Esempio n. 1
def convert(data, metadata):
    Convert raw mesoscope data by reshaping and merging rois.

    data : numpy array or images
        Raw image data as a numpy array or thunder images object.

    metadata : dict
        Dictionary with metadata.
    if isinstance(data, ndarray):
        data = fromarray(data)
    nchannels = metadata['nchannels']
    nrois = metadata['nrois']
    nlines = metadata['nlines']
    order = metadata['order']
    if metadata['merge']:
        newdata = x : reshape(x, nrois, nlines, order))
        newdata = x : split(x, nrois, nlines))
    if not metadata['fastZ'] and metadata['logFramesPerFile'] == metadata['framesPerSlice']:
        newdata = fromarray(newdata.values.swapaxes(0,1))
    newmetadata = merge(metadata)
    newmetadata['shape'] = newdata.shape
    return newdata, newmetadata
Esempio n. 2
def convert(data, metadata):
    Convert raw mesoscope data by reshaping and merging rois.

    data : numpy array or images
        Raw image data as a numpy array or thunder images object.

    metadata : dict
        Dictionary with metadata.
    if isinstance(data, ndarray):
        data = fromarray(data)
    nchannels = metadata['nchannels']
    nrois = metadata['nrois']
    nlines = metadata['nlines']
    order = metadata['order']
    if metadata['merge']:
        newdata = x: reshape(x, nrois, nlines, order))
        newdata = x: split(x, nrois, nlines))
    if not metadata['fastZ'] and metadata['logFramesPerFile'] == metadata[
        newdata = fromarray(newdata.values.swapaxes(0, 1))
    newmetadata = merge(metadata)
    newmetadata['shape'] = newdata.shape
    return newdata, newmetadata
Esempio n. 3
def check_images(data):
    Check and reformat input images if needed
    if isinstance(data, ndarray):
        data = fromarray(data)
    if not isinstance(data, Images):
        data = fromarray(asarray(data))

    if len(data.shape) not in set([3, 4]):
        raise Exception('Number of image dimensions %s must be 2 or 3' % (len(data.shape)))

    return data
Esempio n. 4
def check_images(data):
    Check and reformat input images if needed
    if isinstance(data, ndarray):
        data = fromarray(data)
    if not isinstance(data, Images):
        data = fromarray(asarray(data))

    if len(data.shape) not in set([3, 4]):
        raise Exception('Number of image dimensions %s must be 2 or 3' % (len(data.shape)))

    return data
Esempio n. 5
def test_shaping_3_values(eng):

    svd = lambda x: SVD(k=3, method='direct', seed=0).fit(x)

    # baseline: ndarray (local) or BoltArray (spark)
    x = make_low_rank_matrix(n_samples=10, n_features=10, random_state=0)
    x = series.fromarray(x, engine=eng).values
    u, s, v = svd(x)

    # simple series
    x1 = series.fromarray(x)
    u1, s1, v1 = svd(x1)
    assert allclose(u, u1)
    assert allclose(s, s1)
    assert allclose(v, v1)

    # series with multiple dimensions
    x1 = series.fromarray(x.reshape(2, 5, 10))
    u1, s1, v1 = svd(x1)
    u1 = u1.reshape(10, 3)
    assert allclose(u, u1)
    assert allclose(s, s1)
    assert allclose(v, v1)

    # images (must have multiple dimensions)
    x1 = images.fromarray(x.reshape(10, 2, 5))
    u1, s1, v1 = svd(x1)
    v1 = v1.reshape(3, 10)
    assert allclose(u, u1)
    assert allclose(s, s1)
    assert allclose(v, v1)
Esempio n. 6
def test_shaping_2_values(eng):

    pca = lambda x: PCA(k=3, svd_method='direct', seed=0).fit(x)

    # baseline: ndarray (local) or BoltArray (spark)
    x = make_low_rank_matrix(n_samples=10, n_features=10, random_state=0)
    x = series.fromarray(x, engine=eng).values
    t, w = pca(x)

    # simple series
    x1 = series.fromarray(x)
    t1, w1 = pca(x1)
    assert allclose(t, t1)
    assert allclose(w, w1)

    # series with multiple dimensions
    x1 = series.fromarray(x.reshape(2, 5, 10))
    t1, w1 = pca(x1)
    t1 = t1.reshape(10, 3)
    assert allclose(t, t1)
    assert allclose(w, w1)

