Esempio n. 1
class OffpolicyTrainer(BaseTrainer):
    """Create an iterator wrapper for off-policy training procedure.

    :param policy: an instance of the :class:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy` class.
    :param Collector train_collector: the collector used for training.
    :param Collector test_collector: the collector used for testing. If it's None,
        then no testing will be performed.
    :param int max_epoch: the maximum number of epochs for training. The training
        process might be finished before reaching ``max_epoch`` if ``stop_fn`` is
    :param int step_per_epoch: the number of transitions collected per epoch.
    :param int step_per_collect: the number of transitions the collector would
        collect before the network update, i.e., trainer will collect
        "step_per_collect" transitions and do some policy network update repeatedly
        in each epoch.
    :param episode_per_test: the number of episodes for one policy evaluation.
    :param int batch_size: the batch size of sample data, which is going to feed in
        the policy network.
    :param int/float update_per_step: the number of times the policy network would
        be updated per transition after (step_per_collect) transitions are
        collected, e.g., if update_per_step set to 0.3, and step_per_collect is 256
        , policy will be updated round(256 * 0.3 = 76.8) = 77 times after 256
        transitions are collected by the collector. Default to 1.
    :param function train_fn: a hook called at the beginning of training in each
        epoch. It can be used to perform custom additional operations, with the
        signature ``f(num_epoch: int, step_idx: int) -> None``.
    :param function test_fn: a hook called at the beginning of testing in each
        epoch. It can be used to perform custom additional operations, with the
        signature ``f(num_epoch: int, step_idx: int) -> None``.
    :param function save_best_fn: a hook called when the undiscounted average mean
        reward in evaluation phase gets better, with the signature
        ``f(policy: BasePolicy) ->  None``. It was ``save_fn`` previously.
    :param function save_checkpoint_fn: a function to save training process, with
        the signature ``f(epoch: int, env_step: int, gradient_step: int) -> None``;
        you can save whatever you want.
    :param bool resume_from_log: resume env_step/gradient_step and other metadata
        from existing tensorboard log. Default to False.
    :param function stop_fn: a function with signature ``f(mean_rewards: float) ->
        bool``, receives the average undiscounted returns of the testing result,
        returns a boolean which indicates whether reaching the goal.
    :param function reward_metric: a function with signature
        ``f(rewards: np.ndarray with shape (num_episode, agent_num)) ->
        np.ndarray with shape (num_episode,)``, used in multi-agent RL. We need to
        return a single scalar for each episode's result to monitor training in the
        multi-agent RL setting. This function specifies what is the desired metric,
        e.g., the reward of agent 1 or the average reward over all agents.
    :param BaseLogger logger: A logger that logs statistics during
        training/testing/updating. Default to a logger that doesn't log anything.
    :param bool verbose: whether to print the information. Default to True.
    :param bool test_in_train: whether to test in the training phase.
        Default to True.

    __doc__ = BaseTrainer.gen_doc("offpolicy") + "\n".join(__doc__.split("\n")[1:])

    def __init__(
        policy: BasePolicy,
        train_collector: Collector,
        test_collector: Optional[Collector],
        max_epoch: int,
        step_per_epoch: int,
        step_per_collect: int,
        episode_per_test: int,
        batch_size: int,
        update_per_step: Union[int, float] = 1,
        train_fn: Optional[Callable[[int, int], None]] = None,
        test_fn: Optional[Callable[[int, Optional[int]], None]] = None,
        stop_fn: Optional[Callable[[float], bool]] = None,
        save_best_fn: Optional[Callable[[BasePolicy], None]] = None,
        save_checkpoint_fn: Optional[Callable[[int, int, int], None]] = None,
        resume_from_log: bool = False,
        reward_metric: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None,
        logger: BaseLogger = LazyLogger(),
        verbose: bool = True,
        test_in_train: bool = True,
        **kwargs: Any,

    def policy_update_fn(self, data: Dict[str, Any], result: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        """Perform off-policy updates."""
        assert self.train_collector is not None
        for _ in range(round(self.update_per_step * result["n/st"])):
            self.gradient_step += 1
            losses = self.policy.update(self.batch_size, self.train_collector.buffer)
            self.log_update_data(data, losses)
Esempio n. 2
class OfflineTrainer(BaseTrainer):
    """Create an iterator class for offline training procedure.

    :param policy: an instance of the :class:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy` class.
    :param buffer: an instance of the :class:`` class.
        This buffer must be populated with experiences for offline RL.
    :param Collector test_collector: the collector used for testing. If it's None,
        then no testing will be performed.
    :param int max_epoch: the maximum number of epochs for training. The training
        process might be finished before reaching ``max_epoch`` if ``stop_fn`` is
    :param int update_per_epoch: the number of policy network updates, so-called
        gradient steps, per epoch.
    :param episode_per_test: the number of episodes for one policy evaluation.
    :param int batch_size: the batch size of sample data, which is going to feed in
        the policy network.
    :param function test_fn: a hook called at the beginning of testing in each
        It can be used to perform custom additional operations, with the signature
        ``f(num_epoch: int, step_idx: int) -> None``.
    :param function save_best_fn: a hook called when the undiscounted average mean
        reward in evaluation phase gets better, with the signature
        ``f(policy: BasePolicy) -> None``. It was ``save_fn`` previously.
    :param function save_checkpoint_fn: a function to save training process,
        with the signature ``f(epoch: int, env_step: int, gradient_step: int) ->
        None``; you can save whatever you want. Because offline-RL doesn't have
        env_step, the env_step is always 0 here.
    :param bool resume_from_log: resume gradient_step and other metadata from
        existing tensorboard log. Default to False.
    :param function stop_fn: a function with signature ``f(mean_rewards: float) ->
        bool``, receives the average undiscounted returns of the testing result,
        returns a boolean which indicates whether reaching the goal.
    :param function reward_metric: a function with signature ``f(rewards:
        np.ndarray with shape (num_episode, agent_num)) -> np.ndarray with shape
        (num_episode,)``, used in multi-agent RL. We need to return a single scalar
        for each episode's result to monitor training in the multi-agent RL
        setting. This function specifies what is the desired metric, e.g., the
        reward of agent 1 or the average reward over all agents.
    :param BaseLogger logger: A logger that logs statistics during
        updating/testing. Default to a logger that doesn't log anything.
    :param bool verbose: whether to print the information. Default to True.

    __doc__ = BaseTrainer.gen_doc("offline") + "\n".join(

    def __init__(
        policy: BasePolicy,
        buffer: ReplayBuffer,
        test_collector: Optional[Collector],
        max_epoch: int,
        update_per_epoch: int,
        episode_per_test: int,
        batch_size: int,
        test_fn: Optional[Callable[[int, Optional[int]], None]] = None,
        stop_fn: Optional[Callable[[float], bool]] = None,
        save_best_fn: Optional[Callable[[BasePolicy], None]] = None,
        save_checkpoint_fn: Optional[Callable[[int, int, int], None]] = None,
        resume_from_log: bool = False,
        reward_metric: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None,
        logger: BaseLogger = LazyLogger(),
        verbose: bool = True,
        **kwargs: Any,

    def policy_update_fn(self,
                         data: Dict[str, Any],
                         result: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None:
        """Perform one off-line policy update."""
        assert self.buffer
        self.gradient_step += 1
        losses = self.policy.update(self.batch_size, self.buffer)
        data.update({"gradient_step": str(self.gradient_step)})
        self.log_update_data(data, losses)