Esempio n. 1
    def sqlShell(self):
        infoMsg = "calling %s shell. To quit type " % Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()
        infoMsg += "'x' or 'q' and press ENTER"


        while True:
            query = None

                if (Backend.isDbms(DBMS.SHELL)):
                    query = _input("shell> ")
                elif (Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PHP)):
                    query = _input("php-shell> ")
                elif (Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PYTHON)):
                    query = _input("python-shell> ")
                    query = _input("sql-shell> ")
                query = getUnicode(query, encoding=sys.stdin.encoding)
                query = query.strip("; ")
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                errMsg = "user aborted"
            except EOFError:
                errMsg = "exit"

            if not query:

            if query.lower() in ("x", "q", "exit", "quit"):

            output = self.sqlQuery(query)

            if output and output != "Quit":
                conf.dumper.sqlQuery(query, output)

            elif not output:

            elif output != "Quit":
                dataToStdout("No output\n")
Esempio n. 2
    def shell(self):
        if self.webBackdoorUrl and (not isStackingAvailable() or kb.udfFail):
            infoMsg = "calling OS shell. To quit type "
            infoMsg += "'x' or 'q' and press ENTER"

            if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL) and self.checkCopyExec():
                infoMsg = "going to use 'COPY ... FROM PROGRAM ...' "
                infoMsg += "command execution"

            elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL):
                infoMsg = "going to use injected user-defined functions "
                infoMsg += "'sys_eval' and 'sys_exec' for operating system "
                infoMsg += "command execution"

            elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL):
                infoMsg = "going to use extended procedure 'xp_cmdshell' for "
                infoMsg += "operating system command execution"

                errMsg = "feature not yet implemented for the back-end DBMS"
                raise SqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg)

            infoMsg = "calling %s OS shell. To quit type " % (Backend.getOs()
                                                              or "Windows")
            infoMsg += "'x' or 'q' and press ENTER"

                       OS.WINDOWS if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) else OS.LINUX)

        while True:
            command = None

                command = _input("os-shell> ")
                command = getUnicode(command, encoding=sys.stdin.encoding)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                errMsg = "user aborted"
            except EOFError:
                errMsg = "exit"

            if not command:

            if command.lower() in ("x", "q", "exit", "quit"):

Esempio n. 3
    def shell_exec(self):
        infoMsg = "calling %s system shell (shell_exec). To quit type " % Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()
        infoMsg += "'x' or 'q' and press ENTER"
        # self.checkDbmsOs

        autoCompletion(AUTOCOMPLETE_TYPE.OS, OS.WINDOWS if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) else OS.LINUX)

        while True:
            query = None

                cmd = _input("os-shell> ")
                query = "shell_exec('%s');" % cmd
                query = getUnicode(query, encoding=sys.stdin.encoding)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                errMsg = "user aborted"
            except EOFError:
                errMsg = "exit"

            if not query:

            if cmd.lower() in ("x", "q", "exit", "quit"):

            output = self.sqlQuery(query)

            if output and output != "Quit":
                conf.dumper.sqlQuery(query, output)

            elif not output:

            elif output != "Quit":
                dataToStdout("No output\n")
Esempio n. 4
def cmdLineParser(argv=None):
    This function parses the command line parameters and arguments

    if not argv:
        argv = sys.argv


    # Reference: (Note: previously used "...sys.getfilesystemencoding() or UNICODE_ENCODING")
    _ = getUnicode(os.path.basename(argv[0]), encoding=sys.stdin.encoding)

    usage = "%s%s [options]" % ("%s " % os.path.basename(sys.executable) if not IS_WIN else "", "\"%s\"" % _ if " " in _ else _)
    parser = ArgumentParser(usage=usage)

        parser.add_argument("--hh", dest="advancedHelp", action="store_true",
            help="Show advanced help message and exit")

        parser.add_argument("--version", dest="showVersion", action="store_true",
            help="Show program's version number and exit")

        parser.add_argument("-v", dest="verbose", type=int,
            help="Verbosity level: 0-6 (default %d)" % defaults.verbose)

        # Target options
        target = parser.add_argument_group("Target", "At least one of these options has to be provided to define the target(s)")

        target.add_argument("-d", dest="direct",
            help="Connection string for direct database connection")

        target.add_argument("-u", "--url", dest="url",
            help="Target URL (e.g. \"\")")

        target.add_argument("-l", dest="logFile",
            help="Parse target(s) from Burp or WebScarab proxy log file")

        target.add_argument("-m", dest="bulkFile",
            help="Scan multiple targets given in a textual file ")

        target.add_argument("-r", dest="requestFile",
            help="Load HTTP request from a file")

        target.add_argument("-g", dest="googleDork",
            help="Process Google dork results as target URLs")

        target.add_argument("-c", dest="configFile",
            help="Load options from a configuration INI file")

