def run_main_iter(self):
        self.l2l = np.zeros([self.niter], dtype=np.float32)
        for i in range(self.niter):
            if i == 0:
                print("CGLS Algorithm in progress.")
                toc = time.clock()
            if i == 1:
                tic = time.clock()
                print('Esitmated time until completetion (s): ' + str((self.niter - 1) * (tic - toc)))
            q = Ax(self._p, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
            q_norm = np.linalg.norm(q.ravel(), 2)
            alpha = self._gamma / (q_norm * q_norm)
            self.res += alpha * self._p
            error = False
            for item in self.__dict__:
                if type(getattr(self,item)) == np.ndarray:
                    if np.isnan(getattr(self,item)).any():
                        print(item, i)
                        error = True
            if error:

            aux = self.proj - Ax(self.res, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
            self.l2l[i] = np.linalg.norm(aux.ravel(), 2)

            if i > 0 and self.l2l[i] > self.l2l[i - 1]:
                print('re-initialization was called at iter:' + str(i))
                self.res -= alpha * self._p

            self._r -= alpha * q
            s = Atb(self._r, self.geo, self.angles)
            s_norm = np.linalg.norm(s.ravel(), 2)

            gamma1 = s_norm * s_norm
            beta = gamma1 / self._gamma
            if self.log_parameters:
                self.parameter_history['alpha'][i] = alpha
                self.parameter_history['beta'][i] = beta
                self.parameter_history['gamma'][i] = self._gamma
                self.parameter_history['q_norm'][i] = q_norm
                self.parameter_history['s_norm'][i] = s_norm

            self._gamma = gamma1
            self._p = s + beta * self._p
    def run_main_iter(self):
        self.l2l = np.zeros([self.niter], dtype=np.float32)
        for i in range(self.niter):
            if i == 0:
                print("CGLS Algorithm in progress.")
                toc = time.clock()
            if i == 1:
                tic = time.clock()
                print('Esitmated time until completetion (s): ' + str((self.niter - 1) * (tic - toc)))
            q = Ax(self.__p__, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
            q_norm = np.linalg.norm(q.ravel(), 2)
            alpha = self.__gamma__ / (q_norm * q_norm)
            self.res += alpha * self.__p__

            for item in self.__dict__:
                if type(getattr(self, item)) == np.ndarray:
                    if np.isnan(getattr(self, item)).any():
                        raise ValueError('nan found for ' + item + ' at iteraton ' + str(i))

            aux = self.proj - Ax(self.res, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
            self.l2l[i] = np.linalg.norm(aux.ravel(), 2)
            if i > 0 and self.l2l[i] > self.l2l[i - 1]:
                print('re-initialization was called at iter:' + str(i))
                self.res -= alpha * self.__p__

            self.__r__ -= alpha * q
            s = Atb(self.__r__, self.geo, self.angles)
            s_norm = np.linalg.norm(s.ravel(), 2)

            gamma1 = s_norm * s_norm
            beta = gamma1 / self.__gamma__
            if self.log_parameters:
                self.parameter_history['alpha'][i] = alpha
                self.parameter_history['beta'][i] = beta
                self.parameter_history['gamma'][i] = self.__gamma__
                self.parameter_history['q_norm'][i] = q_norm
                self.parameter_history['s_norm'][i] = s_norm

            self.__gamma__ = gamma1
            self.__p__ = s + beta * self.__p__
Esempio n. 3
class CGLS(IterativeReconAlg):
    __doc__ = (
        " CGLS_CBCT solves the CBCT problem using the conjugate gradient least\n"
        " squares\n"
        " \n"
        "  CGLS_CBCT(PROJ,GEO,ANGLES,NITER) solves the reconstruction problem\n"
        "  using the projection data PROJ taken over ALPHA angles, corresponding\n"
        "  to the geometry descrived in GEO, using NITER iterations."
    ) + IterativeReconAlg.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        # Don't precompute V and W.
        kwargs.update(dict(W=None, V=None))
        self.log_parameters = False
        self.re_init_at_iteration = 0
        IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

        if self.log_parameters:
            parameter_history = {}
            iterations = self.niter
            parameter_history['alpha'] = np.zeros([iterations],
            parameter_history['beta'] = np.zeros([iterations],
            parameter_history['gamma'] = np.zeros([iterations],
            parameter_history['q_norm'] = np.zeros([iterations],
            parameter_history['s_norm'] = np.zeros([iterations],
            self.parameter_history = parameter_history

