)s);" % locals()

    def grad(self, inputs, gout):
        (gz, ) = gout
        return gz,

round3 = Elemwise(Round3(same_out_nocomplex, name='round3'))