def forward(self, *inputs):
        batch = len(inputs) // 6
        lefts = inputs[0: batch]
        rights = inputs[batch: batch * 2]
        dests = inputs[batch * 2: batch * 3]
        labels = inputs[batch * 3: batch * 4]
        sequences = inputs[batch * 4: batch * 5]
        leaf_labels = inputs[batch * 5: batch * 6]

        inds = numpy.argsort([-len(l) for l in lefts])
        # Sort all arrays in descending order and transpose them
        lefts = F.transpose_sequence([lefts[i] for i in inds])
        rights = F.transpose_sequence([rights[i] for i in inds])
        dests = F.transpose_sequence([dests[i] for i in inds])
        labels = F.transpose_sequence([labels[i] for i in inds])
        sequences = F.transpose_sequence([sequences[i] for i in inds])
        leaf_labels = F.transpose_sequence(
            [leaf_labels[i] for i in inds])

        batch = len(inds)
        maxlen = len(sequences)

        loss = 0
        count = 0
        correct = 0

        stack = self.xp.zeros(
            (batch, maxlen * 2, self.n_units), self.xp.float32)
        for i, (word, label) in enumerate(zip(sequences, leaf_labels)):
            batch = word.shape[0]
            es = self.leaf(word)
            ds = self.xp.full((batch,), i, self.xp.int32)
            y = self.label(es)
            loss += F.softmax_cross_entropy(y, label, normalize=False) * batch
            count += batch
            predict = self.xp.argmax(y.array, axis=1)
            correct += (predict == label.array).sum()

            stack = thin_stack.thin_stack_set(stack, ds, es)

        for left, right, dest, label in zip(lefts, rights, dests, labels):
            l, stack = thin_stack.thin_stack_get(stack, left)
            r, stack = thin_stack.thin_stack_get(stack, right)
            o = self.node(l, r)
            y = self.label(o)
            batch = l.shape[0]
            loss += F.softmax_cross_entropy(y, label, normalize=False) * batch
            count += batch
            predict = self.xp.argmax(y.array, axis=1)
            correct += (predict == label.array).sum()

            stack = thin_stack.thin_stack_set(stack, dest, o)

        loss /= count{'loss': loss}, self){'total': count}, self){'correct': correct}, self)
        return loss
    def forward(self, *inputs):
        batch = len(inputs) // 6
        lefts = inputs[0:batch]
        rights = inputs[batch:batch * 2]
        dests = inputs[batch * 2:batch * 3]
        labels = inputs[batch * 3:batch * 4]
        sequences = inputs[batch * 4:batch * 5]
        leaf_labels = inputs[batch * 5:batch * 6]

        inds = numpy.argsort([-len(l) for l in lefts])
        # Sort all arrays in descending order and transpose them
        lefts = F.transpose_sequence([lefts[i] for i in inds])
        rights = F.transpose_sequence([rights[i] for i in inds])
        dests = F.transpose_sequence([dests[i] for i in inds])
        labels = F.transpose_sequence([labels[i] for i in inds])
        sequences = F.transpose_sequence([sequences[i] for i in inds])
        leaf_labels = F.transpose_sequence([leaf_labels[i] for i in inds])

        batch = len(inds)
        maxlen = len(sequences)

        loss = 0
        count = 0
        correct = 0

        stack = self.xp.zeros((batch, maxlen * 2, self.n_units),
        for i, (word, label) in enumerate(zip(sequences, leaf_labels)):
            batch = word.shape[0]
            es = self.leaf(word)
            ds = self.xp.full((batch, ), i, self.xp.int32)
            y = self.label(es)
            loss += F.softmax_cross_entropy(y, label, normalize=False) * batch
            count += batch
            predict = self.xp.argmax(y.array, axis=1)
            correct += (predict == label.array).sum()

            stack = thin_stack.thin_stack_set(stack, ds, es)

        for left, right, dest, label in zip(lefts, rights, dests, labels):
            l, stack = thin_stack.thin_stack_get(stack, left)
            r, stack = thin_stack.thin_stack_get(stack, right)
            o = self.node(l, r)
            y = self.label(o)
            batch = l.shape[0]
            loss += F.softmax_cross_entropy(y, label, normalize=False) * batch
            count += batch
            predict = self.xp.argmax(y.array, axis=1)
            correct += (predict == label.array).sum()

            stack = thin_stack.thin_stack_set(stack, dest, o)

        loss /= count{'loss': loss}, self){'total': count}, self){'correct': correct}, self)
        return loss
Esempio n. 3
    def _compose(self, batch):
        batch_size = int(len(batch) / 5)

