def test_can_load_block_from_compacted_dict():
    block = baker_factories.make_coin_transfer_block()

    compacted = block.to_compact_dict()
    loaded_block = Block.from_compact_dict(compacted)

    assert loaded_block == block
    def _yield_blocks_from_file(self, file_path, direction, start=None):
        assert direction in (1, -1)
        storage = self.block_storage

        unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker()
        if direction == -1:
            unpacker = always_reversible(unpacker)

        for block_compact_dict in unpacker:
            block = Block.from_compact_dict(block_compact_dict)
            block_number = block.message.block_number
            # TODO(dmu) HIGH: Implement a better skip
            if start is not None:
                if direction == 1 and block_number < start:
                elif direction == -1 and block_number > start:

            self.blocks_cache[block_number] = block
            yield block