        # Request options
        request = parser.add_argument_group("Request", "These options can be used to specify how to connect to the target URL")

        request.add_argument("-A", "--user-agent", dest="agent",
            help="HTTP User-Agent header value")

        request.add_argument("-H", "--header", dest="header",
            help="Extra header (e.g. \"X-Forwarded-For:\")")

        request.add_argument("--method", dest="method",
            help="Force usage of given HTTP method (e.g. PUT)")

        request.add_argument("--data", dest="data",
            help="Data string to be sent through POST (e.g. \"id=1\")")

        request.add_argument("--param-del", dest="paramDel",
            help="Character used for splitting parameter values (e.g. &)")

        request.add_argument("--cookie", dest="cookie",
            help="HTTP Cookie header value (e.g. \"PHPSESSID=a8d127e..\")")

        request.add_argument("--cookie-del", dest="cookieDel",
            help="Character used for splitting cookie values (e.g. ;)")

        request.add_argument("--load-cookies", dest="loadCookies",
            help="File containing cookies in Netscape/wget format")

        request.add_argument("--drop-set-cookie", dest="dropSetCookie", action="store_true",
            help="Ignore Set-Cookie header from response")

        request.add_argument("--mobile", dest="mobile", action="store_true",
            help="Imitate smartphone through HTTP User-Agent header")

        request.add_argument("--random-agent", dest="randomAgent", action="store_true",
            help="Use randomly selected HTTP User-Agent header value")

        request.add_argument("--host", dest="host",
            help="HTTP Host header value")

        request.add_argument("--referer", dest="referer",
            help="HTTP Referer header value")

        request.add_argument("--headers", dest="headers",
            help="Extra headers (e.g. \"Accept-Language: fr\\nETag: 123\")")

        request.add_argument("--auth-type", dest="authType",
            help="HTTP authentication type (Basic, Digest, NTLM or PKI)")

        request.add_argument("--auth-cred", dest="authCred",
            help="HTTP authentication credentials (name:password)")

        request.add_argument("--auth-file", dest="authFile",
            help="HTTP authentication PEM cert/private key file")

        request.add_argument("--ignore-code", dest="ignoreCode",
            help="Ignore (problematic) HTTP error code (e.g. 401)")

        request.add_argument("--ignore-proxy", dest="ignoreProxy", action="store_true",
            help="Ignore system default proxy settings")

        request.add_argument("--ignore-redirects", dest="ignoreRedirects", action="store_true",
            help="Ignore redirection attempts")

        request.add_argument("--ignore-timeouts", dest="ignoreTimeouts", action="store_true",
            help="Ignore connection timeouts")

        request.add_argument("--proxy", dest="proxy",
            help="Use a proxy to connect to the target URL")

        request.add_argument("--proxy-cred", dest="proxyCred",
            help="Proxy authentication credentials (name:password)")

        request.add_argument("--proxy-file", dest="proxyFile",
            help="Load proxy list from a file")

        request.add_argument("--tor", dest="tor", action="store_true",
            help="Use Tor anonymity network")

        request.add_argument("--tor-port", dest="torPort",
            help="Set Tor proxy port other than default")

        request.add_argument("--tor-type", dest="torType",
            help="Set Tor proxy type (HTTP, SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 (default))")

        request.add_argument("--check-tor", dest="checkTor", action="store_true",
            help="Check to see if Tor is used properly")

        request.add_argument("--delay", dest="delay", type=float,
            help="Delay in seconds between each HTTP request")

        request.add_argument("--timeout", dest="timeout", type=float,
            help="Seconds to wait before timeout connection (default %d)" % defaults.timeout)

        request.add_argument("--retries", dest="retries", type=int,
            help="Retries when the connection timeouts (default %d)" % defaults.retries)

        request.add_argument("--randomize", dest="rParam",
            help="Randomly change value for given parameter(s)")

        request.add_argument("--safe-url", dest="safeUrl",
            help="URL address to visit frequently during testing")

        request.add_argument("--safe-post", dest="safePost",
            help="POST data to send to a safe URL")

        request.add_argument("--safe-req", dest="safeReqFile",
            help="Load safe HTTP request from a file")

        request.add_argument("--safe-freq", dest="safeFreq", type=int,
            help="Test requests between two visits to a given safe URL")

        request.add_argument("--skip-urlencode", dest="skipUrlEncode", action="store_true",
            help="Skip URL encoding of payload data")

        request.add_argument("--csrf-token", dest="csrfToken",
            help="Parameter used to hold anti-CSRF token")

        request.add_argument("--csrf-url", dest="csrfUrl",
            help="URL address to visit for extraction of anti-CSRF token")

        request.add_argument("--csrf-method", dest="csrfMethod",
            help="HTTP method to use during anti-CSRF token page visit")

        request.add_argument("--force-ssl", dest="forceSSL", action="store_true",
            help="Force usage of SSL/HTTPS")

        request.add_argument("--chunked", dest="chunked", action="store_true",
            help="Use HTTP chunked transfer encoded (POST) requests")

        request.add_argument("--hpp", dest="hpp", action="store_true",
            help="Use HTTP parameter pollution method")

        request.add_argument("--eval", dest="evalCode",
            help="Evaluate provided Python code before the request (e.g. \"import hashlib;id2=hashlib.md5(id).hexdigest()\")")

        # Optimization options
        optimization = parser.add_argument_group("Optimization", "These options can be used to optimize the performance of sqlmap")

        optimization.add_argument("-o", dest="optimize", action="store_true",
            help="Turn on all optimization switches")

        optimization.add_argument("--predict-output", dest="predictOutput", action="store_true",
            help="Predict common queries output")

        optimization.add_argument("--keep-alive", dest="keepAlive", action="store_true",
            help="Use persistent HTTP(s) connections")

        optimization.add_argument("--null-connection", dest="nullConnection", action="store_true",
            help="Retrieve page length without actual HTTP response body")

        optimization.add_argument("--threads", dest="threads", type=int,
            help="Max number of concurrent HTTP(s) requests (default %d)" % defaults.threads)

