def checkLogin(): if not isNull(USER.accessToken): #print('Checking Access Token...') #add to translations msg, check = API.verifyAccessToken(USER.accessToken) if check == True: LANG.MSG_VALID_ACCESSTOKEN.format( displayTime(int(USER.expiresAfter - time.time())))) return else: msg, check = API.refreshAccessToken(USER.refreshToken) if check == True: Printf.success( LANG.MSG_VALID_ACCESSTOKEN.format( displayTime(int(API.key.expiresIn)))) USER.userid = API.key.userId USER.countryCode = API.key.countryCode USER.accessToken = API.key.accessToken USER.expiresAfter = time.time() + int(API.key.expiresIn) return else: Printf.err(msg) tmp = UserSettings() #clears saved tokens login() return
def autoGetAccessToken(): array = API.tryGetAccessToken(USER.userid) if len(array) <= 0: return for item in array: msg, check = API.loginByAccessToken(item, USER.userid) if check == False: continue if item != USER.assesstoken: USER.assesstoken = item"Auto get accesstoken from tidal cache success!") return
def setAccessToken(): while True: print("-------------AccessToken---------------") token = Printf.enter("accessToken('0' go back):") if token == '0': return msg, check = API.loginByAccessToken(token, USER.userid) if check == False: Printf.err(msg) continue break USER.assesstoken = token
def login(username="", password=""): while True: if isNull(username) or isNull(password): print("---------------" + LANG.CHOICE_LOGIN + "-----------------") username = Printf.enter(LANG.PRINT_USERNAME) password = Printf.enter(LANG.PRINT_PASSWORD) msg, check = API.login(username, password, TOKEN1) if check == False: Printf.err(msg) username = "" password = "" continue api2 = TidalAPI() msg, check = api2.login(username, password, TOKEN2) break USER.username = username USER.password = password USER.userid = API.key.userId USER.countryCode = API.key.countryCode USER.sessionid1 = API.key.sessionId USER.sessionid2 = api2.key.sessionId
def login(): print(LANG.AUTH_START_LOGIN) msg, check = API.getDeviceCode() if check == False: Printf.err(msg) return print(LANG.AUTH_LOGIN_CODE.format(API.key.userCode)) print( LANG.AUTH_NEXT_STEP.format(API.key.verificationUrl, displayTime(API.key.authCheckTimeout))) print(LANG.AUTH_WAITING) start = time.time() elapsed = 0 while elapsed < API.key.authCheckTimeout: elapsed = time.time() - start msg, check = API.checkAuthStatus() if check == False: if msg == "pending": time.sleep(API.key.authCheckInterval) continue Printf.err(msg) break if check == True: Printf.success( LANG.MSG_VALID_ACCESSTOKEN.format( displayTime(int(API.key.expiresIn)))) USER.userid = API.key.userId USER.countryCode = API.key.countryCode USER.accessToken = API.key.accessToken USER.refreshToken = API.key.refreshToken USER.expiresAfter = time.time() + int(API.key.expiresIn) break if elapsed >= API.key.authCheckTimeout: Printf.err(LANG.AUTH_TIMEOUT) return
def mainCommand(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:l:v:u:p:a:q:r", [ "help", "output=", "link=", "version", "username", "password", "accessToken", "quality", "resolution" ]) link = None for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): Printf.usage() return if opt in ('-v', '--version'): Printf.logo() return if opt in ('-l', '--link'): link = val if opt in ('-o', '--output'): CONF.downloadPath = val if opt in ('-u', '--username'): USER.username = val if opt in ('-p', '--password'): USER.password = val if opt in ('-a', '--accessToken'): USER.assesstoken = val if opt in ('-q', '--quality'): CONF.audioQuality = Settings.getAudioQuality(val) if opt in ('-r', '--resolution'): CONF.videoQuality = Settings.getVideoQuality(val) if link is None: Printf.err( "Please enter the link(url/id/path)! Enter 'tidal-dl -h' for help!" ) return if not mkdirs(CONF.downloadPath): Printf.err(LANG.MSG_PATH_ERR + CONF.downloadPath) return checkLogin() start(USER, CONF, link) return except getopt.GetoptError: Printf.err("Argv error! Enter 'tidal -h' for help!")