        self.__r__ = self.proj - \
            Ax(self.res, self.geo, self.angles, 'Siddon', gpuids = self.gpuids)
        self.__p__ = Atb(self.__r__, self.geo, self.angles, gpuids=self.gpuids)
        p_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.__p__.ravel(), 2)
        self.__gamma__ = p_norm * p_norm

    def reinitialise_cgls(self):
        self.__r__ = self.proj - \
            Ax(self.res, self.geo, self.angles, 'Siddon', gpuids = self.gpuids)
        self.__p__ = Atb(self.__r__, self.geo, self.angles, gpuids=self.gpuids)
        p_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.__p__.ravel(), 2)
        self.__gamma__ = p_norm * p_norm

    # Overide
    def run_main_iter(self):
        self.l2l = np.zeros([self.niter], dtype=np.float32)
        avgtime = []
        for i in range(self.niter):
            if i == 0:
                if self.verbose:
                    print("CGLS Algorithm in progress.")
                toc = default_timer()
            if i == 1:
                tic = default_timer()
                if self.verbose:
                    print('Esitmated time until completetion (s): ' +
                          str((self.niter - 1) * (tic - toc)))
            avgtic = default_timer()
            q = tigre.Ax(self.__p__,
            q_norm = np.linalg.norm(q)
            alpha = self.__gamma__ / (q_norm * q_norm)
            self.res += alpha * self.__p__
            avgtoc = default_timer()
            avgtime.append(abs(avgtic - avgtoc))
            for item in self.__dict__:
                if isinstance(getattr(self, item), np.ndarray):
                    if np.isnan(getattr(self, item)).any():
                        raise ValueError('nan found for ' + item +
                                         ' at iteraton ' + str(i))

            aux = self.proj - \
                tigre.Ax(self.res, self.geo, self.angles, 'Siddon', gpuids = self.gpuids)
            self.l2l[i] = np.linalg.norm(aux)
            if i > 0 and self.l2l[i] > self.l2l[i - 1]:
                if self.verbose:
                    print('re-initilization of CGLS called at iteration:' +
                if self.re_init_at_iteration + 1 == i:
                    if self.verbose:
                            'Algorithm exited with two consecutive reinitializations.'
                    return self.res
                self.res -= alpha * self.__p__
                self.re_init_at_iteration = i

            self.__r__ -= alpha * q
            s = tigre.Atb(self.__r__,
            s_norm = np.linalg.norm(s)

            gamma1 = s_norm * s_norm
            beta = gamma1 / self.__gamma__
            if self.log_parameters:
                self.parameter_history['alpha'][i] = alpha
                self.parameter_history['beta'][i] = beta
                self.parameter_history['gamma'][i] = self.__gamma__
                self.parameter_history['q_norm'][i] = q_norm
                self.parameter_history['s_norm'][i] = s_norm

            self.__gamma__ = gamma1
            self.__p__ = s + beta * self.__p__
        if self.verbose:
            print('Average time taken for each iteration for CGLS:' +
                  str(sum(avgtime) / len(avgtime)) + '(s)')
Esempio n. 4
class CGLS(IterativeReconAlg):
    __doc__ = (
        " CGLS_CBCT solves the CBCT problem using the conjugate gradient least\n"
        " squares\n"
        " \n"
        "  CGLS_CBCT(PROJ,GEO,ANGLES,NITER) solves the reconstruction problem\n"
        "  using the projection data PROJ taken over ALPHA angles, corresponding\n"
        "  to the geometry descrived in GEO, using NITER iterations."
    ) + IterativeReconAlg.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        # Don't precompute V and W.
        kwargs.update(dict(W=None, V=None))
        self.log_parameters = False
        # Avoid typo checking
        IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)


        if self.log_parameters:
            parameter_history = {}
            iterations = self.niter
            parameter_history['alpha'] = np.zeros([iterations],
            parameter_history['beta'] = np.zeros([iterations],
            parameter_history['gamma'] = np.zeros([iterations],
            parameter_history['q_norm'] = np.zeros([iterations],
            parameter_history['s_norm'] = np.zeros([iterations],
            self.parameter_history = parameter_history

    def initialise_cgls(self):
        self._r = self.proj - Ax(self.res, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
        self._p = Atb(self._r, self.geo, self.angles)
        p_norm = np.linalg.norm(self._p.ravel(), 2)
        self._gamma = p_norm * p_norm

