def create(self): # create a new object # TODO: validate and sanitize submitted data throughly dc_title = request.POST.getone('dc_title') dc_description = request.POST.getone('dc_description') thing = Thing(title=dc_title, description=dc_description) Session.add(thing) Session.commit() redirect_to('show_thing', uuid=thing.uuid)
def delete(self): # delete a thing # TODO: authorization (who should be able to delete things ?) # should things be deleted at all ? uuids = request.POST.getall('uuid') things = self.thing_q.filter(Thing.uuid.in_(uuids)) for thing in things: Session.delete(thing) Session.commit() for uuid in uuids: flash('Deleted %s.' % uuid) redirect_to('index_things')
def __before__(self): self.thing_q = Session.query(Thing)