        # Injection options
        injection = parser.add_argument_group("Injection", "These options can be used to specify which parameters to test for, provide custom injection payloads and optional tampering scripts")

        injection.add_argument("-p", dest="testParameter",
            help="Testable parameter(s)")

        injection.add_argument("--skip", dest="skip",
            help="Skip testing for given parameter(s)")

        injection.add_argument("--skip-static", dest="skipStatic", action="store_true",
            help="Skip testing parameters that not appear to be dynamic")

        injection.add_argument("--param-exclude", dest="paramExclude",
            help="Regexp to exclude parameters from testing (e.g. \"ses\")")

        injection.add_argument("--param-filter", dest="paramFilter",
            help="Select testable parameter(s) by place (e.g. \"POST\")")

        injection.add_argument("--dbms", dest="dbms",
            help="Force back-end DBMS to provided value")

        injection.add_argument("--dbms-cred", dest="dbmsCred",
            help="DBMS authentication credentials (user:password)")

        injection.add_argument("--os", dest="os",
            help="Force back-end DBMS operating system to provided value")

        injection.add_argument("--invalid-bignum", dest="invalidBignum", action="store_true",
            help="Use big numbers for invalidating values")

        injection.add_argument("--invalid-logical", dest="invalidLogical", action="store_true",
            help="Use logical operations for invalidating values")

        injection.add_argument("--invalid-string", dest="invalidString", action="store_true",
            help="Use random strings for invalidating values")

        injection.add_argument("--no-cast", dest="noCast", action="store_true",
            help="Turn off payload casting mechanism")

        injection.add_argument("--no-escape", dest="noEscape", action="store_true",
            help="Turn off string escaping mechanism")

        injection.add_argument("--prefix", dest="prefix",
            help="Injection payload prefix string")

        injection.add_argument("--suffix", dest="suffix",
            help="Injection payload suffix string")

        injection.add_argument("--tamper", dest="tamper",
            help="Use given script(s) for tampering injection data")

        # Detection options
        detection = parser.add_argument_group("Detection", "These options can be used to customize the detection phase")

        detection.add_argument("--level", dest="level", type=int,
            help="Level of tests to perform (1-5, default %d)" % defaults.level)

        detection.add_argument("--risk", dest="risk", type=int,
            help="Risk of tests to perform (1-3, default %d)" % defaults.risk)

        detection.add_argument("--string", dest="string",
            help="String to match when query is evaluated to True")

        detection.add_argument("--not-string", dest="notString",
            help="String to match when query is evaluated to False")

        detection.add_argument("--regexp", dest="regexp",
            help="Regexp to match when query is evaluated to True")

        detection.add_argument("--code", dest="code", type=int,
            help="HTTP code to match when query is evaluated to True")

        detection.add_argument("--smart", dest="smart", action="store_true",
            help="Perform thorough tests only if positive heuristic(s)")

        detection.add_argument("--text-only", dest="textOnly", action="store_true",
            help="Compare pages based only on the textual content")

        detection.add_argument("--titles", dest="titles", action="store_true",
            help="Compare pages based only on their titles")

        # Techniques options
        techniques = parser.add_argument_group("Techniques", "These options can be used to tweak testing of specific SQL injection techniques")

        techniques.add_argument("--technique", dest="technique",
            help="SQL injection techniques to use (default \"%s\")" % defaults.technique)

        techniques.add_argument("--time-sec", dest="timeSec", type=int,
            help="Seconds to delay the DBMS response (default %d)" % defaults.timeSec)

        techniques.add_argument("--union-cols", dest="uCols",
            help="Range of columns to test for UNION query SQL injection")

        techniques.add_argument("--union-char", dest="uChar",
            help="Character to use for bruteforcing number of columns")

        techniques.add_argument("--union-from", dest="uFrom",
            help="Table to use in FROM part of UNION query SQL injection")

        techniques.add_argument("--dns-domain", dest="dnsDomain",
            help="Domain name used for DNS exfiltration attack")

        techniques.add_argument("--second-url", dest="secondUrl",
            help="Resulting page URL searched for second-order response")

        techniques.add_argument("--second-req", dest="secondReq",
            help="Load second-order HTTP request from file")

        # Fingerprint options
        fingerprint = parser.add_argument_group("Fingerprint")

        fingerprint.add_argument("-f", "--fingerprint", dest="extensiveFp", action="store_true",
            help="Perform an extensive DBMS version fingerprint")

        # Enumeration options
        enumeration = parser.add_argument_group("Enumeration", "These options can be used to enumerate the back-end database management system information, structure and data contained in the tables")

        enumeration.add_argument("-a", "--all", dest="getAll", action="store_true",
            help="Retrieve everything")

        enumeration.add_argument("-b", "--banner", dest="getBanner", action="store_true",
            help="Retrieve DBMS banner")

        enumeration.add_argument("--current-user", dest="getCurrentUser", action="store_true",
            help="Retrieve DBMS current user")

        enumeration.add_argument("--current-db", dest="getCurrentDb", action="store_true",
            help="Retrieve DBMS current database")

        enumeration.add_argument("--hostname", dest="getHostname", action="store_true",
            help="Retrieve DBMS server hostname")