    # images (must have multiple dimensions)
    x1 = images.fromarray(x.reshape(10, 2, 5))
    t1, w1 = pca(x1)
    w1 = w1.reshape(3, 10)
    assert allclose(t, t1)
    assert allclose(w, w1)
def test_shaping_2_values(eng):

    pca = lambda x: PCA(k=3, svd_method='direct', seed=0).fit(x)

    # baseline: ndarray (local) or BoltArray (spark)
    x = make_low_rank_matrix(n_samples=10, n_features=10, random_state=0)
    x = series.fromarray(x, engine=eng).values
    t, w = pca(x)

    # simple series
    x1 = series.fromarray(x)
    t1, w1 = pca(x1)
    assert allclose(t, t1)
    assert allclose(w, w1)

    # series with multiple dimensions
    x1 = series.fromarray(x.reshape(2, 5, 10))
    t1, w1 = pca(x1)
    t1 = t1.reshape(10, 3)
    assert allclose(t, t1)
    assert allclose(w, w1)

    # images (must have multiple dimensions)
    x1 = images.fromarray(x.reshape(10, 2, 5))
    t1, w1 = pca(x1)
    w1 = w1.reshape(3, 10)
    assert allclose(t, t1)
    assert allclose(w, w1)
def test_shaping_3_values(eng):

    svd= lambda x: SVD(k=3, method='direct', seed=0).fit(x)

    # baseline: ndarray (local) or BoltArray (spark)
    x = make_low_rank_matrix(n_samples=10, n_features=10, random_state=0)
    x = series.fromarray(x, engine=eng).values
    u, s, v = svd(x)

    # simple series
    x1 = series.fromarray(x)
    u1, s1, v1 = svd(x1)
    assert allclose(u, u1)
    assert allclose(s, s1)
    assert allclose(v, v1)

    # series with multiple dimensions
    x1 = series.fromarray(x.reshape(2, 5, 10))
    u1, s1, v1 = svd(x1)
    u1 = u1.reshape(10, 3)
    assert allclose(u, u1)
    assert allclose(s, s1)
    assert allclose(v, v1)

    # images (must have multiple dimensions)
    x1 = images.fromarray(x.reshape(10, 2, 5))
    u1, s1, v1 = svd(x1)
    v1 = v1.reshape(3, 10)
    assert allclose(u, u1)
    assert allclose(s, s1)
    assert allclose(v, v1)
def test_model_transform_single(eng):
    regions = many([[[0, 0], [0, 1]]])
    model = ExtractionModel(regions=regions)
    im0 = [[0, 1], [1, 2]]
    im1 = [[3, 4], [5, 6]]
    im2 = [[7, 8], [9, 10]]
    data = fromarray([im0, im1, im2], engine=eng)
    transformed = model.transform(data)
    assert allclose(transformed.toarray(), [[0.5, 3.5, 7.5]])
Esempio n. 10
def test_svd(eng):
    x_local = make_low_rank_matrix(n_samples=10, n_features=50, random_state=0)
    x = fromarray(x_local.reshape(10, 10, 5), engine=eng)
    u1, s1, v1 = randomized_svd(x_local, n_components=2, random_state=0)

    u2, v2, s2 = getSVD(x, k=2, getComponents=True, getS=True)
    assert u1.shape == u2.shape
    assert s1.shape == s2.shape
    assert v1.shape == (2, 50)
    assert v2.shape == (2, 10, 5)

    u2, v2, s2 = getSVD(x,
    assert u1.shape == u2.shape
    assert s1.shape == s2.shape
    assert v1.shape == (2, 50)
    assert v2.shape == (2, 10, 5)

    u2, v2, s2 = getSVD(x,
    assert u1.shape == u2.shape
    assert s1.shape == s2.shape
    assert v1.shape == (2, 50)
    assert v2.shape == (2, 10, 5)

    u2, v2, s2 = getSVD(x,
    assert u1.shape == u2.shape
    assert s1.shape == s2.shape
    assert v1.shape == (2, 50)
    assert v2.shape == (2, 10, 5)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ex:
        u2, v2, s2 = getSVD(x,
    assert 'Normalization should be one of' in str(ex.value)