    # Overide
    def run_main_iter(self):
        self.l2l = np.zeros([self.niter], dtype=np.float32)
        for i in range(self.niter):
            if i == 0:
                print("CGLS Algorithm in progress.")
                toc = time.clock()
            if i == 1:
                tic = time.clock()
                print('Esitmated time until completetion (s): ' +
                      str((self.niter - 1) * (tic - toc)))
            q = Ax(self._p, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
            q_norm = np.linalg.norm(q.ravel(), 2)
            alpha = self._gamma / (q_norm * q_norm)
            self.res += alpha * self._p

            aux = self.proj - Ax(self.res, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
            self.l2l[i] = np.linalg.norm(aux.ravel(), 2)

            if i > 0 and self.l2l[i] > self.l2l[i - 1]:
                print('re-initialization was called at iter:' + str(i))
                self.res -= alpha * self._p

            self._r -= alpha * q

            s = Atb(self._r, self.geo, self.angles)
            s_norm = np.linalg.norm(s.ravel(), 2)

            gamma1 = s_norm * s_norm
            beta = gamma1 / self._gamma
            if self.log_parameters:
                self.parameter_history['alpha'][i] = alpha
                self.parameter_history['beta'][i] = beta
                self.parameter_history['gamma'][i] = self._gamma
                self.parameter_history['q_norm'][i] = q_norm
                self.parameter_history['s_norm'][i] = s_norm

            self._gamma = gamma1
            self._p = s + beta * self._p
class CGLS(IterativeReconAlg):
    __doc__ = (" CGLS_CBCT solves the CBCT problem using the conjugate gradient least\n"
               " squares\n"
               " \n"
               "  CGLS_CBCT(PROJ,GEO,ANGLES,NITER) solves the reconstruction problem\n"
               "  using the projection data PROJ taken over ALPHA angles, corresponding\n"
               "  to the geometry descrived in GEO, using NITER iterations.") + IterativeReconAlg.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        # Don't precompute V and W.
        kwargs.update(dict(W=None, V=None))
        self.log_parameters = False
        IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

        if self.log_parameters:
            parameter_history = {}
            iterations = self.niter
            parameter_history['alpha'] = np.zeros([iterations], dtype=np.float32)
            parameter_history['beta'] = np.zeros([iterations], dtype=np.float32)
            parameter_history['gamma'] = np.zeros([iterations], dtype=np.float32)
            parameter_history['q_norm'] = np.zeros([iterations], dtype=np.float32)
            parameter_history['s_norm'] = np.zeros([iterations], dtype=np.float32)
            self.parameter_history = parameter_history

        self.__r__ = self.proj - Ax(self.res, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
        self.__p__ = Atb(self.__r__, self.geo, self.angles)
        p_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.__p__.ravel(), 2)
        self.__gamma__ = p_norm * p_norm

    def reinitialise_cgls(self):
        self.__r__ = self.proj - Ax(self.res, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
        self.__p__ = Atb(self.__r__, self.geo, self.angles)
        p_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.__p__.ravel(), 2)
        self.__gamma__ = p_norm * p_norm

    # Overide
    def run_main_iter(self):
        self.l2l = np.zeros([self.niter], dtype=np.float32)
        for i in range(self.niter):
            if i == 0:
                print("CGLS Algorithm in progress.")
                toc = time.clock()
            if i == 1:
                tic = time.clock()
                print('Esitmated time until completetion (s): ' + str((self.niter - 1) * (tic - toc)))
            q = Ax(self.__p__, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
            q_norm = np.linalg.norm(q.ravel(), 2)
            alpha = self.__gamma__ / (q_norm * q_norm)
            self.res += alpha * self.__p__

            for item in self.__dict__:
                if type(getattr(self, item)) == np.ndarray:
                    if np.isnan(getattr(self, item)).any():
                        raise ValueError('nan found for ' + item + ' at iteraton ' + str(i))

            aux = self.proj - Ax(self.res, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
            self.l2l[i] = np.linalg.norm(aux.ravel(), 2)
            if i > 0 and self.l2l[i] > self.l2l[i - 1]:
                print('re-initialization was called at iter:' + str(i))
                self.res -= alpha * self.__p__

            self.__r__ -= alpha * q
            s = Atb(self.__r__, self.geo, self.angles)
            s_norm = np.linalg.norm(s.ravel(), 2)