        enumeration.add_argument("--is-dba", dest="isDba", action="store_true",
            help="Detect if the DBMS current user is DBA")

        enumeration.add_argument("--users", dest="getUsers", action="store_true",
            help="Enumerate DBMS users")

        enumeration.add_argument("--passwords", dest="getPasswordHashes", action="store_true",
            help="Enumerate DBMS users password hashes")

        enumeration.add_argument("--privileges", dest="getPrivileges", action="store_true",
            help="Enumerate DBMS users privileges")

        enumeration.add_argument("--roles", dest="getRoles", action="store_true",
            help="Enumerate DBMS users roles")

        enumeration.add_argument("--dbs", dest="getDbs", action="store_true",
            help="Enumerate DBMS databases")

        enumeration.add_argument("--tables", dest="getTables", action="store_true",
            help="Enumerate DBMS database tables")

        enumeration.add_argument("--columns", dest="getColumns", action="store_true",
            help="Enumerate DBMS database table columns")

        enumeration.add_argument("--schema", dest="getSchema", action="store_true",
            help="Enumerate DBMS schema")

        enumeration.add_argument("--count", dest="getCount", action="store_true",
            help="Retrieve number of entries for table(s)")

        enumeration.add_argument("--dump", dest="dumpTable", action="store_true",
            help="Dump DBMS database table entries")

        enumeration.add_argument("--dump-all", dest="dumpAll", action="store_true",
            help="Dump all DBMS databases tables entries")

        enumeration.add_argument("--search", dest="search", action="store_true",
            help="Search column(s), table(s) and/or database name(s)")

        enumeration.add_argument("--comments", dest="getComments", action="store_true",
            help="Check for DBMS comments during enumeration")

        enumeration.add_argument("--statements", dest="getStatements", action="store_true",
            help="Retrieve SQL statements being run on DBMS")

        enumeration.add_argument("-D", dest="db",
            help="DBMS database to enumerate")

        enumeration.add_argument("-T", dest="tbl",
            help="DBMS database table(s) to enumerate")

        enumeration.add_argument("-C", dest="col",
            help="DBMS database table column(s) to enumerate")

        enumeration.add_argument("-X", dest="exclude",
            help="DBMS database identifier(s) to not enumerate")

        enumeration.add_argument("-U", dest="user",
            help="DBMS user to enumerate")

        enumeration.add_argument("--exclude-sysdbs", dest="excludeSysDbs", action="store_true",
            help="Exclude DBMS system databases when enumerating tables")

        enumeration.add_argument("--pivot-column", dest="pivotColumn",
            help="Pivot column name")

        enumeration.add_argument("--where", dest="dumpWhere",
            help="Use WHERE condition while table dumping")

        enumeration.add_argument("--start", dest="limitStart", type=int,
            help="First dump table entry to retrieve")

        enumeration.add_argument("--stop", dest="limitStop", type=int,
            help="Last dump table entry to retrieve")

        enumeration.add_argument("--first", dest="firstChar", type=int,
            help="First query output word character to retrieve")

        enumeration.add_argument("--last", dest="lastChar", type=int,
            help="Last query output word character to retrieve")

        enumeration.add_argument("--sql-query", dest="sqlQuery",
            help="SQL statement to be executed")

        enumeration.add_argument("--sql-shell", dest="sqlShell", action="store_true",
            help="Prompt for an interactive SQL shell")

        enumeration.add_argument("--sql-file", dest="sqlFile",
            help="Execute SQL statements from given file(s)")

        # Brute force options
        brute = parser.add_argument_group("Brute force", "These options can be used to run brute force checks")

        brute.add_argument("--common-tables", dest="commonTables", action="store_true",
            help="Check existence of common tables")

        brute.add_argument("--common-columns", dest="commonColumns", action="store_true",
            help="Check existence of common columns")

        brute.add_argument("--common-files", dest="commonFiles", action="store_true",
            help="Check existence of common files")

        # User-defined function options
        udf = parser.add_argument_group("User-defined function injection", "These options can be used to create custom user-defined functions")

        udf.add_argument("--udf-inject", dest="udfInject", action="store_true",
            help="Inject custom user-defined functions")

        udf.add_argument("--shared-lib", dest="shLib",
            help="Local path of the shared library")

        # File system options
        filesystem = parser.add_argument_group("File system access", "These options can be used to access the back-end database management system underlying file system")

        filesystem.add_argument("--file-read", dest="fileRead",
            help="Read a file from the back-end DBMS file system")

        filesystem.add_argument("--file-write", dest="fileWrite",
            help="Write a local file on the back-end DBMS file system")

        filesystem.add_argument("--file-dest", dest="fileDest",
            help="Back-end DBMS absolute filepath to write to")

        # Takeover options
        takeover = parser.add_argument_group("Operating system access", "These options can be used to access the back-end database management system underlying operating system")

        takeover.add_argument("--os-cmd", dest="osCmd",
            help="Execute an operating system command")

        takeover.add_argument("--os-shell", dest="osShell", action="store_true",
            help="Prompt for an interactive operating system shell")

        takeover.add_argument("--os-pwn", dest="osPwn", action="store_true",
            help="Prompt for an OOB shell, Meterpreter or VNC")

        takeover.add_argument("--os-smbrelay", dest="osSmb", action="store_true",
            help="One click prompt for an OOB shell, Meterpreter or VNC")

        takeover.add_argument("--os-bof", dest="osBof", action="store_true",
            help="Stored procedure buffer overflow "

        takeover.add_argument("--priv-esc", dest="privEsc", action="store_true",
            help="Database process user privilege escalation")

        takeover.add_argument("--msf-path", dest="msfPath",
            help="Local path where Metasploit Framework is installed")

        takeover.add_argument("--tmp-path", dest="tmpPath",
            help="Remote absolute path of temporary files directory")

