Esempio n. 1
def MakeUniformPmf(low, high):
    """Make a uniform Pmf.

    low: lowest value (inclusive)
    high: highest value (inclusive)
    xs = MakeRange(low, high)
    pmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf(xs)
    return pmf
Esempio n. 2
def CoefVariation(suite):
    """Computes the distribution of CV.

    suite: Pmf that maps (x, y) to z

    Returns: Pmf object for CV.
    pmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
    for (m, s), p in suite.Items():
        pmf.Incr(s / m, p)
    return pmf
Esempio n. 3
def BinaryPmf(p):
    """Makes a Pmf with values 1 and 0.
    p: probability given to 1
    Returns: Pmf object
    pmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
    pmf.Set(1, p)
    pmf.Set(0, 1 - p)
    return pmf
Esempio n. 4
def DivideValues(pmf, denom):
    """Divides the values in a Pmf by denom.

    Returns a new Pmf.
    new = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
    denom = float(denom)
    for val, prob in pmf.Items():
        x = val / denom
        new.Set(x, prob)
    return new
Esempio n. 5
    def MakeRawScoreDist(self, efficacies):
        """Makes the distribution of raw scores for given difficulty.

        efficacies: Pmf of efficacy
        pmfs = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
        for efficacy, prob in efficacies.Items():
            scores = self.PmfCorrect(efficacy)
            pmfs.Set(scores, prob)

        mix = thinkbayes2.MakeMixture(pmfs)
        return mix
Esempio n. 6
def RunLoop(gap_times, nums, lam=0.0333):
    """Runs the basic analysis for a range of num_passengers.

    gap_times: sequence of float
    nums: sequence of values for num_passengers
    lam: arrival rate in passengers per second

    Returns: WaitMixtureEstimator
    global UPPER_BOUND
    UPPER_BOUND = 4000



    # resample gap_times
    n = 220
    cdf_z = thinkbayes2.Cdf(gap_times)
    sample_z = cdf_z.Sample(n)
    pmf_z = thinkbayes2.Pmf(sample_z)

    # compute the biased pmf and add some long delays
    cdf_zp = BiasPmf(pmf_z).MakeCdf()
    sample_zb = numpy.append(cdf_zp.Sample(n), [1800, 2400, 3000])

    # smooth the distribution of zb
    pdf_zb = thinkbayes2.EstimatedPdf(sample_zb)
    xs = MakeRange(low=60)
    pmf_zb = pdf_zb.MakePmf(xs=xs)

    # unbias the distribution of zb and make wtc
    pmf_z = UnbiasPmf(pmf_zb)
    wtc = WaitTimeCalculator(pmf_z)

    probs = []
    for num_passengers in nums:
        ete = ElapsedTimeEstimator(wtc, lam, num_passengers)

        # compute the posterior prob of waiting more than 15 minutes
        cdf_y = ete.pmf_y.MakeCdf()
        prob = 1 - cdf_y.Prob(900)

        # thinkplot.Cdf(ete.pmf_y.MakeCdf(label=str(num_passengers)))

    thinkplot.Plot(nums, probs)
        xlabel='Num passengers',
        ylabel='P(y > 15 min)',
def PmfMax(pmf1, pmf2):
    """Computes the distribution of the max of values drawn from two Pmfs.

    pmf1, pmf2: Pmf objects

    returns: new Pmf
    res = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
    for v1, p1 in pmf1.Items():
        for v2, p2 in pmf2.Items():
            res.Incr(max(v1, v2), p1 * p2)
    return res
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self):
        self.scale = ReadScale()

        scores = ReadRanks()
        score_pmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf(dict(scores))

        self.raw = self.ReverseScale(score_pmf)
        self.max_score = max(self.raw.Values())
        self.prior = DivideValues(self.raw, denom=self.max_score)

        center = -0.05
        width = 1.8
        self.difficulties = MakeDifficulties(center, width, self.max_score)
Esempio n. 9
def PmfCorrect(efficacy, difficulties):
    """Computes the distribution of correct responses.

    efficacy: personal ability to answer questions
    difficulties: list of difficulties, one for each question