            gamma1 = s_norm * s_norm
            beta = gamma1 / self.__gamma__
            if self.log_parameters:
                self.parameter_history['alpha'][i] = alpha
                self.parameter_history['beta'][i] = beta
                self.parameter_history['gamma'][i] = self.__gamma__
                self.parameter_history['q_norm'][i] = q_norm
                self.parameter_history['s_norm'][i] = s_norm

            self.__gamma__ = gamma1
            self.__p__ = s + beta * self.__p__
Esempio n. 6
class CGLS(IterativeReconAlg):  # noqa: D101
    __doc__ = (
        " CGLS solves the CBCT problem using the conjugate gradient least\n"
        " squares\n"
        " \n"
        "  CGLS(PROJ,GEO,ANGLES,NITER) solves the reconstruction problem\n"
        "  using the projection data PROJ taken over ALPHA angles, corresponding\n"
        "  to the geometry descrived in GEO, using NITER iterations."
    ) + IterativeReconAlg.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        # Don't precompute V and W.
        kwargs.update(dict(W=None, V=None))
        self.log_parameters = False
        self.re_init_at_iteration = 0
        IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

        if self.log_parameters:
            parameter_history = {}
            iterations = self.niter
            parameter_history["alpha"] = np.zeros([iterations],
            parameter_history["beta"] = np.zeros([iterations],
            parameter_history["gamma"] = np.zeros([iterations],
            parameter_history["q_norm"] = np.zeros([iterations],
            parameter_history["s_norm"] = np.zeros([iterations],
            self.parameter_history = parameter_history

        self.__r__ = self.proj - Ax(
            self.res, self.geo, self.angles, "Siddon", gpuids=self.gpuids)
        self.__p__ = Atb(self.__r__,
        p_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.__p__.ravel(), 2)
        self.__gamma__ = p_norm * p_norm

    def reinitialise_cgls(self):
        self.__r__ = self.proj - Ax(
            self.res, self.geo, self.angles, "Siddon", gpuids=self.gpuids)
        self.__p__ = Atb(self.__r__,
        p_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.__p__.ravel(), 2)
        self.__gamma__ = p_norm * p_norm

    # Overide
    def run_main_iter(self):
        self.l2l = np.zeros((1, self.niter), dtype=np.float32)
        avgtime = []
        for i in range(self.niter):
            if self.verbose:
            if self.Quameasopts is not None:
                res_prev = copy.deepcopy(self.res)

            avgtic = default_timer()
            q = tigre.Ax(self.__p__,
            q_norm = np.linalg.norm(q)
            alpha = self.__gamma__ / (q_norm * q_norm)
            self.res += alpha * self.__p__
            avgtoc = default_timer()
            avgtime.append(abs(avgtic - avgtoc))
            for item in self.__dict__:
                if (isinstance(getattr(self, item), np.ndarray)
                        and np.isnan(getattr(self, item)).any()):
                    raise ValueError("nan found for " + item +
                                     " at iteraton " + str(i))

            aux = self.proj - tigre.Ax(
                self.res, self.geo, self.angles, "Siddon", gpuids=self.gpuids)
            self.l2l[0, i] = np.linalg.norm(aux)
            if i > 0 and self.l2l[0, i] > self.l2l[0, i - 1]:
                if self.verbose:
                    print("re-initilization of CGLS called at iteration:" +
                if self.re_init_at_iteration + 1 == i:
                    if self.verbose:
                            "Algorithm exited with two consecutive reinitializations."
                    return self.res
                self.res -= alpha * self.__p__
                self.re_init_at_iteration = i

            self.__r__ -= alpha * q
            s = tigre.Atb(self.__r__,
            s_norm = np.linalg.norm(s)

            gamma1 = s_norm * s_norm
            beta = gamma1 / self.__gamma__
            if self.log_parameters:
                self.parameter_history["alpha"][i] = alpha
                self.parameter_history["beta"][i] = beta
                self.parameter_history["gamma"][i] = self.__gamma__
                self.parameter_history["q_norm"][i] = q_norm
                self.parameter_history["s_norm"][i] = s_norm

            self.__gamma__ = gamma1
            self.__p__ = s + beta * self.__p__
            if self.Quameasopts is not None:
                self.error_measurement(res_prev, i)

        if self.verbose:
            print("Average time taken for each iteration for CGLS:" +
                  str(sum(avgtime) / len(avgtime)) + "(s)")