        # Windows registry options
        windows = parser.add_argument_group("Windows registry access", "These options can be used to access the back-end database management system Windows registry")

        windows.add_argument("--reg-read", dest="regRead", action="store_true",
            help="Read a Windows registry key value")

        windows.add_argument("--reg-add", dest="regAdd", action="store_true",
            help="Write a Windows registry key value data")

        windows.add_argument("--reg-del", dest="regDel", action="store_true",
            help="Delete a Windows registry key value")

        windows.add_argument("--reg-key", dest="regKey",
            help="Windows registry key")

        windows.add_argument("--reg-value", dest="regVal",
            help="Windows registry key value")

        windows.add_argument("--reg-data", dest="regData",
            help="Windows registry key value data")

        windows.add_argument("--reg-type", dest="regType",
            help="Windows registry key value type")

        # General options
        general = parser.add_argument_group("General", "These options can be used to set some general working parameters")

        general.add_argument("-s", dest="sessionFile",
            help="Load session from a stored (.sqlite) file")

        general.add_argument("-t", dest="trafficFile",
            help="Log all HTTP traffic into a textual file")

        general.add_argument("--answers", dest="answers",
            help="Set predefined answers (e.g. \"quit=N,follow=N\")")

        general.add_argument("--batch", dest="batch", action="store_true",
            help="Never ask for user input, use the default behavior")

        general.add_argument("--binary-fields", dest="binaryFields",
            help="Result fields having binary values (e.g. \"digest\")")

        general.add_argument("--check-internet", dest="checkInternet", action="store_true",
            help="Check Internet connection before assessing the target")

        general.add_argument("--cleanup", dest="cleanup", action="store_true",
            help="Clean up the DBMS from sqlmap specific UDF and tables")

        general.add_argument("--crawl", dest="crawlDepth", type=int,
            help="Crawl the website starting from the target URL")

        general.add_argument("--crawl-exclude", dest="crawlExclude",
            help="Regexp to exclude pages from crawling (e.g. \"logout\")")

        general.add_argument("--csv-del", dest="csvDel",
            help="Delimiting character used in CSV output (default \"%s\")" % defaults.csvDel)

        general.add_argument("--charset", dest="charset",
            help="Blind SQL injection charset (e.g. \"0123456789abcdef\")")

        general.add_argument("--dump-format", dest="dumpFormat",
            help="Format of dumped data (CSV (default), HTML or SQLITE)")

        general.add_argument("--encoding", dest="encoding",
            help="Character encoding used for data retrieval (e.g. GBK)")

        general.add_argument("--eta", dest="eta", action="store_true",
            help="Display for each output the estimated time of arrival")

        general.add_argument("--flush-session", dest="flushSession", action="store_true",
            help="Flush session files for current target")

        general.add_argument("--forms", dest="forms", action="store_true",
            help="Parse and test forms on target URL")

        general.add_argument("--fresh-queries", dest="freshQueries", action="store_true",
            help="Ignore query results stored in session file")

        general.add_argument("--gpage", dest="googlePage", type=int,
            help="Use Google dork results from specified page number")

        general.add_argument("--har", dest="harFile",
            help="Log all HTTP traffic into a HAR file")

        general.add_argument("--hex", dest="hexConvert", action="store_true",
            help="Use hex conversion during data retrieval")

        general.add_argument("--output-dir", dest="outputDir", action="store",
            help="Custom output directory path")

        general.add_argument("--parse-errors", dest="parseErrors", action="store_true",
            help="Parse and display DBMS error messages from responses")

        general.add_argument("--preprocess", dest="preprocess",
            help="Use given script(s) for preprocessing of response data")

        general.add_argument("--repair", dest="repair", action="store_true",
            help="Redump entries having unknown character marker (%s)" % INFERENCE_UNKNOWN_CHAR)

        general.add_argument("--save", dest="saveConfig",
            help="Save options to a configuration INI file")

        general.add_argument("--scope", dest="scope",
            help="Regexp to filter targets from provided proxy log")

        general.add_argument("--skip-waf", dest="skipWaf", action="store_true",
            help="Skip heuristic detection of WAF/IPS protection")

        general.add_argument("--table-prefix", dest="tablePrefix",
            help="Prefix used for temporary tables (default: \"%s\")" % defaults.tablePrefix)

        general.add_argument("--test-filter", dest="testFilter",
            help="Select tests by payloads and/or titles (e.g. ROW)")

        general.add_argument("--test-skip", dest="testSkip",
            help="Skip tests by payloads and/or titles (e.g. BENCHMARK)")

        general.add_argument("--web-root", dest="webRoot",
            help="Web server document root directory (e.g. \"/var/www\")")

