def correct_heading(self):
        curlocation = self.gps.getLocation()
        heading = self.gps.getHeading(curlocation, self.station)

        moveby = heading - self.curheading

        if moveby < 0:
            self.moveServo(moveby, 1)  # anti-clockwise
            self.moveServo(moveby, 0)  # clockwise
        self.curheading = heading
Esempio n. 2
    def getHeading(self, curlocation, destination):

        theata1 = math.radians(curlocation[0])
        theata2 = math.radians(destination[0])

        deltaThetha = math.radians(destination[0] - curlocation[0])
        deltaLambda = math.radians(destination[1] - curlocation[1])

        y = math.sin(deltaLambda) * math.cos(theata2)
        x = math.cos(theata1) * math.sin(theata2) - math.sin(theata1) * math.cos(theata2) * math.cos(deltaLambda)
        bearing = math.degrees(math.atan2(y, x)) + 180

        return bearing
Esempio n. 3
    def driveStraight(self, speed_percent, duration, sensitivity=1):
        # Ensure we have sufficient priviledges to access compass.
        if not TiberiusConfigParser.isCompassEnabled():
            raise SensorNotEnabledError("Compass is disabled, dependant \
function cannot be executed.")

        desired_heading = self.compass.headingNormalized()
        t = 0  # time

        gain = 1440  # proportional Error multiplier

        integral = 0  # Sum of all errors over time
        i_factor = 1  # integral

        d_factor = 1  # derivative
        previous_error = 0
        debug = False
        left_speed = (speed_percent * 255) / 100  # 0-100 -> 0-255
        right_speed = (speed_percent * 255) / 100
        while t < duration:
            actual_heading = self.compass.headingNormalized()

            error_degrees = actual_heading - desired_heading
            error_degrees = bearing_math.normalize_bearing(error_degrees)

            '''if desired_heading > 0:
                if actual_heading > 0:
                    error_degrees = actual_heading - desired_heading
                elif actual_heading < 0:
                    error_degrees = actual_heading + desired_heading
            elif desired_heading < 0:
                if actual_heading > 0:
                    error_degrees = actual_heading + desired_heading
                elif actual_heading < 0:
                    error_degrees = actual_heading - desired_heading

            # Make error between 1 and -1
            error = error_degrees / float(180.0)
            error *= sensitivity
            integral += error
            derivative = previous_error - error
            previous_error = error
            if error_degrees < 0:  # Turn Right
                r = right_speed - (abs(error) * gain) - \
                    (integral * i_factor) + (derivative * d_factor)

                l = left_speed + (abs(error) * gain) - \
                    (integral * i_factor) + (derivative * d_factor)

                if debug:
                    print 'Turning RIGHT'
            elif error_degrees > 0:  # Turn Left
                r = right_speed + (abs(error) * gain) - \
                    (integral * i_factor) + (derivative * d_factor)

                l = left_speed - (abs(error) * gain) - \
                    (integral * i_factor) + (derivative * d_factor)

                if debug:
                    print 'Turning LEFT'
                l = left_speed
                r = right_speed
                integral = 0  # Reset integral error when on track
                if debug:
                    print 'Going STRAIGHT'

            if debug:
                print 'Desired Heading (deg): ' + str(desired_heading)
                print 'Actual Heading (deg): ' + str(actual_heading)
                print 'Error (deg): ' + str(error_degrees)
                print 'Error: ' + str(error)
                print 'Max speed   : ' + str(left_speed)
                print 'Left speed  : ' + str(l)
                print 'Right speed : ' + str(r)

                print 'Proportional: ' + str(error * gain)
                print 'Integral    : ' + str(integral * i_factor)
                print 'Derivative  : ' + str(derivative * d_factor)
            self.motors.moveForwardDualSpeed(l, r)
            t += 0.1
    def getCurHeading(self):

        compass_dict = db_q.get_latest(CompassTable)
        heading = compass_dict.heading - 90
        return bearing_math.normalize_bearing(heading)