Esempio n. 1
 def test_intensity_profile(self):
     q_values = [2.4, 2.67, 3.0] # should be a peak at |q|=2.67
     t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
     rings = xray.Rings.simulate(t, 20, q_values, self.num_phi, 1) # 3 molec, 1 shots
     ip = rings.intensity_profile()
     assert ip[1,1] > ip[0,1]
     assert ip[1,1] > ip[2,1]
Esempio n. 2
 def test_i_profile(self):
     # doubles as a test for intensity_maxima()
     t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
     s = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 5, 1)
     p = s.intensity_profile()
     m = s.intensity_maxima()
     assert np.any(np.abs(p[m,0] - 2.67) < 1e-1) # |q| = 2.67 is in {maxima}
Esempio n. 3
 def test_interpolate_to_polar(self):
     # doubles as a test for _implicit_interpolation
     q_values = np.array([2.0, 2.67, 3.7]) # should be a peak at |q|=2.67
     t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
     s = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 3, 1)
     pi, pm = s.interpolate_to_polar(q_values, self.num_phi)
     ip = np.sum(pi[0,:,:], axis=1)
     assert ip[1] > ip[0]
     assert ip[1] > ip[2]
Esempio n. 4
def test_kabsch():
    fn = ref_file('gold1k.coor')

    obj = structure.load_coor(fn).xyz[0,:,:]
    rot_obj = structure.rand_rotate_molecule2(obj)

    U = math2.kabsch(rot_obj, obj)
    obj2 =, U)
    assert_almost_equal(obj, obj2)
Esempio n. 5
 def test_to_rings_on_disk(self):
     # this test uses the Rings `rings_filename` flag
     t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
     shot = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 1, 1)
     q_values = [1.0, 2.0]
     rings_ref = shot.to_rings(q_values)
     if os.path.exists('tmp.ring'): os.remove('tmp.ring')
     shot.to_rings(q_values, rings_filename='tmp.ring')
     rings = xray.Rings.load('tmp.ring')
     if os.path.exists('tmp.ring'): os.remove('tmp.ring')
Esempio n. 6
    def test_iprofile_consistency(self):

        t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
        d = xray.Detector.generic()
        s = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, d, 5, 1)

        q_values = np.arange(1.0, 4.0, 0.02)
        num_phi = 360

        # compute from polar interp
        pi, pm = s._implicit_interpolation(q_values, num_phi)
        pi = pi.reshape(len(q_values), num_phi)
        ip1 = np.zeros((len(q_values), 2))
        ip1[:,0] = q_values
        ip1[:,1] = pi.sum(1)

        # compute from detector
        ip2 = s.intensity_profile(0.02)

        # compute from rings
        r = xray.Rings.simulate(t, 10, q_values, 360, 1)
        ip3 = r.intensity_profile()

        # make sure maxima are all similar
        ind1 = utils.maxima( math2.smooth(ip1[:,1], beta=15.0, window_size=21) )
        ind2 = utils.maxima( math2.smooth(ip2[:,1], beta=15.0, window_size=21) )
        ind3 = utils.maxima( math2.smooth(ip3[:,1], beta=15.0, window_size=21) )
        m1 = ip1[ind1,0]
        m2 = ip2[ind2,0]
        m3 = ip3[ind3,0]
        # discard the tails of the sim -- they have weak/noisy peaks
        # there should be strong peaks at |q| ~ 2.66, 3.06
        m1 = m1[(m1 > 2.0) * (m1 < 3.2)]
        m2 = m2[(m2 > 2.0) * (m2 < 3.2)]
        m3 = m3[(m3 > 2.0) * (m3 < 3.2)]