        # Miscellaneous options
        miscellaneous = parser.add_argument_group("Miscellaneous", "These options do not fit into any other category")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("-z", dest="mnemonics",
            help="Use short mnemonics (e.g. \"flu,bat,ban,tec=EU\")")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--alert", dest="alert",
            help="Run host OS command(s) when SQL injection is found")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--beep", dest="beep", action="store_true",
            help="Beep on question and/or when SQL injection is found")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--dependencies", dest="dependencies", action="store_true",
            help="Check for missing (optional) sqlmap dependencies")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--disable-coloring", dest="disableColoring", action="store_true",
            help="Disable console output coloring")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--list-tampers", dest="listTampers", action="store_true",
            help="Display list of available tamper scripts")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--offline", dest="offline", action="store_true",
            help="Work in offline mode (only use session data)")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--purge", dest="purge", action="store_true",
            help="Safely remove all content from sqlmap data directory")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--results-file", dest="resultsFile",
            help="Location of CSV results file in multiple targets mode")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--sqlmap-shell", dest="sqlmapShell", action="store_true",
            help="Prompt for an interactive sqlmap shell")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--tmp-dir", dest="tmpDir",
            help="Local directory for storing temporary files")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--unstable", dest="unstable", action="store_true",
            help="Adjust options for unstable connections")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--update", dest="updateAll", action="store_true",
            help="Update sqlmap")

        miscellaneous.add_argument("--wizard", dest="wizard", action="store_true",
            help="Simple wizard interface for beginner users")

        # Hidden and/or experimental options
        parser.add_argument("--base64", dest="base64Parameter",
            help=SUPPRESS)  # "Parameter(s) containing Base64 encoded values"

        parser.add_argument("--crack", dest="hashFile",
            help=SUPPRESS)  # "Load and crack hashes from a file (standalone)"

        parser.add_argument("--dummy", dest="dummy", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--murphy-rate", dest="murphyRate", type=int,

        parser.add_argument("--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--disable-precon", dest="disablePrecon", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--disable-stats", dest="disableStats", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--profile", dest="profile", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--force-dbms", dest="forceDbms",

        parser.add_argument("--force-dns", dest="forceDns", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--force-partial", dest="forcePartial", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--force-pivoting", dest="forcePivoting", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--gui", dest="gui", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--smoke-test", dest="smokeTest", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--live-test", dest="liveTest", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--vuln-test", dest="vulnTest", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--stop-fail", dest="stopFail", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--run-case", dest="runCase",

        # API options
        parser.add_argument("--api", dest="api", action="store_true",

        parser.add_argument("--taskid", dest="taskid",

        parser.add_argument("--database", dest="database",

        # Dirty hack to display longer options without breaking into two lines
        if hasattr(parser, "formatter"):
            def _(self, *args):
                retVal = parser.formatter._format_option_strings(*args)
                if len(retVal) > MAX_HELP_OPTION_LENGTH:
                    retVal = ("%%.%ds.." % (MAX_HELP_OPTION_LENGTH - parser.formatter.indent_increment)) % retVal
                return retVal

            parser.formatter._format_option_strings = parser.formatter.format_option_strings
            parser.formatter.format_option_strings = type(parser.formatter.format_option_strings)(_, parser)
            def _format_action_invocation(self, action):
                retVal = self.__format_action_invocation(action)
                if len(retVal) > MAX_HELP_OPTION_LENGTH:
                    retVal = ("%%.%ds.." % (MAX_HELP_OPTION_LENGTH - self._indent_increment)) % retVal
                return retVal

            parser.formatter_class.__format_action_invocation = parser.formatter_class._format_action_invocation
            parser.formatter_class._format_action_invocation = _format_action_invocation

        # Dirty hack for making a short option '-hh'
        if hasattr(parser, "get_option"):
            option = parser.get_option("--hh")
            option._short_opts = ["-hh"]
            option._long_opts = []
            for action in get_actions(parser):
                if action.option_strings == ["--hh"]:
                    action.option_strings = ["-hh"]

        # Dirty hack for inherent help message of switch '-h'
        if hasattr(parser, "get_option"):
            option = parser.get_option("-h")
   ="this help", "basic help")
            for action in get_actions(parser):
                if action.option_strings == ["-h", "--help"]:
           ="this help", "basic help")

        _ = []
        advancedHelp = True
        extraHeaders = []
        tamperIndex = None

        # Reference: (Note: previously used "...sys.getfilesystemencoding() or UNICODE_ENCODING")
        for arg in argv:
            _.append(getUnicode(arg, encoding=sys.stdin.encoding))

        argv = _

        if "--gui" in argv:

        elif "--sqlmap-shell" in argv:

            parser.usage = ""
            cmdLineOptions.sqlmapShell = True

            commands = set(("x", "q", "exit", "quit", "clear"))

            autoCompletion(AUTOCOMPLETE_TYPE.SQLMAP, commands=commands)

            while True:
                command = None

                    # Note: in Python2 command should not be converted to Unicode before passing to shlex (Reference:
                    command = _input("sqlmap-shell> ").strip()
                except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
                    raise SqlmapShellQuitException

                if not command:
                elif command.lower() == "clear":
                    dataToStdout("[i] history cleared\n")
                elif command.lower() in ("x", "q", "exit", "quit"):
                    raise SqlmapShellQuitException
                elif command[0] != '-':
                    dataToStdout("[!] invalid option(s) provided\n")
                    dataToStdout("[i] proper example: '-u --banner'\n")

                for arg in shlex.split(command):
                    argv.append(getUnicode(arg, encoding=sys.stdin.encoding))
            except ValueError as ex:
                raise SqlmapSyntaxException("something went wrong during command line parsing ('%s')" % getSafeExString(ex))