        # -- Store Data
        lefts = batch[0:batch_size]
        rights = batch[batch_size:batch_size * 2]
        dests = batch[batch_size * 2:batch_size * 3]
        opes = batch[batch_size * 3:batch_size * 4]
        words = batch[batch_size * 4:batch_size * 5]

        # -- Sort all arrays in descending order and transpose them
        inds = np.argsort([-len(l) for l in lefts])
        root_inds = [len(words[i]) * 2 - 2 for i in inds]
        inds_reverse = [0] * batch_size
        for i, ind in enumerate(inds):
            inds_reverse[ind] = i

        lefts = F.transpose_sequence([lefts[i] for i in inds])
        rights = F.transpose_sequence([rights[i] for i in inds])
        dests = F.transpose_sequence([dests[i] for i in inds])
        opes = F.transpose_sequence([opes[i] for i in inds])
        words = F.transpose_sequence([words[i] for i in inds])

        # -- Store max length of sentence
        maxlen = len(words)

        # -- Calculate compositional vectors
        if self.comp:
            stack = self.xp.zeros((batch_size, maxlen * 2, self.d * 2), 'f')
            stack = self.xp.zeros((batch_size, maxlen * 2, self.d), 'f')

        for i, word in enumerate(words):
            batch = word.shape[0]
            es = self._leaf(word)
            ds = self.xp.full((batch, ), i, 'i')
            stack = TS.thin_stack_set(stack, ds, es)

        for left, right, dest, ope in zip(lefts, rights, dests, opes):
            l, stack = TS.thin_stack_get(stack, left)
            r, stack = TS.thin_stack_get(stack, right)
            o = self._node(l, r,
            stack = TS.thin_stack_set(stack, dest, o)

        lasts_ = stack[self.xp.arange(batch_size, dtype=self.xp.int32),
        lasts = F.concat(
            [F.expand_dims(lasts_[i], axis=0) for i in inds_reverse], axis=0)

        return lasts
Esempio n. 4
    def check_forward(self, s_data, i_data, x_data):
        xp = backend.get_array_module(s_data)
        s = chainer.Variable(s_data)
        i = chainer.Variable(i_data)
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)

        t = thin_stack.thin_stack_set(s, i, x)

        testing.assert_allclose([xp.arange(len(i_data)), i_data], x_data)

        # Thin stack reuses the same ndarray.
Esempio n. 5
    def check_forward(self, s_data, i_data, x_data):
        xp = backend.get_array_module(s_data)
        s = chainer.Variable(s_data)
        i = chainer.Variable(i_data)
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)

        t = thin_stack.thin_stack_set(s, i, x)

            t.array[xp.arange(len(i_data)), i_data], x_data)

        # Thin stack reuses the same ndarray.
        self.assertIs(s_data, t.array)
Esempio n. 6
    def check_backward(self, s_data, i_data, x_data, gt_data):
        # We cannot use check_backward method as a thin stack reuses ndarray.
        gt_old = gt_data.copy()
        s = chainer.Variable(s_data)
        i = chainer.Variable(i_data)
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        t = thin_stack.thin_stack_set(s, i, x)
        t.grad = gt_data

        for j, ind in enumerate(i_data):
            testing.assert_allclose(x.grad[j], gt_old[j, ind])
            for k in range(self.shape[1]):
                if k == ind:
                    testing.assert_allclose(s.grad[j, k], 0)
                    testing.assert_allclose(s.grad[j, k], gt_old[j, k])

        # Thin stack reueses the same gradient array.
        self.assertIs(s.grad, t.grad)
Esempio n. 7
    def check_backward(self, s_data, i_data, x_data, gt_data):
        # We cannot use check_backward method as a thin stack reuses ndarray.
        gt_old = gt_data.copy()
        s = chainer.Variable(s_data)
        i = chainer.Variable(i_data)
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        t = thin_stack.thin_stack_set(s, i, x)
        t.grad = gt_data

        for j, ind in enumerate(i_data):
            testing.assert_allclose(x.grad[j], gt_old[j, ind])
            for k in range(self.shape[1]):
                if k == ind:
                    testing.assert_allclose(s.grad[j, k], 0)
                    testing.assert_allclose(s.grad[j, k], gt_old[j, k])

        # Thin stack reueses the same gradient array.
        self.assertIs(s.grad, t.grad)