    Returns: new Pmf object
    pmf0 = thinkbayes2.Pmf([0])

    ps = [ProbCorrect(efficacy, difficulty) for difficulty in difficulties]
    pmfs = [BinaryPmf(p) for p in ps]
    dist = sum(pmfs, pmf0)
    return dist
Esempio n. 10
def PmfOfWaitTime(pmf_zb):
    """Distribution of wait time.

    pmf_zb: dist of gap time as seen by a random observer

    Returns: dist of wait time (also dist of elapsed time)
    metapmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
    for gap, prob in pmf_zb.Items():
        uniform = MakeUniformPmf(0, gap)
        metapmf.Set(uniform, prob)

    pmf_y = thinkbayes2.MakeMixture(metapmf, label='y')
    return pmf_y
Esempio n. 11
def MakeGoalTimePmf(suite):
    """Makes the distribution of time til first goal.

    suite: distribution of goal-scoring rate

    returns: Pmf of goals per game
    metapmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf()

    for lam, prob in suite.Items():
        pmf = thinkbayes2.MakeExponentialPmf(lam, high=2, n=2001)
        metapmf.Set(pmf, prob)

    mix = thinkbayes2.MakeMixture(metapmf, label=suite.label)
    return mix
Esempio n. 12
def after_two_days(trap):
    Predict the posterior distribution after two days

    mix = thinkbayes2.Pmf()

    for lam1, prob1 in trap.Items():
        for lam2, prob2 in trap.Items():
            if lam1 + lam2 <= trap.nb_trap:
                mix.Incr(lam1 + lam2, prob1 * prob2)


    return mix
Esempio n. 13
def after_two_months(bulb):
    Predict the posterior distribution after two days

    mix = thinkbayes2.Pmf()

    for lam1, prob1 in bulb.Items():
        for lam2, prob2 in bulb.Items():
            if lam1 + lam2 <= bulb.nb_bulb:
                mix.Incr(lam1 + lam2, prob1 * prob2)


    return mix
Esempio n. 14
    def ReverseScale(self, pmf):
        """Applies the reverse scale to the values of a PMF.

            pmf: Pmf object
            scale: Interpolator object

            new Pmf
        new = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
        for val, prob in pmf.Items():
            raw = self.Reverse(val)
            new.Incr(raw, prob)
        return new
Esempio n. 15
    def PredRemaining(self, rem_time, points_scored):
        """Plots the predictive distribution for final number of goals.

        rem_time: remaining time in the game in minutes
        points_scored: points already scored
        scorePredict = self.score.PredRemaining(rem_time, 0)
        scorePmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
        for prob_td, prob_p in self.TDPercent.Items():
            tdProbPmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
            for scores, prob_s in scorePredict.Items():
                for num_tds in range(scores + 1):
                    num_fgs = scores - num_tds
                    points = 7 * num_tds + 3 * num_fgs
                    ncr = thinkbayes2.BinomialCoef(scores, num_tds)
                        prob_s * ncr * (prob_td**num_tds *
                                        (1 - prob_td)**num_fgs))
            scorePmf.Incr(tdProbPmf, prob_p)

        mix = thinkbayes2.MakeMixture(scorePmf)
        mix += points_scored
        return mix
Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self, label=None):
            - Upon setting priors, we generate a pmf for each hypo that represents
            the probability that an observed user has not logged in for a
            specified amount of time.
            - This generation of pmfs was initially done in likelihood, but this
            became to computationally expensive to do given the size of our data
            set. It is faster to calculate all pmfs before trying to run any updates.
        # Ensure that the __init__'s of super classes are carried out
        super(Lambda, self).__init__()

        # Initialize container for hypo pmfs
        self.hypPmfs = []

        # Iterate through all 100 hypos. These each represent hours since login
        for hypo in range(1, 101):

            # Set up exponential Pmf for a given lambda value;
            if (hypo != 0):
                interarrival = thinkbayes2.MakeExponentialPmf(1 / hypo,
            for val, prob in interarrival.Items():
                interarrival[val] *= val

            # Make a mixture of uniform distributions of time since last login
            metapmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
            for time, prob in interarrival.Items():
                if time == 0:
                pmf = thinkbayes2.MakeUniformPmf(0, time, 101)
                metapmf[pmf] = prob

            timesince = thinkbayes2.MakeMixture(metapmf)