        for i in xrange(len(argv)):
            longOptions = set(re.findall(r"\-\-([^= ]+?)=", parser.format_help()))
            if argv[i] == "-hh":
                argv[i] = "-h"
            elif i == 1 and"\A(http|www\.|\w[\w.-]+\.\w{2,})", argv[i]) is not None:
                argv[i] = "--url=%s" % argv[i]
            elif len(argv[i]) > 1 and all(ord(_) in xrange(0x2018, 0x2020) for _ in ((argv[i].split('=', 1)[-1].strip() or ' ')[0], argv[i][-1])):
                dataToStdout("[!] copy-pasting illegal (non-console) quote characters from Internet is, well, illegal (%s)\n" % argv[i])
                raise SystemExit
            elif len(argv[i]) > 1 and u"\uff0c" in argv[i].split('=', 1)[-1]:
                dataToStdout("[!] copy-pasting illegal (non-console) comma characters from Internet is, well, illegal (%s)\n" % argv[i])
                raise SystemExit
            elif"\A-\w=.+", argv[i]):
                dataToStdout("[!] potentially miswritten (illegal '=') short option detected ('%s')\n" % argv[i])
                raise SystemExit
            elif argv[i] in DEPRECATED_OPTIONS:
                argv[i] = ""
            elif argv[i].startswith("--tamper"):
                if tamperIndex is None:
                    tamperIndex = i if '=' in argv[i] else (i + 1 if i + 1 < len(argv) and not argv[i + 1].startswith('-') else None)
                    argv[tamperIndex] = "%s,%s" % (argv[tamperIndex], argv[i].split('=')[1] if '=' in argv[i] else (argv[i + 1] if i + 1 < len(argv) and not argv[i + 1].startswith('-') else ""))
                    argv[i] = ""
            elif argv[i] == "-H":
                if i + 1 < len(argv):
                    extraHeaders.append(argv[i + 1])
            elif argv[i] == "-r":
                for j in xrange(i + 2, len(argv)):
                    value = argv[j]
                    if os.path.isfile(value):
                        argv[i + 1] += ",%s" % value
                        argv[j] = ''
            elif re.match(r"\A\d+!\Z", argv[i]) and argv[max(0, i - 1)] == "--threads" or re.match(r"\A--threads.+\d+!\Z", argv[i]):
                argv[i] = argv[i][:-1]
                conf.skipThreadCheck = True
            elif argv[i] == "--version":
                raise SystemExit
            elif argv[i] in ("-h", "--help"):
                advancedHelp = False
                for group in get_groups(parser)[:]:
                    found = False
                    for option in get_actions(group):
                        if option.dest not in BASIC_HELP_ITEMS:
                   = SUPPRESS
                            found = True
                    if not found:
            elif '=' in argv[i] and not argv[i].startswith('-') and argv[i].split('=')[0] in longOptions and"\A-\w\Z", argv[i - 1]) is None:
                dataToStdout("[!] detected usage of long-option without a starting hyphen ('%s')\n" % argv[i])
                raise SystemExit

        for verbosity in (_ for _ in argv if"\A\-v+\Z", _)):
                if argv.index(verbosity) == len(argv) - 1 or not argv[argv.index(verbosity) + 1].isdigit():
                    conf.verbose = verbosity.count('v') + 1
                    del argv[argv.index(verbosity)]
            except (IndexError, ValueError):

            (args, _) = parser.parse_known_args(argv) if hasattr(parser, "parse_known_args") else parser.parse_args(argv)
        except UnicodeEncodeError as ex:
            dataToStdout("\n[!] %s\n" % getUnicode(ex.object.encode("unicode-escape")))
            raise SystemExit
        except SystemExit:
            if "-h" in argv and not advancedHelp:
                dataToStdout("\n[!] to see full list of options run with '-hh'\n")

        if extraHeaders:
            if not args.headers:
                args.headers = ""
            delimiter = "\\n" if "\\n" in args.headers else "\n"
            args.headers += delimiter + delimiter.join(extraHeaders)

        # Expand given mnemonic options (e.g. -z "ign,flu,bat")
        for i in xrange(len(argv) - 1):
            if argv[i] == "-z":
                expandMnemonics(argv[i + 1], parser, args)

        if args.dummy:
            args.url = args.url or DUMMY_URL

        if not any((, args.url, args.logFile, args.bulkFile, args.googleDork, args.configFile, args.requestFile, args.updateAll, args.smokeTest, args.vulnTest, args.liveTest, args.wizard, args.dependencies, args.purge, args.listTampers, args.hashFile)):
            errMsg = "missing a mandatory option (-d, -u, -l, -m, -r, -g, -c, --list-tampers, --wizard, --update, --purge or --dependencies). "
            errMsg += "Use -h for basic and -hh for advanced help\n"

        return args

    except (ArgumentError, TypeError) as ex:

    except SystemExit:
        # Protection against Windows dummy double clicking
        if IS_WIN:
            dataToStdout("\nPress Enter to continue...")

