async def main(args=None, command=None, bot=None, prefix=None, msg=None, message=None, guildid=None, guild=None, memid=None, mem=None, mentions=None, channel=None, user=None, game=None, gamedata=None, dbguild=None, msgcontent=None, ids=None): await channel.trigger_typing() if mentions: u1 = user u2 = db.get_member(mentions[0]) if u2["team"] == u1["team"]: team = db.get_team(u1["team"]) if team != None and team["owner"] == u1["id"]: db.pull_team(team["id"], "members", u2["id"]) db.update_user(u2["id"], "team", None) await channel.send('<@!' + str(u2["id"]) + '>, you have been kicked from team ' + team["name"] + '!') await bot.get_channel(config.LOGCHANNEL ).send("`Kick Team: " + u2["name"] + " " + team["id"] + " " + str(guildid) + "`") else: await channel.send('You do not own a team!') else: await channel.send("That user isn't in your team!") else: await channel.send('You must mention another user!')
async def main(args=None, command=None, bot=None, prefix=None, msg=None, message=None, guildid=None, guild=None, memid=None, mem=None, mentions=None, channel=None, user=None, game=None, gamedata=None, dbguild=None, msgcontent=None, ids=None): if mentions: if len(args) > 2: u1 = user u2 = db.get_member(mentions[0]) try: amount = int(args[2]) amount = abs(amount) if not amount > u1["xp"]: if u1["id"] == u2["id"]: await channel.send("Paying yourself may make you feel richer, but you won't actually be any richer.") else: db.inc_user(u1["id"],"xp",-amount) db.inc_user(u2["id"],"xp", amount) await channel.send("<@!"+str(u1["id"])+">, you have paid <@!"+str(u2["id"])+"> "+str(amount)+" tokens!") else: await channel.send("You dont have enough tokens!") except Exception as e: await channel.send("You must specify a valid amount of tokens!") else: await channel.send('You must specify how many tokens you want to give!') else: await channel.send('You must specify who you want to give tokens to!')
async def main(args=None, command=None, bot=None, prefix=None, msg=None, message=None, guildid=None, guild=None, memid=None, mem=None, mentions=None, channel=None, user=None, game=None, gamedata=None, dbguild=None, msgcontent=None, ids=None): if game == None: if mentions: game2 = db.get_game(mentions[0].id) if game2 == None: if mentions[0].id == memid: await channel.send( "You can't connect with yourself in this way. Why not take a walk?" ) else: await channel.send( str(mentions[0].mention) + ", you are being challenged to a chess game by " + str(mem.mention) + "! Use `" + prefix + "accept` to accept the challenge or `" + prefix + "decline` to decline the challenge!") try: def check(message): return == mentions[0] and ( message.content == prefix + 'accept' or message.content == prefix + 'decline') resp = await bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=50) if resp.content == prefix + 'accept': await u1 = db.get_member(mem) u2 = db.get_member(mentions[0]) db.new_game(chess.Board().fen(), u1["id"], u2["id"]) await channel.send('The game has started! Type ' + prefix + 'board to see the board!') await bot.get_channel( config.LOGCHANNEL ).send("`Create Game: " + str(u1["name"]) + " " + str(u2["name"]) + " " + str(guildid) + "`") if config.MOTD == "": await bot.change_presence( activity=discord.Game( name=str( + " games!"), else: await bot.change_presence( activity=discord.Game(name=config.MOTD), db.inc_guild(guildid, "games", 1) elif resp.content == prefix + 'decline': await channel.send( "You have declined the game request!") except: await channel.send("The request has timed out!") else: await channel.send( 'That user is currently in a game with another person!') else: await channel.send('You must mention another user!') else: await channel.send('You are already in a game! Resign it with ' + prefix + 'resign')
async def on_message(message): try: try: dbguild = db.retrieve_guild(message.guild) prefix = dbguild["prefix"] except: prefix = "|" if str( != str( config.ID ) and not and message.content.startswith(prefix): msg = message msgcontent = msg.content mem = memid = user = db.get_member(mem) if user["blacklisted"]: return guild = msg.guild try: guildid = guildname = guildowner = guild.owner except: pass channel = mentions = msg.mentions gamedata = db.get_game(memid) game = None ids = None if gamedata != None: game = chess.Board(fen=gamedata["fen"]) ids = (gamedata["1"], gamedata["2"]) args = ' '.join(msgcontent.strip(prefix).split()).split() try: command = args[0] except: return if command in ALIASES and ALIASES[command] != None: await channel.trigger_typing() await ALIASES[command](args=args, command=command, bot=bot, prefix=prefix, msg=msg, message=msg, guildid=guildid, guild=guild, memid=memid, mem=mem, mentions=mentions, channel=channel, user=user, game=game, gamedata=gamedata, msgcontent=msgcontent, ids=ids) if guild != None: await bot.get_channel( config.LOGCHANNEL ).send("```Member: " + str(mem) + "\nMember ID: " + str(memid) + "\nGuild: " + str(guild) + "\nGuild ID: " + str(guildid) + "\n\nCommmand: " + str(command) + "\n\nArgs: " + str(args) + "```") else: await bot.get_channel( config.LOGCHANNEL ).send("```Member: " + str(mem) + "\nMember ID: " + str(memid) + "\n\nCommmand: " + str(command) + "\n\nArgs: " + str(args) + "```") except Exception as E: await bot.get_channel( config.ERRORCHANNEL ).send("```python\n" + str(traceback.format_exc()) + "```\n" + "`" + str( + ": " + message.content + "`")
