Esempio n. 1
	def matchInputWithMemory(self, idea):
		Position of best match for input in memory
		Cosine, Euclid, Hamman, Forbes, Kulczynski, Manhattan, Pearson, Simpson, Yule, Russell-Rao 
		self.matchRate = 0;
		self.matchedMemoryValues = {}
		self.allThoughts = []
		#experimental - google query addon
		#string foundKnowledge = ParseForKnowledge(a);
		#if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(foundKnowledge))
		#    botsMemory.Add(a, foundKnowledge);

		lower_case = idea.lower() # Convert to lower case
		inputSentenceTokenized = lower_case.split()  # Split into words

		#matrix operations are handled separately
		if self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.CosineTFIDF:
			#run through memory
			cntr = 0
			for key, value in self.botsMemory.iteritems():
				lower_case = value.lower()
				t = lower_case.split()
				cntr += 1
				if self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Levensthein:
					self.matchRate  = self.calculateMatchRateLS(inputSentenceTokenized, t)
				elif self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Dice:
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRateDice(inputSentenceTokenized, t)
				elif self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Jaccard:
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRateJ(inputSentenceTokenized, t)
				elif self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Tanimoto:
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRateTanimoto(inputSentenceTokenized, t)
				elif self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Hamman:
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRateHamman(inputSentenceTokenized, t)
				elif self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Simpson:
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRateSimpson(inputSentenceTokenized, t)
				elif self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Kulczynski:
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRateKulczynski(inputSentenceTokenized, t)	
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRate(inputSentenceTokenized, t)

				tt = Thought();
				tt.MatchingMemory = value
				tt.MatchingRate = self.matchRate
				tt.PotentialResponse = key

				if key not in self.matchedMemoryValues:
					if self.matchRate != 0: 
						self.matchedMemoryValues[key] = self.matchRate
						print "[" + str(cntr) + "]  @" + str(self.matchRate) + " Matching: " + key
Esempio n. 2
	def matchInputWithMemory(self, idea):
		Position of best match for input in memory
		Cosine, Euclid, Hamman, Forbes, Kulczynski, Manhattan, Pearson, Simpson, Yule, Russell-Rao 
		self.matchRate = 0;
		self.matchedMemoryValues = {}
		self.allThoughts = []
		#experimental - google query addon
		#string foundKnowledge = ParseForKnowledge(a);
		#if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(foundKnowledge))
		#    botsMemory.Add(a, foundKnowledge);

		lower_case = idea.lower() # Convert to lower case
		inputSentenceTokenized = lower_case.split()  # Split into words

		#matrix operations are handled separately
		if self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.CosineTFIDF:
			#run through memory
			cntr = 0
			for key, value in self.botsMemory.iteritems():
				lower_case = value.lower()
				t = lower_case.split()
				cntr += 1
				if self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Levensthein:
					self.matchRate  = self.calculateMatchRateLS(inputSentenceTokenized, t)
				elif self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Dice:
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRateDice(inputSentenceTokenized, t)
				elif self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Jaccard:
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRateJ(inputSentenceTokenized, t)
				elif self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Tanimoto:
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRateTanimoto(inputSentenceTokenized, t)
				elif self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Hamman:
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRateHamman(inputSentenceTokenized, t)
				elif self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Simpson:
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRateSimpson(inputSentenceTokenized, t)
				elif self.associater == MatchingAlgorithm.Kulczynski:
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRateKulczynski(inputSentenceTokenized, t)	
					self.matchRate = self.calculateMatchRate(inputSentenceTokenized, t)

				tt = Thought();
				tt.MatchingMemory = value
				tt.MatchingRate = self.matchRate
				tt.PotentialResponse = key

				if key not in self.matchedMemoryValues:
					if self.matchRate != 0: 
						self.matchedMemoryValues[key] = self.matchRate
						print "[" + str(cntr) + "]  @" + str(self.matchRate) + " Matching: " + key
Esempio n. 3
	def calculateCosine(self, idea):
		self.matchedMemoryValues = {}
		self.allThoughts = []
		train_set = list(self.botsMemory.keys())
		#print len(train_set)
		#print idea
		test_set = []
		test_set.append(idea) #Query
		#print test_set
		vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words = None)
		#print vectorizer
		transformer = TfidfTransformer()
		#print transformer

		trainVectorizerArray = vectorizer.fit_transform(train_set).toarray()
		testVectorizerArray = vectorizer.transform(test_set).toarray()
		#print 'Fit Vectorizer to train set', trainVectorizerArray
		#print 'Transform Vectorizer to test set', testVectorizerArray
		cx = lambda a, b : round(np.inner(a, b)/(LA.norm(a)*LA.norm(b)), 6)
		ctr = 0
		for vector in trainVectorizerArray:
			ctr += 1
			#print vector
			for testV in testVectorizerArray:
				#print testV
				cosine = cx(vector, testV)
				if cosine > 0.0:
					#print str(ctr) + "" + str(cosine)
					self.matchRate = cosine
					key = train_set[ctr-1]
					tt = Thought();
					tt.MatchingMemory = key
					tt.MatchingRate = cosine
					tt.PotentialResponse = self.botsMemory[key]

					if key not in self.matchedMemoryValues:
						self.matchedMemoryValues[key] = self.matchRate
Esempio n. 4
	def calculateCosine(self, idea):
		self.matchedMemoryValues = {}
		self.allThoughts = []
		train_set = list(self.botsMemory.keys())
		#print len(train_set)
		#print idea
		test_set = []
		test_set.append(idea) #Query
		#print test_set
		vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words = None)
		#print vectorizer
		transformer = TfidfTransformer()
		#print transformer

		trainVectorizerArray = vectorizer.fit_transform(train_set).toarray()
		testVectorizerArray = vectorizer.transform(test_set).toarray()
		#print 'Fit Vectorizer to train set', trainVectorizerArray
		#print 'Transform Vectorizer to test set', testVectorizerArray
		cx = lambda a, b : round(np.inner(a, b)/(LA.norm(a)*LA.norm(b)), 6)
		ctr = 0
		for vector in trainVectorizerArray:
			ctr += 1
			#print vector
			for testV in testVectorizerArray:
				#print testV
				cosine = cx(vector, testV)
				if cosine > 0.0:
					#print str(ctr) + "" + str(cosine)
					self.matchRate = cosine
					key = train_set[ctr-1]
					tt = Thought();
					tt.MatchingMemory = key
					tt.MatchingRate = cosine
					tt.PotentialResponse = self.botsMemory[key]

					if key not in self.matchedMemoryValues:
						self.matchedMemoryValues[key] = self.matchRate