    debugMsg = "parsing command line"
Esempio n. 5
    REST-JSON API client

    DataStore.username = username
    DataStore.password = password

    dbgMsg = "Example client access from command line:"
    dbgMsg += "\n\t$ taskid=$(curl http://%s:%d/task/new 2>1 | grep -o -I '[a-f0-9]\\{16\\}') && echo $taskid" % (
        host, port)
    dbgMsg += "\n\t$ curl -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -X POST -d '{\"url\": \"\"}' http://%s:%d/scan/$taskid/start" % (
        host, port)
    dbgMsg += "\n\t$ curl http://%s:%d/scan/$taskid/data" % (host, port)
    dbgMsg += "\n\t$ curl http://%s:%d/scan/$taskid/log" % (host, port)

    addr = "http://%s:%d" % (host, port)"Starting REST-JSON API client to '%s'..." % addr)

    except Exception as ex:
        if not isinstance(ex, _urllib.error.HTTPError
                          ) or ex.code == _http_client.UNAUTHORIZED:
            errMsg = "There has been a problem while connecting to the "
            errMsg += "REST-JSON API server at '%s' " % addr
            errMsg += "(%s)" % getSafeExString(ex)

    commands = ("help", "new", "use", "data", "log", "status", "option",
                "stop", "kill", "list", "flush", "version", "exit", "bye",
    colors = ('red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'lightgrey',
              'lightred', 'lightgreen', 'lightyellow', 'lightblue',
              'lightmagenta', 'lightcyan')
    autoCompletion(AUTOCOMPLETE_TYPE.API, commands=commands)

    taskid = None"Type 'help' or '?' for list of available commands")

    while True:
            color = colors[int(taskid or "0", 16) % len(colors)]
            command = _input(
                "api%s> " %
                (" (%s)" % setColor(taskid, color) if taskid else "")).strip()
            command = re.sub(r"\A(\w+)", lambda match:,
        except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):

        if command in ("data", "log", "status", "stop", "kill"):
            if not taskid:
                logger.error("No task ID in use")
            raw = _client("%s/scan/%s/%s" % (addr, taskid, command))
            res = dejsonize(raw)
            if not res["success"]:
                logger.error("Failed to execute command %s" % command)
            dataToStdout("%s\n" % raw)

        elif command.startswith("option"):
            if not taskid:
                logger.error("No task ID in use")
                command, option = command.split(" ", 1)
            except ValueError:
                raw = _client("%s/option/%s/list" % (addr, taskid))
                options = re.split(r"\s*,\s*", option.strip())
                raw = _client("%s/option/%s/get" % (addr, taskid), options)
            res = dejsonize(raw)
            if not res["success"]:
                logger.error("Failed to execute command %s" % command)
            dataToStdout("%s\n" % raw)

        elif command.startswith("new"):
            if ' ' not in command:
                logger.error("Program arguments are missing")

                argv = [""] + shlex.split(command)[1:]
            except Exception as ex:
                logger.error("Error occurred while parsing arguments ('%s')" %
                taskid = None

                cmdLineOptions = cmdLineParser(argv).__dict__
                taskid = None

            for key in list(cmdLineOptions):
                if cmdLineOptions[key] is None:
                    del cmdLineOptions[key]

            raw = _client("%s/task/new" % addr)
            res = dejsonize(raw)
            if not res["success"]:
                logger.error("Failed to create new task ('%s')" %
                             res.get("message", ""))
            taskid = res["taskid"]
  "New task ID is '%s'" % taskid)

            raw = _client("%s/scan/%s/start" % (addr, taskid), cmdLineOptions)
            res = dejsonize(raw)
            if not res["success"]:
                logger.error("Failed to start scan ('%s')" %
                             res.get("message", ""))
  "Scanning started")

        elif command.startswith("use"):
            taskid = (command.split()[1]
                      if ' ' in command else "").strip("'\"")
            if not taskid:
                logger.error("Task ID is missing")
                taskid = None
            elif not"\A[0-9a-fA-F]{16}\Z", taskid):
                logger.error("Invalid task ID '%s'" % taskid)
                taskid = None
  "Switching to task ID '%s' " % taskid)

        elif command in ("version", ):
            raw = _client("%s/%s" % (addr, command))
            res = dejsonize(raw)
            if not res["success"]:
                logger.error("Failed to execute command %s" % command)
            dataToStdout("%s\n" % raw)

        elif command in ("list", "flush"):
            raw = _client("%s/admin/%s" % (addr, command))
            res = dejsonize(raw)
            if not res["success"]:
                logger.error("Failed to execute command %s" % command)
            elif command == "flush":
                taskid = None
            dataToStdout("%s\n" % raw)

        elif command in ("exit", "bye", "quit", 'q'):

        elif command in ("help", "?"):
            msg = "help           Show this help message\n"
            msg += "new ARGS       Start a new scan task with provided arguments (e.g. 'new -u \"\"')\n"
            msg += "use TASKID     Switch current context to different task (e.g. 'use c04d8c5c7582efb4')\n"
            msg += "data           Retrieve and show data for current task\n"
            msg += "log            Retrieve and show log for current task\n"
            msg += "status         Retrieve and show status for current task\n"
            msg += "option OPTION  Retrieve and show option for current task\n"
            msg += "options        Retrieve and show all options for current task\n"
            msg += "stop           Stop current task\n"
            msg += "kill           Kill current task\n"
            msg += "list           Display all tasks\n"
            msg += "version        Fetch server version\n"
            msg += "flush          Flush tasks (delete all tasks)\n"
            msg += "exit           Exit this client\n"


        elif command:
            logger.error("Unknown command '%s'" % command)