async def on_member_update(before, after): user = db.get_member(after) if str(after) != user["name"]: db.update_user(user["id"], "name", str(after))
async def main(args=None, command=None, bot=None, prefix=None, msg=None, message=None, guildid=None, guild=None, memid=None, mem=None, mentions=None, channel=None, user=None, game=None, gamedata=None, dbguild=None, msgcontent=None, ids=None): if mentions: user = db.get_member(mentions[0]) team = db.get_team(user["team"]) if team == None: await channel.send(mentions[0].mention + " is not in a team!") else: if len(args) > 1: team = db.get_team(args[1]) if team == None: await channel.send('Team not found!') else: user = user team = db.get_team(user["team"]) if team == None: await channel.send("You are not in a team!") if team != None: em = discord.Embed() em.title = team["name"] if "image" in team: em.set_thumbnail(url=team["image"]) else: em.set_thumbnail( url= "" ) em.colour = discord.Colour(4623620) em.type = "rich" if team["bio"] != None: em.description = team["bio"] em.add_field(name="Members", value=', '.join( [db.get_user(i)["name"] for i in team["members"]]), inline=False) em.add_field(name="Owner", value=db.get_user(team["owner"])["name"], inline=True) em.add_field(name="Shards", value=team["cur"], inline=True) em.add_field(name="Wins", value=team["wins"], inline=True) em.add_field(name="Losses", value=team["loss"], inline=True) try: em.add_field( name="W/G", value=str(round(team["wins"] / team["games"], 2) * 100) + "%", inline=True) except: em.add_field(name="W/G", value="None", inline=True) em.add_field(name="Draws", value=team["draws"], inline=True) em.add_field(name="Games", value=team["games"], inline=True) await channel.send(embed=em)
async def main(args=None, command=None, bot=None, prefix=None, msg=None, message=None, guildid=None, guild=None, memid=None, mem=None, mentions=None, channel=None, user=None, game=None, gamedata=None, dbguild=None, msgcontent=None, ids=None): if mentions: member = await bot.get_user_info(mentions[0].id) user = db.get_member(mentions[0]) else: member = await bot.get_user_info(memid) user = user em = discord.Embed() em.title = em.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) em.colour = discord.Colour(user["color"]) em.type = "rich" if user["bio"] != None: em.description = user["bio"] em.add_field(name="Elo", value=user["elo"], inline=True) em.add_field(name="Tokens", value=user["xp"], inline=True) em.add_field(name="Wins", value=user["wins"], inline=True) em.add_field(name="Losses", value=user["loss"], inline=True) try: em.add_field(name="W/G", value=str(round(user["wins"] / user["games"], 2) * 100) + "%", inline=True) except: em.add_field(name="W/G", value="None", inline=True) em.add_field(name="Draws", value=user["draws"], inline=True) em.add_field(name="Games", value=user["games"], inline=True) em.add_field(name="Votes", value=user["votes"], inline=True) if user["team"] != None: team = db.get_team(user["team"]) em.add_field(name="Team", value=team["name"], inline=True) else: em.add_field(name="Team", value="None", inline=True) if len(user["badges"]) > 0: em.add_field(name="Badges", value=' '.join([config.BADGES[i] for i in user["badges"]]), inline=True) else: em.add_field(name="Badges", value="None", inline=True) await channel.send(embed=em)
async def main(args=None, command=None, bot=None, prefix=None, msg=None, message=None, guildid=None, guild=None, memid=None, mem=None, mentions=None, channel=None, user=None, game=None, gamedata=None, dbguild=None, msgcontent=None, ids=None): if mentions: u1 = user u2 = db.get_member(mentions[0]) if u2["team"] == None: team = db.get_team(u1["team"]) if team != None and team["owner"] == u1["id"]: if len(team["members"]) < config.MAXTEAMSIZE: await channel.send( str(mentions[0].mention) + ", you are being invited to " + str(mem.mention) + "'s team! Use `" + prefix + "join` to join or `" + prefix + "decline` to decline the request!") try: def check(message): return == mentions[0] and ( message.content == prefix + 'join' or message.content == prefix + 'decline') resp = await bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=50) if resp.content == prefix + 'join': team = db.get_team(u1["team"]) if len(team["members"]) < config.MAXTEAMSIZE: await db.push_team(team["id"], "members", u2["id"]) db.update_user(u2["id"], "team", team["id"]) await"<@!" + str(u2["id"]) + "> has joined team " + team["name"] + "!") await bot.get_channel( config.LOGCHANNEL ).send("`Join Team: " + u2["name"] + " " + team["id"] + " " + str(guildid) + "`") else: await'That team is full!') elif resp.content == prefix + 'decline': await 'You have declined the request!') except: await channel.send("The request has timed out!") else: await channel.send('Your team is full!') else: await channel.send('You do not own a team!') else: await channel.send('That user is already in a team!') else: await channel.send('You must mention another user!')