            # Make a cdf using the mixture
            cdf = thinkbayes2.Cdf(timesince)

            # Take derivative of cdf to generate its pmf
            xs = numpy.linspace(0, 100, 101)
            ys = [scipy.misc.derivative(cdf.Prob, x) for x in xs]
            items = dict(zip(xs, ys))
            pmf = thinkbayes2.MakePmfFromItems(items)

            # Store pmf in object to be called on later in Likelihood
Esempio n. 17
def PlotConditionalSurvival(durations):
    """Plots conditional survival curves for a range of t0.

    durations: list of durations
    pmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf(durations)

    times = [8, 16, 24, 32]

    for t0 in times:
        sf = ConditionalSurvival(pmf, t0)
        label = 't0=%d' % t0
        thinkplot.Plot(sf, label=label)

Esempio n. 18
def MakeGoalPmf(suite, high=10):
    """Makes the distribution of goals scored, given distribution of lam.

    suite: distribution of goal-scoring rate
    high: upper bound

    returns: Pmf of goals per game
    metapmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf()

    for lam, prob in suite.Items():
        pmf = thinkbayes2.MakePoissonPmf(lam, high)
        metapmf.Set(pmf, prob)

    mix = thinkbayes2.MakeMixture(metapmf, label=suite.label)
    return mix
Esempio n. 19
    def PredRemaining(self, rem_time, score):
        """Plots the predictive distribution for final number of goals.

        rem_time: remaining time in the game in minutes
        score: number of goals already scored
        metapmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf(
        )  #PMF about PMFS. probabilities of pmf values
        for lam, prob in self.Items():  #loop through probabilities of lamdas
            lt = lam * rem_time / 60
            pmf = thinkbayes2.MakePoissonPmf(lt, 20)
            metapmf[pmf] = prob

        mix = thinkbayes2.MakeMixture(metapmf)
        mix += score
        return mix
Esempio n. 20
def ConditionalSurvival(pmf, t0):
    """Computes conditional survival function.

    Probability that duration exceeds t0+t, given that
    duration >= t0.

    pmf: Pmf of durations
    t0: minimum time

    returns: tuple of (ts, conditional survivals)
    cond = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
    for t, p in pmf.Items():
        if t >= t0:
            cond.Set(t - t0, p)
    return MakeSurvivalFromCdf(cond.MakeCdf())
    def PredRemaining(self, rem_time, score):
        """Plots the predictive distribution for final number of goals.

        rem_time: remaining time in the game in minutes
        score: number of goals already scored
        metapmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
        for lam, prob in self.Items():
            lt = lam * rem_time / 90
            pred = thinkbayes2.MakePoissonPmf(lt, 15)
            metapmf[pred] = prob
            #thinkplot.Pdf(pred, color='gray', alpha=0.1, linewidth=0.5)

        mix = thinkbayes2.MakeMixture(metapmf)
        mix += score
Esempio n. 22
    def MakePmf(self, filler=None):
        """Makes a PMF of lifetimes.

        filler: value to replace missing values

        returns: Pmf
        cdf = thinkbayes2.Cdf(self.ts, 1 -
        pmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
        for val, prob in cdf.Items():
            pmf.Set(val, prob)

        cutoff =[-1]
        if filler is not None:
            pmf[filler] = 1 - cutoff

        return pmf
Esempio n. 23
    def __init__(self, wtc, are, num_passengers=15):

        wtc: WaitTimeCalculator
        are: ArrivalTimeEstimator
        num_passengers: number of passengers seen on the platform
        self.metapmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf()

        for lam, prob in sorted(are.post_lam.Items()):
            ete = ElapsedTimeEstimator(wtc, lam, num_passengers)
            self.metapmf.Set(ete.pmf_y, prob)

        self.mixture = thinkbayes2.MakeMixture(self.metapmf)

        lam = are.post_lam.Mean()
        ete = ElapsedTimeEstimator(wtc, lam, num_passengers)
        self.point = ete.pmf_y
Esempio n. 24
def MakePmfTest(shelf, **options):
    """Makes a discrete version of this Pdf.