        # I'll let them be two q-brackets off
        assert_allclose(m1, m2, atol=0.045)
        assert_allclose(m1, m3, atol=0.045)
        assert_allclose(m2, m3, atol=0.045)
Esempio n. 7
    def test_multi_panel_interp(self):
        # regression test ensuring detectors w/multiple basisgrid panels
        # are handled correctly

        t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
        q_values = np.array([2.66])
        multi_d = xray.Detector.load(ref_file('lcls_test.dtc'))
        num_phi = 1080
        num_molecules = 1

        xyzlist =[0,:,:] * 10.0 # convert nm -> ang. / first snapshot
        atomic_numbers = np.array([ a.element.atomic_number for a in t.topology.atoms ])

        # generate a set of random numbers that we can use to make sure the
        # two simulations have the same molecular orientation (and therefore)
        # output
        rfloats = np.random.rand(num_molecules, 3)

        # --- first, scatter onto a perfect ring
        q_grid = xray._q_grid_as_xyz(q_values, num_phi, multi_d.k)

        ring_i = _cpuscatter.simulate(num_molecules, q_grid, xyzlist,
                                      atomic_numbers, rfloats=rfloats)
        perf = xray.Rings(q_values, ring_i[None,None,:], multi_d.k)

        # --- next, to the full detector
        q_grid2 = multi_d.reciprocal
        real_i = _cpuscatter.simulate(num_molecules, q_grid2, xyzlist,
                                      atomic_numbers, rfloats=rfloats)

        # interpolate
        ss = xray.Shotset(real_i, multi_d)
        real = ss.to_rings(q_values, num_phi)

        # count the number of points that differ significantly between the two
        diff = ( np.abs((perf.polar_intensities[0,0,:] - real.polar_intensities[0,0,:]) \
                 / (real.polar_intensities[0,0,:] + 1e-300) ) > 1e-3)
        print np.sum(diff)
        assert np.sum(diff) < 300
Esempio n. 8
    def test_to_rings(self):
        t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
        shot = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 1, 2)

        shot_ip = shot.intensity_profile(0.1)
        q_values = shot_ip[:,0]        
        rings = shot.to_rings(q_values)
        assert rings.num_shots == shot.num_shots
        rings_ip = rings.intensity_profile()
        # normalize to the 6th entry, and discard values before that
        # which are usually just large + uninformative
        rings_ip[:,1] /= rings_ip[5,1]
        shot_ip[:,1] /= shot_ip[5,1]
        # for some reason assert_allclose not working, but this is
        x = np.sum( np.abs(rings_ip[5:,1] - shot_ip[5:,1]) )
        x /= float(len(rings_ip[5:,1]))
        print x
        assert x < 0.2 # intensity mismatch
        assert_allclose(rings_ip[:,0], shot_ip[:,0], err_msg='test impl error')
Esempio n. 9
    def test_rotated_beam(self):
        # shift a detector up (in x) a bit and test to make sure there's no diff
        t = structure.load_coor(ref_file('gold1k.coor'))
        s = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, self.d, 5, 1)
        sh = 50.0 # the shift mag
        xyz =
        shift = np.zeros_like(xyz)
        shift[:,0] += sh
        beam_vector = np.array([ sh/self.l, 0.0, 1.0 ])
        # note that the detector du is further from the interaction site
        du = xray.Detector(xyz + shift, self.d.k, beam_vector=beam_vector)
        su = xray.Shotset.simulate(t, du, 5, 1)
        p1 = s.intensity_profile(q_spacing=0.05)
        p2 = su.intensity_profile(q_spacing=0.05)

        p1 /= p1.max()
        p2 /= p2.max()
        p1 = p2[:10,:]
        p2 = p2[:p1.shape[0],:]
        assert_allclose(p1, p2, rtol=0.1)
Esempio n. 10
#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
from thor import structure
from mayavi import mlab

# grid parameters
size = 30.0        # angstroms
resolution = 0.25 # angstroms

# compute the number of grid pts necessary
grid_length = int(size / resolution)
gd = (grid_length,)*3
print 'grid dimensions:', gd

t = structure.load_coor('fcc_sphere_2nm.coor')
m = structure.atomic_to_density(t, gd, resolution)'fcc_sphere_2nm_map.npy', m)

s = mlab.contour3d( m, contours=5, line_width=1.0,
                    transparent=True )