    options can include
    label: string
    low: low end of range
    high: high end of range
    n: number of places to evaluate

    Returns: new Pmf
    label = options.pop('label', '')
    xs, ds = Render(shelf,**options)
    return thinkbayes2.Pmf(dict(zip(xs, ds)), label=label)
Esempio n. 25
    def PredRemaining(self, rem_time, score):
        """Plots the predictive distribution for final number of goals.

        rem_time: remaining time in the game in minutes
        score: number of goals already scored
        metapmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf(
        )  #PMF about PMFS. probabilities of pmf values
        for lam, prob in self.Items():  #loop through probabilities of lamdas
            lt = lam * rem_time / 60
            pmf = thinkbayes2.MakePoissonPmf(lt, 20)
            metapmf[pmf] = prob

        mix = thinkbayes2.MakeMixture(metapmf)
        mix += score  #shift by 2 because we've already seen 2
        return mix
Esempio n. 26
def MakeLocationPmf(alpha, beta, locations):
    """Computes the Pmf of the locations, given alpha and beta. 

    Given that the shooter is at coordinates (alpha, beta),
    the probability of hitting any spot is inversely proportionate
    to the strafe speed.

    alpha: x position
    beta: y position
    locations: x locations where the pmf is evaluated

    Returns: Pmf object
    pmf = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
    for x in locations:
        prob = 1.0 / StrafingSpeed(alpha, beta, x)
        pmf.Set(x, prob)
    return pmf
Esempio n. 27
    def __init__(self, xs, pcounts, passenger_data):
        self.xs = xs
        self.pcounts = pcounts
        self.passenger_data = passenger_data

        self.wait_times = [y for _k1, y, _k2 in passenger_data]
        self.pmf_y = thinkbayes2.Pmf(self.wait_times, label="y")

        dirichlet = GapDirichlet2(self.xs)
        dirichlet.params /= 1.0

        dirichlet.params /= 20.0

        self.prior_zb = dirichlet.PredictivePmf(self.xs, label="prior zb")

        for k1, y, _k2 in passenger_data:
            dirichlet.Update((k1, y))

        self.pmf_mean_zb = dirichlet.PmfMeanZb()

        self.post_zb = dirichlet.PredictivePmf(self.xs, label="post zb")
        self.post_z = UnbiasPmf(self.post_zb, label="post z")
Esempio n. 28
    def PmfMeanZb(self):
        """Makes the Pmf of mean zb.

        Values stored in mean_zbs.
        return thinkbayes2.Pmf(self.mean_zbs)
def main():
    pmf_dice = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
    pmf_dice.Set(Die(4), 5)
    pmf_dice.Set(Die(6), 4)
    pmf_dice.Set(Die(8), 3)
    pmf_dice.Set(Die(12), 2)
    pmf_dice.Set(Die(20), 1)

    mix = thinkbayes2.Pmf()
    for die, weight in pmf_dice.Items():
        for outcome, prob in die.Items():
            mix.Incr(outcome, weight * prob)

    mix = thinkbayes2.MakeMixture(pmf_dice)

    thinkplot.Hist(mix, width=0.9)


    d6 = Die(6, 'd6')

    dice = [d6] * 3
    three = thinkbayes2.SampleSum(dice, 1000)
    three.label = 'sample'

    three_exact = d6 + d6 + d6
    three_exact.label = 'exact'

    thinkplot.Pmf(three_exact, linestyle='dashed')
                   xlabel='Sum of three d6',
                   axis=[2, 19, 0, 0.15],


    # compute the distribution of the best attribute the hard way
    best_attr2 = PmfMax(three_exact, three_exact)
    best_attr4 = PmfMax(best_attr2, best_attr2)
    best_attr6 = PmfMax(best_attr4, best_attr2)
    # thinkplot.Pmf(best_attr6)

    # and the easy way
    best_attr_cdf = three_exact.Max(6)
    best_attr_cdf.label = ''
    best_attr_pmf = best_attr_cdf.MakePmf()

                   xlabel='Sum of three d6',
                   axis=[2, 19, 0, 0.23],